Submissions from 2025
"Firm Selection and Growth in Carbon Offset Markets: Evidence from the Clean Development Mechanism", Qiaoyi Chen, Nicholas Ryan, and Daniel Yi Xu
Bubble Mitigation Policies: Counterfactual Analysis and Treatment Effect Inference, Ye Chen, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Shuping Shi
Semiparametric Cointegrating Rank Selection for Curved Cross Section Time Series, Peter C.B. Phillips
Robust Inference for Time Varying Predictability: A Sieve-IVX Approach, Nan Liu, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Yajie Zhang
Are Stock Returns and Output Growth Higher Under Democrats?, Ray C. Fair
Screening with Persuasion, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Speculative Bubbles in the Recent AI Boom: Nasdaq and the Magnificent Seven, Rerotlhe B. Basele, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Shuping Shi
Bidding with Budgets: Algorithmic and Data-Driven Bids in Digital Advertising, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Nicholas Wu
Multidimensional Monotonicity and Economic Applications, Frank Yang and Kai Hao Yang
The Effect of Education Policy on Crime: An Intergenerational Perspective, Ulrika Ahrsjö, Costas Meghir, Mårten Palme, and Marieke Schnabel
Digital Ecosystems and Data Regulation, Andrew Rhodes, Jidong Zhou, and Junjie Zhou
Optimal Pricing of Cloud Services: Committed Spend under Demand Uncertainty, Dirk Bergemann and Michael C. Wang
The Economics of Large Language Models: Token Allocation, Fine-Tuning, and Optimal Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Alex Smolin
Robust Pricing for Cloud Computing, Dirk Bergemann and Rahul Deb
Intra-Household Welfare Inequality and Household Public Goods, Pierre-André Chiappori, Costas Meghir, and Yoko Okuyama
U.S. Infrastructure: 1929-2023, Ray C. Fair
Intergenerational Welfare Assessments, Sergi Barcons, Eduardo Dávila, and Andreas Schaab
Submissions from 2024
Consumer-Optimal Segmentation in Multi-Product Markets, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Michael C. Wang
Data-Driven Mechanism Design: Jointly Eliciting Preferences and Information, Dirk Bergemann, Marek Bojko, Paul Dütting, Renato Paes Leme, Haifeng Xu, and Song Zuo
Community Networks, Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development, Ruochen Dai, Dilip Mookherjee, Kaivan Munshi, and Xiaobo Zhang
Social Status, Economic Development and Female Labor Force (Non) Participation, Kaivan Munshi and Swapnil Singh
Entropy-Regularized Optimal Transport in Information Design, Jorge Justiniano, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Martin Rumpf, and Philipp Strack
Inference for Regression with Variables Generated by AI or Machine Learning, Laura Battaglia, Timothy Christensen, Stephen Hansen, and Szymon Sacher
Distributional Impacts of the Changing Retail Landscape, Yue Cao, Judith A. Chevalier, Jessie Handbury, Hayden Parsley, and Kevin R. Williams
Optimal Unilateral Carbon Policy, Samuel Kortum and David A. Weisbach
Changes in Marital Sorting: Theory and Evidence from the US, Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa Dias, Costas Meghir, and Hanzhe Zhang
A Strategic Topology on Information Structures, Dirk Bergemann, Stephen Morris, and Rafael Veiel
Estimation and Inference in a Possibly Multi-cointegrated System with a Fixed Number of Instruments, Yixiao Sun, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Igor Kheifets
Wealth, Marriage, and Sex Selection, Girija Borker, Jan Eeckhout, Nancy Luke, Shantidani Minz, Kaivan Munshi, and Soumya Swaminathan
GMM Estimation with Brownian Kernels Applied to Income Inequality Measurement, Jin Seo Cho and Peter C.B. Phillips
Welfare Accounting, Eduardo Dávila and Andreas Schaab
Herding with Heterogeneous Ability: An Application to Organ Transplantation, Stephanie De Mel, Kaivan Munshi, Soenje Reiche, and Hamid Sabourian
Inference in a Stationary/Nonstationary Autoregressive Time-Varying-Parameter Model, Donald W.K. Andrews and Ming Li
Cyclical time series: an empirical analysis of temperatures in central England over three centuries, Liudas Giraitis, Fulvia Marotta, and Peter C.B. Phillips
Economic Development, Undernutrition and Diabetes, Kaivan Munshi, Swapnil Singh, Nancy Luke, and Anu Mary Oommen
Community Networks, Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development, Ruochen Dai, Dilip Mookherjee, Kaivan Munshi, and Xiaobo Zhang
Physical Decline Rates: Men versus Women, Ray C. Fair
A Non-Envelope Theorem with Linearly Homogeneous Constraints, Eduardo Dávila and Andreas Schaab
Inflation Expectations, Price Equations, and Fed Effects, Ray C. Fair
The Reallocation Effects of Domestic Outsourcing, Mayara Felix and Michael B. Wong
Direct and Indirect Taxes in Pollution Dynamics, Vladimir Smirnyagin, Aleh Tsyvinski, and Xi Wu
Inefficiencies of Carbon Trading Markets, Nicola Borri, Yukun Liu, Aleh Tsyvinski, and Xi Wu
Labor Market Matching, Wages, and Amenities, Thibaut Lamadon, Jeremy Lise, Costas Meghir, and Jean-Marc Robin
A General Limit Theory for Nonlinear Functionals of Nonstationary Time Series, Peter C. B. Phillips and Qiying Wang
Intrahousehold Welfare: Theory and Application to Japanese Data, Pierre-André Chiappori, Costas Meghir, and Yoko Okuyama
Limit Theory of Local Polynomial Estimation in Functional Coefficient Regression, Ying Wang and Peter C. B. Phillips
Dynamic Price Competition with Capacity Constraints, Jose M. Betancourt, Ali Hortaçsu, Aniko Öry, and Kevin R. Williams
On the Alignment of Consumer Surplus and Total Surplus Under Competitive Price Discrimination, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Algorithm as Experiment: Machine Learning, Market Design, and Policy Eligibility Rules, Yusuke Narita and Kohei Yata
Approximating Choice Data by Discrete Choice Models, Haoge Chang, Yusuke Narita, and Kota Saito
STRIDE: A Tool-Assisted LLM Agent Framework for Strategic and Interactive Decision-Making, Chuanhao Li, Runhan Yang, Tiankai Li, Milad Bafarassat, Kourosh Sharifi, Dirk Bergemann, and Zhuoran Yang
Meritocracy and Its Discontents: Long-run Effects of Repeated School Admission Reforms, Chiaki Moriguchi, Yusuke Narita, and Mari Tanaka
Inference in a Stationary/Nonstationary Autoregressive Time-Varying-Parameter Model, Donald W.K. Andrews and Ming Li
Supply Chain Disruptions and Supplier Capital in U.S. Firms, Ernest Liu, Vladimir Smirnyagin, and Aleh Tsyvinski
Teaching Financial Econometrics to Students Converting to Finance, Stan Hurn, Peter C. B. Phillips, Vance Martin, and Jun Yu
Self-weighted Estimation for Local Unit Root Regression with Applications, Zhishui Hu, Nan Liu, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Qiying Wang
Personalization and Privacy Choice, Andrew Rhodes and Jidong Zhou
Limit Theory and Inference in Non-cointegrated Functional Coefficient Regression, Ying Wang, Yundong Tu, and Peter C.B. Phillips
Technology and the Global Economy, Jonathan Eaton and Samuel Kortum
Earnings Dynamics and Firm-Level Shocks, Benjamin Friedrich, Lisa Laun, Costas Meghir, and Luigi Pistaferri
Trade and Domestic Distortions: The Case of Informality, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Costas Meghir, and Gabriel Ulyssea
Bidder-Optimal Information Structures in Auctions, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
A Unified Approach to Second and Third Degree Price Discrimination, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Michael C. Wang
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding, Joyee Deb, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Kevin R. Williams
Submissions from 2023
Bidder-Optimal Information Structures in Auctions, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
An Interview Study of Pricing, Truman F. Bewley
On the Alignment of Consumer Surplus and Total Surplus Under Competitive Price Discrimination, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Physical Decline Rates: Men versus Women, Ray C. Fair
Managing Persuasion Robustly: The Optimality of Quota Rules, Dirk Bergemann, Tan Gan, and Yingkai Li
Leverage Cycle Theory of Economic Crises and Booms, John Geanakoplos
Cost Based Nonlinear Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Policy with Stochastic Hysteresis, Job Boerma, Georgii Riabov, and Aleh Tsyvinski
How Do Digital Advertising Auctions Impact Product Prices?, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Nick Wu
How Do Digital Advertising Auctions Impact Product Prices?, Alessandro Bonatti, Dirk Bergemann, and Nicholas Wu
Housing Fever in Australia 2020-2023: Insights from an Econometric Thermometer, Shuping Shi and Peter C. B. Phillips
Policy Evaluation with Nonlinear Trended Outcomes: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the US, Lynn Bergeland Morgan, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Donggyu Sul
Privacy Preserving Signals, Philipp Strack and Kai Hao Yang
Panel Data Models with Time-Varying Latent Group Structures, Peter C. B. Phillips, Liangjun Su, and Yiren Wang
New Asymptotics Applied to Functional Coefficient Regression and Climate Sensitivity Analysis, Qiying Wang, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Ying Wang
Demand Estimation with Infrequent Purchases and Small Market Sizes, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Rational Dialogues, John Geanakoplos and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
The People and the Experts: Alternative Views on Economic Affairs, William D. Nordhaus and Douglas Rivers
Affective interdependence and welfare, Aviad Heifetz, Enrico Minelli, and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
Managed Campaigns and Data-Augmented Auctions for Digital Advertising, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Nicholas Wu
Data, Competition, and Digital Platforms, Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti
Dynamic Price Competition: Theory and Evidence from Airline Markets, Jose M. Betancourt, Ali Hortaçsu, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Kevin R. Williams
Incorporating Sales and Arrivals Information in Demand Estimation, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Policies, Projections, and the Social Cost of Carbon: Results from the DICE-2023 Model, Lint Barrage and William D. Nordhaus
The Effect of Education Policy on Crime: An Intergenerational Perspective, Costas Meghir, Marten Palme, and Marieke Schnabel
When do consumers talk?, Ishita Chakraborty, Joyee Deb, and Aniko Öry (Oery)
The Optimality of Constant Mark-Up Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Extreme Points of First-Order Stochastic Dominance Intervals: Theory and Applications, Kai Hao Yang and Alexander K. Zentefis
Influence or Advertise: The Role of Social Learning in Influencer Marketing, Ron Berman, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Xudong Zheng
Misinterpreting Yourself, Paul Heidhues, Botond Koszegi, and Philipp Strack
Nonparametric Identification of Differentiated Products Demand Using Micro Data, Steven T. Berry and Philip A. Haile
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Submissions from 2022
Robust Inference on Correlation under General Heterogeneity, Liudas Giraitis, Yugei Li, and Peter C. B. Phillips
Heterogeneous Paths of Industrialization, Federico Huneeus and Richard Rogerson
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net, Hamish Low, Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri, and Alessandra Voena
Unified Factor Model Estimation and Inference under Short and Long Memory, Shuyao Ke, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Liangjun Su
Robust Testing for Explosive Behavior with Strongly Dependent Errors, Yiu Lim Lui, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Jun Yu
Rural-Urban Migration and the Re-organization of Agriculture, Raahil Madhok, Frederik Noack, Ahmed Musfiq Mobarak, and Olivier Deschenes
Order Statistics from Independent Non-Identical Exponentiated and Proportional Hazard Rate Random Variables, José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez and Tianhao Wu
The boosted HP filter is more general than you might think, Ziwei Mei, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Zhentao Shi
Boosting the HP Filter for Trending Time Series with Long Range Dependence, Eva Biswas, Farzad Sabzikar, and Peter C. B. Phillips
The Impact of Carbon Taxes on the Value of Fossil-Fuel Reserves and the Efficiency of Climate Policy, William D. Nordhaus
Taxing Externalities Without Hurting the Poor, Mallesh Pai and Philipp Strack
Data, Competition, and Digital Platforms, Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti
Dynamic Price Competition: Theory and Evidence from Airline Markets, Ali Hortaçsu, Aniko Öry, and Kevin R. Williams
Eviction and Poverty in American Cities, Robert Collinson
Screening with Persuasion, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Climate Change Around the World, Per Krusell and Anthony A. Smith Jr.
Trade, Leakage, and the Design of a Carbon Tax, David A. Weisbach, Samuel Kortum, Michael Wang, and Yujia Yao
A General Limit Theory for Nonlinear Functionals of Nonstationary Time Series, Qiying Wang and Peter C. B. Phillips
Informational Intermediation, Market Feedback, and Welfare Losses, Kai Hao Yang and Wenji Xu
Screening with Persuasion, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Why Have Interest Rates Been Low?, Ray C. Fair
An Econometrician amongst Statisticians: T. W. Anderson, Peter C. B. Phillips
Econometric Analysis of Asset Price Bubbles, Shuping Shi and Peter C. B. Phillips
Lookalike Targeting on Others' Journeys: Brand Versus Performance Marketing, K. Sudhir, Seung Yoon Lee, and Subroto Roy
Prudential Policy with Distorted Beliefs, Eduardo Dávila and Ansgar Walther
Selection in the Presence of Implicit Bias: The Advantage of Intersectional Constraints, Anay Mehrota, Bary S.R. Pradelski, and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Weak Identification of Long Memory with Implications for Inference, Peter C. B. Phillips
When do consumers talk?, Ishita Chakraborty, Joyee Deb, and Aniko Öry (Oery)
Asymptotics of Polynomial Time Trend Estimation and Hypothesis Testing under Rank Deficiency, Peter C. B. Phillips
Personalized Pricing and Competition, Andrew Rhodes and Jidong Zhou
Personalized Pricing and Competition, Andrew Rhodes and Jidong Zhou
The Impact of Upzoning on Housing Construction in Auckland, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy and Peter C. B. Phillips
Belief Convergence under Misspecified Learning: A Martingale Approach, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Gerrymandering and the Limits of Representative Democracy, Kai Hao Yang and Alexander K. Zentefis
Consumer Bankruptcy, Mortgage Default and Labor Supply, Wenli Li, Costas Meghir, and Florian Oswald
Distributions of Posterior Quantiles and Economic Applications, Kai Hao Yang and Alexander K. Zentefis
Framing Human Action in Physics: Valid Reconstruction, Invalid Reduction, Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder
Is Selling Complete Information (Approximately) Optimal?, Dirk Bergemann, Yang Cai, Grigoris Velegkas, and Mingfei Zhao
A Panel Clustering Approach to Analyzing Bubble Behavior, Yanbo Liu, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Jun Yu
Optimal Inter-Release Time between Sequentially Released Products, Jackie Luan and K. Sudhir
The Value of Arbitrage, Eduardo Dávila, Daniel Graves, and Cecilia Parlatore
Consumer Guilt and Sustainable Choice: Environmental Impact of Durable Goods Innovation, K. Sudhir, Ramesh Shankar, and Yuan Jin
Informational Intermediation, Market Feedback, and Welfare Losses, Wenji Xu and Kai Hao Yang
Market-Minded Informational Intermediary and Unintended Welfare Loss, Wenji Xu and Kai Hao Yang
Submissions from 2021
Efficient Estimation of Average Derivatives in NPIV Models: Simulation Comparisons of Neural Network Estimators, Jiafeng Chen, Xiaohong Chen, and Elie Tamer
A Game-theoretic Analysis of Childhood Vaccination Behavior: Nash Versus Kant, Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, Stefan Penczynski, John E. Roemer, and Roberto Vélez
A Game-theoretic Analysis of Childhood Vaccination Behavior: Nash Versus Kant, Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, and John E. Roemer
The Measuring of Assortativeness in Marriage, Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa-Dias, and Costas Meghir
A Structural Model of Organizational Buying for B2B Markets: Innovation Adoption with Share of Wallet Contracts, Navid Mojir and K. Sudhir
Endogenous Spatial Production Networks: Quantitative Implications for Trade & Productivity, Piyush Panigrahi
Incorporating Search and Sales Information in Demand Estimation, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Optimal Unilateral Carbon Policy, Samuel Kortum and David A. Weisbach
Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data, Lingxiao huang, K. Sudhir, and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Coresets for Time Series Clustering, Lingxiao huang, K. Sudhir, and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Herding with Heterogeneous Ability: An Application to Organ Transplantation, Stephanie De Mel, Kaivan Munshi, Soenje Reiche, and Hamid Sabourian
Discrete Fourier Transforms of Fractional Processes with Econometric Applications, Peter C. B. Phillips
Estimation and Inference with Near Unit Roots, Peter C. B. Phillips
Limit Theory for Locally Flat Functional Coefficient Regression, Peter C. B. Phillips and Ying Wang
On Multicointegration, Peter C. B. Phillips and Igor Kheifets
Robust Inference with Stochastic Local Unit Root Regressors in Predictive Regressions, Yanbo Liu and Peter C. B. Phillips
Lookalike Targeting on Others' Journeys: Brand Versus Performance Marketing, K. Sudhir, Seung Yoon Lee, and Subroto Roy
Foundations of Demand Estimation, Steven T. Berry and Philip A. Haile
Selling Impressions: Efficiency vs. Competition, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter
Learning Efficiency of Multi-Agent Information Structures, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Learning Efficiency of Multi-Agent Information Structures, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Experimental Persuasion, Ian Ball and José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez
Information Markets and Nonmarkets, Dirk Bergemann and Marco Ottaviani
Corrective Regulation with Imperfect Instruments, Eduardo Dávila and Ansgar Walther
Holding Up Green Energy, Nicholas Ryan
Nonlinear Pricing with Finite Information, Dirk Bergemann, Edmund M. Yeh, and Jinkun Zhang
Curse of Democracy: Evidence from the 21st Century, Yusuke Narita and Ayumi Sudo
Learning Efficiency of Multi-Agent Information Structures, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric IV, Xiaohong Chen, Timothy M. Christensen, and Sid Kankanala
Selling Impressions: Efficiency vs. Competition, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Long Term Effects of Cash Transfer Programs in Colombia, Orazio Attanasio, Lina Cardona-Sosa, Carlos Medina, Costas Meghir, and Christian Posso
The Optimality of Upgrade Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, Andreas Haupt, and Alex Smolin
The Optimality of Upgrade Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, Andreas Haupt, and Alex Smolin
Regression-Adjusted Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effects under Covariate-Adaptive Randomizations, Liang Jiang, Peter C. B. Phillips, Yubo Tao, and Yichong Zhang
Climate Club Futures: On the Effectiveness of Future Climate Clubs, William D. Nordhaus
What Do Price Equations Say About Future Inflation?, Ray C. Fair
Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations, Minsu Chang, Xiaohong Chen, and Frank Schorfheide
Calibrated Click-Through Auctions: An Information Design Approach, Dirk Bergemann, Paul Duetting, Renato Paes Leme, and Song Zuo
Normalizing Community Mask-Wearing: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Jason Abaluck, Laura H. Kwong, Ashley Styczynski, Ashraful Haque, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Ellen Bates-Jeffries, Emily Crawford, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Salim Benhachmi, Shabib Raihan, Shadman Rahman, Neeti Zaman, Peter J. Winch, Md. Maqsud Hossain, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Stephen P. Luby, and Ahmed Musfiq Mobarak
The Impact of Community Masking on COVID-19: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Jason Abaluck, Laura H. Kwong, Ashley Styczynski, Ashraful Haque, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Ellen Bates-Jeffries, Emily Crawford, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Shabib Raihan, Shadman Rahman, Salim Benhachmi, Neeti Zaman, Peter J. Winch, Md. Maqsud Hossain, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Abdullah All Jaber, Shawkee Gulshan Momen, Faika Laz Bani, Aura Rahman, Tahrima Saiha Huq, Stephen P. Luby, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Algorithm is Experiment: Machine Learning, Market Design, and Policy Eligibility Rules, Yusuke Narita and Kohei Yata
Curse of Democracy: Evidence from 2020, Yusuke Narita and Ayumi Sudo
Measuring the U.S. Employment Situation Using Online Panels: The Yale Labor Survey, Christopher Foote, Tyler Hounshell, William D. Nordhaus, Douglas Rivers, and Pamela Torola
Distributional Impacts of Retail Vaccine Availability, Judith A. Chevalier, Jason L. Schwartz, Yihua Su, and Kevin R. Williams
Retrospective Voting Versus Risk-Aversion Voting, Ray C. Fair
Retrospective Voting Versus Risk-Aversion Voting: A Comment on Pástor and Veronesi (2020), Ray C. Fair
Kant and Lindahl, John E. Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre
Are Stock Returns and Output Growth Higher Under Democrats?, Ray C. Fair
Survival Pessimism and the Demand for Annuities, Cormac O'Dea and David Sturrock
Is Habit a Powerful Policy Instrument to Induce Prosocial Behavioral Change?, Johann Caro-Burnett, Judith A. Chevalier, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Welfare Comparisons for Biased Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Welfare Comparisons for Biased Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Panel Threshold Regression with Unobserved Individual-Specific Threshold Effects, Ping Yu, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Shengjie Hong
Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter
A Characterization for Optimal Bundling of Products with Inter-dependent Values, Soheil Ghili
Bayesian Persuasion with Lie Detection, Florian Ederer and Weicheng Min
Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Costas Meghir, and Gabriel Ulyssea
Consumer Information and the Limits to Competition, Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
Mixed Bundling in Oligopoly Markets, Jidong Zhou
Take a Break!...Or More., Maria Saez Marti
Submissions from 2020
When the Great Equalizer Shuts Down: Schools, Peers, and Parents in Pandemic Time, Francesco Agostinelli, Matthias Doepke, Giuseppe Sorrenti, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
A Model of Crisis Management, Fei Li and Jidong Zhou
A Model of Sequential Crisis Management, Fei Li and Jidong Zhou
Open Banking: Credit Market Competition When Borrowers Own the Data, Zhiguo He, Jing Huang, and Jidong Zhou
Aggregate Implications of Firm Heterogeneity: A Nonparametric Analysis of Monopolistic Competition Trade Models, Rodrigo Adão, Costas Arkolakis, and Sharat Ganapati
Mothers’ Social Networks and Socioeconomic Gradients of Isolation, Alison Andrew, Orazio P. Attanasio, Britta Augsburg, Jere Behrman, Monimalika Day, Pamela Jervis, Costas Meghir, and Angus Phimister
Improved Information in Search Markets, Jidong Zhou
Open Banking: Credit Market Competition When Borrowers Own the Data, Zhiguo He, Jing Huang, and Jidong Zhou
Analysis of Nine U.S. Recessions and Three Expansions, Ray C. Fair
Analysis of Nine U.S. Recessions and Three Expansions, Ray C. Fair
Improved Information in Search Markets, Jidong Zhou
Forecasting Economic Activity Using the Yield Curve: Quasi-Real-Time Applications for New Zealand, Australia and the US, Todd Henry and Peter C.B. Phillips
Selling Consumer Data for Profit: Optimal Market-Segmentation Design and its Consequences, Kai Hao Yang
Identification and Inference in First-Price Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders and Selective Entry, Xiaohong Chen, Matthew Gentry, Tong Li, and Jingfeng Lu
Consistent Misspecification Testing in Spatial Autoregressive Models, Jungyoon Lee, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Francesca Rossi
Optimally Stubborn, Anna Sanktjohanser
When Do Consumers Talk?, Ishita Chakraborty, Joyee Deb, and Aniko Öry (Oery)
When Do Consumers Talk?, Ishita Chakraborty, Joyee Deb, and Aniko Öry (Oery)
Heterogeneous Paths of Industrialization, Federico Huneeus and Richard Rogerson
Bootstrap Inference for Quantile Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments with Matched Pairs, Liang Jiang, Xiaobin Liu, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Yichong Zhang
Common Bubble Detection in Large Dimensional Financial Systems, Ye Chen, Peter C. B. Phillips, and Shuping Shi
Diagnosing Housing Fever with an Econometric Thermometer, Shuping Shi and Peter C. B. Phillips
High-Dimensional VARs with Common Factors, Ke Miao, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Liangjun Su
When Bias Contributes to Variance: True Limit Theory in Functional Coefficient Cointegrating Regression, Peter C. B. Phillips and Ying Wang
Information Frictions and Access to the Paycheck Protection Program, John Eric Humphries, Christopher Neilson, and Gabriel Ulyssea
Copula-Based Time Series With Filtered Nonstationarity, Xiaohong Chen, Zhijie Xiao, and Bo Wang
You Can Lead a Horse to Water: Spatial Learning and Path Dependence in Consumer Search, Charles Hodgson and Gregory Lewis
A Public Option for the Core, Yotam Harchol, Dirk Bergemann, Nick Feamster, Eric Friedman, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Aurojit Panda, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Michael Schapira, and Scott Shenker
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) α-MEU, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
The US Employment Situation Using the Yale Labor Survey, Christopher Foote, William D. Nordhaus, and Douglas Rivers
Copula-Based Time Series With Filtered Nonstationarity, Xiaohong Chen, Zhijie Xiao, and Bo Wang
Measuring Movement and Social Contact with Smartphone Data: A Real-time Application to COVID-19, Victor Couture, Jonathan l. Dingel, Allison Green, Jessie Handbury, and Kevin R. Williams
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) Alpha-MEU, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Rationing the Commons, Nicholas Ryan and Anant Sudarshan
Work in the Time of COVID: Results from the Yale Labor Survey, Christopher Foote, William D. Nordhaus, and Douglas Rivers
Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric IV Models, Christoph Breunig and Xiaohong Chen
Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Testing in Instrumental Variables Models, Christoph Breunig and Xiaohong Chen
From Imitation to Innovation: Where Is All That Chinese R&D Going?, König D. König, Kjetil Storesletten, Zheng Song, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Multiproduct Intermediaries, Andrew Rhodes, Makoto Watanabe, and Jidong Zhou
Financing Firms in Hibernation during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, and Sergio L. Schmukler
Belief Convergence under Misspecified Learning: A Martingale Approach, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Belief Convergence under Misspecified Learning: A Martingale Approach, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Competition and Public Information: A Note, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Financing Firms in Hibernation during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, and Sergio L. Schmukler
Recursive Preferences, the Value of Life, and Household Finance, Antoine Bommier, Daniel Harenberg, François Le Grand, and Cormac O'Dea
Recursive Preferences, the Value of Life, and Household Finance, Antoine Bommier, Daniel Harenberg, François Le Grand, and Cormac O'Dea
Robust Identification of Investor Beliefs, Xiaohong Chen, Lars P. Hansen, and Peter G. Hansen
Stability and Robustness in Misspecified Learning Models, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?, Timo Ehrig, Jaison Manjaly, Aditya Singh, and Shyam Sunder
Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?, Timo Ehrig, Jaison Manjaly, Aditya Singh, and Shyam Sunder
It Takes a Village: The Economics of Parenting with Neighborhood and Peer Effects, Francesco Agostinelli, Matthias Doepke, Giuseppe Sorrenti, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Optimal Control of an Epidemic through Social Distancing, Thomas Kruse and Philipp Strack
Optimal Control of an Epidemic through Social Distancing, Thomas Kruse and Philipp Strack
The evolving impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses since the CARES Act, John Eric Humphries, Christopher Neilson, and Gabriel Ulyssea
Search, Information, and Prices, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Changes in Assortative Matching and Inequality in Income: Evidence for the UK, Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa-Dias, Sam Crossman, and Costas Meghir
Changes in Assortative Matching: Theory and Evidence for the US, Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa-Dias, and Costas Meghir
Popular Economic Narratives Advancing the Longest U.S. Economic Expansion 2009-2019, Robert J. Shiller
Search, Information, and Prices, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Search, Information, and Prices, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Partial Identification and Inference for Dynamic Models and Counterfactuals, Myrto Kalouptsidi, Yuichi Kitamura, Lucas Lima, and Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues
Spatial Distribution of Supply and the Role of Market Thickness: Theory and Evidence from Ride Sharing, Soheil Ghili and Vineet Kumar
Optimal Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts: Characterization, Computation, and Welfare Effects, Soheil Ghili, Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, and Michael D. Whinston
Optimal Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts: Characterization, Computation, and Welfare Effects, Soheil Ghili, Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, and Michael D. Whinston
Household Portfolios and Financial Preparedness for Retirement, Rowena Crawford and Cormac O'Dea
Quick or Cheap? Breaking Points in Dynamic Markets, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Heinrich H. Nax, and Bary S.R. Pradelski
Spatial Distribution of Supply and the Role of Market Thickness: Theory and Evidence from Ride Sharing, Soheil Ghili and Vineet Kumar
The Welfare Effects of Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts, Soheil Ghili, Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, and Michael D. Whinston
What is Socialism Today? Conceptions of a Cooperative Economy, John E. Roemer
Submissions from 2019
Boosting: Why you Can Use the HP Filter, Peter C.B. Phillips and Zhentao Shi
Continuously Updated Indirect Inference in Heteroskedastic Spatial Models, Maria Kyriacou, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Francesca Rossi
Fully Modified Least Squares for Multicointegrated Systems, Igor Kheifets and Peter C.B. Phillips
Inference and Specification Testing in Threshold Regression with Endogeneity, Ping Yu, Qin Liao, and Peter C.B. Phillips
Intuitive Beliefs, Jawwad Noor
Nonlinear Cointegrating Power Function Regression with Endogeneity, Zhishui Hu, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Qiying Wang
Third-degree Price Discrimination Versus Uniform Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
Trade Models and Macroeconomics, Ray C. Fair
Uniform Pricing Versus Third-Degree Price Discrimination, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
'Follow the Data' — What Data Says About Real-world Behavior in Commons Problems, Caleb M. Koch and Heinrich H. Nax
Irving Fisher, Ragnar Frisch and the Elusive Quest for Measurable Utility, Robert W. Dimand
Léon Walras, Irving Fisher and the Cowles Approach to General Equilibrium Analysis, Robert W. Dimand
The Cowles Commission and Foundation for Research in Economics, Robert W. Dimand
Bitcoin: An Impossibility Theorem for Proof-of-Work based Protocols, Jacob Leshno and Philipp Strack
Bitcoin: An Impossibility Theorem for Proof-of-Work based Protocols, Jacob Leshno and Philipp Strack
Durables and Lemons: Private Information and the Market for Cars, Richard Blundell, Ran Gu, Søren Leth-Petersen, Hamish Low, and Costas Meghir
Affective Portfolio Analysis: Risk, Ambiguity and (IR)rationality, Donald J. Brown
A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce: Multidimensional Incentives and Plan Design, Minkyung Kim, K. Sudhir, and Kosuke Uetake
A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce: Multidimensional Incentives and Plan Design, Minkyung Kim, K. Sudhir, and Kosuke Uetake
Durables and Lemons: Private Information and the Market for Cars, Richard Blundell, Ran Gu, Soren Leth-Petersen, Hamish Low, and Costas Meghir
Information, Market Power and Price Volatility, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Jacob Marschak and the Cowles Approaches to the Theory of Money and Assets, Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann
Macroeconomic Dynamics at the Cowles Commission from the 1930s to the 1950s, Robert W. Dimand
On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women’s Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer Moore
Social Exclusion, Ambiguity and (IR)rationality, Annette Krauss and Donald J. Brown
The Economics of Social Data, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Tan Gan
The Economics of Social Data, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Tan Gan
The Economics of Social Data, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Tan Gan
The Economics of Social Data, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Tan Gan
Business Cycle during Structural Change: Arthur Lewis' Theory from a Neoclassical Perspective, Kjetil Storesletten, Bo Zhao, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Estimated Costs of Injuries in College and High School Female Sports, Ray C. Fair and Christopher Champa
On the Existence of Equilibrium in Bayesian Games Without Complementarities, Idione Meneghel and Rabee Tourky
On the Existence of Equilibrium in Bayesian Games Without Complementarities, Idione Meneghel and Rabee Tourky
On the Existence of Equilibrium in Bayesian Games Without Complementarities, Idione Meneghel and Rabee Tourky
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
U.S. Infrastructure: 1929-2017, Ray C. Fair
Migration and Informal Insurance, Costas Meghir, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Corina Mommaerts, and Melanie Morten
Migration and Informal Insurance, Costas Meghir, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Corina Mommaerts, and Melanie Morten
Does Eviction Cause Poverty? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Cook County, IL, John Eric Humphries, Nicholas Mader, Daniel Tannenbaum, and Winnie van Dijk
Inference in Moment Inequality Models That Is Robust to Spurious Precision under Model Misspecification, Donald W.K. Andrews and Soonwoo Kwon
Inference in Moment Inequality Models That Is Robust to Spurious Precision under Model Misspecification, Donald W.K. Andrews and Soonwoo Kwon
Migration and Informal Insurance, Costas Meghir, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Corina Mommaerts, and Melanie Morten
Misspecified Moment Inequality Models: Inference and Diagnostics, Donald W.K. Andrews and Soonwoo Kwon
Dual-self Representations of Ambiguity Preferences, Madhav Chandrasekher, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Aggregation of Diverse Information with Double Auction Trading among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents, Karim Jamal, Michael Maier, and Shyam Sunder
Boolean Expected Utility, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Boolean Representations of Preferences under Ambiguity, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Dual-self Representations of Ambiguity Preferences, Madhav Chandrasekher, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Education Quality and Teaching Practices, Marina Bassi, Costas Meghir, and Ana Reynoso
Greedy or Grateful? Asking for More when Thanking Donors, K. Sudhir, Hortense Fong, and Subroto Roy
Greedy or Grateful? Asking for More when Thanking Donors, K. Sudhir, Hortense Fong, and Subroto Roy
Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes, Ishita Chakraborty, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir
Attribute Sentiment Scoring With Online Text Reviews : Accounting for Language Structure and Attribute Self-Selection, Ishita Chakraborty, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir
Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes, Ishita Chakraborty, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir
Boosting the Hodrick-Prescott Filter, Peter C.B. Phillips and Zhentao Shi
Can Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption?, Vineet Kumar and K. Sudhir
Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox, Vineet Kumar and K. Sudhir
Functional Coefficient Panel Modeling with Communal Smoothing Covariates, Peter C.B. Phillips and Ying Wang
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Determinacy of Asymptotically Stationary Equilibria in Olg Models, Alexander Gorokhovsky and Anna Rubinchik
The Causal Effect of Service Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty, Guofang Huang and K. Sudhir
Earnings Dynamics and Firm-Level Shocks, Benjamin Friedrich, Lisa Laun, Costas Meghir, and Luigi Pistaferri
Robust Tests for White Noise and Cross-Correlation, Violetta Dalla, Liudas Giraitis, and Peter C.B. Phillips
Robust Tests for White Noise and Cross-Correlation, Violetta Dalla, Liudas Giraitis, and Peter C.B. Phillips
Wages, Experience and Training of Women, Richard Blundell, Monica Costa Dias, David Goll, and Costas Meghir
Wages, Experience and Training of Women over the Lifecycle, Richard Blundell, Monica Costa Dias, David Goll, and Costas Meghir
Breaking Ties: Regression Discontinuity Design Meets Market Design, Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua D. Angrist, Yusuke Narita, and Parag A. Pathak
Breaking Ties: Regression Discontinuity Design Meets Market Design, Atila Abdulkadiro?lu, Joshua D. Angrist, Yusuke Narita, and Parag A. Pathak
Global Unanimity Equilibrium on the Carbon Budget, Humberto Llavador and John E. Roemer
The Economics of Social Data: An Introduction, Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti
The Economics of Social Data: An Introduction, Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti
Variable Mismeasurement in a Class of DSGE Models: Comment, Ray C. Fair
Contract Enforcement and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from the Bidding and Renegotiation of Power Contracts in India, Nicholas Ryan
Contract Enforcement and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from the Bidding and Renegotiation of Power Contracts in India, Nicholas Ryan
Global Collateral and Capital Flows, Ana Fostel, John Geanakoplos, and Gregory Phelan
Inflation in the Great Recession and New Keynesian Models: Comment, Ray C. Fair
Narratives About Technology-Induced Job Degradation Then and Now, Robert J. Shiller
Non-Exclusive Insurance with Free Entry: A Pedagogical Note, Pradeep Dubey and John Geanakoplos
Physical Laws and Human Behavior: A Three-Tier Framework, Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder
Some Important Macro Points, Ray C. Fair
Some Important Macro Points, Ray C. Fair
Spatial Linkages, Global Shocks, and Local Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence, Rodrigo Adão, Costas Arkolakis, and Federico Espósito
Variable Mismeasurement in a Class of DSGE Models: Comment, Ray C. Fair
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Eliminating Latent Discrimination: Train Then Mask, Soheil Ghili, Ehsan Kazemi, and Amin Karbasi
Endogenous Beliefs and Institutional Structure in Competitive Equilibrium with Adverse Selection, Gerald David Jaynes
Learning under Diverse World Views: Model-Based Inference, George J. Mailath and Larry Samuelson
Misinterpreting Others and the Fragility of Social Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Misinterpreting Others and the Fragility of Social Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
The Wisdom of a Confused Crowd: Model-Based Inference, George J. Mailath and Larry Samuelson
Submissions from 2018
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding, Joyee Deb, Aniko Öry, and Kevin R. Williams
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding, Joyee Deb, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Kevin R. Williams
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding, Joyee Deb, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Kevin R. Williams
Dynamic Panel Modeling of Climate Change, Peter C.B. Phillips
Efficient Counterfactual Learning from Bandit Feedback, Yusuke Narita, Shota Yasui, and Kohei Yata
HAR Testing for Spurious Regression in Trend, Peter C.B. Phillips, Yonghui Zhang, and Xiaohu Wang
Quantitative Easing, Collateral Constraints, and Financial Spillovers, John Geanakoplos and Haobin Wang
Strategically Simple Mechanisms, Tilman Börgers and Jiangtao Li
A Behavioral Interpretation of the Origins of African American Family Structure, Gerald David Jaynes
Countering the Winner’s Curse: Optimal Auction Design in a Common Value Model, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Countering the Winner’s Curse: Optimal Auction Design in a Common Value Model, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Real Time Monitoring of Asset Markets: Bubbles and Crises, Peter C.B. Phillips and Shuping Shi
Sensitivity Analysis using Approximate Moment Condition Models, Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár
Sensitivity Analysis using Approximate Moment Condition Models, Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár
Adaptation Bounds for Confidence Bands under Self-Similarity, Timothy B. Armstrong
Adaptation Bounds for Confidence Bands under Self-Similarity, Timothy B. Armstrong
Slippery Fish: Enforcing Regulation when Agents Learn and Adapt, Andres Gonzalez Lira and Ahmed Musfiq Mobarak
Can Network Theory-based Targeting Increase Technology Adoption?, Lori Beaman, Ariel BenYishay, Jeremy Magruder, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Early Stimulation and Nutrition: The Impacts of a Scalable Intervention, Orazio P. Attanasio, Helen Baker-Henningham, Raquel Bernal, Costas Meghir, Diana Pineda, and Marta Rubio-Codina
Enforcing Regulation under Illicit Adaptation, Andrés González Lira and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Information Content of DSGE Forecasts, Ray C. Fair
Markets for Information: An Introduction, Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti
Risk Aversion and Double Marginalization, Soheil Ghili and Matthew Schmitt
Unobserved Heterogeneity in Auctions, Philip A. Haile and Yuichi Kitamura
Apologia Pro Vita Sua: The Vanishing of the White Whale in the Mists, Martin Shubik
Common Values, Unobserved Heterogeneity, and Endogenous Entry in U.S. Offshore Oil Lease Auctions, Giovanni Compiani, Philip A. Haile, and Marcelo Sant'Anna
Common Values, Unobserved Heterogeneity, and Endogenous Entry in U.S. Offshore Oil Lease Auctions, Giovanni Compiani, Philip A. Haile, and Marcelo Sant'Anna
Extrapolation using Selection and Moral Hazard Heterogeneity from within the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment, Amanda E. Kowalski
Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Oligopoly Price Discrimination: The Role of Inventory Controls, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Oligopoly Price Discrimination: The Role of Inventory Controls, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study, Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, and Shyam Sunder
Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study, Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, and Shyam Sunder
Understanding Temporal Aggregation Effects on Kurtosis in Financial Indices, Offer Lieberman and Peter C.B. Phillips
Asymptotic Theory for Near Integrated Process Driven by Tempered Linear Process, Farzad Sabzikar, Qiying Wang, and Peter C.B. Phillips
First-Price Auctions with General Information Structures: A Short Introduction, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Revenue Guarantee Equivalence, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Dispersed Behavior and Perceptions in Assortative Societies, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Dispersed Behavior and Perceptions in Assortative Societies, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Dispersed Behavior and Perceptions in Assortative Societies, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Dispersed Behavior and Perceptions in Assortative Societies, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Entry Games under Private Information, José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez and Álvaro Parra
Equilibrium Uniqueness in Entry Games with Private Information, José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Álvaro Parra, and Yuzhou Wang
Experiment-as-Market: Incorporating Welfare into Randomized Controlled Trials, Yusuke Narita
Global Melting? The Economics of Disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet, William D. Nordhaus
The Persistent Power of Promises, Florian Ederer and Frédéric Schneider
The Persistent Power of Promises, Florian Ederer and Frédéric Schneider
Toward an Ethical Experiment, Yusuke Narita
A theory of cooperation in games with an application to market socialism, John E. Roemer
Explaining the Slow U.S.Recovery: 2010–2017, Ray C. Fair
Intuitive Solutions in Game Representations: The Shapley Value Revisited, Pradeep Dubey
When Salespeople Manage Customer Relationships: Multidimensional Incentives and Private Information, Minkyung Kim, K. Sudhir, Kosuke Uetake, and Rodrigo Canales
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net, Hamish Low, Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri, and Alessandra Voena
Censored Quantile Instrumental Variable Estimation with Stata, Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández-Val, Sukjin Han, and Amanda E. Kowalski
Competing for Talent, Yuhta Ishii, Aniko Öry, and Adrien Vigier
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net, Hamish Low, Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri, and Alessandra Voena
Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy, Eva Lyubich, Joseph S. Shapiro, and Reed Walker
Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy, Eva Lyubich, Joseph S. Shapiro, and Reed Walker
The Paradox of Competition: Power, Markets, and Money - Who Gets What, When, How?, Martin Shubik
Who Gets What, When, How? Power, Organization, Markets, Money and the Allocation of Resources, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 2017
Continuous Workout Mortgages: Efficient Pricing and Systemic Implications, Robert J. Shiller, Rafal M. Wojakowski, M. Shahid Ebrahim, and Mark B. Shackleton
Finite-Sample Optimal Estimation and Inference on Average Treatment Effects Under Unconfoundedness, Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár
Finite-Sample Optimal Estimation and Inference on Average Treatment Effects Under Unconfoundedness, Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár
Hybrid Stochastic Local Unit Roots, Offer Lieberman and Peter C.B. Phillips
Random Coefficient Continuous Systems: Testing for Extreme Sample Path Behaviour, Yubo Tao, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Jun Yu
Mentoring and the Dynamics of Affirmative Action, Michèle Müller-Itten and Aniko Öry
Mentoring and the Dynamics of Affirmative Action, Michèle Müller-Itten and Aniko Öry
Boundary Limit Theory for Functional Local to Unity Regression, Anna Bykhovskaya and Peter C.B. Phillips
Detecting Financial Collapse and Ballooning Sovereign Risk, Peter C.B. Phillips
Identification-Robust Subvector Inference, Donald W.K. Andrews
Kernel-Based Inference In Time-Varying Coefficient Cointegrating Regression, Degui Li, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Jiti Gao
Latent Variable Nonparametric Cointegrating Regression, Qiying Wang, Peter C.B. Phillips, and Ioannis Kasparis
Point Optimal Testing with Roots That Are Functionally Local to Unity, Anna Bykhovskaya and Peter C.B. Phillips
Politics, Hospital Behavior, and Health Care Spending, Zack Cooper, Amanda E. Kowalski, Eleanor Neff Powell, and Jennifer Wu
Dynamic Airline Pricing and Seat Availability, Kevin R. Williams
Dynamic Airline Pricing and Seat Availability: Evidence from Airline Markets, Kevin R. Williams
Dynamic Mechanism Design: An Introduction, Dirk Bergemann and Juuso Välimäki
Dynamic Mechanism Design: An Introduction, Dirk Bergemann and Juuso Välimäki
Embedding Cooperation in General-equilibrium Models, John E. Roemer
Estimated Costs of Contact in College and High School Male Sports, Ray C. Fair and Christopher Champa
Estimated Costs of Contact in Men's Collegiate Sports, Ray C. Fair and Christopher Champa
Estimating Aging Effects in Running Events, Ray C. Fair and Edward H. Kaplan
Naiveté About Temptation and Self-Control: Foundations for Naive Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting, David S. Ahn, Ryota Iijima, and Todd Sarver
Naiveté About Temptation and Self-Control: Foundations for Naive Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting, David S. Ahn, Ryota Iijima, and Todd Sarver
Resistance to Institutions and Cultural Distance: Brigandage in Post-Unification Italy, Giampaolo Lecce, Laura Ogliari, and Tommaso Orlando
Resistance to Institutions and Cultural Distance: Brigandage in Post-Unification Italy, Giampaolo Lecce, Laura Ogliari, and Tommaso Orlando
Selling 'Money' on EBay: a Field Study of Surplus Division, Alia Gizatulina and Olga Gorelkina
A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change: Replication, Survey Methods, and a Statistical Analysis, William D. Nordhaus and Andrew Moffat
Default, Efficiency and Uniqueness, Cheng-Zhong Qin, Thomas Quint, and Martin Shubik
Unit Roots in Life and Research, Peter C.B. Phillips
A Design for Market Socialism, John E. Roemer
Dynamic Random Utility, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Tomasz Strzalecki
Dynamic Random Utility, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Tomasz Strzalecki
Socialism Revised, John E. Roemer
The Best and Worst of All Possible Worlds: Some Crude Evaluations, Martin Shubik and Michael R. Powers
Information and Interaction, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
In Life Choose what is Beautiful, but Choose Wisely: Quinnipiac Graduation Speech, May 20, 2017, John Geanakoplos
Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Stochastic Testing, Rahul Deb, Yuichi Kitamura, John K.-H. Quah, and Jörg Stoye
Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program, Olivier Deschenes, Michael Greenstone, and Joseph S. Shapiro
Multidimensional Sales Incentives in CRM Settings: Customer Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard, Minkyung Kim, K. Sudhir, Kosuke Uetake, and Rodrigo Canales
Econometric Measurement of Earth's Transient Climate Sensitivity, Peter C.B. Phillips, Thomas Leirvik, and Trude Storelvmo
Evolution of Modeling of the Economics of Global Warming: Changes in the DICE model, 1992-2017, William D. Nordhaus
John Denis Sargan at the London School of Economics, David F. Hendry and Peter C.B. Phillips
Misspecified Moment Inequality Models: Inference and Diagnostics, Donald W.K. Andrews and Soonwoo Kwon
Research Design Meets Market Design: Using Centralized Assignment for Impact Evaluation, Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua D. Angrist, Yusuke Narita, and Parag A. Pathak
Tribute to T. W. Anderson, Peter C.B. Phillips
Behavioral Characterizations of Naiveté for Time-Inconsistent Preferences, David S. Ahn, Ryota Iijima, Yves Le Yaouanq, and Todd Sarver
Behavioral Characterizations of Naiveté for Time-Inconsistent Preferences, David S. Ahn, Ryota Iijima, Yves Le Yaouanq, and Todd Sarver
Global Collateral: How Financial Innovation Drives Capital Flows and Increases Financial Instability, Ana Fostel, John Geanakoplos, and Gregory Phelan
Inefficient Liquidity Provision, John Geanakoplos and Kieran James Walsh
Information Design: A Unified Perspective, Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
Information Design: A Unified Perspective, Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
Information Design: A Unified Perspective, Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
Information Design: A Unified Perspective, Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Dirk Bergemann, Francisco Castro, and Gabriel Weintraub
Zone Pricing in Retail Oligopoly, Brian Adams and Kevin R. Williams
Zone Pricing in Retail Oligopoly, Brian Adams and Kevin R. Williams
Zone Pricing in Retail Oligopoly, Brian Adams and Kevin R. Williams
A Note on Optimal Inference in the Linear IV Model, Donald W.K. Andrews, Vadim Marmer, and Zhengfei Yu
Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality, David A. Keiser and Joseph S. Shapiro
Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality, David A. Keiser and Joseph S. Shapiro
Narrative Economics, Robert J. Shiller
On Optimal Inference in the Linear IV Model, Donald W.K. Andrews, Vadim Marmer, and Zhengfei Yu
The Benefit of Collective Reputation, Zvika Neeman, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Jungju Yu