Submissions from 1969
An Analysis of the Importance of the Malleable Capital Assumption in Optimal Growth Models, David M.C. Newbery
Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction, David M. Grether
Borrowing-Lending Interest Rate Differentials and the Time Allocation of Consumption, Thayer H. Watkins
Economic Aspects of Information, Luigi M. Tomasini
Money and Income: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?, James Tobin
The Choice of Techniques in a Dual Economy, David M.C. Newbery
A Fixed Point Algorithm for Approximating the Optimal Solution of a Concave Programming Problem, Terje Hansen
An Example of an Algorithm for Calculating General Equilibrium Prices, Herbert E. Scarf
Game Theory, Behavior and the Paradox of the Prisoners Dilemma — 3 Solutions, Martin Shubik
Increasing Risk: A Definition and Its Economic Consequences, Michael Rothschild and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Price Variation Duopoly with Differentiated Products and Random Demand, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
A Note on a Variance-Components Model Useful in the Study of Cross-Sections over Time, Marc Nerlove
On the Applications of a Recent Combinatorial Algorithm, Terje Hansen and Herbert E. Scarf
Optimal Growth with Scale Economies in Overhead Capital, Martin L. Weitzman
Comparison of k-Class Estimators When the Disturbances Are Small, Joseph B. Kadane
Risk Aversion Over Time and a Capital-Budgeting Problem, Alvin K. Klevorick
Shiftable vs. Non-Shiftable Capital: A Synthesis, Martin L. Weitzman
The “Bridge Game” Economy: An Exam,ple of Indivisibilities, Martin Shubik
An Economic Theory of Technological Change, William D. Nordhaus
The Time Allocation of Consumption under Debt Limitations, Thayer H. Watkins
A Note On Behavior Towards Risk with Many Commodities, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Money and Permanent Income: Some Empirical Tests, James Tobin and Craig Swan
Submissions from 1968
A Long-Run Cost Function for the Local Service Airline Industry: An Experiment on Non-Linear Estimation, George Eads, Marc Nerlove, and William Raduchel
Optimal Entrepreneurial Decisions in a Completely Stochastic Environment, Nils H. Hakansson
Some Properties of “Optimal” Seasonal Adjustment, David M. Grether and Marc Nerlove
Countably Additive Measures in Cores of Games, Yakar Kannai
Further Evidence on the Estimation of Dynamic Economic Relations from a Time Series of Cross-Sections, Marc Nerlove
Soviet Postwar Economic Growth and Capital Labor Substitution, Martin L. Weitzman
Regularity in the Distribution of Participation in Group Discussions, Joseph B. Kadane and Gordon H. Lewis
Money Illusion, Price Expectations, and the Aggregate Consumption Function, William H. Branson and Alvin K. Klevorick
Stochastic Theories of Participation, Joseph B. Kadane, Gordon H. Lewis, and John G. Ramage
Theory of Liquidity Preference and the Term Structure of Interest Rates, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Lags in Fiscal and Monetary Impacts on Investment in Producers’ Durable Equipment, Charles W. Bischoff
The Distribution, When the Residuals Are Small, of Statistics Testing Overidentifying Restrictions, Joseph B. Kadane
A Note on a Simulated Stock Market, Martin Shubik
Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Perception of Opponent's Payoffs. Part III, Martin Shubik and David H. Stern
The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk Taking, Joseph E. Stiglitz
An Experimental Research in Oligopoly, James W. Friedman
Notes on Optimal Monetary Growth, James Tobin
Pitfalls in Financial Model-Building, William C. Brainard and James Tobin
Quiz Show Problems, Joseph B. Kadane
Submissions from 1967
A Re-Examination of the Modigliani-Miller Theorem, Joseph E. Stiglitz
A Note on Taxation, Increasing Returns Due to Set-up Costs and Competitive Equilibrium, Martin Shubik
Distribution of Income and Wealth among Individuals, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Iterative Multi-Level Planning with Production Targets, Martin L. Weitzman
Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Part II, Martin Shubik and David H. Stern
The Optimal Life of a Patent, William D. Nordhaus
Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Part I, Martin Shubik and David H. Stern
An Econometric Study of Cotton Production and Trade before 1860, Gavin Wright
A Noncooperative View of Oligopoly, James W. Friedman
Cross-Section Analysis and Bank Dynamics, Donald D. Hester and James L. Pierce
Maximizing Stationary Utility in a Constant Technology, Richard Beals and Tjalling C. Koopmans
On the Computation of Equilibrium Prices, Herbert E. Scarf
Price Strategy Oligopoly with Product Variation, Lloyd S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
Welfare, Static and Dynamic Solution Concepts, Martin Shubik
Intertemporal Distribution and ‘Optimal’ Aggregate Economic Growth, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Part VII: The Nonsymmetric Game: The Generalized Beat-the-Average Solution, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
Spectral Analysis of the Relation between Employment Changes and Output Changes, 1958-1966, Daniel S. Hammermesh
Part V: The Nonsymmetric Game: Joint Maximum, Efficient Solution and Measures of Collusion and Welfare, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
The Cournot Equilibrium in a Nonsymmetric Oligopolistic Market (A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes: Part VI), Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
An Empirical Analysis of the Postwar Savings and Loan Industry, John E. Spencer
A Note on the Limit of the Core of an Exchange Economy, Terje Hansen
Distributed Lags and Unobserved Components in Economic Time Series, Marc Nerlove
Part IV: Mathematical Structure and Analysis of the Nonsymmetric Game, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
The Role of the Neyman-Pearson Lemma in the Theory of Discrete Search, Joseph B. Kadane
A Further Comparison of Some Models of Duopoly, Martin Shubik
An Impossibility Result Concerning the Theory of Decision-Making, Gerald H. Kramer
Submissions from 1966
The Approximation of Fixed Points of a Continuous Mapping, Herbert E. Scarf
The Approximation of Fixed Points of a Continuous Mapping, Herbert E. Scarf
A Note on the Role of Money in Providing Sufficient Intermediation, David Cass and Menahem E. Yaari
Game Theory and Economic Behavior, Martin Shubik
Objectives, Constraints and Outcomes in Optimal Growth Models, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Optimal Employment and Inflation Over Time, Edmond S. Phelps
Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems. Part II: An Aggregative Socio-Economic Simulation of a Latin American Country, Martin Shubik
Structural Restrictions and Estimation Efficiency in Linear Econometric Models, Thomas J. Rothenberg
An Algorithm for a Class of Nonconvex Programming Problems, Herbert E. Scarf
Estimation of a Fixed Coefficients Vintage Model of Production, Richard Attiyeh
Some Econometric Problems in the Analysis of Inventory Cycles, Kenneth F. Wallis
Efficient Estimation with A Priori Information: A Classical Approach, Thomas J. Rothenberg
Equal Profits as a Fair Division, James W. Friedman
Notes on the Taxonomy of Problems Concerning Public Goods, Martin Shubik
Structure of Preference over Time, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Structure of Preference over Time, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems. Part I: General Considerations, Martin Shubik
An Empirical Analysis of Risk Taking by Firms in the Savings and Loan Industry, Donald D. Hester
Application of Signal Extraction Techniques in the Study of Economic Time Series, David M. Grether
Measurable, Transferable, Comparable Utility and Money, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1965
Individual Saving, Aggregate Capital Accumulation, and Efficient Growth, David Cass and Menahem E. Yaari
Quasi and Generalized Golden Rule Paths: A Study of Commanding Growth Paths, Edmond S. Phelps
A Re-Examination of the Pure Consumption Loans Model, David Cass and Menahem E. Yaari
Axioms for Factor Augmenting Technical Progress, Edmond S. Phelps
The Ramsey Problem and the Golden Rule of Accumulation, Edmond S. Phelps
Uncertainty and Diversification in International Trade, William C. Brainard and Richard N. Cooper
An Experimental Study of Cooperative Duopoly, James W. Friedman
Random Measure Preserving Transformations, Robert J. Aumann
The Core of an N Person Game, Herbert E. Scarf
Absorptive Capacity and the Golden Rule of Accumulation, Edmond S. Phelps
A Model of Fixed Capital Without Substitution, Robert M. Solow, James Tobin, Christian C. von Weizsäcker, and Menahem E. Yaari
Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth, Richard R. Nelson and Edmond S. Phelps
Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion and the Golden Rule of Education, Edmond S. Phelps
A Dynamic Model of the Competitive Firm, Edward Zabel
A Model of Induced Invention, Growth and Distribution, Emmanuel M. Drandakis and Edmond S. Phelps
Factor-Price-Frontier Estimation of a ‘Vintage’ Production Model of the Post-war U.S. Nonfarm Business Sector, Edmond S. Phelps and Charlotte Phelps
The Relation Between Bank Portfolios and Earnings: An Econometric Analysis, Donald D. Hester and John F. Zoellner
Optimal Output and Price Policies for General Distributed Lag Demand Equations, Robert L. Graves and Lester G. Telser
Submissions from 1964
A Time Series Analysis of Interest Rates, David I. Fand
A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes. Part III. Discussion and Manual for Users, Martin Shubik
A Parametric Simplicial Formulation of Houthakker's Capacity Method, C. Van de Panne and Andrew B. Whinston
Optimum Economic Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation: A Turnpike Theorem, David Cass
Models of Technical Progress and the Golden Rule of Research, Edmond S. Phelps
Stock Market Indices: A Principal Components Analysis, George J. Feeney and Donald D. Hester
The Construction of Utility Functions from Expenditure Data, S. N. Afriat
An Experimental Study in Oligopoly, James W. Friedman
Second Essay on the Golden Rule of Accumulation, Edmond S. Phelps
A Decomposition Algorithm for Quadratic Programming, Andrew B. Whinston
Convexity in the Theory of Choice Under Risk, Menahem E. Yaari
An Informal Aggregative Socio-Economic Simulation of a Latin American Country, Part 1, James W. Friedman and Martin Shubik
The Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Monetary Economy, Emmanuel M. Drandakis
The Monetary Mechanism: Some Partial Relationships, James L. Pierce
Ownership and the Production Function, Lloyd S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
On Prices, Fiat Money, Credit and Transferable Utility. Part I, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1963
Appendix to ‘On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth', Tjalling C. Koopmans
A Two-Country, Three Commodity, Dynamic Model of International Trade, T. N. Srinivasan
On an Asymptotic Non-Substitution Theorem in the Two-Sector Closed Production Model, Emmanuel M. Drandakis
On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Conjugate Functions and Symmetric Duality, Andrew B. Whinston
Anticipated Inflation and Economic Welfare in a Neoclassical Model, Edmond S. Phelps
Two Papers Commerating Domar's “ ‘Burden of the Debt’ and the National Income, Edmond S. Phelps and T. N. Srinivasan
Commercial Banks as Creators of ‘Money, James Tobin
On the Existence of an Optimal Plan in a Continuous-Time Allocation Process, Menahem E. Yaari
A Test of the Specification of the Aggregate Production Function, Ronald G. Bodkin
Consumption-Saving Decisions When the Horizon is Random, Menahem E. Yaari
On the Consumer's Lifetime Allocation Process, Menahem E. Yaari
Factor Substitution in the Two-Sector Growth Model, Emmanuel M. Drandakis
Properties of Efficient Accumulation Paths in a Closed Production Model, Emmanuel M. Drandakis
Proportional Growth and Turnpike Theorems, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series and Multiple Regression, Michael C. Lovell
Submissions from 1962
An Analysis of the Effects of Transitory Income on Expenditure of Norwegian Households, Harold W. Watts
On Flexibility of Future Preference, Tjalling C. Koopmans
The Demand for Cash and Working Balances of Corporations, Alan W. Heston
The Wage-Price Productivity Nexus, Ronald G. Bodkin
Welfare Economics and the Theory of Second Best, Otto A. Davis and Andrew B. Whinston
Non-Existence of Consistent Estimator Sequences and Unbiased Estimates: A Practical Example, H. S. Konijn
On a Theorem of Halmos Concerning Unbiased Estimation of Moments, H. S. Konijn
Stationary Utility and Time Perspective, Peter A. Diamond, Tjalling C. Koopmans, and Richard E. Williamson
Models of the Joint Demand for Cash and for an Interest-Bearing Asset. Part One, Tore Johansen
On the Existence of a Subinvariant Measure, Tjalling C. Koopmans and Richard E. Williamson
Price Guides in Decentralized Organization, Andrew B. Whinston
On a Two Sector Model of Growth, T. N. Srinivasan
The Expenditures of the Firm on Research and Development, Edwin Mansfield
Unilateral Markets. Part I: Price-Quantity Markets, George J. Feeney
Size of Firm, Market Structure, and Innovation, Edwin Mansfield
An Empirical Evaluation of Theories of Saving, Harold W. Guthrie
Substitution, Fixed Proportions, Growth and Distribution, Edmond S. Phelps
The Speed of Response of Firms to New Techniques, Edwin Mansfield
Intrafirm Rates of Diffusion of an Innovation, Edwin Mansfield
Inventory Investment, Michael C. Lovell
Submissions from 1961
New Concepts and Techniques for Equilibrium Analysis, Gerard Debreu
On a Theorem of Scarf, Gerard Debreu
An Inter-City Consumption Function, Harold W. Watts
Corporate Cash and Security Holdings: An Empirical Study of Cash, Securities and Other Current Accounts of Large Corporations, Alan W. Heston
Entry, Gibrat's Law, Innovation, and the Growth of Firms, Edwin Mansfield
The Construction of a Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes (Part 3), Martin Shubik
A Note on Uncertainty, Bayesian Inference and Competitive Behavior, Phoebus J. Dhrymes
Some Empirical Estimates of Short Run Price and Output Policies, Edwin S. Mills
A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes (Part 2A), Martin Shubik
Administered Prices and Imports: The Steel Industry, Lawrence B. Krause
Economic Growth and Wicksell's Cumulative Process, Martin J. Beckmann
Input-Output and Activity Analysis in Industrial Concerns, Alan S. Manne
Monetary Policy, Debt Management and Interest Rates: A Quantitative Appraisal, Arthur M. Okun
On Devising Unbiased Estimators for the Parameters of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Phoebus J. Dhrymes
Spatial Distribution of Industry, H. C. Bos
A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes (Part 1), Martin Shubik
Incentives, Decentralized Control, the Assignment of Joint Costs and Internal Pricing, Martin Shubik
Investment Criteria and Choice of Techniques of Production, T. N. Srinivasan
Output, Sales and Inventory Policy in the Competitive Firm and the Stability of a Competitive Market, Edwin S. Mills
Some Informal Comments on Models of Decision Processes Under Uncertainty, Martin Shubik
The Growth of Television Ownership in the United Kingdom, Andrew D. Bain
An Empirical Examination of a Commercial Bank Loan Offer Function, Donald D. Hester
An Analysis of the New View of Investment, Edmond S. Phelps
Long Term Consequences of the New View of Investment, Edmond S. Phelps
The Accumulation of Risky Capital: A Discrete-Time Sequential Utility Analysis, Edmond S. Phelps
Comparative Advantage and Development Policy, Hollis B. Chenery
Estimation in the Linear Decision Model, Walter D. Fisher
Extended Edgeworth Bargaining Games and Competitive Equilibrium, Martin Shubik
Objective Functions and Models of Corporate Optimization, Martin Shubik
Some Experimental Non-Zero Sum Games with Lack of Information about the Rules, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1960
Approaches to the Study of Decision-Making Relevant to the Firm, Martin Shubik
Capital Risk and Household Consumption: A Sequential Utility Analysis, Edmond S. Phelps
Factors Affecting the Occupational Migration of Labor from Agriculture, Charles H. Berry
Patterns of United States Imports, 1947-1958, Lawrence B. Krause
An Objective Permanent Income Concept for the Household, Harold W. Watts
Inter-Generation Transfers of Wealth and the Theory of Saving, James Tobin and Harold W. Guthrie
Partial Trace Correlation Theory, John W. Hooper
Corporation Dividend Payout Ratios and Target Ratios — Their Significance and Determination, Guy Stevens
Product-Mix Alternatives: Flood Control, Electric Power, and Irrigation, Alan S. Manne
Programming of Economic Development, Alan S. Manne
Demand for Tourists’ Goods and Services in a World Market, Harold W. Guthrie
A New Technique in Equilibrium Analysis, Gerard Debreu
A Keynesian Model Extended by Explicit Demand and Supply Functions for Investment-Goods, Bjorn Thalberg
Forced Saving in a Keynesian Economy: An Analysis of Demand-Pull Inflation, Michael C. Lovell
Forced Saving in a Keynesian Economy: An Analysis of Demand-Pull Inflation, Michael C. Lovell
Buffer Stocks, Sales Expectations, and Stability: A Multi-Sector Theory of the Inventory Cycle, Michael C. Lovell
Buffer Stocks, Sales Expectations, and Stability: A Multi-Sector Theory of the Inventory Cycle, Michael C. Lovell
A Model of Bank Portfolio Selection, Richard C. Porter
Submissions from 1959
Comment on ‘Interindustry Economics’ by Chenery and Clark, Alan S. Manne
Investment, Replacement, and an Index of Technology, Benton F. Massell
Manufacturers’ Inventories, Sales Expectations, and the Acceleration Principle, Michael C. Lovell
On the Appraisal of Cyclical Turning Point Predictors, Arthur M. Okun
Analysis of a Production Problem by Dynamic Programming, Martin J. Beckmann
Stationary Ordinal Utility and Impatience, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Theory of an Efficient Several-Person Firm, Jacob Marschak
Lagrange Multipliers Revisited, Morton Slater
Some Examples of Global Instability of the Competitive Equilibrium, Herbert E. Scarf
Consumers’ Propensities to Hold Liquid Assets, Harold W. Guthrie
Some Team Models of a Sales Organization, C. Bartlett McGuire
The Error of Forecast for Multivariate Regression Models, John W. Hooper and Arnold Zellner
The Error of Forecast for Multivariate Regression Models, John W. Hooper and Arnold Zellner
Topological Methods in Cardinal Utility Theory, Gerard Debreu
Binary Choice Constraints on Random Utility Indicators, Jacob Marschak
On the Job Shop Scheduling Problem, Alan S. Manne
Comparisons of Information Structures, C. Bartlett McGuire
On ‘An Identity in Arithmetic', Gerard Debreu
Remarks on the Economics of Information, Jacob Marschak
A Dynamic Programming Model of the Consumption Function, Martin J. Beckmann
Consumer Expenditures and the Capital Account, James Tobin and Harold W. Watts
Random Orderings and Stochastic Theories of Response, H. D. Block and Jacob Marschak
A Capital-Intensive Approach to the Small Sample Properties of Various Simultaneous Equation Estimators, Robert Summers
A Few Remarks on the Assortment Problem, Wieslaw Sadowski
Efficient and Viable Organizational Forms, Jacob Marschak
Financial Intermediaries and the Effectiveness of Monetary Controls, James Tobin and William C. Brainard
Financial Intermediaries and the Effectiveness of Monetary Controls, James Tobin and William C. Brainard
Linear Programming and Sequential Decision Models, Alan S. Manne
Submissions from 1958
A Theory of Life Insurance Company Portfolio Selection, Leroy S. Wehrle
Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 3, Jacob Marschak and Roy Radner
Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 5, Jacob Marschak and Roy Radner
An Inventory Model for Repair Parts — Approximations in the Case of Variable Delivery Time, Martin J. Beckmann and Richard F. Muth
An Inventory Policy for Repair Parts, Martin J. Beckmann
Testing for Neutrality of Technological Change (Is Technological Change Neutral?), Sidney G. Winter
Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 2, Jacob Marschak and Roy Radner
Capital Formation and Technological Change, Benton F. Massell
Cardinal Utility for Even-chance Mixtures of Pairs of Sure Prospects, Gerard Debreu
Consumer Conformity in a Sample of College Students, Donald D. Hester
Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 1, Jacob Marschak and Roy Radner
Limit Distributions of Failure Time for Series — Parallel Systems, Roy Radner
Capacity Expansion and Probabilistic Growth, Alan S. Manne
Capacity Expansion and Probabilistic Growth, Alan S. Manne
Some Models of a Sales Organization, C. Bartlett McGuire
Estimation of an Index of Site Productivity, George M. Furnival and Richard N. Rosett
Returns to Scale in Business Administration, Martin J. Beckmann
An Analysis of the Distribution of Wages and Salaries in Great Britain, T. P. Hill
On Incentives to Forecasters and to Decision Makers under Uncertainty, John C. Harsanyi
The Measurement of Capacity, Lawrence R. Klein and M. David
Submissions from 1957
A Review of Some Economic Forecasts for 1955 and 1957, Arthur M. Okun
Bargaining in Ignorance of the Opponents’ Utility Function, John C. Harsanyi
Restatement of the Theory of Normal Backwardation, Hendrik S. Houthakker
Measures of Relative Income for Testing Theories of Consumer Behavior, Harold W. Guthrie
On the Predictive Value of Consumer Intentions and Attitudes, James Tobin
Random Orderings, H. D. Block and Jacob Marschak
The Value of Anticipations Data in Forecasting National Product, Arthur M. Okun
A Target Assignment Problem, Alan S. Manne
Consumer Response to Innovation: Television, Thomas F. Dernburg
Long-Run Income Expectations and Consumer Saving, Harold W. Watts
Stochastic Choice and Cardinal Utility, Gerard Debreu
Alternative Forecasts of Saving 1947-56, James Tobin
The Estimation of Distributed Lags, Lawrence R. Klein
Working Wives: An Econometric Study, Richard N. Rosett
A Note on Least Squares Bias in Household Expenditure Analysis, Robert Summers
The Application of Linear Programming to Team Decision Problems, Roy Radner
The Estimation of Relationships in which the Dependent Variable is Subject to Inertia, Richard N. Rosett
Theory of Teams: Introduction, Jacob Marschak
Minimax Estimation for Linear Regressions, Roy Radner
A Simplex Method for the Portfolio Selection Problem, Harry M. Markowitz
On the Two Bin Inventory Policy: An Application of the Arrow-Harris-Marschak Model, Martin J. Beckmann and Richard F. Muth
Water Storage Policy in a Simplified Hydroelectric System, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Consumer Debt and Spending: Some Evidence from Analysis of a Survey, James Tobin
Experimental Tests of Stochastic Decision Theory, Jacob Marschak and Donald Davidson
Programming of Economic Lot Sizes, Alan S. Manne
Submissions from 1956
A Direct Approach to the Slutsky Relation, Lionel W. McKenzie
A New Approach to the Aggregation Problem, Fritz C. Holte
The Theory of Backwardation for a Stationary Economy with Random Stocks, Martin J. Beckmann
A Flow Model of Communication Towards an Economic Theory of Information, Martin J. Beckmann
A Theory of the Movement and Solution of Problems within an Organization, Roy Radner
Plant and Equipment Expenditures Surveys: Intentions and Fulfillment, Robert A. Levin
A Note on the Modigliani-Hohn Production Smoothing Model, Alan S. Manne
A Simple Analysis of the Leontief System, Lionel W. McKenzie
Liquidity Preference as Behavior towards Risk, James Tobin
The Klein-Goldberger Forecasts for 1951, 1952 and 1954, Compared with Naive-Model Forecasts, Tjalling C. Koopmans
An Econometric Investigation of the Lifetime Size Distribution of Average Annual Income, Robert Summers
Market Equilibrium, Gerard Debreu
The Efficiency of Estimation in Econometric Models, Lawrence R. Klein
Submissions from 1955
On the Allocation of Personnel in Teams, Martin J. Beckmann
Remarks on the Rationale of Leadership, Jacob Marschak
Suggested Experiments on Tastes and Beliefs, Jacob Marschak
Team Decision Problems, Roy Radner and Jacob Marschak
Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities, Tjalling C. Koopmans and Martin J. Beckmann
Comments on Organizational Aspects of the Inventory Control Problem, Richard F. Muth
Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables, James Tobin
The Application of Multivariate Probit Analysis to Economic Survey Data, James Tobin