Submissions from 1985
A Theory of Hierarchies Based on Limited Managerial Attention, John Geanakoplos and Paul R. Milgrom
Forecasting Efficiency: Concepts and Applications, William D. Nordhaus
Fractional Matrix Calculus and the Distribution of Multivariate Tests, Peter C.B. Phillips
Multiple Time Series Regression with Integrated Processes, Peter C.B. Phillips and Steven N. Durlauf
Neoclassical Theory in America: J. B. Clark and Fisher, James Tobin
Random Cell Chi-Square Diagnostic Tests for Econometric Models: I. Introduction and Applications, Donald W.K. Andrews
Random Cell Chi-Square Diagnostic Tests for Econometric Models: II. Theory, Donald W.K. Andrews
The Many Properties of Money: A Strategic Market Game Analysis, Martin Shubik
The Term Structure of Euromarket Interest Rates: An Empirical Investigation, John Y. Campbell and Richard H. Clarida
Asymptotic Expansions in Nonstationary Vector Autoregressions, Peter C.B. Phillips
Existence, Regularity, and Constrained Suboptimality of Competitive Allocations When the Asset Market Is Incomplete, John Geanakoplos and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
Sections and Extensions of Concave Functions, Roger Howe
On the Performance of Least Squares in Linear Regression with Undefined Error Means, Donald W.K. Andrews
A Characterization of Globally Optimal Paths in the Non-Classical Growth Model, Rabah Amir
Edgeworth Equilibria, Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Donald J. Brown, and Owen Burkinshaw
Enough Gold in a Society without and with Money-Lenders, Martin Shubik
Understanding Spurious Regressions in Econometrics, Peter C.B. Phillips
A Model of a Sudden-Death Field-Goal Football Game as a Sequential Duel, Siddhartha Sahi and Martin Shubik
International Lending and Borrowing in a Stochastic Sequence Equilibrium, Richard H. Clarida
Mass Economies with Vital Small Coalitions; The f-Core Approach, Peter J. Hammond, Mamoru Kaneko, and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Real Indeterminacy with Financial Assets, John Geanakoplos and Andreu Mas-Colell
Relying on the Information of Interested Parties, Paul R. Milgrom and John Roberts
Some Three Person Games in Coalitional Form for Teaching and Experimentation, Martin Shubik
The Numeraire, Money and the Missing Degree of Freedom, Martin Shubik
The Use of Simple Games to Illustrate Concepts and to Provide Experimental Evidence, Martin Shubik
Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision of Intertemporal Incentives, Bengt Holmstrom and Paul R. Milgrom
An Axiomatization of Utility and Subjective Probability Based on Objective Probability, Mamoru Kaneko
Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models, Russell Cooper and John Andrew
Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models, Russell Cooper and Andrew John
Do We Reject Too Often? Small Sample Bias in Tests of Rational Expectations, N. Gregory Mankiw and Matthew D. Shapiro
The Balance of Payments Adjustment Mechanism in a Rational Expectations Equilibrium, Richard H. Clarida
The Distribution of FIML in the Leading Case, Peter C.B. Phillips
Time Series Regression with a Unit Root, Peter C.B. Phillips
Time Series Regression with a Unit Root, Peter C.B. Phillips
Two Stage and Related Estimators and Their Applications, Adrian Pagan
Asymptotic Results for Generalized Wald Tests, Donald W.K. Andrews
An Unbiased Reexamination of Stock Market Volatility, N. Gregory Mankiw, David Romer, and Matthew D. Shapiro
Capital Utilization and Capital Accumulation: Theory and Evidence, Matthew D. Shapiro
Risk and Return: Consumption Beta Versus Market Beta, N. Gregory Mankiw and Matthew D. Shapiro
Submissions from 1984
A Note on the Unbiasedness of Feasible GLS, Quasi-Maximum Likelihood, Robust Adaptive, and Spectral Estimators of the Linear Model, Donald W.K. Andrews
A Note on the Unbiasedness of Feasible GLS, Quasi-Maximum Likelihood, Robust Adaptive, and Spectral Estimators of the Linear Model, Donald W.K. Andrews
Games with Perceptive Commanders But Less Perceptive Subordinates, Martin Shubik
On a General Existence Theorem for Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria, Donald J. Brown, Geoffrey M. Heal, M. Ali Khan, and Rajiv Vohra
Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis: Power versus Frequency of Observation, Robert J. Shiller and Pierre Perron
A Note on Enough Money in a Strategic Market Game with Complete or Fewer Markets, Martin Shubik
Managerial Incentives and Capital Management, Bengt Holmstrom and Joan E. Ricart-Costa
The Dynamic Demand for Capital and Labor, Matthew D. Shapiro
The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic: The Non-Central Case, Peter C.B. Phillips and Sam Ouliaris
A Mean-Variance Approach to Fundamental Valuations, James Tobin
Expansionary Government Policy in an Economy with Commodity and Labor, Russell Cooper
Neighborhood Systems for Production Sets with Indivisibilities, Herbert E. Scarf
Optimal Cartel Equilibria with Imperfect Monitoring, Dilip Abreu, David G. Pearce, and Ennio Stacchetti
Strategic Market Games: A Dynamic Programming Application to Money, Banking and Insurance, Martin Shubik
An Everywhere Convergent Series Representation of the Distribution of Hotelling's Generalized T 2^0, Peter C.B. Phillips
An Everywhere Convergent Series Representation of the Distribution of Hotellings Generalized T 2^0, Peter C.B. Phillips
Testing for Serial Correlation and Unit Roots Using a Computer Function Routine Based on ERA's, Peter C.B. Phillips and Peter C. Reiss
The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic, Peter C.B. Phillips
Trends, Random Walks, and Tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis, N. Gregory Mankiw and Matthew D. Shapiro
Empirical Tests of the Rationality of Economic Forecasters: A Fixed Horizons Approach, William D. Nordhaus and Steven N. Durlauf
Empirical Tests of the Rationality of Economic Forecasters: A Fixed Horizons Approach, William D. Nordhaus and Steven N. Durlauf
General Equilibrium with Wage Rigidities: An Application to Belgium, Victor Ginsburgh and Ludo Van der Heyden
I and First and Second Scenarios (A Sensitivity Analysis), Paul Bracken, Moshe Haviv, Martin Shubik, and Ulrich Tulowitzki
Plausible Outcomes for Games in Strategic Form, Martin Shubik
Product Warranties and Double Moral Hazard, Russell Cooper and Thomas W. Ross
Stock Prices and Social Dynamics, Robert J. Shiller
Stock Prices and Social Dynamics, Robert J. Shiller
The Many Approaches to the Study of Monopolistic Competition, Martin Shubik
The Use of Expected Future Variables in Macroeconometric Models, Ray C. Fair
Stability Comparisons of Estimators, Donald W.K. Andrews
Estimated Trade-Offs between Unemployment and Inflation, Ray C. Fair
Job Discrimination, Market Forces and the Invisibility Hypothesis, Paul R. Milgrom and Sharon Oster
Job Discrimination, Market Forces and the Invisibility Hypothesis, Paul R. Milgrom and Sharon Oster
Price and Advertising Signals of Product Quality, Paul R. Milgrom and John Roberts
Stability Comparisons of Estimators, Donald W.K. Andrews
Stability Comparisons of Estimators, Donald W.K. Andrews
A Comparison of the Michigan and Fair Models: Further Results, Ray C. Fair and Lewis S. Alexander
A General Equilibrium Expression of the Paradox of Thrift, Christophe Chamley
Consumption, Liquidity Constraints and Asset Accumulation in the Presence of Random Income Fluctuations, Richard H. Clarida
Optimal Spending and Money Holdings in the Presence of Liquidity Constraints and Random Income Fluctuations, Richard H. Clarida
The Cooperative Form, the Value and the Allocation of Joint Costs and Benefits, Martin Shubik
A Comparison of the Michigan and Fair Models, Ray C. Fair and Lewis S. Alexander
Conditional Projection by Means of Kalman Filtering, Richard H. Clarida and Diane Coyle
On the Stochastic Steady-State Behavior of Optimal Asset Accumulation in the Presence of Random Wage Fluctuations and Incomplete Markets, Richard H. Clarida
Optimal Taxation of Capital Income in Economies with Identical Private and Social Discount Rates, Christophe Chamley
A Note on Biology, Time and the Golden Rule, Martin Shubik
A Zero-One Result for the Least Squares Estimator, Donald W.K. Andrews
Current Account, Exchange Rate, and Monetary Dynamics in a Stochastic Equilibrium Model, Richard H. Clarida
Robust Estimation of Location in a Gaussian Parametric Model: II, Donald W.K. Andrews
The Behavior of U.S. Short-Term Interest Rates Since October 1979, Richard H. Clarida and Benjamin M. Friedman
Effects of Expected Future Government Deficits on Current Economic Activity, Ray C. Fair
Excess Labor and the Business Cycle, Ray C. Fair
Insurance, Flexibility and Non-contingent Trades, Russell Cooper
Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a General Equilibrium Model, Truman F. Bewley
Monopoly Provision of Product Quality with Uninformed Buyers, Russell Cooper and Thomas W. Ross
Net Present Value Maximization and Imperfections in the Loan Market: A Note, Cynthia Van Hulle
On a Variable Dimension Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem, Ludo Van der Heyden
Submissions from 1983
Dominance and Shareholder Unanimity: A New Approach, Cynthia Van Hulle
Stochastic Equilibrium and Turnpike Property: The Discounted Case, Ramon Marimon
The Optimality of Regulated Pricing: A General Equilibrium Analysis” AND “An Optimal Tax Rule for Average Cost Pricing, Donald J. Brown and Geoffrey M. Heal
Finite Sample Econometrics Using ERA's, Peter C.B. Phillips
The Exact Distribution of the Stein-Rule Estimator, Peter C.B. Phillips
A Note on the “Corelessness” of Antibalance of a Game, Martin Shubik and Shlomo Weber
Intertemporally Separable Overlapping Generations Economies, John Geanakoplos and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
On University Education in Econometrics: Remarks on an Article by Eric R. Sowey, Peter C.B. Phillips
Information Patterns and Nash Equilibria in Extensive Games, Pradeep Dubey and Mamoru Kaneko
Multimarket Oligopoly, Jeremy I. Bulow, John Geanakoplos, and Paul D. Klemperer
The Exact Distribution of Zellner's SUR, Peter C.B. Phillips
Organizing Production in a Large Economy with Costly Communication, Paul R. Milgrom and Robert J. Weber
The Exact Distribution of Exogenous Variable Coefficient Estimators, Peter C.B. Phillips
Forward Rates and Future Policy: Interpreting the Term Structure of Interest Rates, Robert J. Shiller, John Y. Campbell, and Kermit L. Schoenholtz
Linear Complementarity and the Average Volume of Simplicial Cones, Roger Howe
Macroeconomics under Debate, James Tobin
Profit-Sharing in a Collusive Industry, Martin J. Osborne and Carolyn Pitchik
Worker Asymmetric Information and Involuntary Unemployment, Russell Cooper
Multiperiod Insurance Contracts, Russell Cooper and Beth Hayes
Fiscal Incidence in a Dynamic Life-Cycle Model with Land, Christophe Chamley
A Strategic Market Game with Transaction Costs, J. D. Rogawski and Martin Shubik
Blockmodeling Complex Statutes: Mapping Techniques Based on Combinatorial Optimization for Analyzing Economic Legislation and Its Stress Points over Time, Scott A. Boorman and Paul R. Levitt
First Order Autoregressive Processes and Strong Mixing, Donald W.K. Andrews
Strategic Resource Extraction: When Easy Doesn't Do It, Jeremy I. Bulow and John Geanakoplos
Monetary Policies with Increasing Returns, Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey M. Heal
The Exact Distribution of LIML: II, Peter C.B. Phillips
Predetermined Prices and the Allocation of Social Risks, Costas Azariadis and Russell Cooper
Submissions from 1982
Global Stability in a Class of Markets with Three Commodities and Three Consumers, Masayoshi Hirota
Marginal Versus Average Cost Pricing in the Presence of a Public Monopoly, Donald J. Brown and Geoffrey M. Heal
Near-Markets and Market Games, Martin Shubik and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Optimal Labor Contracts and the Role of Monetary Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model, Russell Cooper
The Exact Distribution of LIML: I, Peter C.B. Phillips
A Geometric Explanation of the Transfer Paradox in a Stable Economy, John Geanakoplos and Geoffrey M. Heal
Investment Versus Savings Incentives: The Size of the Bang for the Buck and the Potential for Self-Financing Business Tax Cuts, Alan J. Auerbach and Laurence Kotlikoff
Revelation of Information in Strategic Market Games: A Critique of Rational Expectations, Pradeep Dubey, John Geanakoplos, and Martin Shubik
Revelation of Information in Strategic Market Games: A Critique of Rational Expectations, Pradeep Dubey, John Geanakoplos, and Martin Shubik
Robust and Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of Location in a Stationary Strong Mixing Gaussian Parametric Model, Donald W.K. Andrews
Scarf's Procedure for Integer Programming and a Dual Simplex Algorithm, Philip M. White, Andrew S. Caplin, and Ludo Van der Heyden
Stable Disequilibrium Prices: Macroeconomics and Increasing Returns I, Geoffrey M. Heal
On Allocative Distortions in Problems of Self-Selection, Russell Cooper
The Structure of Social Risk, William D. Nordhaus and Steven N. Durlauf
Core and Competitive Equilibria with Indivisibilities, Martine Quinzii
ERA's: A New Approach to Small Sample Theory, Peter C.B. Phillips
On the Disaggregation of Excess Demand Functions, John Geanakoplos and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
Utility Functions for Debreu's ‘Excess Demands', John Geanakoplos
Don't Bet on It, John Geanakoplos and James K. Sebenius
Failure of the Alternation Theorem in Rational Approximation over C_0 (-infinity,infinity), Peter C.B. Phillips
Information Processing and Jury Decision making, Alvin K. Klevorick, Michael Rothschild, and Christopher Winship
On Implicit Contracts and Involuntary Unemployment, John Geanakoplos and Takatoshi Ito
The Distribution of Matrix Quotients, Peter C.B. Phillips
We Can't Disagree Forever, John Geanakoplos and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
A Bookmaker or Market Type Test for Specification in Discrete Choice Models, John J. Beggs
Integral Polyhedra in Three Space, Herbert E. Scarf
Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria in a Private Goods Economy, Pradeep Dubey and J. D. Rogawski
Equilibria for a Three-Person Location Problem, Martin J. Osborne and Carolyn Pitchik
Information About Moves in Extensive Games: II, Pradeep Dubey and Mamoru Kaneko
Stochastic Games I: Foundations, Curt Alfred Monash
Stochastic Games II: The Minmax Theorem, Curt Alfred Monash
Exact Small Sample Theory in the Simultaneous Equations Model, Peter C.B. Phillips
Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria: I, Pradeep Dubey and J. D. Rogawski
Information About Moves in Extensive Games: I, Pradeep Dubey and Mamoru Kaneko
Naval Procurement Problems: Theory and Practice, Zvi A. Livne and Martin Shubik
On the Exact Distribution of LIML, Peter C.B. Phillips
Approximate Cores of a General Class of Economies: Part II. Set-Up Costs and Firm Formation in Coalition Production Economies, Martin Shubik and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Approximate Cores of a General Class of Economies. Part I: Replica Games, Externalities, and Approximate Cores, Martin Shubik and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Cores of Partitioning Games, Mamoru Kaneko and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy: Paul A. Samuelson and Modern Economics, James Tobin
Small Sample Distribution Theory in Econometric Models of Simultaneous Equations, Peter C.B. Phillips
How Fast Should We Graze the Global Commons?, William D. Nordhaus
The Conventionally Stable Sets in Noncooperative Games With Limited Observations: The Application to Monopoly and Oligopoly, Mamoru Kaneko
Submissions from 1981
Entrepreneurial Abilities and Liabilities in a Model of Self-Selection, Christophe Chamley
Money and Finance in the Macro-Economic Process, James Tobin
Payoffs in Non-Atomic Economies: An Axiomatic Approach, Pradeep Dubey and Abraham Neyman
The Epsilon Core of a Large Game, Myrna Holtz Wooders
Macroconfusion: The Dilemmas of Economic Policy, William D. Nordhaus
A New Approach to Small Sample Theory, Peter C.B. Phillips
Game Theory: The Language of Strategy?, Martin Shubik
Marginal Densities of Instrumental Variable Estimators in the General Single Equation Case, Peter C.B. Phillips
Some Remarks on the Folk Theorem in Game Theory, Mamoru Kaneko
Asset Markets, General Equilibrium and the Neutrality of Money, Christophe Chamley and Heracles M. Polemarchakis
Economic Policy in the Face of Declining Productivity Growth, William D. Nordhaus
Algorithms for the Linear Complementarity Problem Which Allow an Arbitrary Starting Point, Dolf A.J.J Talman and Ludo Van der Heyden
Schumpeterian Dynamics I. An Evolutionary Model of Innovation and Imitation, Katsuhito Iwai
Schumpeterian Dynamics II. Technological Progress, Firm Growth and ‘Economic Selection', Katsuhito Iwai
The Conventionally Stable Sets in Noncooperative Games with Limited Observations: Definitions and Introductory Arguments, Mamoru Kaneko
The Optimal Progressive Income Tax — The Existence and the Limit Tax Rates, Mamoru Kaneko
On the Infinite Welfare Cost of Inflation and Other Second Order Effects, Christophe Chamley
Approximate Equilibria with Bounds Independent of Preferences, Robert M. Anderson, M. Ali Khan, and Salim Rashid
Arbitrage Pricing Theory in a Finite Economy, John J. Beggs
Estimated Effects of Relative Prices on Trade Shares, Ray C. Fair
Efficient Stationary Taxation and Intertemporal General Equilibrium, Christophe Chamley and Douglas Downing
Mandatory Retirement Saving and Capital Formation, Walter Dolde and James Tobin
Market Structure in the ‘Research and Development’ Phase, John J. Beggs
Estimated Output, Price, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate Linkages Among Countries, Ray C. Fair
Interest Rate Policies and Informational Efficiency, Laurence Weiss
Ratio Equilibrium in an Economy with an Externality, Yozo Ito and Mamoru Kaneko
Strong Core Theorems with Nonconvex Preferences, Robert M. Anderson
The Dynamic Interaction between Industry Level Profits and Research and Development, John J. Beggs
An Empirical Note on the Disposition of U.S. Corporations to Undertake Research and Development Expenditures, John J. Beggs
Cake Slicing and Revealed Government Preference, John J. Beggs and Samuel Strong
Existence of Equilibrium in a Hyperfinite Exchange Economy: I and II, Donald J. Brown and Lucinda M. Lewis
Marginal Cost Pricing, Taxation and Subsidies in Urban Transport, John J. Beggs
Properties of Manipulative Government Forecasts, John J. Beggs
The Demand for Telephone Services in Australia and the Welfare Implications of Alternative Pricing Policies, John J. Beggs
Core Theory with Strongly Convex Preferences, Robert M. Anderson
Duopoly with Differentiated Products and Entry Barriers, Kofi O. Nti and Martin Shubik
Equilibria of a Two-Person Non-Zero Sum Noisy Game of Timing, Carolyn Pitchik
Society, Land, Love or Money (A Strategic Model of How to Glue the Generations Together), Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1980
On the Behavior of Inconsistent Instrumental Variable Estimators, Esfandiar Maasoumi and Peter C.B. Phillips
Additively Decompable Quasiconvex Functions, Gerard Debreu and Tjalling C. Koopmans
A Market Value Approach to Approximate Equilibria, Robert M. Anderson
Characteristic Functions and the Tail Behavior of Probability Distributions, Peter C.B. Phillips
Housing Market with Indivisibility, Mamoru Kaneko
National Savings, Economic Welfare, and the Structure of Taxation, Alan J. Auerbach and Laurence Kotlikoff
On the Consistency of Non-Linear FIML, John J. Beggs
Person Game, Ludo Van der Heyden
The Adequacy of Savings, Laurence Kotlikoff, Avia Spivak, and Lawrence H. Summers
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Nonemptiness of the Cores of Partitioning Games, Mamoru Kaneko
Solution and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models, Ray C. Fair and John B. Taylor
The Central Assignment Game and the Assignment Markets, Mamoru Kaneko
Thinking About Carbon Dioxide: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Optimal Control Strategies, William D. Nordhaus
Best Uniform Approximation to Probability Densities in Econometrics, Peter C.B. Phillips
Distribution, Peter C.B. Phillips
On a Lemma of Amemiya, Peter C.B. Phillips
Heterogeneous Information and the Theory of the Business Cycle, Sanford Grossman and Laurence Weiss
Perfect or Robust Noncooperative Equilibrium: A Search for the Philosophers Stone?, Martin Shubik
Extension of a Dynamical Model of Political Equilibrium, Gerald H. Kramer
Intergenerational Political Economy (A Game Theoretic Model of How to Glue the Generations Together), Martin Shubik
Policy Responses to the Productivity Slowdown, William D. Nordhaus
A Model of Output, Employment, Capital Formation and Inflation, R. W. Bailey, Viv B. Hall, and Peter C.B. Phillips
An Extension of the Nash Bargaining Problem: Introducing Time-Related Bargaining Costs, Zvi A. Livne
Incentive Arbitration and Time-Related Bargaining Costs, Zvi A. Livne
Linear Complementarity and the Degree of Mappings, Roger Howe
Optimal Intertemporal Taxation and the Public Debt, Christophe Chamley
The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxation in a Growing Economy, Christophe Chamley
A Model of U.S. Financial and Nonfinancial Economic Behavior, David Backus James Tobin, William C. Brainard, Gary Smith, and James Tobin
An Application of the KhachianShor Algorithm to a Class of Linear Complementary Problems, Ilan Adler, Richard P. McLean, and J. Scott Provan
Output Supply, Employment, and Intra-Industry Wage Dispersion, Philip H. Dybvig and Gerald David Jaynes
Weakly Democratic Regular Tax Equilibria in a Local Public Goods Economy with Perfect Consumer Mobility, Donald K. Richter
Exploitation and Class: Part II, Capitalist Economy, John E. Roemer
Inequality, Exploitation, Justice and Socialism: A Theoretical-Historical Approach, John E. Roemer
Rawlsian Justice as the Core of a Game, John E. Roemer and Roger Howe
Submissions from 1979
A Multicountry Econometric Model, Ray C. Fair
A Multicountry Econometric Model, Ray C. Fair
Some Relationships between Discrete and Continuous Models of an Urban Economy, Richard P. McLean and Thomas J. Muench
On the Tendency Toward Convexity of the Vector Sum of Sets, Roger Howe
An Algorithm for FIML and 3SLS Estimation of Large Nonlinear Models, William R. Parke
Morse Programs, Okitsugu Fujiwara
The Spending Behavior of Wealth- and Liquidity-Constrained Consumers, Kim Kowalewski and Gary Smith
Competitive Bidding and Proprietary Information, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Robert J. Weber
Disequilibrium Models of Financial Institutions, Gary Smith and William C. Brainard
How Should We Revise Our Beliefs about Nuclear Power Safety after Three Mile Island?, William D. Nordhaus
Information Aggregation and Policy, Laurence Weiss
“On the Relation of Various Reliability Measures to Each Other and to Game Theoretic Values, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans and David R. Strip
Tax-Based Incomes Policies: A Better Mousetrap?, William D. Nordhaus
The Design of Distributed Service Systems, David R. Strip and Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
The Energy Crisis and Macroeconomic Policy, William D. Nordhaus
The ALEP Definition of Complementarity and Least Concave Utility Functions, Yakar Kannai
Most Convex Functions are Smooth, Roger Howe
Production Sets with Indivisibilities: Generalities and the Case of Two Variables, Herbert E. Scarf
Stochastic Games, Oligopoly Theory and Competitive Resource Allocation, Martin Shubik and Matthew J. Sobel
A Strategic Market Game with Price and Quantity Strategies, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
On the Non-Existence of Multiplicative Equilibrium Bidding Strategies, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Robert J. Weber
The Short-Run Macroeconomics of Floating Exchange Rates: An Exposition, James Tobin and Jorge B. de Macedo
An Even More Elementary ‘Calculus’ Proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, Yakar Kannai
Full Information Estimates of a Nonlinear Macroeconometric Model, Ray C. Fair and William R. Parke
Price-Quantity Strategic Market Games, Pradeep Dubey
An Index Theorem for General Equilibrium Models with Production, Timothy J. Kehoe
Cooperative Game Solutions: Australian, Indian and U.S. Opinions, Martin Shubik
Value Theory without Efficiency, Pradeep Dubey, Abraham Neyman, and Robert J. Weber
Market Induced Welfare Optima, Rolf R. Mantel
Subjectivity in the Valuation of Games, Robert J. Weber
Submissions from 1978
Fiscal and Monetary Policies, Capital Formation, and Economic Activity, Willem H. Buiter and James Tobin
A Model of Stochastic Equilibrium in a Quasi-Competitive Industry, John Sutton
An Estimate of the Uncertainty of Policy Effects in a Macro-economic Model, Ray C. Fair
Balance of Payments and the Foreign Exchange Market: A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Model, Pentti J.K. Kouri
Finiteness and Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria, Pradeep Dubey
A Proposal for International Monetary Reform, James Tobin
Economics among the Sciences, Tjalling C. Koopmans
Equity, Efficiency and Increasing Returns, Donald J. Brown and Geoffrey M. Heal
Government Deficits and Capital Accumulation, James Tobin
Multiplicative Bidding and Convergence to Equilibrium, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
Nash Equilibria of Market Games: II. Finiteness, Pradeep Dubey
The Capital Stock Modified Competitive Equilibrium, Martin Shubik
The Optimal Payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits over Time, Steven Shavell and Laurence Weiss
A Model for the Distribution of the Number of Bidders in an Auction, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
A Model of International Trade and Finance, Laurence Weiss
An Example of a Multi-Object Auction Game, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
Auctions and Bidding Models: A Survey, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
Auctions and Bidding Models: A Survey, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
Bidding in Auctions with Multiplicative Lognormal Errors: An Example, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
Comparison of Public Choice Systems, Robert J. Weber
Debt Neutrality: A Brief Review of Doctrine and Evidence, Willem H. Buiter and James Tobin
An Analysis of the Accuracy of Four Macroeconometric Models, Ray C. Fair
An Integrated Model of Household Flow-of-Funds Allocations, David Backus and Douglas D. Purvis
The Role for Active Monetary Policy in a Rational Expectations Model, Laurence Weiss
A Modeling System for Applied General Equilibrium Analysis, Thomas Rutherford
Profitability and Growth in a Small Open Economy, Pentti J.K. Kouri
A Note on the Saddlepoint Approximation in the First Order Non-Circular Autoregression, Peter C.B. Phillips
Exchange Rates and the International Adjustment Process, Pentti J.K. Kouri and Jorge B. de Macedo
Systems Defense Games: Colonel Blotto, Command and Control, Martin Shubik and Robert J. Weber
The Structure of Neutral Monotonic Social Functions, Julian H. Blau and Donald J. Brown
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 37. The Profit Maximizing Firm: Managers and Stockholders, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
Competitive Valuation of Cooperative Games, Martin Shubik and Robert J. Weber
On ‘On the Foundations of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition', Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
The Transition from Exhaustible to Renewable or Inexhaustible Resources, Tjalling C. Koopmans
A Model of the Jury Decision Process, Alvin K. Klevorick and Michael Rothschild
Estimating the Expected Predictive Accuracy of Econometric Models, Ray C. Fair
Myopic Economic Agents, Donald J. Brown and Lucinda M. Lewis
The Nucleolus as a Noncooperative Game Solution, Martin Shubik and H. P. Young
Submissions from 1977
Modelling the Choice of Residential Location, Daniel McFadden
Game Theory Models and Methods in Political Economy, Martin Shubik
Nash Equilibria of Market Games: I. Existence and Convergence, Pradeep Dubey
Probabilistic Values for Games, Pradeep Dubey and Robert J. Weber
Probabilistic Values for Games, Pradeep Dubey and Robert J. Weber
Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Travel Behaviour of Individuals: Some Recent Developments, Daniel McFadden
The Computation of Equilibrium Prices: An Exposition, Herbert E. Scarf
The Effects of Money Supply on Economic Welfare in the Steady State, Laurence Weiss
Information Conditions, Communication and General Equilibrium, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
On Modeling the Economic Linkages Among Countries, Ray C. Fair
Sealed Bid Auctions with Non-Additive Bid Functions, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
The Greedy Heuristic Applied to a Class of Set Partitioning and Subset Selection Problems, Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
The Long Run Implications of an IS-LM Simulation Model, Gary Smith
The Long Run Implications of a Two Sector Model with Immobile Capital, Gary Smith
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions, Martin Shubik
Deficit Spending and Crowding Out in Shorter and Longer Runs, James Tobin
The Long Run Consequences of Monetary and Fiscal Policies When the Governments Budget Is Not Balanced, Gary Smith
An Analysis of a Macroeconometric Model with Rational Expectations in the Bond and Stock Markets, Ray C. Fair
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Interpretations of the IS-LM Model, Gary Smith
How Dead is Keynes?, James Tobin
Modeling Technological Change: Use of Mathematical Programming Models in the Energy Sector, William D. Nordhaus and Ludo Van der Heyden
Monetary Policies and the Economy — The Transmission Mechanism, James Tobin
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 22. A Price-Quantity Buy-Sell Market with and without Contingent Bids, Martin Shubik
A Model of the Balance of Payments, Ray C. Fair
An Observation on the Structure of Production Sets with Indivisibilities, Herbert E. Scarf
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 36. The Money Rate of Interest (A Multiperiod Nonatomic Trading and Production Economy with Outside Money, Inside Money and Optimal Bankruptcy Rules), Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
Policy Effects in a Model of the Balance of Payments, Ray C. Fair
An Extension of the Brown-Robinson Equivalence Theorem, Donald J. Brown and M. Ali Khan
A Shortrun Macroeconomic Model of an Open Economy, Gary Smith
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 35. Bankruptcy and Optimality in a Closed Trading Mass Economy Modelled As a Noncooperative Game, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
Logrolling and Budget Allocation Games, Martin Shubik and Ludo Van der Heyden
Noncooperative Exchange with a Continuum of Traders, Pradeep Dubey and Lloyd S. Shapley
The Sensitivity of Fiscal-Policy Effects to Assumptions about the Behavior of the Federal Reserve, Ray C. Fair
What is the Value of Advanced Nuclear Power?, William D. Nordhaus
Can the Government Affect Real Output?: A Critique of Models with Rational Expectations, Ray C. Fair
Strategies for the Control of Carbon Dioxide, William D. Nordhaus
Submissions from 1976
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 33. On the Value of Market Information, Martin Shubik
Probabilistic Generalizations of the Shapley Value, Pradeep Dubey
Wages, the Terms of Trade, and the Exchange Rate Regime, Douglas D. Purvis
A Note on the Computation of the Tobit Estimator, Ray C. Fair
A Theory of Extramarital Affairs, Ray C. Fair
Economic Growth and Climate: The Carbon Dioxide Problem, William D. Nordhaus
Price Information and the Economics of Consumerism: A Model of Stochastic Equilibrium, John Sutton
A Model of Insurance Markets with Asymmetric Information, Charles A. Wilson
A Closed Economic System with Production and Exchange Modelled as a Game of Strategy, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
A Dynamic Economy with Shares, Fiat, Bank and Accounting Money, Joseph J.M. Evers and Martin Shubik
A Model of the World Economy, Ray C. Fair
A Short-Run Two-Commodity Macroeconomic Model, Gary Smith and William Starnes
Asset Markets and the Cost of Capital, James Tobin and William C. Brainard
The Linear Exchange Model and Induced Welfare Optima, Rolf R. Mantel
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 28. The Noncooperative Equilibria of a Closed Trading Economy with Market Supply and Bidding Strategies, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 30 (revised). The Optimal Bankruptcy Rule in a Trading Economy Using Fiat Money, Martin Shubik and Charles A. Wilson
Concepts of Optimality and Their Uses, Tjalling C. Koopmans
On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part IV. The Theory of Long-Run Phillips Curve, Katsuhito Iwai
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 26. On the Number of Types of Markets with Trade in Money, Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 27. Beyond General Equilibrium, Martin Shubik
Inflation Theory and Policy, William D. Nordhaus
On a General Approach to Optimality in Game Theory, Eduardas Vilkas
The Effects of Economic Events on Votes for President, Ray C. Fair
The Use of Optimal Control Techniques to Measure Economic Performance, Ray C. Fair
Submissions from 1975
A General Equilibrium Model of World Trade. Part II. The Empirical Specification, Victor Ginsburgh and Jean Waelbroeck
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 25. A Closed Economy with Exogenous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money, Futures and Spot Markets, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
A General Equilibrium Model of World Trade. Part I. Full Format Computation of Economic Equilibria, Victor Ginsburgh and Jean Waelbroeck
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 24. Trade and Prices in a Closed Economy with Exogenous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money and No Futures Markets, Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
Implications of Microeconomic Theory for Community Excess Demand Functions, Rolf R. Mantel
On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part III. A Keynesian Theory of Money Wage Adjustment, Katsuhito Iwai
Examples of Production Relations Based on Microdata, Tjalling C. Koopmans
The Influence of Interest Rates on Resource Prices, Geoffrey M. Heal
Price Taking or Price Making Behavior: An Alternative to Full Cost Price Functions, Victor Ginsburgh and Israel Zang
The Demand for Energy: An International Perspective, William D. Nordhaus
The Estimation of a Dynamic Equation Following A Preliminary Test for Autocorrelation, Jon K. Peck
The Value of a Nonstandard Competitive Allocation, Donald J. Brown and Peter A. Loeb
A Control Variable Investigation of the Properties of Autoregressive Instrumental Variables Estimators for Dynamic Systems, David F. Hendry and Frank Srba
A Critical Analysis of Ridge Regression, Frank Campbell and Gary Smith
Invariant Competitive Equilibrium in an Infinity-Horizon Economy with Negotiable Shares, Joseph J.M. Evers
On Controlling the Economy to Win Elections, Ray C. Fair
Testing Dynamic Specification in Small Simultaneous Systems: An Application to a Model of Building Society Behavior in the United Kingdom, David F. Hendry and Gordon J. Anderson
The Limiting Distribution of Inconsistent Instrumental Variables Estimators in a Class of Stationary Stochastic Systems, David F. Hendry
A Dynamical Model of Political Equilibrium, Gerald H. Kramer
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 21. Fiat Money, Bank Money, The Float and the Money Rate of Interest, Martin Shubik
A Duality Theory for Convex Infinite-Horizon Programming, Joseph J.M. Evers
Collective Rationality, Donald J. Brown
Acyclic Aggregation over Finite Sets of Alternatives, Donald J. Brown
A Finite Algorithm for the Linear Exchange Model, B. Curtis Eaves
Oligopoly, Theory, Communication and Information, Martin Shubik
The Solution of Systems of Piecewise Linear Equations, B. Curtis Eaves and Herbert E. Scarf
Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression, James Tobin
Submissions from 1974
Long Run Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Aggregate Demand, James Tobin and Willem H. Buiter
Multicollinearity and Forecasting, Gary Smith
On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part I. Microfoundations of Wicksellian Disequilibrium Dynamics, Katsuhito Iwai
Information in Estimating a Financial Model, Gary Smith and William C. Brainard
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XVI. Mathematical Models for a Theory of Money and Financial Institutions, Martin Shubik
Competitive Equilibrium Contingent Commodities and Information, Martin Shubik
Further Notes on the Misuse of R2, Gary Smith
Global Analysis and Economics VI. Geometric Analysis of Pareto Optima and Price Equilibria under Classical Hypotheses, Steve Smale
Okun's Law Revisited, Gary Smith
Fiscal Capacity, Equalization and Public Expenditure for Education, Susan J. Lepper
Equilibrium Wage Distributions, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Walrasian and Von Neumann Equilibria: A Comparison, Jerzy Los and Maria Wycech-Los
Transactions Technology and the Use of Intermediary Agents, Ross M. Starr
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XV. A Trading Model to Avoid Tatonnement Metaphysics, Martin Shubik
On the Role of Numbers and Information in Competition, Martin Shubik
The Moments of the 3SLS Estimates of the Structural Coefficients of a Simultaneous Equation Model, J. D. Sargan
Towards Keynesian Micro-Dynamics of Price, Wage, Sales and Employment, Katsuhito Iwai
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XVII. On the Eight Basic Units of a Dynamic Economy with Spot and Futures Markets, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1973
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XIII. Trade With Spot Markets, Fiat Money and Internal Banking, Martin Shubik
Regulation of Natural Monopolies and the Fair Rate of Return, Hayne E. Leland
Production Theory and the Stock Market, Hayne E. Leland
Acyclic Choice, Donald J. Brown
The General Equilibrium Model with Joint Ownership of the Corporation (Voting Stock and the Core), Martin Shubik
Voting, Preference Orderings and Cooperative Games, Martin Shubik
Some Problems of Centralized Economy, N. N. Noiseev and A. G. Schmidt
Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in L.D.C.’s: II. The Efficiency Wage Model, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Fiat Money in an Economy with One Nondurable Good and No Credit (A Noncooperative Sequential Game), Martin Shubik and Ward Whitt
Incentives and Risk-Sharing in Sharecropping, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Some Observations on ‘Optimal’ Economic Growth and Exhaustible Resources, Tjalling C. Koopmans
The Theory of ‘Screening’, Education, and the Distribution of Income, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Game Theory and Political Science, Martin Shubik
A Note on the Shape of the Pareto Optimal Surface, Gordon H. Bradley and Martin Shubik
Money and the Decentralization of Exchange, Joseph M. Ostroy and Ross M. Starr
Submissions from 1972
Technological Development and Employment, James Tobin
Information, Duopoly and Competitive Markets: A Sensitivity Analysis, Martin Shubik
Input Quality, Obsolescence and Unemployment, J. Kirker Stephens
Social Choice on Pollution Management: The Genossenschaften, Alvin K. Klevorick and Gerald H. Kramer
Existence of a “Local” Cooperative Equilibrium in a Class of Voting Games, Gerald H. Kramer and Alvin K. Klevorick
Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Nonstandard Exchange Economy, Donald J. Brown
Some Further Results on the Measurement of Inequality, Michael Rothschild and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Voting Behavior and Aggregate Policy Targets, Susan J. Lepper
Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in L.D.C.’s: I. The Labor Turn-Over Model, Joseph E. Stiglitz
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part IX. Competitive and Controlled Price Economies: The Arrow-Debreu Model Revisited, Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VIII. Transactions Costs in a Market Economy, Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VI. The Rate of Interest, Noncooperative Equilibrium and Bankruptcy, Lloyd S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part V. The Rate of Interest on Fiat Money in a Closed Economy, Martin Shubik
Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies, Partha Dasgupta and Joseph E. Stiglitz
On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Political Business Cycle, William D. Nordhaus
Notes on Transactions Costs and the Analysis of Microeconomic Theory, Ross M. Starr
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part IV. Fiat Money and Noncooperative Equilibrium in a Closed Economy, Martin Shubik
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VII. Money, Trust and Equilibrium Points in Games in Extensive Form, Martin Shubik
The Effect of Inflation on the Distribution of Economic Welfare, William D. Nordhaus
A General Equilibrium Calculation of the Effects of Differential Taxation of Income from Capital in the U.S., John B. Shoven and John Whalley
The Cores of Large Standard Exchange Economies, Donald J. Brown and Abraham Robinson
The Marginal Revolution After One Hundred Years, Ronald G. Bodkin
Submissions from 1971
Alternative Management of Common Property Resources under Free Access and Private Ownership, Martin L. Weitzman
A New Measure of Income From Wealth, Donald A. Nichols
A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part I. The General Approach Adopted, Martin Shubik
Is Growth Obsolete?, William D. Nordhaus and James Tobin
Competitive Equilibrium and Game Theory Solutions: Part I. The Core and Value, Lloyd S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
Duality Theory of Convex Programming for Infinite Horizon Economic Models, Martin L. Weitzman
On the Scope of Gaming, Martin Shubik
Summary Comment, James Tobin
Wealth, Liquidity, and the Propensity to Consume, James Tobin
On the Definition and Computation of a Capital Stock Invariant under Optimization, Terje Hansen and Tjalling C. Koopmans
Systems of Indirect Management in a Planned Economy: Effectiveness Models and Their Applications in Poland, Witold Trzeciakowski
Friedman's Theoretical Framework, James Tobin
The Price of Money in a Pure Exchange Monetary Economy, Ross M. Starr
Wealth, Liquidity, and Consumption, Walter Dolde and James Tobin
Nonstandard Exchange Economies, Donald J. Brown and Abraham Robinson
An Estimate of Racial Discrimination in Rental Housing, Thomas King and Peter M. Mieszkowski
On Transitions Between Steady States, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Submissions from 1970
Taxation, Risk-Taking, and the Allocation of Investment in a Competitive Economy, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Property Tax: An Excise Tax or a Profits Tax?, Peter M. Mieszkowski
Equilibrium and Demand for Media of Exchange in a Pure Exchange Economy with Transactions Costs, Ross M. Starr
On Durbin's Test for Serial Correlation in Distributed Lag Models, G. S. Maddala and A. S. Rao
On the Asymptotic Properties of Certain Two-Step Procedures Commonly Used in the Estimation of Distributed Lag Models, David M. Grether and G. S. Maddala
The Badly Behaved Economy with the Well Behaved Production Function, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic Efficiency, Joseph E. Stiglitz and Partha Dasgupta
Non-Linear Time Series Regression, E. J. Hannan
An Econometric Model of Postwar Japan, Fumimasa Hamada
Recent Developments in Price Dynamics, William D. Nordhaus
Duopoly with Price and Quantity as Strategic Variables, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
Price Duopoly and Capacity Constraints, Richard E. Levitan and Martin Shubik
The Structure of Exchange in Barter and Monetary Economies, Ross M. Starr
Aggregation and Disaggregation in the Pure Theory of Capital and Growth: A New Parable, Martin L. Weitzman
Food Prices in Relation to Income Levels in New York City, Roger E. Alcaly and Alvin K. Klevorick
On the Existence of a Cooperative Solution for a General Class of N-Person Games, Herbert E. Scarf
The Estimation of Mixed Regression, Autoregression, Moving Average and Distributed Lag Models, D. F. Nichols
Time Series Regression with Linear Constraints, E. J. Hannan and R. D. Terrell
Pecuniary Externalities: A Game Theoretic Analysis, Martin Shubik
Submissions from 1969
Investment, Savings and Employment in the Long-Run, David M.C. Newbery and A. B. Atkinson
Material Balances under Uncertainty, Martin L. Weitzman
On a Class of Equilibrium Conditions for Majority Rule, Gerald H. Kramer