Content Posted in 2021
A Bittersweet Balance: Adjunct Therapy for Hyperglycemia in Critically Ill Patients, Caroline Argyros
Abstract Sociodemographic, Comorbid And Geographic Determinants Of Covid-19 Outcomes In New England Veterans, Ya Haddy Sallah
A Case for African American Reparations: The Inheritance of Racist Hierarchies and Moral Harm, Ko Cheang
Access to Drinking Water and the Empowerment of Women in the Southwest Coast of Bangladesh: Intersections of Gender, Class, and Space, Sunehra Subah
Acetylcholine Signaling in the Basolateral Amygdala During Reward Learning, Richard Blake Crouse
A Characterization for Optimal Bundling of Products with Inter-dependent Values, Soheil Ghili
Achieving Healthequity: A Role For Nurse Leaders On Nonprofit Boards, Bernie Park
Achieving Health Equity: Mitigating Implicit Bias Among Healthcare Professionals, Caroline Frazier
A Comfort Women Redress Movement without Comfort Women, Jenna Shin
A Comparative Approach to Studying RNA Biochemistry using TimeLapse Chemistry and Labeling in Cell Culture (TILAC), Meaghan Christina Sullivan
A comparison of strategies for mitigation of lifecycle greenhouse gases from residential buildings in the United States, Peter Berrill
A Comparison of the Evolution, Structure, and Function of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins, Tai Michaels
A Comprehensive Study Of Comorbidities And Treatments Including Tnf-⍺ Inhibitors In Patients With Acute Scleritis, Ahmad Abdel-Aty
A Constitution Contested: Governors, Assemblies, and Imperial Politics in Jamaica and New York, 1675-1730, Winston Sinclair Hill
Acupuncture and Assisted Reproductive Technology: The Effect on Clinical Pregnancy Rates, Hannah K. Holland
Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric IV, Xiaohong Chen, Timothy M. Christensen, and Sid Kankanala
Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric IV Models, Christoph Breunig and Xiaohong Chen
Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?, Timo Ehrig, Jaison Manjaly, Aditya Singh, and Shyam Sunder
Addressing Nursing Retention: A Web-Based Approach Focusing On Joy In Work, Faye Christen
Adiposity In Infancy: Anthropometric Models, Carlin F. Aloe
A Dispersive Force Model of Caribbean Island Biogeography, Anthony Sarkiss
A Domain-General Perspective on Deviancy: People’s Sensitivity to Deviancy and its Social Consequences, Anton Gollwitzer
African Bargaining Power: On the Origins of Strong Investment Deals With China, Christina Seyfried
After the Negotiations: Understanding Multilateral Nuclear Arms Control, Stephen Herzog
A Game-theoretic Analysis of Childhood Vaccination Behavior: Nash Versus Kant, Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, and John E. Roemer
A Game-theoretic Analysis of Childhood Vaccination Behavior: Nash Versus Kant, Philippe De Donder, Humberto Llavador, Stefan Penczynski, John E. Roemer, and Roberto Vélez
Aim High: Pushing Collaboration and Outreach Limits for the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, Molly Stothert-Maurer and Julie Swarstad Johnson
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding, Joyee Deb, Aniko Öry (Oery), and Kevin R. Williams
Algorithm is Experiment: Machine Learning, Market Design, and Policy Eligibility Rules, Yusuke Narita and Kohei Yata
Altered Gut Microbiome as a Predictor of Response to the Ketogenic Diet in Pediatric Epilepsy, Olivia G. Hayward
Altering sensory learning by chronic inactivation of VIP interneurons, Christopher Alba, Hannah Selwyn, Katie Ferguson, and Jessica Cardin
Ambient Sufism, Tomal Hossain
A Midsummer Night’s VR: An Exploration of Virtual Reality Theater, Paige Hann and Nathan Roberts
An Agenda-Setting Report: Biome Monitoring For Human Health, Peter Roumeliotis
Analysis of Nine U.S. Recessions and Three Expansions, Ray C. Fair
Analysis of the Electronic Effects and Reactivity of Benzhydrols in the Formation of Benzhydryl Ethers, Katherine Quesada, Daniel Chabeda, Jaeger Johnson, and Alex Shore
Analysis of the regulation of transcriptional noise in NF-κB-induced transcription, Victor Louis Bass
Analytic Studies of Fermions in the Conformal Bootstrap, Soner Albayrak
Analyzing the Effect of Fuel Nitrogen on Soot Formation, Matthew Jacob Montgomery
Analyzing the role of ER membrane biogenesis in mitotic fidelity, Holly Elizabeth Merta
An Analysis Of Otolaryngology Medical Malpractice Payments From The National Practitioner Data Bank, Christopher Thomas Breen
A Nationwide Survey Assessing Public Awareness Of Head And Neck Cancers And The Human Papillomavirus, Sina John Torabi
An Equitable Transformation of the Energy System: The Role of State-Level Incentives for Distributed Energy Resources, Trinidad A. Kechkian
An Examination Of The Multilevel Determinants Of Homelessness, Ashley Brooke Roehrig
An Exploration Of Race Differences In Network Exposures To Mass Incarceration, Jessica Lee
An Ex Vivo Model Of Glycogen Synthesis In Placental Explant Tissue, Pavithra Vijayakumar
Animating Heritage: Affective Experiences, Institutional Networks, And Themed Consumption In the Japanese Cultural Industries, Heidi K. Lam
An Indigenous-Informed Archaeological Approach to Dating the Taos Pueblo, Cameron Chacon
“An International Law with Teeth in It”: The Baruch Plan and American Public Opinion, Amir Rezvani
An Upstander Is a Person in Your Neighborhood: Children, Sesame Street, and Race in 2020, Gemma Yoo
Anymore once more: geographical and syntactic distribution, Laurence R. Horn
Applications of Bayesian Inference for Modelling Dynamic Instability in Neuronal Dendrite Morphogenesis, Daniel Fridman
Applied Statistical Models for Evaluating Firm Operating Performance and Investment Returns, Christopher Chen
Appropriate Transgressions: Parody and Decorum in Ancient Greece and Rome, Niek Janssen
A preliminary risk analysis of environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer using a cohort of Mormons in New Haven County, Albert Abdul-Barr Wang
A Qualitative Analysis Of Facilitators And Barriers To Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers In The Greater New Haven Area, Victoria Dan-Vi Tran
A Qualitative Analysis Of Student Belonging And Physical Environment Of Yale School Of Medicine, Elizabeth K. Fitzsousa
Archives of Human Rights and Historical Memory: An Analysis of Archival Practices ‘From Below’ in Four NGOs in Colombia, Claire L. Taylor, Lucia Brandi, Cecilia A. Acosta Sánchez, and Marcelo Díaz Vallejo
A Requiem for the USSR: From Atheism to Secularity, Oksana Nesterenko
Are Stock Returns and Output Growth Higher Under Democrats?, Ray C. Fair
A Review And Evaluation On The Design And Method For Immortal Time Bias, Jiping Wang
Argo: CIA Influence and American Jingoism, Andrea de Oliveira
Argument Structure and Argument-marking in Choctaw, Matthew Tyler
Art as Protest: How Creative Activism Shaped “Black Lives Matter” in Richmond, Virginia, Anaheed Mobaraki
Arthroscopic Hip Labral Repair In Patients Older Than 40 & Patients With Concomitant Osteoarthritis, Paul Fawzi Abraham
A secreted signal from the gut inhibits axon regeneration in C. elegans, Alexander Tianma Lin-Moore
A Silent Injustice: Air Pollution as a Contributing Factor of COVID-19 Health Disparities, Spencer Johnson
Assessing Changes In The Epidemiology Of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis In Southwest Colombia Following The Peace Accord With Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias De Colombia (farc), Matthew Stephen Benczkowski
Assessing Epidemiology, Treatment Selection, And Outcomes Of Head And Neck Merkel Cell Carcinoma, Daniel Jacobs
Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON): Asset Management, Pascal Ungersboeck and Corey N. Runkel
Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) Capital Injection, Pascal Ungersboeck and Corey N. Runkel
Assimilating to Art-Religion: Jewish Secularity and Edgar Zilsel’s Geniereligion (1918), Abigail Fine
Assisted Network Analysis in Cancer Genomics, Huangdi Yi
Association Between Maternal Stress And Parental Responses To Child Development As Measured By Hpa Axis Biomarkers, Crystal Maureen Ruiz
Association Of Marital Stress With Angina Burden After Myocardial Infarction In Young Women And Men, Weiyue Xie
Associations Between Cardiac Manifestations Of Noonan Syndrome And Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, Christopher Chow-Parmer
Associations Between Restorative Justice Policies And Mental Health Among Women Survivors Of Intimate Partner Violence, Laurel Ann Sharpless
Associations Of Sars-Cov-2 Serum Igg With Occupation And Demographics Of Military Personnel, Joseph Zell
A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce: Multidimensional Incentives and Plan Design, Minkyung Kim, K. Sudhir, and Kosuke Uetake
A Structural Model of Organizational Buying for B2B Markets: Innovation Adoption with Share of Wallet Contracts, Navid Mojir and K. Sudhir
Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes, Ishita Chakraborty, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir
Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes, Ishita Chakraborty, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir
Attributing Discrimination to Implicit Bias: Consequences for Perceived Accountability and Punishment, Natalie Daumeyer
Atypical Connectivity Lateralization Associated With Autism Presents Within The First Year Of Life, Max Jacob Rolison
Austria: Finanzmarktstabilitätsgesetz (FinStaG), Claire Simon
Back to Basics: The Effects of Buffered Crystalloids on Mortality in the Setting of Severe Trauma, David Seth Murphy
B- And T-Cell Gene Rearrangement Analysis In Lymphoid Neoplasms, Hadrian Mendoza
Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC), Alexander Nye
Barriers to the Diagnosis of Dyslexia in Children, Maria Cunningham
Battling over Bargain-Hunting: Defining the American consumer through mass-consumption shopping practices, 1909- 1915, Angela Xiao
Bayesian Persuasion with Lie Detection, Florian Ederer and Weicheng Min
“Beer & Hymns” and Community: Religious Identity and Participatory Sing-alongs, Andrew Mall
Behavioral and Emotional Changes Across COVID-19 School Experiences in Children and Adolescents, Brittney Gunneson
Belief Convergence under Misspecified Learning: A Martingale Approach, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Belief Convergence under Misspecified Learning: A Martingale Approach, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Between Starvation and Gluttony: Resituating Food and Corporeality in Soviet Literature and Film, 1920s–1940s, Svetlana Tcareva
Biogeochemical Controls on Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Streams and Rivers, Kelly S. Aho
Biophysical Characterization of Somatosensory Responses in Drosophila Class IV Dendritic Arborization Neurons, Rajshekhar Basak
Birth Characteristics And Risk Of Early-Onset Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma In A Large Population-Based Case-Control Study, Kayla Dwyer
Birth Characteristics And Risk Of Early-Onset Ovarian Cancer, Soo Jung Kang
Blood at the Root, Jarrett Martin Drake
Blurred Boundaries: Iberian Representations of the Spanish Civil War, Sarah Glenski
Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth Century, Bench Ansfield
Brain Training and Meditation’s Effects on Memory in Subjects with Vascular Cognitive Impairment, Sarah Savoia
Breaking Ties: Regression Discontinuity Design Meets Market Design, Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua D. Angrist, Yusuke Narita, and Parag A. Pathak
Broad-Based Asset Management Programs, Christian M. McNamara, Greg Feldberg, Mallory Dreyer, and Andrew Metrick
Building Mouse Models for Tumor Immunology: NINJA in Kras-driven Lung Adenocarcinoma, Brittany Fitzgerald
Bulk Metallic Glasses Structure and Properties Investigated by Scanning Probe Microscopy, Zheng Chen
Bureau de Recouvrement des Crédits du Burkina (BRCB), Mallory Dreyer
“But the city made us new, and we made it ours”: Reflections on Urban Space and Indigeneity in Tommy Orange’s There There, Meghanlata Gupta and Nolan Arkansas
Calibrated Click-Through Auctions: An Information Design Approach, Dirk Bergemann, Paul Duetting, Renato Paes Leme, and Song Zuo
Can Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption?, Vineet Kumar and K. Sudhir
Canines and Commons: An Institutional Analysis, Andy Xie
Cannabidiol Oil in Addition to Opioids in Adolescents and Young Adults with Advanced Cancer Pain, Paxton Stein
Caught Not by Surprise: Captatio in Roman Satire and Law, Alisia Pan
Cerebral Cortex Morphometry In Syndromic Craniosynostosis, Alexander Tate Wilson
Change Management Systems for Seamless Evolution in Data Centers, Omid Alipourfard
Changes To Worship And Perceptions Of The Covid-19 Pandemic By Religion In The Us, Allison Elizabeth Bailey
Characteristics And Outcomes Of Patients With Rupture Of Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, Kirthi Sree Bellamkonda
Characteristics And Reporting Of Number Need To Treat, Number Needed To Harm, And Absolute Risk Reduction In Controlled Trials, 2001-2019, Marissa Elliott
Characteristics, Motivations, And Experiences Of Women Using Nitrous Oxide During Childbirth, Gwendolyn Towers
Characterization And Quantification Of Menthol In Emerging Tobacco Products, Momoko Ishii
Chd Candidate Gene Emc1 Loss Of Function Drives Neural Crest And Transmembrane Protein Defects, June Criscione
Checkpoint and Cyclooxygenase Inhibition in Microsatellite Stable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Angela Preda
Chest Masculinization Surgery: Outcomes, Challenges, And Opportunities For Innovation In Gender-Affirming Care, Sumun Khetpal
Chewing Gum and Saliva Substitute for the Treatment of Thirst in Heart Failure: A Crossover Trial, Alison Robb
Children's Reasoning About In-group and Out-group Obligations, Karli Cecil, Julia Marshall, and Paul Bloom
China: 1999 Asset Management Corporations, Lily S. Engbith
Climate Club Futures: On the Effectiveness of Future Climate Clubs, William D. Nordhaus
Climate Niche Evolution in C4+CAM Portulaca and Closely Related C3+CAM Lineages, Nora M. Heaphy
Clinical And Epidemiological Characteristics Of Plasmodium Infection At An Urban Emergency Department In Cameroon, Daniel Zachary Hodson
Clinical and Translational Cancer Research by Genomics and Transcriptomics Data Analysis, Xiaotong Li
Co-Distribution Of Ambient Light At Night And Incidence Of Human Cancers And Covid-19, Yidan Meng
Colombia: Central de Inversiones SA (CISA), Lily S. Engbith and Manuel Leon Hoyos
Colombia: FOGAFIN Capitalizations of 1999 and 2001, Junko Oguri and Manuel León Hoyos
Comparing Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Treatment Effect on Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life, Yunru Lai
Comparison of Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Versus Hamstring Tendon Autografts in Young Female Athletes, Paige Ourada
Comparison Of Detection Methods For Small Particulate Matter And Application Of Delta-C Approach To Identify Transcontinental Wildfire Smoke, With Review Of Associated Health Effects, Andrew Howland Auchincloss White
Comparison Of Outcomes Of Total Hip Arthroplasty To Hemiarthroplasty For Geriatric Hip Fractures, Monique Sirron Haynes
Competition in Global Value Chains, Lucas Zavala
Complement-Induced Post-Translational Regulation Of Tgf-SS Signaling On Endothelial Cells, Kevin Liu
Complications of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Use in Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion, Allison Miller
Computational Discovery of Structured Non-coding RNA Motifs in Bacteria, Kenneth Ivan Brewer
Computational Studies of the Protocol-dependent Mechanical Properties of Granular Materials, Philip Wang
Computer Aided Diagnosis with Ultrasound to Improve Detection of Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Isabel Burick
Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents and Young Adults with Substance Use Disorder, Madeline Sadlowski
Conscious Sedation Medication Choice Does Not Affect Outcomes After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Diane Rm Somlo
Construction of the Universal Second Motivic Chern Class using Cluster Varieties, Oleksii Kislinskyi
Consumer Information and the Limits to Competition, Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
Contemporary Management Of Spontaneous Retroperitoneal And Rectus Sheath Hematomas, Michael Harris Warren
Contending With Social Positions and Social Inequality, Jun Won Park
Continuous Extremes: Architecture of Uncertainty in Poland, 1945—, Cayce Davis
Co-opted by U.S. Capital: A Diachronic Study of Korean Americans’ Relation to the Model Minority Myth, Hannah Kwak
Copper Mining and Bronze Production in Shandong Province: A New Perspective on the Political Economy of the Shang State, Qingzhu Wang
Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data, Lingxiao huang, K. Sudhir, and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Coresets for Time Series Clustering, Lingxiao huang, K. Sudhir, and Nisheeth Vishnoi
Coronary Angiogram Plus Invasive Physiologic Tests in Women with Nonobstructive Coronary Dysfunction, Megan McCauley
Corrective Regulation with Imperfect Instruments, Eduardo Dávila and Ansgar Walther
Cost-Effectiveness Of Daratumumab In Older, Transplant-Ineligible Patients With Multiple Myeloma, Kishan Patel
Costuming Characters in Early Medieval Irish Literature, Lydia Lee
Co-Transcriptional Splicing in Murine Erythroblasts, Kirsten Reimer
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Counterfactuals with Latent Information, Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks, and Stephen Morris
Creating An Integrated Opioid Policy For Multi-State Hospice Practices: Improving Opioid Compliance And Patient Safety, Manjeet Kaur
Culturally-Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bilingual Latinx with Depressive Symptoms, Leanne Gonzalez
Curating the Self: Second-hand Fashion and New York City, Dicky Yangzom
Curse of Democracy: Evidence from 2020, Yusuke Narita and Ayumi Sudo
Curse of Democracy: Evidence from the 21st Century, Yusuke Narita and Ayumi Sudo
Cytomegalovirus Prevention in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Karen C. Tsai
Czech and Slovak Federative Republic: Consolidation Bank (KOB), Lily S. Engbith
Danish Capital Injections Scheme 2009 (DK GFC), Priya Sankar
Debating “Defects”: Slavery, Disability, and Legal Medicine in Late Colonial Colombia, Brandi Marie Waters
Decoding Gut Microbial Metabolites through G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Activation, Phu Khat Nwe
Decolonization: The Litmus Test of the Human Rights Framework, Isiuwa Omoigui
(de)constructing The Grocery Store: An Ethnographic Examination Of Spatial Characteristics And Their Implications For Social Inclusion, Madeline Hoai Chau Nguyen
Decreasing 30-Day Readmission Rates In Patients With Heart Failure, Nancy Rizzuto
Deep Learning in Musical Lyric Generation: An LSTM-Based Approach, Harrison Gill, Daniel Lee, and Nick Marwell
Deep Learning Survival Analysis For Patients With Multiple Brain Metastases, Enoch Chang
Defective Mismatch Repair Associated Mutational Signatures In Endometrial Cancer, Yifan Emily Chang
Dermatologic Conditions In Oncology Patients With Skin Of Color: A Retrospective Analysis From The Yale Cancer Center Oncodermatology Clinic, Brianna Olamiju
Designing a Microsecond-Long On-Chip Microwave Delay Line Using SrTiO3 Dielectricity, Kazemi Adachi, Mingrui Xu, and Hong Tang
Determinants For Approval And Reimbursement Of Orphan Products In China, Wenlan Mao
Determining Polymorphisms In Tnf Production As They Relate To Infection With Ebov, Nirvana K. Dominguez Singh
Determining The Relationship Between Sars-Cov-2 Infection And Streptococcus Pneumoniae In Clinical Saliva Samples, Anne Watkins
Developing A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Plan For A Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program, Roujia Jin
Developing A Framework For Civilian-Military Public Health Operations Involving Non-State Armed Groups, Andrew James Chambers
“Developing” Gender Equality: A Transnational Feminist Critique of International Development Theory and Practice, Caroline Crystal
Developing Tradition: A History Of Intercultural Health Governance In Mexico, 1940-2000, Joshua Mentanko
Development and Distribution of Thermometry Hardware for the Simons Observatory, Samuel Day-Weiss
Development of a Bioartificial Vascular Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment, Edward Xu Han
Development of Mechanically Complex DNA Nanodevices and a Diverse DNA Origami Toolkit for Cryo-Em Imaging, John Taylor Powell
Diagnosis in Myocardial Infarction: Prehospital Troponin for the Non-Diagnostic Electrocardiogram, Timothy Riddell
Diet and Strength Training Interventions to Decrease Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Ariana Hartoonian
Diffusion-based Approaches to Visualization and Exploration of High-dimensional Data, Scott Anthony Gigante
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Outcomes and Tumor Characteristics in Women Recalled From Screening, Michelle Y. Giwerc
Digitize Your Yearbooks: Creating Digital Access While Considering Student Privacy and Other Legal Issues, April K. Anderson-Zorn and Dallas Long
Discovering Novel Regulators of Nucleolar Form and Function, Lisa O. McLean
Discovery and Validation of Riboswitches and Other ncRNAs in over 50 Bacterial Genomes, Gadareth Higgs
Discovery Of Genetic Pleiotropy For Obesity And Inflammation And Mediation In Identified Variants Through Obesity-Related Pathways, Yiqian Wenren
Discovery of Host-Microbiota Interactions, Connor Rosen
Discrete Fourier Transforms of Fractional Processes with Econometric Applications, Peter C. B. Phillips
Dispersed Behavior and Perceptions in Assortative Societies, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Distributional Impacts of Retail Vaccine Availability, Judith A. Chevalier, Jason L. Schwartz, Yihua Su, and Kevin R. Williams
DNA-Origami-Based Fluorescence Brightness Standards for Convenient and Fast Protein Counting in Live Cells, Nathan David Williams
Does Implant Selection Affect Mobility After Intertrochanteric Hip Fracture?, Brittany Haugen
Does Use of a Molecular Rapid Pathogen Kit Improve Outcomes in the Bacteremic and Critically Ill?, Julie P. Gedalecia
Drama Therapy as a Quality-Of-Life Intervention for Persons with Dementia and Family Caregivers, Abner Arias-Olson
Dreamkit: An Innovative Mobile Health Intervention For Addressing Youth Homelessness, Eva G. Graf
Driving emissions down: Whole-supply-chain mitigation of greenhouse gases from passenger vehicles, Paul Wolfram
Drug Pricing For Medications Prescribed For Chronic Conditions Common Among Adults In The U.s., Patrick Liu
Dual-self Representations of Ambiguity Preferences, Madhav Chandrasekher, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
Dynamics of Unipotent Subgroups on Infinite Volume Space, Minju Lee
Early Melodic Intonation Therapy for Post-Stroke Aphasia: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Faye Steiner
Early Modern Scottish Metrical Psalmody: Origins and Practice, Timothy Duguid
Early, Proactive Palliative Care in Hospitalized Patients with Advanced Dementia: A Research Proposal, Tori Viveen
Early SHH-Dependent Telencephalic Patterning Disruptions in Tourette Syndrome, Melanie Victoria Brady
Early Use of Vaginal Progesterone and Cervical Pessary to Reduce Preterm Birth Rates in Twins, Thomas Vulaj
Economic Development, the Nutrition Trap and Metabolic Disease, Nancy Luke, Kaivan Munshi, Anu Mary Oommen, and Swapnil Singh
Economic Evaluation Of The Preventing Childhood Obesity Through Mindfulness-Based Parent Stress Intervention, Jingyi Meng
Economic Loss Evaluation Of Salmonella Outbreaks In Connecticut, Huan Wei
Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry Among Geriatric Participants with Age-Related Hearing Loss, Stephanie Mock
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Seizure Frequency in Children with Comorbid Epilepsy and Migraine, Ashley Harris
Effect of a Mindfulness Intervention on Stress and Coping Strategies in Physician Assistant Students, Mark Volpe
Effect of Corticosteroid on Safety and Efficacy for Actinic Keratosis Therapy with Ingenol Mebutate, Shreya Amin
Effect of Peritoneal Dialysis on Weight Change in Pediatric Patients, Lindsey Belliveau
Effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Body Modification in Borderline Personality Disorder, Tyler Godek
Effects of Dietary Fats on Mechanisms of Adipose Expansion and Function, Allison Marie Wing
Effects of Social Context on Women’s Political Engagement: Evidence from Focus Group Experiments in Tanzania, Elizabeth Kay McGuire
Effects Of Substance Use Disorder Section 1115 Waivers On Medicaid Population Utilization Of Buprenorphine And Naltrexone, Evangeline Cai
Efficacy of Educational Seminars in Increasing Skin Cancer Screening in Asian Americans, Kathy Chen
Efficacy of QuikClot Combat Gauze When Used by Immediate Responders in a Simulated Gunshot Wound, Brenden Feingerts
Efficacy of Rimegepant Plus Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibody for Migraine, Carina Leggio
Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction using Molecular Iron Porphyrins: Detailing the Role of Electrostatics in Small Molecule Activation, Daniel James Martin
Emiral Patronage: George of Antioch, the Martorana, and the Arab-Christians of Norman Sicily, Ariel Fein
Encouragement and distortionary effects of conditional cash transfers, Gharad Bryan, Shyamal Chowdhury, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Melanie Morten, and Joeri Smits
Endogenous Spatial Production Networks: Quantitative Implications for Trade & Productivity, Piyush Panigrahi
Energetics of Biological Mechanics and Dynamics, Daniel Seara
Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, and the United States in the Cold War Caribbean, 1979-1990, Emily Snyder
Enteroviral meningitis surveillance in California, 2002-2004, Mary T. Chang
Environmental Assessments of Capital-Intensive Product Systems, Travis Reed Miller
Environmental Determinism and Spurious Correlation: Just-so stories in phonology, Jeremiah Jewell
Environmental Racism in Historical Context: The Robbins Incinerator Debate, 1980s-1990s, Brian Reyes
Epic Black: Poetics in Protest in the Time of Black Lives Matter, David Marcello de León
Epidemiology, Outcomes And Prognostic Factors In Orbital Lymphoma In The United States, Osama Muneer Ahmed
Equilibrium Uniqueness in Entry Games with Private Information, José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, Álvaro Parra, and Yuzhou Wang
Error-corrected quantum metrology, Sisi Zhou
Essays in Applied Bayesian Analysis, Xinyuan Chen
Essays in Asset Pricing and Financial Intermediation, Sharon Yin Ross
Essays in Automation and Globalization, Daisuke Adachi
Essays in Behavioral Finance and Asset Pricing, Shuosong Chen
Essays in Environmental and Energy Economics, Wade Ivan Davis
Essays in Financial Economics, Thomas Paul Bonczek
Essays in Financial Economics, Kevin Zhao
Essays in Industrial Organization, Yuzhou Wang
Essays in Industrial Organization and the Economics of Education, Suk Joon Son
Essays In International Trade, Eduardo Pinheiro Fraga
Essays in Macrofinance and Asset Pricing, Chase P. Ross
Essays in Network Economics, Jian Xin Xin Heng
Essays on a Consumer Subsidy with Firms' Bidding, Ge Zhang
Essays on Decision-Making Authority in the Courtroom, Grant Alexander Nunn
Essays on Dynamic Games, Io Kuan Vong
Essays on Financial Economics, Natee Amornsiripanitch
Essays on Financial Intermediation and Collateral Requirements, Chuan Du
Essays on Game and Economic Theory, Xiangliang Li
Essays on Geography and Firm Dynamics, Marcos Ribeiro Frazao
Essays on Labor Economics, Marianne Bernatzky Koehli
Essays on Panel and Network Modeling, Ming Li
Essays on Robust Methods in Econometrics, Soonwoo Kwon
Essays on the Economics of Education and Health in Developing Countries, Kritika Narula
Essays on The Economics of Helath Care Payment Reforms, Yen Thi Hai Tran
Essays on the Effects of Institutional Changes, Martin Mattsson
Essays on the US Higher Education, Zhengren Zhu
Establishing A Peer Supported Second Victim Program For Healthcare Providers: Team Heal, Renee N. Rathbun
Estimation and Inference with Near Unit Roots, Peter C. B. Phillips
Evaluating Clinician Features And Reporting Decisions On Performance In The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, Christopher Robert Han
Evaluating Sustainable Frameworks and the Interrelationality of the Sustainable Development Goals, Lawrence Stephen Early IV
Evaluation Of A Nursing-Led Telephonic Self-Management Program For Patients With Copd On Health Care Utilization, Esther Pavlovsky
Evaluation Of A Pilot Modified Sbirt Strategy To Scale-Up Opioid Agonist Therapy Utilization In Moldovan Prisons, Coriann Dorgay
Examining the Viability of Computational Psychiatry: Approaches into the Future, Mitchell Ostrow
Examining Variations in Community Benefit Generation Across Namibian Conservancies, Amanda Zhang
Exhibiting Text as a Spatial Object in the Beijing Lu Xun Museum, Formosa Deppman
Exoplanet Measurement to the Extreme: Novel Methods of Instrumentation and Data Extraction for Radial-velocity Spectrographs, Ryan Richard Petersburg
Experimental Persuasion, Ian Ball and José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez
Experiments with 87Rb: Towards Co-trapping 88Sr19F and 87Rb, Yuqi Zhu
Expertise, Gender, and Marginality among People who Inject Drugs, Sarah Brothers
Exploring Thai Physicians’ Perceptions Of And Willingness To Prescribe Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (prep), Brandi E. Moore
Exploring Toddler Sleep Disparities Using Spatial Analytic Methods, Jessica He
Extreme Heat Vulnerability And Spatial Accessibility To Cooling Centers In Connecticut, Nicholas Elton
Factors Associated With Early Childhood Development Outcomes For Children Of Adolescent And Young Adult Mothers In Brazil, Lily Benson Kofke
Factors Associated With Increased Severity: Acute Pancreatitis And Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Melinda Wang
Factors Predicting The Return Of Urinary Continence Following Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, Jack Gagne
Fda Black Box Warnings And Their Impact On Medicare Prescription Drug Formulary Coverage, Michael Solotke
Femininity Under Threat: How Women Respond to Feedback about Their Physical Appearance, Natalie Wittlin
Figuring Collectivity in the Age of Climate Crisis, Maximilian Elihu Chaoulideer
Financial Functions Stabilization Act, Vaasavi Unnava
Finland: Arsenal, Kaleb B. Nygaard
Finland’s 1992 Capital Injection, Kaleb B. Nygaard
FisB Mediated Membrane Fission during Sporulation in Bacillus Subtilis, Martha Braun
For a New Ethics of Reading: Analyzing Tea in the Harem’s Reception, Hannah Kwak
Forest Conservation within Bounds: An Analysis of the Development and Impact of Protected Area Policies in Uganda, Michaela Foster
Foundations of Demand Estimation, Steven T. Berry and Philip A. Haile
France Société de prise de participation de l’État (SPPE), Devyn Jeffereis
Fraternité, Liberté, Égalité: Sophie de Grouchy, Moral Republicanism, and the History of Liberalism, 1785-1815, Kathleen Theodora McCrudden
Frictional, Large-Deformation Poroelastic Flow: Theory and Experiments, Tyler Harrison Lutz
From Bedside To Mountainside: Preparing New Nurse Practitioners For Advanced Clinical Skills In Remote Settings Using A Novel Training Program, Benjamin Woodard
From “Pseudowomen” to the “Third Sex:” Situating Antisemitism and Homophobia in Nazi Germany, Gabriel Klapholz
Front Lines and the Home Front: Three Papers on Women’s Contributions to Non-State Armed Groups and the Gender Dynamics of Conflict, Hilary Amanda Matfess
Gene-Gene Interactions Contributing To Asthma Susceptibility, An Exploration Using Uk Biobank Dataset, Yuyuan Lin
Genetically Encoded Biomaterials: Design, Characterization, and Applications for Functionalizing Biological Therapeutics, Koen Vanderschuren
Genetic Determinants For Cancer Risks With Racial Differences And Asthma, Yinqiao Wang
Genetic Dissection of Local and Systemic Responses in States of Perturbed Iron Balance, Xiuqi Li
Genomic Analysis of 11,555 Probands Provides a Framework for Congenital Heart Disease Genetics, Michael Sierant
Genomic Analysis of Rare Human Diseases, Weilai Dong
Germany SoFFin Capital Injections, Priya Sankar
Get My Syntax On, Heidi Lei
Ghana Non-Performing Asset Recovery Trust (NPART), Riki Matsumoto
Giving Voice To The Values Of Nurses, Sylvia K. Martin
Glial Landscape Of Retinal And Brain Degeneration Identified By Multigranular Single Cell Analysis, Maryam Ige
Global Routine Immunization Policies For Refugees, Jad A. Elharake
Greece (2008) – Capital Injections, Manuel León Hoyos
Greedy or Grateful? Asking for More when Thanking Donors, K. Sudhir, Hortense Fong, and Subroto Roy
Greening the Archive: The Social Climate of Cotton Manufacturing in the "Samuel Oldknow Papers, 1782-1924", Bernadette Myers and Melina Moe
Group Videoconferencing to Reduce Fear of Falling, a Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial, Alan Vlieg
Guidelines for Influenza Vaccination Uptake in Pregnant Women: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial, Jenna R. Moscarelli
Hardware Architectures for Post-Quantum Cryptography, Wen Wang
Harnessing the Masses: International Conflict and Chinese Public Opinion, Jiahua Yue
Healthcare Provider Perspectives On The Influence Of Cultural Beliefs On Infant And Young Child Feeding Practices Within Ghanaian Refugee Camps: A Qualitative Analysis, Morgan Nadene Veronica Buchanan
Health Care Utilization And Costs For Dementia Patients In China, Fang Ba
“Health Is Academic”: Identifying Factors that Impact Health & Learning Outcomes: A Multi-factorial School Health Assessment in 12 Schools (NHPS--Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) Collaborative), Kathleen Clark, Eminet Abebe Feyissa, Quiana Lewis, Alexandrea Murphy, and Mark Trentalange
Health-Related Quality Of Life In Endometrial Cancer Survivors, Michelle Sodipo
Hearing in Time: Bergsonian Concepts of Time in Maurice Ravel’s L’Heure espagnole, Holly Elizabeth Chung
Hearing the Tonality in Microtonality, Michael Bruschi
Heat Stress in Urban Environments: A Case Study of Heat Vulnerability in New Haven, CT, Logan M. Howard
Heimat im Wartezimmer: Architecture, Identity, and Migration in a Socialist Model City, Holly Bushman
Herding with Heterogeneous Ability: An Application to Organ Transplantation, Stephanie De Mel, Kaivan Munshi, Soenje Reiche, and Hamid Sabourian
Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations, Minsu Chang, Xiaohong Chen, and Frank Schorfheide
High, As Well As Low, Preoperative Platelet Counts Correlate With Adverse Outcomes After Several Studied Orthopedic Surgeries, Rohil Malpani
Higher Ground: Rev. Dr. William Barber II and the Political Content of Prophetic Form, Braxton D. Shelley
High Rise: Poverty, Policing, and Crisis in American Public Housing, Philip V. McHarris
High-Spatial-Resolution Transcriptomic Map of the Mouse Lymph Node Microenvironment Using Deterministic Barcoding, Archibald Enninful, Yang Liu, and Rong Fan
High-Throughput Drug Screening To Identify Synergistic Therapies For Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma, Fatima Nadeem Mirza
High-Throughput Experimental Strategies: The Highway to New Complex Alloys and Understanding Complex Phenomena, Sebastian Alexander Kube
Holding Up Green Energy, Nicholas Ryan
Hong Kong Contingent Bank Capital Facility (CBCF), David Tam and Steven Kelly
How Do Words and Body Language Diverge? Perceptions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Expressions in Close Relationships, Lucylle Alexandra Armentano
How Eco-Evolutionary Interactions Mitigate Climate Risk: A Theoretical Perspective, Anna Vinton
How Knowledge, Perception, And Identity Influence Covid-19-Related Concerns In The Built Environment, Abigail Ginader
Hungary: Magyar Reorganizációs és Követeléskezelő Zrt (MARK Zrt.), Mallory Dreyer
Hungary Recapitalization Scheme, Alec Buchholtz
Identification and Characterization of the P53-Induced Long Noncoding RNA Isoform Pvt1b and Its Role in Stress-Specific Growth Inhibition via Myc Repression, Christiane Olivero
Identification of Tumor Immune Regulatory Factors Using High Throughput CRISPR Screening, Adan Hughett Codina
Identifying Mechanisms of Drug Tolerance in EGFR Mutant Lung Cancer, Bomiao Hu
Identifying Serum Metabolite Biomarkers Of Thyroid Cancer, Yihui Chen
Immune-metabolic Regulation by the Transsulfuration Pathway, Aileen Heeyeon Lee
Immunity as an Integral Aspect of Tribal Sovereignty: An analysis of the Supreme Court Case Michigan v. Bay Mills Indian Community, Meghanlata Gupta
‘i’m Never Saying A Damn Word Again’: Approaches To Community Support And Help Seeking Among Black Youth Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts, Alexis Renee Hopkins
Impact Of Covid-19 On Participants Of A Fruit And Vegetable Program, Christabelle Ong
Impact of Geography and Social Ties on Health and Well-being, Margaret Traeger
Impact Of Health Care Access On Delayed Or Missed Adolescent Vaccinations For Tdap, Meningococcal, And Hpv Vaccines Among U.s. Adolescents, Nis-Teen 2018, Maura Iko Nakahata
Impact Of Serial Point Prevalence Covid-19 Testing On Severe Disease Outcomes In Connecticut Nursing Home Residents, Lauren Marie Campbell
Impact of Social Isolation on Depressive Symptoms in Perinatal Women During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Jasmine Li
Imperial Crossings: Chinese Indentured Migration to Sumatra's East Coast, 1865-1911, Gregory Jany
Imperialism’s Stepchild: Dura-Europos and the Political Uses of Archaeology in the French Mandate of Syria, 1920–1939, Nathalie J. Bussemaker
Implementation, Prevalence, And Referral Rates Of Patient-Reported Outcomes Of Distress And Depression Screening In Oncology Care, Emily Erin Saadi
Improvements in Pulmonary Tissue Engineering: Toward Functional Tracheal and Lung Replacements, Allison M. Greaney
Improving Risk Factor Identification of Human Complex Traits in Omics Data, Weimiao Wu
Inadvertent Expansion in World Politics, Nicholas Duncan Anderson
Incomplete? Or Indefinite? Intuitionism on Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem, Quinn Crawford
Incorporating Search and Sales Information in Demand Estimation, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
Indonesia: IBRA’s Asset Management Unit/ Asset Management of Credits, Ariel Smith and Sharon M. Nunn
Indonesia Joint Recapitalization of 1999, Vaasavi Unnava and Ariel Smith
Infant fMRI: A Model System for Cognitive Neuroscience, Cameron Thomas Ellis
Informational Mental Health Promotion And Suicide Prevention Modules For The Bandana Project, Conlin Bass
Information Markets and Nonmarkets, Dirk Bergemann and Marco Ottaviani
Initiating Buprenorphine in Patients Hospitalized with Intravenous Drug-Use-Related Endocarditis, Naiska Y. Cheung
Injection Site Massage to Improve the Pharmacokinetics of Aspart in Obese Adolescents with Diabetes, Hiwot Ketema Girma
In Search of Play, Margaret Saunders
Insights Into the Biogenesis of Stress-Induced Readthrough Transcripts, Nicolle Alexandra Rosa Mercado
Insights into the Regulation and Mechanism of 26S Proteasome Base Assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Chin Leng Cheng
Institutional categories and their implications for human concepts, Alexander Noyes
Integrative Genomics Implicates Disruption Of Prenatal Neurogenesis In Congenital Hydrocephalus, Shreyas Panchagnula
Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Methods for Particle Physics, Mariel Pettee
Intermolecular and intramolecular interactions controlling the localization and activity of the yeast kinases Kin1 and Kin2, Keith Aaron Weise
Interpersonal voice: Antecedents and consequences of speaking up within close relationships, Brian David Bink
Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games, James D. Dana Jr. and Kevin R. Williams
Interventional Psychiatry In Pediatric Depression: Community Practices And Preliminary Ketamine Data, Natalie Lomayesva
Interwoven Histories: A Chinese Family, a Yale Graduate and the Nanking Massacre, Isabella Yang
In the Place of Others: Sympathy in Modern Chinese Literature and Literary Criticism from the 1910s to the 1950s, Simone Glasl
Intracellular Staphylococcus Aureus In Bone And Joint Infections, Kareme Dale Alder
Intuitive and Accurate Material Appearance Design and Editing, Weiqi Shi
Investigating factors that affect HIV-1 capsid stability, Max Mao and Joshua Temple
Investigating The Role Of Body Mass Index As A Risk Factor For Perioperative Adverse Events Across Orthopaedic Procedures: Applying National, Multi-Center Big Data, Taylor D. Ottesen
Investigation of long noncoding RNAs in the p53 response to oncogenic stress, Ephrath Fisseha Tesfaye
Investigation On The Association Between Unconventional Oil And Gas Development And Traffic Accident Rates In Ohio, Hubian Wang
Investigations of Novel Mechanisms of Epigenetic Regulation on Chromatin, William J. Lu-Culligan
Investor Communication and Say-on-Pay, Robert Bishop
Ireland 2009 Recapitalization Program for Financial Institutions, Steven Kelly
Iron Intake in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Restless Legs Syndrome, Olivia Rojas
Is Habit a Powerful Policy Instrument to Induce Prosocial Behavioral Change?, Johann Caro-Burnett, Judith A. Chevalier, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Island Gospel: Pentecostal Music and Identity in Jamaica and the United States, Ruthie Meadows
Israeli Bank Shares Arrangement (Hesder Hamenayot Habankayot), Natalie Leonard
Is There A Nurse In The House? Or The Senate? Barriers And Facilitators To Pursuing Elected Office, Kimberly Gordon
Italy (2008) Capital Injections, Manuel León Hoyos
Jamaica Financial Sector Adjustment Company (FINSAC)—Loan Recovery and Asset Disposal Units, Corey N. Runkel
Japan Provision of Subordinated Loans, Shiro Kawana
Japan’s Act on Strengthening Financial Functions (ASFF), Vaasavi Unnava and Junko Oguri
‘Jesus Is Not A Foreign God’: Baptist Music Making in Burma/Myanmar, Heather MacLachlan
Jewish Ancestral Languages and Communicating the Sephardic Experience: The JudeoSpanish of Tela de sevoya, Julia Kahn
Kant and Lindahl, John E. Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre
Kazakhstan’s Rehabilitation Bank, Sharon M. Nunn
Ketamine Plus Exercise for Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Sean J. McCarthy
Key Trends In Digital Health And The Future Of Clinical Trials In The Us, Jeannette Jiang
Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO): Resolution of Nonperforming Loans in South Korea, Pascal Ungersboeck and Sharon M. Nunn
Korea: Bank Recapitalization Fund, Lily S. Engbith
Korean Capital Injections: KDIC 1997, Adam Kulam
Kyrgyz Republic’s Debt Resolution Agency, DEBRA, Sharon M. Nunn
Laser Ablation Versus Standard Epilepsy Resection for the Treatment of Refractory Temporal Epilepsy, Ethan A. Kohn
Latent Factor Analysis of High-Dimensional Brain Imaging Data, Siyuan Gao
Layilin-Mediated Adhesion In Tissues Attenuates Treg Suppressive Capacity, Jingxian Zhang
Learning Efficiency of Multi-Agent Information Structures, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Learning Efficiency of Multi-Agent Information Structures, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Learning to Map Natural Language to Executable Programs Over Databases, Tao Yu
Lessons Learned: Alejandro Latorre, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Andreas Lehnert, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Arthur Murton, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Chester B. Feldberg, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Christopher Seefer, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Diane Ellis, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Eric Dinallo, Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Gary Cohen, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Greg Feldberg, Sandra Ward and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Lessons Learned: James Wigand, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Jason Furman, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Jenni LeCompte, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Lewis "Lee" Sachs, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Matthew Kabaker, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Michael Krimminger, Charles Euchner and Maryann Haggerty
Lessons Learned: Neel Kashkari, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Phil Angelides, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Phillip Swagel, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Richard “Jake” Siewert, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Robert Hoyt, Esq., Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Ron Borzekowski, Mercedes Cardona and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Lessons Learned: Sarah Dahlgren, Alec Buchholtz and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
Lessons Learned: Steven Adamske, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Timothy Massad, Yasemin Esmen
Lessons Learned: Wendy Edelberg, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: William “Bill” Dudley, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: William Nelson, Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Zachary Taylor, Maryann Haggerty
LGBTQ in Russia: Obstacles in the Late Post-Socialist Period, Mary Tate
Limit Theory for Locally Flat Functional Coefficient Regression, Peter C. B. Phillips and Ying Wang
Live Cell Dynamics of Homology-Directed DNA Double-Strand Break Repair, Amanda Jane Vines
Living and Judging: Studies in Pragmatic Reasoning in Philosophy, Literature, and Law, Tobias Kuehne
Longitudinal Serological Responses To Sars Cov-2 In Healthcare Workers, Ariktha Srivathsan
Long-Term Cancer Survivors' Use Of Healthcare Providers, Madeleine Tessier-Kay
Long Term Effects of Cash Transfer Programs in Colombia, Orazio Attanasio, Lina Cardona-Sosa, Carlos Medina, Costas Meghir, and Christian Posso
Lookalike Targeting on Others' Journeys: Brand Versus Performance Marketing, K. Sudhir, Seung Yoon Lee, and Subroto Roy
Loss of ATRX Confers DNA Repair Defects and PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity in Glioma, Jennifer Mary Garbarino
Macrophage mechanosensing of the tissue environment and signal integration through the cytoskeleton, Matthew Lowell Meizlish
Make a Name for Yourself: Recognizability, Prosociality, and Identity Expression in Online Pseudonymous Contexts, Katie Marie Duchscherer
Making the Invisible Visible: Ageism as a Social Determinant of Elder Abuse, E-Shien Chang
Malaysia: Danamodal Nasional Berhad (Danamodal), Devyn Jeffereis
Malaysia: Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad, Mallory Dreyer
Mapbook of Syntactic Variation in American English: Survey Results, 2015–2019, Jim Wood, Kaija Gahm, Ian Neidel, Sasha Lioutikova, Luke S. Lindemann, Lydia Lee, and Josephine Holubkov
Mapping Grounds for Reparations in Jaraguá Peak, Laura Pappalardo
Measuring the U.S. Employment Situation Using Online Panels: The Yale Labor Survey, Christopher Foote, Tyler Hounshell, William D. Nordhaus, Douglas Rivers, and Pamela Torola
Mechanism of Actin Filament Nucleation, Aaron Dovid Tzvi Rosenbloom
Mechanisms and Implications for Evolution via Sexual Conflict over Mate Choice, Samuel Spencer Snow
Mechanisms by which Metaflammation and Adiponectin Regulates Glucose and Lipid Metabolism, Xiruo Li
Mechanisms of Resistance against B Cell Targeting Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis, Ruoyi Jiang
Mechanisms of Resource Competition with Intraspecific Variation, Erica Marie Holdridge
Mechanistic insights into the roles and activities of polymerases in host and viral replication, Vincent Nghi Duong
Mechanistic Investigations of Iron Pincer Catalysts for the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation of Polar Substrates, Nicholas Smith
Meditation Interventions in Subjects with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, Emily K. Richards
Metabolic Control of Stem Cell Ageing and Longevity through Caloric Restriction, Valerie Navarrete
Metformin and Statin’s Effect on Prostate Cancer Risk in Diabetics with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Kevin Mugno
Mexico: FOBAPROA Capitalization and Loan Purchase of Bank Portfolio Program (CLPP), Manuel León Hoyos and Alexander Nye
Mexico Peso Crisis (1994–1995): PROCAPTE, Manuel León Hoyos
Migration and Informal Insurance, Costas Meghir, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Corina Mommaerts, and Melanie Morten
Migration, Exile and Absence: Catholicism on the British Atlantic Frontier, 1634-1699, Kelsey Elizabeth Champagne
Mixed Bundling in Oligopoly Markets, Jidong Zhou
Modeling Black Literature: Behind the Screen with the Black Bibliography Project, Brenna Bychowski and Melissa Barton
Monetization of Fiscal Deficits and COVID-19: A Primer, Aidan Lawson and Greg Feldberg
Mongolian Asset Recovery Agency, Sean Fulmer
Morphogenesis of Class IV Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster, Olivier Trottier
Motive-Directed Meter, Daniel Nathan Cox
National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), Alexander Nye
Natural Language Processing and Graph Representation Learning for Clinical Data, David Chang
Navigating Stigma In Family Treatment Court: A Qualitative Analysis, Erin Elizabeth Mathios
Neural Mechanisms Of Impaired And Normal Consciousness In Rodent Models, Weige Zhao
Neurite placement and synapse formation in layered neuropils, Titas Sengupta
Neuroprognostication Practices After Cardiac Arrest, Sonya Evelyn Zhou
Neuroprognostication Practices After Cardiac Arrest, Sonya Evelyn Zhou
New Search for Higgs Boson Decay to a Beyond the Standard Model Vector Boson with the ATLAS Detector, Christian Thomas Martin Weber
No Manuals: Archives Administration 100 Years After Jenkinson’s Manual, James Lowry, Riah Lee Kinsey, Aimee Lusty, Ezra Hyman, Phyllis Heitjan, Alexander Rettie, and Kylie Goetz
Nonlinear Pricing with Finite Information, Dirk Bergemann, Edmund M. Yeh, and Jinkun Zhang
Non-State Superpowers, Transnational Challenges, and 21st Century Global Order: Private Sector Climate Action in an Age of State Inaction, Charlotte Jude Hulme
Normalizing Community Mask-Wearing: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Jason Abaluck, Laura H. Kwong, Ashley Styczynski, Ashraful Haque, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Ellen Bates-Jeffries, Emily Crawford, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Salim Benhachmi, Shabib Raihan, Shadman Rahman, Neeti Zaman, Peter J. Winch, Md. Maqsud Hossain, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Stephen P. Luby, and Ahmed Musfiq Mobarak
Norway – GBIF/SBIF (Nordic Crisis 1991), Priya Sankar
Norwegian State Finance Fund (GFC), Natalie Leonard
Novel Anatomic Endpoints For The Study Of Geographic Atrophy Secondary To Non-Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Liangbo L. Shen
Novel Nanoparticle-Based Strategies To Prevent Uvr Induced Genotoxicity In Melanocytes, Chang Su
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) Alpha-MEU, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yves Le Yaouanq
On Multicointegration, Peter C. B. Phillips and Igor Kheifets
On the Efficient Evaluation of the Azimuthal Fourier Components of the Green's Function for the Helmholtz's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates, James Michael Garritano
On the Galois Action on Motivic Fundamental Groups of Punctured Elliptic and Rational Curves, Nikolay Malkin
Operationalizing Culture: Refugees, Migration, and Mental Health in the Wake of the Vietnam War, Helena Bui
Ophthalmic Emergency Department Visits: Factors Associated With Loss To Follow-Up And Frequency Of Revisits After Discharge, Evan Matthew Chen
Optimal Information Design in Two-Sided Trade, Pradhi Aggarwal
Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter
Optimal Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts: Characterization, Computation, and Welfare Effects, Soheil Ghili, Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, and Michael D. Whinston
Optimal Unilateral Carbon Policy, Samuel Kortum and David A. Weisbach
Opt-Out HIV Screening Tests in Connecticut High School-Based Health Centers, Vincenzo P. Julian
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline, Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin R. Williams
“Our Neighbors In The Americas”: Obama, Empathy, and the Cuban Thaw, Sarah McKinnis
Overseen And Overlooked: Knowledge Production And Care In Public Health Surveillance, Krzysztof Wojciech Chwala
Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling and Related Reactions of Non-Classical Electrophiles Focusing on Esters, Amira Hanafi Dardir
Palliative Care Provider Attitudes Toward Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy For Existential Distress, Halsey Niles
Pathogenocide : infectious disease and the intent to destroy, Kristy M. Layton
Pathway to Independence: Local, National, and International Dynamics of Civil War and Secession, Mayesha Alam
Patience and Forgiveness: The Meaning of Kṣānti (Pali: Khanti) in the Mahābhārata and the Pali Canon, Mansi Sunil Agrawal
Patient Reported Outcomes: Comparing U.s, U.k, & Israel’s Medical Device Agencies, Samantha Gabrielle Stone
Patient-To-Nurse Sexual Harassment, Erin Frances Micale
Patterns of adaptive and purifying selection in the genomes of phocid seals, Stephen John Gaughran
Patterns Of Athlete Abuse In The U.s. Center For Safesport Central Disciplinary Database, Nida Naushad
Patterns Of Athlete Abuse In The U.s. Center For Safesport Central Disciplinary Database, Nida Naushad
Pentoxifylline as an Adjunct to Antimicrobial Therapy to Reduce Length of Stay in Infants with Sepsis, Philip J. Yinger
Performance and Fantasy in Edwardian Childhood: Representations of Class, Gender, and Education, Amy DeLaBruere
Persistence Of Pharmaceutical Contaminants In The Environment, Chloe Kittrell Stewart
Phage Selection Against Antibiotic Resistance or Virulence in Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens, Kaitlyn Kortright
Photonic Signal Processing Using Nonlocal Brillouin Interactions, Shai Gertler
Physician Burnout: An Assessment Of Impact, Drivers And Design Of Prevention Programs, David Dupee
Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta Activates Abl2 through Direct Binding and Phosphorylation, Kuanlin Wu
Point source emissions of EPA-monitored criteria pollutants and the rates of ED visits and hospitalizations for asthma in Connecticut, 1996-2002, Tiffany S. North
Policing and the Illusion of Public Input, Tony Cheng
Polish Fundusz Pomocy Instytucjom Kredytowym, Junko Oguri
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Thyroid Hormones, and Risk of Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Huang Huang
Practice Considerations For The Anesthesia Practitioner For Methamphetamine Substance Use Disorder Patients, Jennifer Krogh
Preauthorizations In Orthopaedic Surgery: An Analysis Of A Single Institution’s Spine Center, Kareem Jamal Kebaish
Predicting Spatiotemporally-Resolved Air Temperature Over Sweden From Satellite Data Using An Ensemble Model, Zhihao Jin
Prevalence and correlates of drug abstinence following substance abuse treatment, Angela Cheryl Ni
Preventing Hospital Readmission In The Sepsis Patient: A Multi-Modal Discharge National Framework, Ron Yolo
Preventing Postpartum Preeclampsia with Low-Dose Aspirin: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Katrina Jimenez
Preventing Recurrent Falls In Elderly Home Bound Health Plan Members, Debra Sylvester
Probiotic Therapy for the Prevention of Recurrent Spontaneous Preterm Birth, Kali O’Dell
Prognostic Impact Of Peripheral Blood Flow Cytometry At Staging In Patients With Aggressive Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma, Jonathan Michael Avery
Prognostic Utility of Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion in Pulmonary Embolism, Matthew Drause
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Progressive Participation, Dirk Bergemann and Philipp Strack
Projected Cost-Effectiveness And Long-Term Savings Of Bright Bodies Pediatric Weight Management Program, Sydney Paige Pryor
Prompt Recapitalization Act, Vaasavi Unnava
Prototypical Arm Motions from Human Demonstration for Upper-Limb Prosthetic Device Control, Yuri Gloumakov
Provider Training on Positional Maneuvers to Diagnose and Treat Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, John D’Agata
Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, Katherine Gruppo
Psychosocial Mechanisms Of Historical Trauma Transmission In Native American Communities: A Rapid Scoping Review, Rucha Kandlur
Public Health And Natural Gas Policy In Connecticut, Cheyenne Liberti
Public Health Ethics Education At Schools Of Public Health In China, Mengyi Su
Quantification Of Anesthetic And Analgesic Compounds In E-Liquids And Their Aerosols, Deyri Sugey Garcia
“Quietly Incomplete”: Academic Historians, Digital Archival Collections, and Historical Research in the Web Era, Donald Force and Bradley Wiles
Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among A Diverse Community-Based Population In Connecticut, William Eger
Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation: Challenges And Opportunities, Rachel Esparza
Randomized Controlled Trial Examining Ticagrelor Versus Placebo on Coronary Flow Reserve, Sabrina Puvalowski
Recognising the Pitfalls of the Past: Community Health Workers in the time of COVID-19, Sam Brakarsh
Recorded Maternal Song to Reduce Crying Duration in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Alecia Cunniff
Recursive Preferences, the Value of Life, and Household Finance, Antoine Bommier, Daniel Harenberg, François Le Grand, and Cormac O'Dea
Red Lives: Grassroots Radicalism and Visionary Organizing in the American Century, Mary Rebecca Reynolds
Reducing Early Hospital Readmission Rates After Bariatric Surgery, Payal Sharma
Reducing Mortality from Septic Shock Using an Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist, Juyeon Chung
Refugee Health, Healthcare, And Resettlement In New Haven, Connecticut: A Historical Study With Contemporary Implications, Ezra Lichtman
Regression-Adjusted Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effects under Covariate-Adaptive Randomizations, Liang Jiang, Peter C. B. Phillips, Yubo Tao, and Yichong Zhang
Regulated Apoptosis In C. Elegans Development, Nathan Lifton
Regulation of Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niches, Runfeng Miao
Regulation of MEK Signaling and Inhibitor Sensitivity in Melanoma, Eunice Cho
Regulatory Agency Capture: How the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approved the Mountain Valley Pipeline, AAKSHI AGARWAL
Relational Architecture at Work: How Social Characteristics of Work Affect Attitudes, Behaviors, and Careers, Michelle Yuna Cho
Representations of Time in Late-Medieval Music, Philippa Ovenden
Resisting Gentrification: Everyday Politics & Collective Action From Oakland to Madrid, Caitlyn Clark, Stephanie Redden, and Sakena Abedin
Res Novae and Radial Governmentality (112-72 BCE), Lester Stephens
Rethinking Aesthetic Humanism: Schiller After Agamben and Rancière, Thiti Owlarn
Retrospective Voting Versus Risk-Aversion Voting, Ray C. Fair
Retrospective Voting Versus Risk-Aversion Voting: A Comment on Pástor and Veronesi (2020), Ray C. Fair
Returning to the Gender Gap in College Major: How Much Can Pre- College Skills Explain?, Nathalie Beauchamps
Returns to International Migration: Evidence from a Bangladesh-Malaysia Visa Lottery, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Iffath A. Sharif, and Maheshwor Shrestha
Review: Flaming? The Peculiar Theopolitics of Fire and Desire in Black Male Gospel Performance, Jennifer Rycenga
Review of Communities, archives and new collaborative practices (2020), Jennifer Coggins
Review of Defining a Discipline: Archival Research and Practice in the Twenty-First Century - Essays in Honor of Richard J. Cox, Rose Buchanan
Review of Documenting Rebellions: A Study of Four Lesbian and Gay Archives in Queer Times, Lynn A. Cowles
Review of Ghosts of Archive: Deconstructive Intersectionality and Praxis, Rose Buchanan
Review of Mary Kandiuk, editor. Archives and Special Collections as Sites of Contestation. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2020., Jennifer Gotwals
Review of Seeking a New Life for Indigenous Archives, Natalia Kovalyova
Review: Rachel Harris, Soundscapes of Uyghur Islam, Chris Hann
Revisiting Subprime Pricing Irrationality During the Global Financial Crisis, Rasheed Saleuddin and Walter Jansson
RNA Methylation and Ythdf Readers in Posttranscriptional Regulation and Development, Cassandra Kontur
Robust Inference with Stochastic Local Unit Root Regressors in Predictive Regressions, Yanbo Liu and Peter C. B. Phillips
Rookie Market: Unpacking the Black Box of Firm-Worker Matching, Soumitra Shukla
Rough Beginnings: Imagining the Origins of Agriculture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain, Clio Doyle
Russian Bank Capital Support Program, Sean Fulmer
Russian Peasants in Tolstoy’s War and Peace - Idealized and Instrumentalized, Antonia Seyfarth
Same-Day Referral Of Patients With Elevated Preoperative Blood Pressure To Primary Care Providers, Shaunte Butler
Sampling from the Greedy Mixture Posterior, Dylan Potter O'Connell
Sankyoku Magazine and the Invention of the Shakuhachi as Religious Instrument in Early 20th-Century Japan, Matt Gillan
Scalable Projection-Free Optimization, Mingrui Zhang
Seafaring And Impact On Seafaring Families In The Philippines: A Qualitative Study, Queenie Abad
Selling Impressions: Efficiency vs. Competition, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, and Stephen Morris
Selling Impressions: Efficiency vs. Competition, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter
Senegal Société Nationale de Recouvrement (SNR), Corey N. Runkel
Serine phosphorylation of the small phosphoprotein ICAP1 inhibits its nuclear accumulation, Valerie L. Su
Serotonin and Social Competency, Hannah Weinberg-Wolf
Service Abstractions for Scalable Deep Learning Inference at the Edge, Peizhen Guo
Sexual Function in Women Undergoing Risk Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy With or Without Hysterectomy, Madeline Perez
Shadow Banks, Money Market Funds, and Regulation: How Much is Too Much?, Ainsley Weber
Shared Decision-Making And Prevention Recommendations: Implications For Public Health, Juliana Capri Lawrence
Sharing the Sharing Economy: Policy Design for Social Good, Scott Rodilitz
Simple vs. Optimal Mechanism Design, Mingfei Zhao
Singing and Sensing the Unknown: An Embodied History of Hindu Practice in Ghana, Shobana Shankar
Slippery Fish: Enforcing Regulation when Agents Learn and Adapt, Andres Gonzalez Lira and Ahmed Musfiq Mobarak
Smoking And Early-Onset Basal Cell Carcinoma, Zhaopei Liu
Social and Financial Incentives for Overcoming a Collective Action Problem, M. Mehrab Bakhtiar, Raymond Guiteras, James Levinsohn, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Social Media and the Construction and Propagation of Populist-Nationalist Discourse, Paula Pineda
Social Media Use By General Surgery Residency Programs And Applicants In A Virtual Application Season, Stefanie Cara Rohde
Social Movements in the Information Communication Technology Age: The Case of Hong Kong, Justin Jin
Sociocognitive Development Through a Comparative Developmental Lens, Alyssa McSherry Arre
Somatic Gja4 Mutation In Vascular Malformations Reveals A Novel Pathway For Vascular Neoplasia, Nelson C. Ugwu
Sound and Secularity: Introduction, Margarethe Adams and August Sheehy
Sounding the Alarm: Down-Ballot Setback for the Democrats in 2020, Yaakov Huba
Space-Praxis: Towards a Feminist Politics of Design, Mary C. Overholt
Spain: Deposit Guarantee Fund Asset Management, Manuel León Hoyos
Spain – Fondo de Reestructuración Ordenada Bancaria (FROB) Capital Injections, Priya Sankar
Spain: Sociedad de Gestión de Activos procedentes de la Reestructuración Bancaria (SAREB), David Tam and Sean Fulmer
Spatial and temporal variability of trace metal concentrations and speciation in Connecticut surface waters, Zhemin Xuan
Spectacular Interiority in Post-Apartheid South African Literature, Jaehyun Kim
Specularizing myth: (de)constructing feminine identity in “The Bloody Chamber” and “Wolf-Alice” by Angela Carter, Ishana Aggarwal
Spiritual Direction Practice in Physician Associates, Nicholas Nielsen
Statistical Methods for Gene-Environment Interactions, Yaqing Xu
Stress Tests and Policy, Greg Feldberg and Andrew Metrick
Stretching the Limits in Thermoplastic Forming of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Rodrigo Miguel Ojeda Mota
Strong inclination pacing of climate in Late Triassic low latitudes revealed by the Earth-Saturn tilt cycle, Miranda Margulis-Ohnuma, Jessica Whiteside, and Paul Olsen
Structural and Functional Characterization of Lipid-Derived Molecules From the Human Microbiome, Woo Young Cho
Structural Insights into Heterodimerization and Catalysis of the Human Cis- prenyltransferase “NgBR/DHDDS” Complex, Ban H. Edani
Structural Studies Of Intermediate Filaments And Skin Pathology, Sherf Eldirany
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and Alteration in Depression Severity and Default Mode Network Connectivity, Elizabeth Togneri
Sursum Ductio. Reasoning Upward. An Investigation into the Vertical Structure of Dante's Commedia., Sandro-Angelo de Thomasis
Surveilling the Distinctive Vascular and Metabolic Features of Tumor Progression and Response to Therapy, John James Walsh
Survival Pessimism and the Demand for Annuities, Cormac O'Dea and David Sturrock
Sweden 1991 Bank Support Authority (Bankstödsnämnden), Natalie Leonard
Swedish AMCs: Securum and Retriva, Mallory Dreyer
Tabula Rasa: Mechanism, Intelligence, and the Blank Slate in Computing and Urbanism, Claire Gorman
Tail-Anchored Protein Insertion Under ER Stress Conditions: Calcium is Key, Matthew Jordan and Malaiyalam Mariappan
Take a Break!...Or More., Maria Saez Marti
Taking Sides with the World: Between Politics and Poetics from 1794 to 1960, Irina Kogan
Tanzanian Loans and Advances Realization Trust (LART), Christian M. McNamara
Targeting Oncogenic Kinases and Pseudokinases with Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras, Shanique Borteley Alabi
Telehealth-Based Gay-Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Young Gay and Bisexual Men in the Rural South, Andrew McCormick Cook
Temporal And Geographic Trends Analysis Of American Academy Of Ophthalmology Political Action Committee (ophthpac), Jun Hui Lee
Temporal articulatory stability, phonological variation, and lexical contrast preservation in diaspora Tibetan, Christopher Alden Geissler
Temporal Utilization Of Physical Therapy Visits Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Patrick Burroughs
Tender Loving Care and the Woman with a History of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Emily L. Gruetzmacher
Text Summarization Across High and Low-Resource Settings, Alexander Richard Fabbri
Thailand Capital Support Facilities 1998, Adam Kulam
The Association Of Parental Religious Affiliation And Their Lgbtq Children’s Mental Health: A Study Of Parents, Jackson Higginbottom
The Associations Between Circadian Genetic Factors And Cancer Survival, Bingqing Li
The Bandana Project: Program Evaluation Plan, Stephanie Nickole Vazquez
The Clinical Role and Activity of Advanced Clinicians in the Out-of-Hospital Environment, Kyle Deaver
The Conscience of the Dollar: Are Religious Donors Sensitive to Moral Infractions?, Bradley Yam
The Cuban Vote: How a very unreligious group votes for a very religiously affiliated party, Kelly Gouin
The Dancer's Paradox: Dance in Egyptian Film, Roberta L. Dougherty
The Dark Side of Variety: An Economic Model of Choice Overload, Teeger Li Blasheck and Jawwad Noor
The Development And Validation Of A Novel Ichthyosis Severity Assessment Instrument, Qisi Sun
The Digital Divide In Telemedicine Care During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Connor Grady
The Economics of Social Data, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Tan Gan
The Economics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poor Countries, Edward Miguel and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
The ED.TRAUMA Study: Evaluating the Discordance of Trauma Readmission And Unanticipated Mortality in the Assessment of Hospital Quality, Cheryl K. Zogg
The Effect of a Financial Crisis on Household Finances: A Case Study of Iceland’s Financial Crisis, Axel Hall, Andri S. Scheving, and Gylfi Zoega
The Effect of Exercise Versus Usual Care on Depression in Breast Cancer Survivors: The Hormones and Exercise (HOPE) Study, Bridget Winterhalter
The Effect of Plasma Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 on Intracranial Aneurysm Progression, Peter Stampfel
The Effect of Pregabalin in Patients with Phantom Limb Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Brandon Beattie
The Effects of Yoga Versus Mindfulness on Anxiety in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, Winifred Tung
The Emancipated Empire: Faustin I Soulouque and the Origins of the Second Haitian Empire, 1847-1859, Emmanuel Lachaud
The Epidemiologic And Economic Impact Of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (prep) Among Chinese Hiv High-Risk Groups, Shiying You
The Epidemiology Of Covid-19 Hospitalizations In Connecticut, July – December 2020, Geena Chiumento
The First Imperial Transition in China: A Microhistory of Jiangling (369 – 119 BCE), Dewei Shen
The Future Of Global Interventional Radiology, Austin-Marley Windham-Herman
The Future Of Leadership Training: An Immersive Web-Based Program Enhancing Nurse’s Critical Soft Leadership Skills In New Healthcare Contexts, Nina Vaid Raoji
The Giant Under Salvini’s Feet: An Analysis of La Lega, Samuel Landino
The Hungarian Bank Recapitalization Program, Junko Oguri
The Hungarian Loan Consolidation Program, Mallory Dreyer
The Impact of Climate Change on Security in the Middle East: A Review of the Literature, Yara El-Khatib
The Impact of Community Masking on COVID-19: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Jason Abaluck, Laura H. Kwong, Ashley Styczynski, Ashraful Haque, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Ellen Bates-Jeffries, Emily Crawford, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Shabib Raihan, Shadman Rahman, Salim Benhachmi, Neeti Zaman, Peter J. Winch, Md. Maqsud Hossain, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Abdullah All Jaber, Shawkee Gulshan Momen, Faika Laz Bani, Aura Rahman, Tahrima Saiha Huq, Stephen P. Luby, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
The Impact of Community Masking on COVID-19: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Jason Abaluck, Laura H. Kwong, Ashley Styczynski, Ashraful Haque, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Ellen Bates-Jeffries, Emily Crawford, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Salim Benhachmi, Shabib Raihan, Shadman Rahman, Neeti Zaman, Peter J. Winch, Md. Maqsud Hossain, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Stephen P. Luby, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Abdulla All Jaber, Shawkee Gulshan Momen, Faika Laz Bani, Aura Rahman, and Tahrima Saiha Huq
The Impact Of Covid-19 On Backyard Poultry-Associated Salmonella In Connecticut, Laura Kasper
The Impact Of Economic Intimate Partner Violence On Women’s Sexual And Reproductive Health In Asia & The Pacific, Marina Katague
The Impact of Hospital Concentration on Municipal Finances, Jarrett Bell
The Impact Of Insurance Status On Access To And Delivery Of General Surgical Care, Walter Hsiang
The Impact of Social Support on Diet Quality in Stroke Survivors, Sarah Rocks
The Impact Of Ww’s Multi-City Fvrx Program On Children, Damaris Lopez Mercado
The Keiretsu Advantage: How Japanese Automakers Thwarted American Competition, Jasper Boers
The Living Coast: Port Development and Ecological Transformations in the Gulf of Kutch, Western India, Chandana Anusha
The Logic of Escalation and the Benefits of Conventional Power Preponderance in the Nuclear Age, Tyler John Bowen
The Manifold of Neural Responses Informs Physiological Circuits in the Visual System, Luciano Dyballa
The Measuring of Assortativeness in Marriage: A Comment, Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa-Dias, and Costas Meghir
The Mediated Qur’an: Religious Education and Recitation via Online Distance Learning in the Sultanate of Oman, Lauren Osborne
The Mirror of Merit: Divine Grace in Origen of Alexandria and Ephrem of Nisibis, Charles Augustine Rivera
The Misunderstood Monstrous: An Analysis of the Word “Monster” in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Caroline Benedetti
The Morality of Pronoun Flexibility: Connections Between Language and Cognitive Identity Alignment, Mafalda von Alvensleben
The Nature of Cofilin’s Severing Mechanism, Ethan Lester
The Optimality of Upgrade Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, Andreas Haupt, and Alex Smolin
The Optimality of Upgrade Pricing, Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, Andreas Haupt, and Alex Smolin
“[the Pediatrician] Said That Maybe My Milk, Instead Of Doing Good, No Longer Helped”: The Ecology Of Infant Formula In Rural Communities In Central Mexico., Paulina Luna Martinez
The Physical Exam: A Survey Of Preferences And Expectations Of Primary Care Visits, Linna Duan
The Platinum Rule Meets the Golden Minimum: Inclusive and Efficient Archival Description of Oral Histories, Weatherly A. Stephan
The Poetics of Elsewhere: The Wakan Rōeishū Beyond Japan and China, Jeffrey Niedermaier
The Preexistence of the Soul in the Early English Enlightenment: 1640-1740, Clay Paul Greene
The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-Induced Migration in China, Gaurav Khanna, Wenquan Liang, A. Mushfiq Mobarak, and Ran Song
The Rescue of American International Group Module A: The Revolving Credit Facility, Alec Buchholtz and Aidan Lawson
The Rescue of American International Group Module B: The Securities Borrowing Facility, Lily S. Engbith, Alec Buchholtz, and Devyn Jeffereis
The Rescue of American International Group Module C: AIG Investment Program, Alec Buchholtz and Aidan Lawson
The Rescue of American International Group Module D: Maiden Lane II, Lily S. Engbith and Devyn Jeffereis
The Rescue of American International Group Module E: Maiden Lane III, Lily S. Engbith and Devyn Jeffereis
The Rescue of American International Group Module F: The AIG Credit Facility Trust, Alec Buchholtz and Aidan Lawson
The Rescue of American International Group Module Z: Overview, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Aidan Lawson, Steven Kelly, Lily S. Engbith, and Andrew Metrick
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Module A: The Conservatorships, Daniel Thompson and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-Module B: Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements, Daniel Thompson
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Module C: GSE Credit Facility, Emily Vergara
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Module D: Treasury’s GSE MBS Purchase Program, Michael Zanger-Tishler and Rosalind Z. Wiggins
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Module E: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Daniel Thompson
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–Module F: Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) Program, Daniel Thompson and Adam Kulam
The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Module Z: Overview, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Ben Henken, Adam Kulam, Daniel Thompson, and Andrew Metrick
The Resolution and Collection Corporation of Japan, Mallory Dreyer
The Role Of Histone Demethylase Kdm6a In Mouse Coronavirus Infection, Sonam Patel
The Role Of Knowledge In End-Of-Life Decision-Making By Older Persons, Laura Van Dyck
The Role of Microvascular Signaling in the Neurogenic Niche, Rita Matta
The role of O-GlcNAc transferase in liver fibrosis, Bichen Zhang
The Role Of Pet/ct In The Identification Of Immunotherapy-Related Thyroiditis, Amy Zhang
The Role of Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners in Increasing Access to Buprenorphine, Yeon Sun Kim
The Role of the RAG1 Non-Core Domain in V(D)J Recombination and Lymphocyte Development, Helen Alexander Beilinson
The Run on Repo and Bank Stock Returns, Madison Battaglia
The Secularism of Music Studies, Jim Sykes
The serum citrate concentration in hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets and in idiopathic hypercalcemia, Fredric Kramer Cantor
The Stories Behind the Stories Mediation of Narratives in David’s Story, Naima Kalra Gupta
The Structural Grammaticalization of the Biblical Hebrew Ethical Dative, Oliver Shoulson
The Suffrage Postcard Project: Feminist Digital Archiving and Transatlantic Suffrage History, Ana Stevenson and Kristin Allukian
The Thai Asset Management Company (TAMC), Mallory Dreyer
The Time Is Now: Empowering Nurses In Electoral Politics, Sharon Pearce
The US-China Trade War and Global Reallocations, Pablo Fajgelbaum, Pinelopi Goldberg, Patrick Kennedy, Amit Khandelwal, and Daria Taglioni
The Use of Surgical Prehabilitation to Augment Enhanced Recovery Protocols in Gynecologic Oncology, Stephanie Salas
The US Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP) and Capital Assistance Program (CAP), Aidan Lawson
The Utility Of A Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Model For Ixodes Scapularis In Predicting The Public Health Risk Of Lyme Disease In Ontario, Canada, Holly Alexandra Burrows
The Utilization And Outcomes Of Atherectomy For Lower Extremity Revascularization, Halbert Bai
The Value of a Note: A Finding Aid Usability Study, Betts Coup
The War on Fire: Construction of Enemies and the U.S. Forest Service, Isabel Kirsch
The World Caught a Cold, Shizuko Takahashi M.D.
The Yale Residential Colleges [Yale Alumni Weekly special number], Yale Alumni Weekly
Things That Work - Meditations on Materiality in Archival Discourse, Anneli Sundqvist
Three Essays on Political Responses to Opioid Use in the United States, Lilla Orr
Three Essays on the Financial Contracting of Corporate Debt, Steven Michael Fortney
Three Essays on the Role of Unstructured Data in Marketing Research, Ishita Sunity Kumar Chakraborty
Three Families of Lie Algebras of Exponential Growth From Vertex Operator Algebras, Gabriel Legros
Time as a bridge from brain to behavior, Maxwell Shinn
Too Fast, Too Furious: Slaughterhouse Line Speeds In The Era Of Covid-19, Zoe Novic
Tracking Single Cell Lineages in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Guste Urbonaite
Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Costas Meghir, and Gabriel Ulyssea
Training Pediatricians to Support Families of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth, Siena Tice
Transcription Factors as Direct Mediators of Homeostasis and Defense, Daniel Jong-Woong Kim
Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Part-of-Speech Tagging, Jeffrey Zhou and Neha Verma
Transmission Dynamics Of Covid-19 Under Differential Levels Of Masking And Vaccination, Kathryn Willebrand
Treating Invisible Wounds: Improving The Cultural Competency Of Non-Va Providers Treating Rural Veterans Through Telepsychiatry, Tyquitta Perrier
Troubles of the Coast: Industrialization, Climate Change, Marginality, and Collective Action among Fishing Communities in Kerala, India, Abigail Maher
Try come look at this construction!, Kento Tanaka
Tucked In: Weighted Blankets to Improve Sleep in Intensive Care Unit Patients, Jaime Conway
Turkey Saving Deposit Insurance Fund Bank Recapitalization (2000–2001), Natalie Leonard
Turning Science Fiction into Reality: Enhanced Motor Learning for Prosthetic Limbs, Makayla Conley
UK Bank Recapitalisation Scheme, Alec Buchholtz
Uncovering novel roles for glia in neurodegenerative diseases, Leon Lall Tejwani
United Kingdom Asset Resolution Limited (UKAR), Aidan Lawson
United States Long-Term Trends In Adult Bmi From 1959 To 2018 By Income, Education, And Race/ethnicity, Julia Banas
Unmasking America's Reaction To Face Masks: A Review Of The Literature, Tyler Caruthers
Unraveling Heterogeneity in X Chromosome Regulation and Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Naïve Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Benjamin Daniel Patterson
Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Characterize Single-Cell Heterogeneity and Perturbation Response, Daniel Bernard Burkhardt
Urban Dreams and Agrarian Renovations: Examining the Politics and Practices of Peri-urban Land Conversion in Hanoi, Vietnam, Emily Nguyen
Urban Inequalities: Measuring, Forecasting, and Understanding Human Health Implications, Bhartendu Pandey
Uruguayan Non-Performing Portfolio Purchase Scheme, Sean Fulmer
US Capital Purchase Program, Aidan Lawson and Adam Kulam
US Community Development Capital Initiative (CDCI), Adam Kulam
Using The Guide-It Randomized Control Trial For Post-Hoc Analysis Of Predictors Of Adverse Outcomes In Patients With Hfref, Fouad Chouairi
US Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Preferred Stock Purchase Program, Aidan Lawson
US Resolution Trust Corporation, Aidan Lawson and Lily S. Engbith
Utilizing Covid-19 Models In Humanitarian Crisis Settings, Duane Barksdale
Utilizing Qualitative Methods To Inform Interventions For Addressing Alcohol Use During Pregnancy, Chaarushi Ahuja
Variations on Defining a Dialect Region, Sasha Lioutikova
Vatican II, Liberation Theology, and Vernacular Masses for the Family of God in Central America, Bernard J. Gordillo
Vector-Host Interactions Of Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes And Their Role In Arbovirus Transmission In The Mid-Atlantic United States, Karen Jane Yuan
Video Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevent Depression in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Monica Narsolis
Vision-Related Quality Of Life In Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Aneesha Ahluwalia
Vitamin D Supplementation for Improving Bone Mineral Density in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease, Emily Jimenez
Vitamin E Alpha-Tocopherols to Prevent Recurrent Stroke in Patients with a Minor Neurovascular Event, Veronica Guirguis
Vocal Fold Cover Replacement: Imaging Analysis Of Intermediate And Long-Term Outcomes, Kevin Osmond Juarez
Was New York City A Source Of Global Sars-Cov-2 Spread?, Cole Jensen
Water-Oxidation Electrocatalysis and Concerted Proton-Electron Transfer by High-Valent Complexes of Copper and Nickel, Katherine Jennie Fisher
“we Are Left Alone”: A Qualitative Study Of Life Satisfaction Of Older Adults In Rural Nepal, Anna Elisabeth Schwartz
Web Archiving in North Carolina's Piedmont Triad During COVID-19, Jessica Dame
Welfare Comparisons for Biased Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Welfare Comparisons for Biased Learning, Mira Frick, Ryota Iijima, and Yuhta Ishii
Well-Distributed Sequences: Number Theory, Optimal Transport, and Potential Theory, Louis Max Brown
Western and Chinese Medicine in the History of Community-Based Care in San Francisco’s Chinatown, Grace Chen
What Do Price Equations Say About Future Inflation?, Ray C. Fair
What Two Canonical Novels Tell Us About Linguistic Prejudice in United States Courts, Charlotte Van Voorhis
What Will Be Enough? Suicide Prevention Challenges Of A Parking Garage, Shirley Zhen
“When Boys Become the Second Sex”: The New Gender Gap Among Chinese Middle School Students, Ruqing Xu
When Do Consumers Talk?, Ishita Chakraborty, Joyee Deb, and Aniko Öry (Oery)
Where do we go when we go off-the-grid?, Andrey Tolstoy
Wholesome Wave: Impact Evaluation Report For The Depth2020 Fruit And Vegetable Incentive Program, Abigail Waugh
Why Women Leave White Nationalist Movements: Exploring the Deradicalization Process, Julia Yingling
Without A Trace: Is Technology The Next Stage In Contact Tracing’s Evolution?, Madeline Bender
Wobbling Towards the Future: Applications of the Radial Velocity Technique to Detect Ever-Smaller Exoplanets, Allen Bradford Davis
Women at the Dawn of History, Agnete Wisti Lassen and Klaus Wagensonner
Work, Sociability, And Inequality, Thomas Lyttelton
Xenophobia in the ‘Rainbow Nation’: An Analysis of Intergroup Conflict in Contemporary South Africa, Rachel Calcott
Yale: A Short History, George W. Pierson
Yale Illustrated [Yale Alumni Weekly special number], Yale Alumni Weekly
Yale in New Haven, Yale University
Yale University Faculty Handbook April 30, 2014, Yale University Office of the Provost
Yale University Faculty Handbook July 1, 2014, Yale University Office of the Provost
Yale University Faculty Handbook July 1, 2018, Yale University Office of the Provost
Yale University Faculty Handbook November 1, 2016, Yale University Office of the Provost
Yale University Faculty Handbook October 17, 2018, Yale University Office of the Provost
Yale University Faculty Handbook September 18, 2015, Yale University Office of the Provost