"Practice Considerations For The Anesthesia Practitioner For Methamphet" by Jennifer Krogh

Date of Award

January 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Yale University School of Nursing

First Advisor

Joan Kearney

Second Advisor

Laura Andrews


Substance Use Disorders (SUD) are a topic of increasing concern in the United States of American and continue to impact families and communities throughout. Methamphetamine accounts for approximately 1.6 million individuals. It is important for anesthesia providers to be aware of the potentially lethal effects if patients undergoing anesthesia are using methamphetamine. The consequences of which may include hypertensive crisis, cardiovascular collapse from hypotension, and death. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to implement an educational offering based on the most up-to-date literature so that anesthesia professionals may adhere to current practice which may abate the potential morbidity and mortality and ensure the most appropriate care of patients.A 50-minute educational offering with an algorithm decision tree was distributed via email to the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) of the Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists (IANA). 44 survey respondents completed the survey. Analysis of the survey data shows that the educational offering successfully improved the CRNAs knowledge of methamphetamine SUD patients. The survey participants indicated satisfaction overall with the educational offering.


This thesis is restricted to Yale network users only. It will be made publicly available on 05/01/2026
