"Myopic Economic Agents" by Donald J. Brown and Lucinda M. Lewis

Document Type

Discussion Paper

Publication Date


CFDP Number


CFDP Pages



An economic agent is said to be weakly myopic if he prefers a time-contingent consumption plan x bar to a time-contingent consumption plan y bar, then he prefers x bar x to y bar augmented by any stationary consumption plan which begins sufficiently far in the future. An economic agent is said to be monotonically myopic if when he prefers a state-contingent consumption plan x bar to a state-contingent consumption plan y bar, then he prefers any sufficiently large finite truncation of y bar. A topology on the space of time (state)-contingent consumption plans is said to be weakly (monotonically) myopic if every complete preference relation which is continuous in this topology is weakly (monotonically) myopic. A characterization of weakly (monotonically) myopic Hausdorff locally convex linear topologies and their dual spaces is given.

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Economics Commons
