Food, Nutrition, & Agriculture in New Haven | Human Health and Wellbeing | Yale University

Food, Nutrition, and Agriculture





Adapting Dietary Guidelines to Client-Centered Preferences at the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK), Olivia Campbell, Jessica Liu, Dashni Sathasivam, Victoria Shirriff, Steve Werlin, Amelia Reese Masterson, Leah Ferrucci, Nicole Hood, and Debbie Humphries


Assessing Low-Income Community Members' Views on Food Access and Farmers' Markets in New Haven, Hillary Chisholm, Joey Clingerman, Libby Didomizio, Janine Kara, Emmy Pieper, Jieqiong Zhou, Debbie Humphries, Rachel Perler, and Amelia Reese Masterson


Assessing the Impact of a Community-Based Nutrition Education Program in the Haven Free Clinic, Chin-Hee Chung, Aliyar Fouladkhah, Geliang Gan, Tracy George, Renu Nadkarni, and Mary D'Alimonte


A Trauma-Informed Atmospheric Assessment for Food Assistance Programs, Rachel Brase, Jane Dai, Alyssa Schneider, Steve Werlin, Rachel Ebling, Emily Pieper, and Debbie Humphries


Availability, Accessibility, Utilization: In-Depth Interviews with Food Insecure Residents and Emergency Food Providers in New Haven, CT, Grace Carroll, Danya Keene, Alycia Santilli, Joy Johannes, Jeannette Ickovics, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Coalition Building and Food Insecurity: How an Equity and Justice Framework Guided a Viable Food Assistance Network, Alycia Santilli, Anna Lin-Schweitzer, Sofia I. Morales, Steve Werlin, Kim Hart, James Cramer, Jason A. Martinez, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Disentangling neighborhood contextual associations with child body mass index, diet, and physical activity: the role of built, socioeconomic, and social environments, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Lisa Rosenthal, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, Rebecca Joyce, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Documenting the Impact of a Food Pantry Program in Promoting Stability and Independence Among New Haven Residents, Victoria Tran, Rucha Kandlur, Lakai Legg, Jakyung Lee, Debbie Humphries, Parmida Zarei, Bonita Grubbs, Nicole Smith, Mary Tyrrell, and Kelsey Hitchcock


Implementing an Effective Community-Based Advisory Board (CAB) at New Haven Farms, Akshar Patel, Kendra Hanlon, Qingying Luo, Sheridan Finnie, Debbie Humphries, Marcella Nunez-Smith, and Laura Hansen


School breakfast and body mass index: a longitudinal observational study of middle school students, S Wang, M B. Schwartz, F M. Shebl, M Read, K E. Henderson, and J R. Ickovics


The Impact of New Haven Land Trust Community Gardens on Members, Kelley Meier


The Implementation of a Nutrition Intervention in Food Pantries: The Spirit of SWAP, Sofia I. Morales, Genesis Vicente, Katherine LaMonaca, Jasmine Rios, Shayna D. Cunningham, Jackson Higginbottom, Erin Mathios, Steve Werlin, James Cramer, Alycia Santilli, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


The Relationship between Parental Behaviors and Children's Sugary Drink Consumption Is Moderated by a Television in the Child's Bedroom, Marlene B. Schwartz, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Kathryn E. Henderson, Joerg Luedicke, Amy Carroll-Scott, Susan M. Peters, Catherine McCaslin, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Erik Clemons: Food and Empowering New Haven, Yale Sustainable Food Program


New Haven Oral History Project: Daniel Naddis, Daniel Naddis and Alexis Fitts

New Haven's Own: Ital Eating and Lady Lager, Yale Sustainable Food Program

Nonprofits and New Haven: Driving Food-Centered Inclusion, Yale Sustainable Food Program



New Haven Community Compost Sites, City of New Haven Food System Policy Division



Climate and Sustainability Framework, City of New Haven, January 2018, Emily Wier, Krysia Solheim, Anna Lipin, Elsa Rose Farnam, and Dawn Henning


New Haven Food Action Plan (2019), New Haven Food Policy Council


Reimagining the Divinity Farm as an Edible Commons, Nailah Z. Garard


The State of Hunger in New Haven: Report on Food Insecurity and Recommendations for Action 2017-2018, Alycia Santilli and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Towards Health Equity in Connecticut: The Role of Social Inequality and the Impact of COVID-19, Kelly Davila, Mark Abraham, and Camille Seaberry