"Implementing an Effective Community-Based Advisory Board (CAB) at New " by Akshar Patel, Kendra Hanlon et al.



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New Haven has the second highest poverty and food insecurity rate in Connecticut. New Haven Farms (NHF) has been operating in the New Haven area since 2012, with a mission of using health promotion and community development programs to combat obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases. NHF hopes to re-establish a community advisory board (CAB) to integrate community members into the organization to inform program development and strategy. The objectives of this study were as follows: Describe best practices for building an effective CAB within a community-based nonprofit organization, make relevant recommendations for restructuring the CAB, make recommendations for using community based best practices within a nonprofit.

Publication Date

Spring 2018


public health, food insecurity, health promotion, community advisory board (CAB), New Haven Farms, New Haven, Connecticut


Public Health

Implementing an Effective Community-Based Advisory Board (CAB) at New Haven Farms
