"The Impact Of Place-Based Determinants Of Health On Utilization Of Eme" by Tehreem Rehman

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Medical Doctor (MD)



First Advisor

Brita Roy

Second Advisor

Marcella Nunez Smith


The purpose of the study is to investigate whether higher prevalence of place-based structural determinants of health inequity is directly associated with frequent utilization of services in the emergency department. Chi-square and t-test analyses found that compared to non-frequent ED users, frequent ED users were older (mean age 43.18 vs. 35.23, p


The student author of this thesis is grateful for all the guidance and support provided by both faculty and community mentors. She is thankful for the time of Mark Abraham, Executive Director of DataHaven, who expressed faith in this project and its potential to inform subsequent initiatives in community-based interventions targeting structural determinants of health in the Greater New Haven area. She is also appreciative of the unwavering optimism and patience provided by Elizabeth Samuels, MD, MPH from the conception of this project. The author is grateful for the guidance and time of her thesis advisor, Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS, throughout the entire process of working on this thesis.

Research reported in this publication was supported by National Heart, Lung And Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the author’s and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute or the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T35HL007649. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


This is an Open Access Thesis.

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