"Documenting the Impact of a Food Pantry Program in Promoting Stability" by Victoria Tran, Rucha Kandlur et al.



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An estimated 22% of New Haven residents live with food insecurity. This means more than 1 in 5 residents of New Haven do not have enough food or enough money to buy food. Notably, issues of food insecurity disproportionately affect people of color and those of lower socioeconomic status, therefore exacerbating disparities in health issues related to food insecurity.2 Christian Community Action (CCA) is a local social service organization that provides housing, financial assistance, food, and other support services for low-income New Haven residents. Their food pantry program, which operates on an appointment-only basis, has regularly provided food to over 80 individuals and families in the New Haven area. CCA is interested in identifying areas for improvement to strengthen their service provision and are also collecting data to bolster their advocacy efforts.

The objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Assess satisfaction amongst users of a food pantry program in New Haven. 2. Develop a sustainable method for obtaining and incorporating feedback for quality improvement processes. 3. Strengthen understanding of how usage of CCA’s food pantry promotes stability and independence among food pantry users.

Publication Date

Spring 2020


public health, food insecurity, food pantry, Christian Community Action, New Haven, Connecticut


Public Health

Documenting the Impact of a Food Pantry Program in Promoting Stability and Independence Among New Haven Residents
