Submit your Work to NH PERL!
Note: Before you begin the submission process, please sign up for a free EliScholar account.
If you already have an EliScholar account, please login. Then, return to this page to submit.
Who can submit work?
- Community organizations
- Academics
- Teachers
- University organizations
- Government departments, employees, and officials
- Citizen scientists
- High school, undergraduate, or graduate students
- Note: if you are a student, you must have a teacher/faculty member endorsing your submission. Before you submit your work, make sure your teacher submitted this Qualtrics form.
- If you are submitting a thesis or dissertation, you must complete all final submission requirements as specified by your school/department before submitting to NH PERL.
In order to be eligible, your work must:
- Focus on the intersection of people and the environment in New Haven, Connecticut. This can include resources which describe larger areas encompassing New Haven so long as the findings are relevant to New Haven specifically.
- Be high quality, original work which contributes to knowledge about New Haven while accurately and respectfully representing the New Haven community. This includes adhering to relevant IRB requirements for university-affiliated or government-funded research.
- Protect the privacy of any study participants by leaving out identifying information such as names, addresses, etc. or include permission from identifiable participants (see "What you need to submit" section below).
- Be produced within the last ten years.
What you need to submit:
To make the submission process quicker and smoother, make sure you have prepared the following:
- EliScholar account: you have made your free account and logged in.
- Final project file or link to published work.
- Permissions:
- You have permission from other authors and contributors to publish this work on a public website and include their name and contact information.
- If your project includes identifiable subjects, participants, or speakers, you have obtained written consent to record identifying information, statements, image, voice, and/or other relevant material and share these publicly.
- If your work is published or in the process of publication, please submit work in alignment with the publisher’s guidelines.
- Optional, but strongly encouraged: a 1-page summary that communicates the main points of your work in words and/or images for a non-academic audience.
What happens after I submit?
You will receive a confirmation email, and the NH PERL team will review your submission. Before making the work public, our team will ensure your work meets the requirements and contact you if we require any edits. You will receive an email if your work is published.
Submit your Work
To submit your work, click on the link that best represents the type of work you would like to submit. The link will bring you to the appropriate submission form.
- Submit an Academic Article, which could include peer-reviewed academic literature (which may also be pre-prints or post-prints, given publisher permission), theses or dissertations, conference papers, working papers, etc.
- Submit a Report, which could include presentations, policy briefs, white papers, departmental annual reports, working group reports, conference reports, etc.
- Submit a Dataset, which could include data collected from research labs, citizen science initiatives, local organizations, student projects, etc.
- Submit a Research Poster, which you may have made to describe a research project you conducted, findings from project implementation and evaluation, for educational purposes, etc.
- Submit a Map, which may be a traditional map or a Story Map which describes the geography of New Haven, the environment, locations of resources, or other spatial information/relationships.
- Submit a Video, which may be a webinar recording, presentation, documentary, interview, or something similar.
- Submit an Audio File, which may be a podcast, interview, oral history, or something similar.
- Submit Something Else: if your submission does not fall under one of the previous categories but you would like to share it, use this form. This may include blog posts, book chapters, webpages, and more.