"Assessing the Impact of a Community-Based Nutrition Education Program " by Chin-Hee Chung, Aliyar Fouladkhah et al.



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The Haven clinic is a volunteer and student-run clinic serving low-income residents of the Fair Haven community in New Haven, CT. The Advancing Nutrition and Dietary Outcomes (ANDO) program is a one-on-one counseling program for patients at risk for chronic disease. This project aimed to evaluate the ANDO program for efficacy and patient satisfaction.


Two main data collection methods were used to assess the efficacy and patient satisfaction with ANDO, resulting in a mixed methods analysis. A baseline survey instrument measured patient skills, knowledge and attitudes about healthy eating and physical activity. Key informant interviews gauged these same topics as well as satisfaction with the program.


Survey results revealed a strongly positive attitude towards improving diet and increasing physical activity as ways of overcoming chronic disease. Surveys also illustrated the lack of knowledge and skills of patients to make those lifestyle changes on their own. Interviews with patients who have gone through at least one module of ANDO revealed strong satisfaction with the program, though some suggestions for improvement were made.


The ANDO program is a strong patient-focused program that reaches a portion of the target population in the Fair Haven community. Patients who enroll are satisfied with the program and offer suggestions for continued strength of the program including group sessions and consistent counselors. Evaluation team recommendations include producing a thorough program manual for more program consistency, administering pre- and post-program surveys with future patients, and conducting an evaluability assessment prior to future evaluation endeavors.

Publication Date

Spring 2014


Yale School of Public Health


New Haven, CT


Public Health

Assessing the Impact of a Community-Based Nutrition Education Program in the Haven Free Clinic
