The broad objectives of theoretical and empirical research at the Economic Growth Center are to understand the process of economic development and growth as well as the associated changes in economic structure. In particular, an understanding of how policies affect that process is necessary for suggesting policies for promoting development. The research is founded on relevant economic theory (micro and macro) and econometric tools. Empirical studies rely on cross-sectional and intertemporal data on micro decision-making units, such as individuals and households, and aggregates, such as nations, interpreted within suitable economic, demographic, and social frameworks. An increasing share of the research involves the study of the behavior of persons, households, and firms, as revealed in sample surveys, and applies the tools of microeconomic theory and associated statistical tools. EGC Discussion Papers report the results of the research efforts of Center members.
EGC faculty, visiting research faculty associated with the EGC and Ph.D. students on the job market wishing to submit a paper to the series should email a completed submission form with the paper to egc[at]
Note to Graduate Students: For graduate students interested in posting papers, use the Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) repository. More information about creating an account and submitting papers can be found on the MPRA home page. The Yale University listing of papers posted to MPRA can be found on this page.Papers from 1990
The Welfare Economics of Cooperative and Noncooperative Fiscal Policy, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Debt, Deficits and Inflation: An Application to the Public Finances of India, Willem H Buiter and Urijit R. Patel
Empirical Implications of Alternative Models of Firm Dynamics, Ariel Pakes and Richard Ericson
Impact of Public Programs on Fertility and Gender Specific Investment in Human Capital of Children in Rural India: CrossSectional and Time Series Analyses, P. Duraisamy and R. Malathy
Wage Inequality and the Distribution of Education: A Study of the Evolution of Regional Differences in Inequality inMetropolitan Brazil, J. G. A. dos Reis and Ricardo Barros
Women’s Status and Fertility in Bendal State of Nigeria, Christiana E.E. Okojie
Papers from 1989
Poverty Alleviation Policies in India: Food Consumption Subsidy, Food Production Subsidy and Employment Generation, Kirit Parikh and T. N. Srinivasan
The Effects of Mortality Changes on Fertility Choice and Individual Welfare: Some Theoretical Predictions, Raaj K. Sah
Estimating the Impact of Income and Price Changes on Consumption in Brazil, Duncan Thomas, John Strauss, and Mariza M. T. L. Barbosa
Fertility Response to Child Survival in Nigeria: An Analysis of Microdata from Bendel State, Christiana E. E. Okojie
Technological Change and Labor Use in Rice Agriculture: Analysis of Village Level Data in West Bengal, India, Sudhin Mukhopadhyay
The Economic Impacts of the Procisur Program: An International Study, Robert E. Evenson and Elmar R. da Cruz
A Useful and Easily-Tested Statement of Some Schur- Cohn Stability Criteria for Higher-Order Discrete Dynamic Systems, Raaj K. Sah
Intra-Household Resource Allocation: An Inferential Approach, Duncan Thomas
Labor supply Behavior of Married Women in Urban India, R. Malathy
Modelling the Use and Adoption of Technologiesby Upland Rice and Soybean Farmers in Central-West Brazil, John Strauss, Mariza M.T.L. Barbosa, Sonia M. Teixeira, and Duncan Thomas
Modeling American Marriage Patterns, David E. Bloom and Neil G. Bennett
Spouse Selection and Marital Instability, Neil G. Bennett, Heidi Goldstein, and Rikki Abzug
The Divergence of Black and white Marriage Patterns, Neil G. Bennett, Heidi Goldstein, and Patricia H. Craig
An Historical Perspective on the Economic Consequences of Rapid Population Growth, David R. Weir
Estimating Immigrant Assimilation Rates with Synthetic Panel Data, Andrews M. Yuengert
Self-Employment and the Earnings of Male Immigrants in the U.S., Andrews M. Yuengert
The Fisherian Time Preference and the Evolution of the Capital Ownership Patterns in a Global Economy, Kyoji Fukao and Koichi Hamada
Development, Structural Changes, and Urbanization, Xiaokai Yang
Human Capital and Adoption of Innovations in Agricultural Production: Indian Evidence, P. Duraisamy
Investment in Women, Economic Development, and Improvements in Health in Low-Income Countries, T. Paul Schultz
Macro Policies, the Terms of Trade and the Spatial Dimension of Balanced Growth, Gustav Ranis
Family Composition and Wage Employment in Small- Scale Economic Activities in Malawi, Carlos E. Santiago
The Interactive Effects of Mother’s Schooling and Unsupplemented Breastfeeding on Child Health, Albino Barrera
Current Account and Budget Deficits in an Intertemporal Model of Consumption and Taxation Smoothing. A Solution to the ‘Feldsteinn-Horioka Puzzle’?, Nouriel Roubini
Offset and Sterilization under Fixed Exchange Rates with an Optimizing Central Bank, Nouriel Roubini
Terms of Trade, Commercial Policy, and the Black Market for Foreign Exchange: An Empirical Model of Real Exchange RateDetermination, Ibrahil Elbadawi
The Economic Impact of Agricultural Extension: A Review, Dean Birkhaeuser, Robert Evenson, and Gershon Feder
The Third Birth in Sweden, James J. Heckman and James R. Walker
Women’s Changing Participation in the Labor Force: A World Perspective, T. Paul Schultz
Papers from 1988
Human Capital and Agricultural Productivity Change, Robert E. Evenson
Seigniorage in Europe, Vittorio Grilli
A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Inflation in the PRC, John C. H. Fei
On the International Capital Ownership Pattern at the Turn of the Twenty Firth Century, Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata
Results of Economic Comparative Statics of Steady- States of Higher-Order Discrete Dynamic Systems, Raaj Kumar Sah
Fiscal Uncertainty, Informational Externalities and the Welfare Cost of Speculation, Gabriel de Kock and Vittorio Grilli
Persistence and Pervasiveness of Corruption: New Perspectives, Raaj Kumar Sah
Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility in Côte d’Ivoire, Martha Ainsworth
Technology Production and Technology Purchase in Indian Industry: An Econometric Analysis, Anil Deolalikar and Robert Evenson
A Proposal for Using Incentive Pre-Commitments in Public Enterprise Funding, Raaj Kumar Sah and Martin L. Weitzman
Qualitative Properties of Profit-Maximizing K-out-of- N Systems Subject to Two Kinds of Failures, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Sovereign Debt Renegotiation under Asymmetric Information, Kenneth Kletzer
Bank Runs in Open Economies and International Transmission of Panics, Peter Garber and Vittorio Grilli
Food Aid: A Cause, or Symptom of Development Failure or an Instrument for Success?, T. N. Srinivasan
Tariffs and Saving in a Model with New Families, Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
An Approach to Modeling Institutional Development, Xiaokai Yang
Methods for Estimating Value of Time with an Application to the Philippines, Charles C. Griffin
The Role of Maternal Schooling and Its Interaction with Public Health Programs in Child Health Production, Albino Barrera
Papers from 1987
Avoiding Speculative Attacks on EMS Currencies: A Proposal, Vittorio U. Grilli and Alberto Alesina
Fiscal Policies and the Dollar/Pound Exchange: 1870-1984, Vittorio U. Grilli
U.S. Military Expenditure and the Dollar: A Note, Vittorio U. Grilli and Andrea Beltratti
Households, Communities and Preschool Children’s Nutrition Outcomes: Evidence from Rural Côte d’Iviore, John Strauss
Managing Exchange Rate Crisis: Evidence from the 1890’s, Vittorio U. Grilli
Child Survival, Nutritional Status and Household Characteristics: Evidence from Brazil, Duncan Thomas, John Strauss, and Maria-Helena Henriques
Population Programs: Measuring Their Impact on Fertility and the Personal Distribution of Their Effects, T. Paul Schultz
Trade Policy under Endogenous Credibility, Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
Population Growth and Econombn ic Development, T. N. Srinivasan
The Issue of Weights in Panel Surveys of Individual Behavior, Jan M. Hoem
An Economic Theory of Institutional Change: Induced and Imposed Change, Justin Yifu Lin
Towards the Implementation of the Desirable Rules of Monetary Coordination and Interventions, Koichi Hamada and Shin-ichi Fukuda
A New Measure of Disparities in Development, Pavel Sicherl
Economic Development and Traditional Chinese Cultural Values, John C. H. Fei
Fertility and Investments in Human Capital: Estimates of the Consequences of Imperfect Fertility Control in Malaysia, Mark R. Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Prosperity and Stability in Hong Kong – A Cultural Approach, John C. H. Fei
Rural Factors Markets in China after the Household Responsibility System Reform, Justin Yifu Lin
Household Farm, Cooperative Farm, and Efficiency: Evidence from Rural De-Collectivization in China, Justin Yifu Lin
Education Investments and Returns in Economic Development, T. Paul Schultz
Health Policy and Data Quality: The Implications of the Crossover Mortality Debate, Neil G. Bennett
Saving and Investment in an Open Economy with Non- Traded Goods, Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
Towards a Model of Development for the Natural Resources Poor Economy, Gustav Ranis
Supervision, Incentives, and the Optimum Size of a Labor- Managed Firm, Justin Yifu Lin
The Household Responsibility System Reform in China: A Peasant’s Institutional Choice, Justin Yifu Lin
Papers from 1986
Credit Markets and Patterns of International Trade, Kenneth Kletzer and Pranab Bardham
External Borrowing by LDC’s: A Survey of Theoretical Issues, Kenneth Kletzer
The Role of Institutions in Transition Growth: The East Asian NIC’s, Gustav Ranis
Advancing Social Research: An Essay Based on Leiberson’s Making It Count, S. Burton Singer and Margaret Marini
Who Receives Medical Care? Income, Implicit Prices and the Distribution of Medical Services among PregnantWomen in the United States, Mark Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Death, Population and Growth, Productivity Growth and Debt Neutrality, Willem H. Buiter
Economic Demography and Development: New Directions in an Old field, T. Paul Schultz
Fiscal Prerequisites for a Viable Managed Exchange Rate Regime: A Non-Technical Eclectic Introduction, Willem H. Buiter
Structural and Stabilization Aspects of Fiscal and Financial Policy in the Dependent Economy, Part I, Willem H. Buiter
Commitment and the Modern Union: Assessing the Link Between Premarital Cohabitation and Subsequent Marital Stability, Neil G Bennett, Ann Klimas Blanc, and David E. Bloom
The Stability of Household Production Technology: A Replication, Mark R. Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Granger-Causality and Policy Ineffectiveness: A Rejoinder, Willem H. Buiter
Adjustment Policies in Small Open Economies, Delisle Worrell
Female First Marriage in East and Southeast Asia: A Kiefer-Neumann Model, Mark R. Montgomery
Labor Market Participation of Married Women in Bangladesh, Shahidur Khandker
Managerial Quality in Centralized versus Decentralized Economic Systems, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Economics of Town-versus-Country Problems, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Value and Allocation of Time in High Income Countries: Implications for Fertility, T. Paul Schultz
Distributional Consequences of Rural Food Levy and Subsidized Urban Rations, Raaj Kumar Sah and T. N. Srinivasan
Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency: The Role of Education Revisited, Shahidur Khandker
Queues, Rations and Market: Comparisons of Outcomes for the Poor and the Rich, Raaj Kumar Sah
Agency Costs and the Agricultural Firm, James Roumasset and Marilou Uy
A ‘Gold Standard’ Isn’t Viable Unless Supported by Sufficiently Flexible Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Willem H. Buiter