The broad objectives of theoretical and empirical research at the Economic Growth Center are to understand the process of economic development and growth as well as the associated changes in economic structure. In particular, an understanding of how policies affect that process is necessary for suggesting policies for promoting development. The research is founded on relevant economic theory (micro and macro) and econometric tools. Empirical studies rely on cross-sectional and intertemporal data on micro decision-making units, such as individuals and households, and aggregates, such as nations, interpreted within suitable economic, demographic, and social frameworks. An increasing share of the research involves the study of the behavior of persons, households, and firms, as revealed in sample surveys, and applies the tools of microeconomic theory and associated statistical tools. EGC Discussion Papers report the results of the research efforts of Center members.
EGC faculty, visiting research faculty associated with the EGC and Ph.D. students on the job market wishing to submit a paper to the series should email a completed submission form with the paper to egc[at]
Note to Graduate Students: For graduate students interested in posting papers, use the Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) repository. More information about creating an account and submitting papers can be found on the MPRA home page. The Yale University listing of papers posted to MPRA can be found on this page.Papers from 1993
Understanding the Workhouse Test: Information and Poor Relief in Nineteenth-Century England, Timothy Besley, Stephen Coate, and Timothy W. Guinnane
Cooperatives as Information Machines: The Lending Practices of German Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, 1883-1914, Timothy W. Guinnane
Investments in the Schooling and Health of Women and Men: Quantities and Returns, T. Paul Schultz
Technological Change and Educational Wage Differentials in Korea, Kang-Shik Choi
A Comparison of the Effects of Matching and Search on the Wages of Men and Women, Anne Beeson Royalty
Labor Supply Decisions of Married Women in Rural India, Jeemol Unni
Net Worth, Credit Constraints and Economic Development, Masaya Sakuragawa
Women’s Choice of Work and Fertility in Urban Tamil Nadu, India, Malathy Duraisamy
Does Head Start Make A Difference?, Duncan Thomas and Janet Currie
Does Job Matching Differ By Sex?, Anne Beeson Royalty
Economic Growth and Convergence Across the Seven Colonies of Australasia: 1861-1991, Paul A. Cashin
The Brazilian Family in the Labor Force, 1978-1988: A Study of Labor Supply, Jorge Jatob
Using Data on Money Stocks to Estimate Real Colonial GDP in the Seven Colonies of Australasia: 1861-1991, Paul A. Cashin
Public Debt in the USA: How Much, How Bad and Who Pays?, Willem H. Buiter
School Attainment, Parental Education and Gender in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, Aysit Tansel
Economic Preconditions for the Asian Regional Integration, Junichi Goto and Koichi Hamada
Capital Flight, North-South Lending, and Stages of Economic Development, Koichi Hamada and Masaya Sakuragawa
Monetary Integration in Historical Perspective, Koichi Hamada and David Porteous
Mortality Decline in the Low Income World: Causes and Consequences, T. Paul Schultz
Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility and Child Mortality in Sudan, Nour Eldin A. Maglad
Papers from 1992
A Portfolio Approach to Endogenous Growth: Eaton’s Model Revisited, Giancarlo Corsetti
Occupational Choice and Multiple Job Holding in Rural Gujarat, India, Jeemol Unni
Taxation and Risk-Taking Once Again (With and Without Tax Revenue Disposal), Giancarlo Corsetti
An Event History Analysis of Divorce in China, Zeng Yi, T. Paul Schultz, and Wang Deming
Excessive Deficits: Sense and Nonsense in the Treaty of Maastricht, Willem H. Buiter, Giancarlo Corsetti, and Nouriel Roubini
Theories of Long-Run Growth: Old and New, T. N. Srinivasan and Lakshmi K. Raut
The Reconstruction and Stabilization of the Postwar Japanese Economy: Possible Lessons for Eastern Europe?, Koichi Hamada and Munehisa Kasuya
U.S. Money Demand: Surprising Cross-Sectional Estimates, Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
A Comparative Study of Fertility Determinants in Togo and Uganda: A Hazard Model Analysis, Namkee Ahn and Abusaleh Shariff
The Role of Education and Human Capital in Economic Development: An Empirical Assessment, T. Paul Schultz
Education and Women’s Time Allocation to Non-Market Work in an Urban Setting of India, R. Malathy
Leaving Parental Home: Census-Based Estimates for China, Japan, South Korea,United States, France, and Sweden, Zeng Yi, Ansley Coale, Minja Kim Choe, and Liang Zhiwu
The Distribution of Income and Expenditure within the Household, Duncan Thomas
Permanent International Productivity Growth Differentials in an Integrated Global Economy. The Roles of Households, Non-Tradedness, Self-Financing and Fiscal Policy, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Public Welfare and Growth, Xavier Sala-i-Martin
The Demographic Transition in Southern Africa: Another Look at the Evidence from Botswana and Zimbabwe, Duncan Thomas and Ityai Muvandi
A Growth Model of Inflation, Tax Evasion and Financial Repression, Nouriel Roubini and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Cigarette Demand, Health Scares and Education in Turkey, Aysit Tansel
Distribution of Rents and Growth, Charles Engel and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Government Solvency, Ponzi Finance and the Redundancy and Usefulness of Public Debt, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Measurement of Returns to Adult Education: Morbidity Effects on Wage Rates in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, T. Paul Schultz and Aysit Tansel
Pensions, Xavier Sala-i-Martin
The Relationship between Local Family Planning Expenditures and Fertility in Thailand, 1976-1981, T. Paul Schultz
Wage Employment, Earnings and Returns to Schooling for Men and Women in Turkey, Aysit Tansel
Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Growth, Robert J. Barro, N. Gregory Mankiw, and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Should We Worry about the Fiscal Numerology of Maastricht?, Willem H. Buiter
Gender, Intrafamily Allocation of Resources and Child Schooling in South India, P. Duraisamy
Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth, Casey B. Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Two Blades of Grass: Research for U.S. Agriculture, Robert E. Evenson
Papers from 1991
Regional Growth and Migration: A Japan-U.S. Comparison, Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i- Martin
Measuring the Value of Children by Sex and Age Using a Life Cycle Model of Fertility, Namkee Ahn
Taxes and the Form of Ownership of Foreign Corporate Equity, Roger H. Gordon and Joosung Jun
Wages, Schooling and Background: Investments in Men and Women in Urban Brazil, John Strauss and Duncan Thomas
Financial Development, the Trade Regime, and Economic Growth, Nouriel Roubini and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Public Policy and Anthropometric Outcomes in the Côte d’Ivoire, Duncan Thomas, Victor Lavy, and John Strauss
Smoothing Primary Exporters’ Price Risks: Bonds, Futures, Options and Insurance, Kenneth M. Kletzer, David M. Newbery, and Brian D. Wright
Saving and Endogenous Growth: A Survey of Theory and Willem Buiter Policy, Willem H. Buiter
Fiscal Federalism and Optimum Currency Areas: Evidence for Europe from the United States, Jeffrey Sachs Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Growth with Fluctuations, John C. H. Fei and Deborah Reed
International Differences in Labor Force Participation in Families and Firms, T. Paul Schultz
Public Finance in Models of Economic Growth, Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
The Timing of Government Spending in a Dynamic Model of Imperfect Competition, Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Convergence, Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i- Martin
Risk, Insurance and Default in a Rural Credit Market: An Empirical Investigation in Northern Nigeria, Christopher Udry
Adapting Household Behavior to Agricultural Technology in West Bengal, India: Wage Labor, Fertility and Child Schooling Determinants, Sudhin K. Mukhopadhyay
Measurement of Child Health: Maternal Response Bias, Jody Sindelar and Duncan Thomas
Agricultural Research Productivity in Pakistan, Qazi Tauqir Azam, Erik A. Bloom, and Robert E. Evenson
Can the Export-Led Growth Model Be Applied to Large Developing Countries? China’s Case, Jinjun Xue
A Competitive Analysis of Rural Credit: State- Contingent Loans in Northern Nigeria, Christopher Udry
Convergence across States and Regions, Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Intergenerational Transfers in Philippine Rice Villages: Gender Differences in Traditional Inheritance Customs, Agnes R. Quisumbing
Japan in the New World Confrontation: A Historical Perspective, Yujiro Hayami
Endogenous Fertility, Technical Change and Growth in a Model of Overlapping Generations, Lakshmi Raut and T. N. Srinivasan
Fallibility in Human Organizations and Political Systems, Raaj K. Sah
Like Father, Like Son: Gender Differences in Household Resource Allocations, Duncan Thomas
Patent Data by Industry: Evidence for Invention Potential Exhaustion?, Robert Evenson
Persistent Differences in National Productivity Growth Rates with a Common Technology and Free CapitalMobility. The Roles of Private Thrift, Public Debt, Capital Taxation and Policy toward Human Formation, Willem H. Builter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Papers from 1990
Lecture Notes on Economic Growth: Five Prototype Models of Endogenous Growth, Volume II, Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Lecture Notes on Economic Growth: Introduction to the Literature and Neoclassical Models, Volume I, Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Declining Inequality in Schooling in Brazil and Its Effects on Inequality in Earnings, Deborah Levison and David Lam
Perforate and Imperforate Currency Bands: Exchange Rate Management and the Term Structure of Interest Rate Differentials, Paolo A. Pesenti
Assessing Family Planning Cost-Effectiveness: Applicability of Individual Demand-Program Supply Framework, T. Paul Schultz
Aggregating Inequalities: The Equalizing Impact of the Earnings of Married Women in Metropolitan Brazil, Ricardo Barros and R. S. P. Mendonca
Sovereign Debt Renegotiation in a Consumption- Smoothing Model, Kenneth M. Kletzer and Brian D. Wright
Testing for Solvency of the Public Sector: An Application to Italy, Giancarlo Corsetti
Testing for Solvency of the Public Sector: An Application to Italy, Zeng Yi, Li Xiaoli, and Ma Zhongdong
The Dynamics of Rural Development: Theory and Application, Gustav Ranis and Frances Stewart
International Trade and Investment under Different Rates of Time Preference, Koichi Hamada and Kyoji Fukao
Fertility in Rural Sudan: The Effect of Landholding and Child Mortality, Nour Eldin Maglad
Returns to Women’s Education, T. Paul Schultz
An Explicit Closed-Form Formula for Profit-Maximizing k-out-of-n Systems Subject to Two Kinds of Failures, Raaj K. Sah
Prices, Infrastructure, Household Characteristics and Child Height, Duncan Thomas and John Strauss
Testing the Neoclassical Model of Family Labor Supply and Fertility, T. Paul Schultz
Reflections on the Fiscal Implications of a Common Currency, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
The Quality of Managers in Centralized versus Decentralized Organizations, Raaj K. Sah and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Fiscal Policy Interdependence and Efficiency, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer
Social Osmosis and Patterns of Crime: A Dynamic Economic Analysis, Raaj K. Sah
Some Envelope Theorems for Integer and Discrete Choice Variables, Raaj K. Sah and Jingang Zhao
The Shape of the Calorie-Expenditure Curve, John Strauss and Duncan Thomas
The Welfare Economics of Cooperative and Noncooperative Fiscal Policy, Willem H. Buiter and Kenneth M. Kletzer