The broad objectives of theoretical and empirical research at the Economic Growth Center are to understand the process of economic development and growth as well as the associated changes in economic structure. In particular, an understanding of how policies affect that process is necessary for suggesting policies for promoting development. The research is founded on relevant economic theory (micro and macro) and econometric tools. Empirical studies rely on cross-sectional and intertemporal data on micro decision-making units, such as individuals and households, and aggregates, such as nations, interpreted within suitable economic, demographic, and social frameworks. An increasing share of the research involves the study of the behavior of persons, households, and firms, as revealed in sample surveys, and applies the tools of microeconomic theory and associated statistical tools. EGC Discussion Papers report the results of the research efforts of Center members.
EGC faculty, visiting research faculty associated with the EGC and Ph.D. students on the job market wishing to submit a paper to the series should email a completed submission form with the paper to egc[at]
Note to Graduate Students: For graduate students interested in posting papers, use the Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) repository. More information about creating an account and submitting papers can be found on the MPRA home page. The Yale University listing of papers posted to MPRA can be found on this page.Papers from 1986
Forestry Research: A Provisional Global Inventory, Francois Mergen, M. A. Judd, and J. Putnam
Black and White Marriage Patterns: Why So Different?, Neil G. Bennett, David E. Bloom, and Patricia H. Craig
Borrowing to Defend the Exchange Rate and the Timing and Magnitude of Speculative Attacks: Fiscal Prerequisites for a VisibleManaged Exchange Rate Regime, Willem H. Buiter
Macroeconomic Responses by Developing Countries to Changes in External Economic Conditions, Willem H. Buiter
The Fertility Revolution: A Review Essay, T. Paul Schultz
Papers from 1985
Analyzing the Determinants of the External Debt Repayment Problems of LDC’s: Econometric Modelling Using a PanelSet of Data, Vassilis Argyrou Hajivassiliou
Tariffs, Saving and the Current Account, Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
The Impact of Improved Nutrition on Labor Productivity and Human Resource Development: An Economic Perspective, John Strauss
A Guide to Public Sector Debt and Deficit, Willem H. Buiter
Macroeconomic Policy Design in an Interdependent World Economy: An Analysis of Three Contingencies, Willem H. Buiter
Promotion and Mandatory Retirement, Steve Stern
Schooling, Information and Non-Market Productivity: Contraceptive Use and Its Effectiveness, Mark Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
What Influences Patters of Women’s Work in Rural Bangladesh?, Shahidur R. Khandker
School Expenditures and Enrollments, 1960-1980: The Effects of Income, Price and Population Growth, T. Paul Schultz
Women’s Role in Household Productive Activities and Fertility in Bangladesh, Shahidur R. Khandker
Economics of Committees, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
Population and Food, T. N. Srinivasan
The Invariance of R&D to the Number of Firms in the Industry: Equilibrium and Efficiency under BertrandCompetition, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
The National Defense Argument for Government Intervention in Foreign Trade, T. N. Srinivasan
What Affects the Level of Honesty in an Economy, Raaj Kumar Sah
Agricultural Household Models: A Survey of Recent Findings and Their Policy Implications, Inderjit Singh, Lyn Squire, and John Strauss
Current Account Policies, Charles Engel
Firms’ Investment Decisions in Imperfect Capital Markets, Ijaz Nabi
Price Scissors and the Structure of the Economy, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
Subcontracting and Industrialization in Developing Countries, Ijaz Nabi
The Architecture of Economic Systems: Hierarchies and Polyarchies, Raaj Kumar Sah
The Taxation and Pricing of Agricultural and Industrial Goods in Developing Economies, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
Yield Risk in a Dynamic Model of the Agricultural Household, Terry Roe and Theodore Graham-Tomasi
Changing World Prices, Women’s Wages, and the Fertility Transition: Sweden 1860-1910, T. Paul Schultz
Search, Applications and Vacancies, Steven Stern
The Substitution Between Male and Female Labor in Rural Indian Agricultural Production, Leslie A. Laufer
International Monetary Policy to Promote Economic Recovery, Willem H. Buiter
Optimal Foreign Borrowing of Capital in a Two- Sector Model, Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
The Social Cost of Labor and Project Evaluation: A General Approach, Raaj Kumar Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
Discrete Devaluation as a Signal to Price Setters: Suggested Evidence from Greece, Louka T. Katseli
Papers from 1984
Externalities, Heterogeneity and the Optimal Distribution of Public Programs: Child Health Family Planning Interventions, Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I. Wolpin
Migration Selectivity and the Effects of Government Programs, Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I. Wolpin
The Incidence of Market-Stabilizing Price Support Schemes, Brian D. Wright and Jeffery Williams
Heterogeneity, Intrafamily Distribution and Child Health, Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I. Wolpin
Import Demand Functions Revisited, Jorge Requena Blanco
The Demand for and Supply of Births: Fertility and Its Life-Cycle Consequences, Mark Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Studying the Impact of Household Economic and Community Variables on Child Mortality,, T. Paul Schultz
Agricultural Expansion and Forest Depletion in Thailand, 1900-1975, David Feeny
The Development of Property Rights in Land: A Comparative Study, David Feeny
Does Better Nutrition Raise Farm Productivity?, John Strauss
The Effects of Price Uncertainty on the Factor Choices of the Competitive Firm, Brian Wright
Two Estimation Methods for a Lifetime Discrete Choice Model under Uncertainty, Zvi Eckstein and Kenneth I. Wolpin
Analyzing an Agricultural Marketing Quota, Richard R. Barichello
An Overview of Agricultural Household Models: Empirical Applications, John Strauss
An Overview of Agricultural Household Models: Theory, John Strauss
Asymmetries of Information and LDC Borrowing with Sovereign Risk, Kenneth Kletzer
Time Diary Surveys: What Can We Learn from Them?, Leslie A. Lauferm and Wim P. M. Vijverberg
Papers from 1983
Demand for Child Health and Fertility in Rural India, Leslie A. Laufer
Growth Epochs and Compensatory Fiscal Policy, Alpha C. Chiang and John C. H. Fei
Optimal Trade and Industrial Policy Under Oligopoly, Jonathan Eaton and Gene M. Grossman
Production Functions with Factor Oriented Scale Sensitivity, John C. H. Fei, Chu-Ping Vijverberg, and Wim P. M. Vijverberg
The Schooling and Health of Children of U.S. Immigrants and Natives, T. Paul Schultz
Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labor in Agriculture: A Test Using Farm-level Data from India and Malaysia, Anil Deolalikar and Wim Vijverberg
Migrant Behavior and the Effects of Regional Prices: Aspects of Migrant Selection in Columbia, T. Paul Schultz
Investing in Agricultural Supply, M. Ann Judd, James K. Boyce, and Robert E. Evenson
Good-Bye Financial Repression, Hello Financial Crash, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro
Fertility Choice in a Growth Model with Land: Malthus Reconsidered, Zvi Eckstein, Steven Stern, and Kenneth Wolpin
The Dynamics of Agricultural Supply: A Reconsideration, Zvi Eckstein
The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve: An Analytic Framework, Jonathan Eaton and Zvi Eckstein
Anti-Hoarding Laws: A Stock Condemnation Re-Assayed, Brian Wright and Jeffrey Williams
A Review of Caldwell’s Theory of Fertility Decline, T. Paul Schultz
Consumer Demand and Household Production: Relationship Between Fertility and Child Mortality, Mark Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Estimating a Household Production Function: Heterogeneity, the Demand for Health Inputs and Their Effects on Birthweight, Mark Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz
Typology in Development Theory: Retrospective and Prospects, Gustav Ranis
Devaluation: A Critical Appraisal of IMF’s Policy Prescriptions, Louka T. Katseli
Federalism, Reapportionment and Innovation: The Case of Agricultural Research and Extension, Susan Rose-Ackerman and Robert Evenson
Product Line Rivalry, Jonathan Eaton and James Brander
Papers from 1982
Growth and Capital Wealth Concentration, John C. H. Fei and Chu-Ping Vijverberg
Philippine Private Domestic Commercial Banking, 1946- 1980, in Light of Japanese Historical Experience, Hugh T. Patrick and Honorata Moreno
Price, Markets and the Chinese Peasant, Nicholas Lardy
Some Financial Issues in the North, in the South, and in Between, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro
Unbiased Estimates of the Wage Equation When Individuals Choose Among Income-Earning Activities, Wil Vijverberg
An Estimable Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Child Mortality, Kenneth Wolpin
Determinants and Consequences of Indigenous Technological Activity, Gustav Ranis
Oligopolistic Competition, Product Variety and Entry Deterrence, Jonathan Eaton and Henry K. Kierzkowsk
A Comparison of Economic Models and Empirical Results for Female Labor Force Participation in Japan and the United States, M. Anne Hill
Climate Variations and the Population Distribution in LDC’s, Jennifer Roback
Cross-Sectional Methods for Estimating the Replacement of Infant Deaths, Randall Olsen
Endogenous Fertility in an Overlapping Generations Growth Model, Zvi Eckstein and Kenneth Wolpin
Exchange Rate Flexibility and Intervention Policy in the Philippines, 1973-1981, Filologo Pante Jr.
Fertility and Savings in a Two-Period Household Model: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Anil Deolalikar
Incorporating the Distribution of Income and the Duration of Life into a Measure of Economic Growth: Some New Suggestions, Jacques Silber
International Invention: Implications for Technology Market Analysis, Robert Evenson
Optimal and Time Consistent Exchange Rate Management in an Overlapping Generations Economy, Jonathan Eaton
Technology Production and Technology Purchase in Indian Industry: An Econometric Analysis, Anil Deolalikar and Robert Evenson
Farm Household Production: Demand for Wife’s Labor, Capital Services and the Capital-Labor Ratio, Wallace Huffman and Mark D. Lange
Short Run Fluctuations in Fertility and Mortality in Preindustrial Sweden, Zvi Eckstein, T. Paul Schultz, and Kenneth Wolpin
The Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labor in Agricultural Production: A Test Using District- Level Data fromIndia, Anil Deolalikar and Wim Vijverberg
Uncertain Lifetime and the Welfare Enhancing Properties of Annuity Markets and Social Security, Zvi Eckstein, Martin Eichenbaum, and Dan Peled
Latin America in the 1930s, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro
Life Under Pressure: Questions for a Comparative History of Economy and Demography in France and England, 1670-1870, David R. Weir
Real Exchange Rates in the 1970s, Louka T. Katseli
Taxation and Corporate Dividend Behaviour in India, J. V. M. Sarma
Taxation and Dividends in India: A Review (1974-1977), J. V. M. Sarma
Country Risk: Economic Aspects, Jonathan Eaton and Mark Gersovitz