The broad objectives of theoretical and empirical research at the Economic Growth Center are to understand the process of economic development and growth as well as the associated changes in economic structure. In particular, an understanding of how policies affect that process is necessary for suggesting policies for promoting development. The research is founded on relevant economic theory (micro and macro) and econometric tools. Empirical studies rely on cross-sectional and intertemporal data on micro decision-making units, such as individuals and households, and aggregates, such as nations, interpreted within suitable economic, demographic, and social frameworks. An increasing share of the research involves the study of the behavior of persons, households, and firms, as revealed in sample surveys, and applies the tools of microeconomic theory and associated statistical tools. EGC Discussion Papers report the results of the research efforts of Center members.

EGC faculty, visiting research faculty associated with the EGC and Ph.D. students on the job market wishing to submit a paper to the series should email a completed submission form with the paper to egc[at]

Note to Graduate Students: For graduate students interested in posting papers, use the Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) repository. More information about creating an account and submitting papers can be found on the MPRA home page. The Yale University listing of papers posted to MPRA can be found on this page.


Papers from 1997


As the Century Turns: Analytics, Empirics and Politics of Development, T.N. Srinivasan


Economic Growth and Human Development, Alejandro Ramirez, Gustav Ranis, and Frances Stewart


Reflections, Gustav Ranis


Income Inequality in Taiwan 1976-1995: Changing Family Composition, Aging, and Female Labor Force Participation, T. Paul Schultz


The Effects of Transactions Costs on Labor Market Participation and Earnings: Evidence from Rural Philippine Markets, Leonardo A. Lanzona and Robert E. Evenson


Economic Growth, International Technological Spillovers and Public Policy: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Asia, Robert E. Evenson and Lakhwinder Singh


Labor Unions and the Distribution of Wages and Employment in South Africa, T. Paul Schultz and Germano Mwabu


Determinants of Unemployment Duration in Russia, Mark C. Foley


Labor Market Dynamics in Russia, Mark C. Foley


Multiple Job Holding in Russia During Economic Transition, Mark C. Foley


The Introduction of Pharmaceutical Product Patents in India: Heartless Exploitation of the Poor and Suffering, Jean O. Lanjouw


Three Lectures on the Walrasian Hypotheses for Exchange Economies, Donald J. Brown


Long-Run Structural and Productivity Change in U.S. Agriculture: Effects of Prices and Policies, Robert E. Evenson and Wallace B. Huffman


An Outcome-Oriented Theory of Choice and Empirical Paradoxes in Expected Utility Theory, Fumihiro Kaneko


Rice Varietal Improvement and International Exchange of Rice Germplasm, Robert E. Evenson


The Microeconomics of ‘Surplus Labor’, Gustav Ranis


Markets for Communist Human Capital: Returns to Education and Experience in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Robert S. Chase

Papers from 1996


Regionalism and the World Trade Organization: Is Non-Discrimination Passé?, T.N. Srinivasan


Trade and Human Rights, T.N. Srinivasan


Baby Boom or Bust? Changing Fertility in Post-Communist Czech Republic and Slovakia, Robert S. Chase


Supplier Relations and the Market Context: A Theory of Handshakes, John McLaren


Successes and Failures of Development Experience Since the 1980s, Gustav Ranis


Japan 1968: A Reflection Point During the Era of the Economic Miracle, Koichi Hamada


Corruption, Black Markets, and the Fiscal Problem in LDC’s: Some Recent Findings, John McLaren

External Shocks and Structural Adjustments: A Dutch Disease Dynamic Analysis, Mohsen Fardmanesh


Wage and Price Control Policies in Socialist Transitional Economies, Mohsen Fardmanesh and Li Tan


The Economic Consequences of a Declining Hegemon, Koichi Hamada


The Trade-Growth Nexus in Taiwan’s Development, Gustav Ranis


The Common External Tariff of a Customs Union: Alternative Approaches, T.N. Srinivasan


Consumers, the Legal System and Product Liability Reform: A Comparative Perspective Between Japan and the United States, Koichi Hamada


Wage and Labor Supply Effects of Illness in Côte D’Ivoire and Ghana: Instrumental Variable Estimates for Days Disabled, T. Paul Schultz and Aysit Tansel


Policy Making and Speculative Attacks in Models of Exchange Rate Crises: A Synthesis, Giancarlo Corsetti and Lilia Cavallari


Regional Economic Integration and Article XXIV of the GATT, Koichi Hamada and Junichi Goto


The Private Demand for Information and the Effects of Public Testing Programs: The Case of HIV, Michael Boozer and Tomas Philipson

Education Returns Across Quantiles of the Wage Function: Alternative Explanations for Returns to Education by Race in South Africa, Germano Mwabu and T. Paul Schultz

North-South Conflicts and Their Management, Gustav Ranis

The Impact of Migrant Workers on the Japanese Economy: Trickle vs. Flood, Junichi Goto

Will Latin America Now Put a Stop to ‘Stop-and-Go’?, Gustav Ranis

Papers from 1995


Price and Trade Liberalization in East European Economies, Mohsen Fardmanesh and Li Tan


The Structure of Arms Races Before and After the End of the Cold War: From Strategic Substitutes to Strategic Complements, Koichi Hamada

Aging, Immigration and Women in the Labor Force: Japan Compared to Other OECD Countries, T. Paul Schultz

Long-Term Consequences of Population Growth: Technological Change, Natural Resources, and the Environment, T.N. Srinivasan and James A. Robinson

Migration Decisions, Self-Selection and Earnings in Low-Income Philippine Communities, Leonardo A. Lanzona


Women’s Labor Force Participation During and After Communism: A Case Study of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Robert S. Chase


Diversification, Liquidity, and Supervision for Small Financial Institutions: Nineteenth-Century German Credit Cooperatives, Timothy W. Guinnane

Welfare Impacts of Health Care User Fees: A Health-Valuation Approach to Analysis with Imperfect Markets, William H. Dow

Discrete Choice Estimation of Price-Elasticities: The Benefits of a Flexible Behavioral Model of Health Care Demand, William H. Dow

Gender-Bias in India: The Importance of Household Fixed-Effects, Ramesh Subramaniam

Unconditional Demand for Curative Health Inputs: Does Selection on Health Status Matter in the Long Run?, William H. Dow

Fertility and Child Mortality in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, T. Paul Schultz and Kofi Benefo

Household Composition and Expenditures on Human Capital Formation in Kenya, Robert E. Evenson and Germano Mwabu

Labor Income Indices Designed for Use in Contracts Promoting Income Risk Management, Robert J. Shiller and Ryan Schneider


Tetanus, Death and Aerobics: The Evaluation of Disease-Specific Public Health Interventions, Xavier Sala-i-Martin, William H. Dow, Jessica Holmes, and Tomas Philipson

Accounting for Public Expenditures on Education: An International Panel Study, T. Paul Schultz

Immigrant Quality and Assimilation: A Review of the Literature, T. Paul Schultz


Information and the Operation of Markets: Tests Based on a General Equilibrium Model of Land Leasing in India, Jean Olson Lanjouw


Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Robert J. Barro


The Classical Approach to Convergence Analysis, Xavier Sala-i-Martin


The Limits to Land Reform: The Land Acts in Ireland, 1870-1909, Timothy W. Guinnane and Ronald I. Miller

Intraschool Variation in Class Size: Patterns and Implications, Michael Boozer and Cecilia Rouse


World Income Components: Measuring and Exploiting International Risk Sharing Opportunities, Robert J. Shiller and Stefano Athanasoulis


Evaluation of Integrated Human Resource Programs, T. Paul Schultz


Integrated Approaches to Human Resource Development, T. Paul Schultz


Measuring Aggregate Human Capital, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Casey B. Mulligan


Trade and the Environment: Does Environmental Diversity Detract from the Case for Free Trade?, T.N. Srinivasan and Jagdish Bhagwati