YPFS Resource Library
Our Resource Library includes primary sources such as documents implementing government actions, internal company documents, press releases, and testimony of government officials. Secondary resources include government reports, academic papers, media stories, and interviews with key persons involved in the crises interventions. At this time, our Resource Library consists primarily of materials relating to all of the major crises events of the 19th century, but we are expanding to include materials regarding other crises.
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Users may search for materials by entering criteria terms including:
- country (e.g. enter term "Venezuela";
- case series (e.g. enter term "Liquidity Rules - Reserve Requirements");
- intervention method (e.g. enter term "Credit Line");
- crisis (e.g. enter term "Turkey Crisis");
About the Library
YPFS Research Guides
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Browse the YPFS Resource Library:
- 1986-1988 World Bank Loan Committee Documents
- 2020 YPFS Preliminary Discussion Drafts
- Account Guarantee Programs
- Ad hoc Capital Injection
- Ad hoc Emergency Liquidity
- American International Group (AIG)
- Basel III
- Bear Stearns
- Blanket Guarantees
- Broad-Based Asset Management Programs
- Broad-based Capital Injections
- Broad-Based Emergency Liquidity
- Brookings/YPFS Discussion Drafts
- Central Bank Swap Line Programs
- COVID-19 Blog Posts
- Credit Guarantee Programs
- European Banking Union
- European Central Bank: Tools and Policy Actions
- Federal Reserve Board FOIA Request - Date requested: 02/02/18
- Federal Reserve Board FOIA Request - Date requested: 06/05/18
- Federal Reserve Discount Window FOIA - Request No. 2010-282
- Federal Reserve Discount Window FOIA Requests Nos. 2009-73 and 2009-106
- Federal Reserve Discount Window FOIA - Request No. 2008-356
- Federal Reserve System GFC Press Releases
- Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
- Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises
- Iceland and Ireland in Crisis
- JPMorgan Chase London Whale
- Liquidity Rules - Reserve Requirements
- Market Liquidity Programs
- Market Support Programs
- Mexico Peso Crisis
- Resolution and Restructuring
- Restructuring and Forgiveness in Financial Crises
- The Austrian Response to the GFC
- The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response
- The Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy
- The Mexican Response to the GFC
- The Rescue of Dexia Group SA
- The Rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
- The Rescue of the U.S. Auto Industry
- The Spanish Response to the GFC
- Wall Street Journal Federal Reserve FOIA (2020)
- YPFS Archive Notes
- YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project
- 9/11: September 11th Attacks (2001)
- Argentine Economic Crisis (2001-02)
- Argentine Monetary Crisis (2018–)
- Asian Financial Crisis (1997-1998)
- Banco Ambrosiano Crisis (1982)
- Banking Crisis of 2023
- Brazil Crisis (2015)
- Canada Banking Crisis (1985)
- China Scare (2015 - 2016)
- Chinese Stock Market Crash (2015-)
- COVID-19 Crisis (2020 - 2021)
- Czech Republic Currency Crisis (1997)
- Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991)
- Dominican Republic Crisis (2003)
- Ecuador Economic Crisis (1998-99)
- European Monetary System Crisis (1992-1993)
- European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2008 - 2012)
- Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
- India Crisis (2018-20)
- Indian Economic Crisis (1991)
- Israel Banking Crisis (1983-1987)
- Jamaican Financial Crisis (1996 -1997)
- Japanese Financial Crisis (1990s)
- Mexican Crisis (1982)
- Mexico Peso Crisis (1994-1995)
- Moldovan Banking Crisis (2014)
- Napoleonic Wars (1805)
- New York Clearing House Crises (1873-1914)
- Nordic Financial Crisis (1990 -1994)
- Rhode Island Banking Crisis (1991)
- Russian Private-Banking Crisis (2017)
- Russian Ruble Crisis (1998)
- Russian/Ukrainian Conflict (2014)
- Savings and Loans Crisis (1989 - 1995)
- Spanish Banking Crisis (1977-1985)
- Swedish Banking Crisis (1990-1994)
- The Great Depression
- Turkey Crisis (2000-2001)
- United States Stock Market Crash (1987)
- Y2K Century Date Change (1999-2000)
- Account Guarantee Scheme
- Ad hoc Capital Injection
- Ad hoc Emergency Liquidity
- Asset Guarantee Program
- Asset Management Program -Specific Firm
- Asset Purchase Program
- Bad Bank
- Bank Holidays & Other Suspensions
- Bank Resolution and Restructuring
- Blanket Guarantee Programs
- Broad-Based Asset Management Program
- Broad-Based Capital Injection
- Broad-Based Emergency Liquidity
- Capital Injection -Specific Firms
- Central Bank Swap Line Programs
- Credit Guarantee Program
- Credit Line
- Debt Guarantee Program
- Deposit Insurance
- Emergency Liquidity-Specific Firm
- Liquidity Rules - Reserve Requirements
- Market Liquidity Program
- Market Support Programs
- Non-bank Restructuring
- Not Applicable
- Resolution & Restructuring