Brazil Crisis (2015)
Documents from 2023
Understanding the National Monetary Council, Banco Central do Brasil
Brazil: 2023 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund
Documents from 2022
O que é CDB (Certificado de Depósito Bancário)? Entenda!, Genial Investimentos
Documents from 2018
Brazil, Financial Sector Assessment Program, Technical Note on Bank Resolution, Financial Sector Safety Nets, Crisis Prevention and Management, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Brazil court acquits former BTG Pactual CEO Esteves, Lisandra Paraguassu and Carolina Mandl
Documents from 2016
Comunicado ao Mercado, Banco BTG Pactual SA
Management Report/Performance Comments, Banco BTG Pactual SA
BTG Pactual – Earnings Release, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Divulgação de Resultados Quarto Trimestre de 2015, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS, Banco BTG Pactual S.A. and subsidiaries
Relatório Anual 2015, Banco Central do Brasil
BSI sale allows BTG to pre-pay emergency fund, BNamericas
Annual Report 2015, Fundo Garantidor de Créditos
FGC Garantia, Fundo Garantidor de Créditos
Earnings Call Transcript: Q3 2016 Banco BTG Pactual SA, Thomson Reuters
Earnings Call Transcript: Q4 2015 Banco BTG Pactual SA, Thomson Reuters
Documents from 2015
Comunicado ao Mercado, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
BC promove aperfeiçoamento de normas sobre recolhimentos compulsórios, Banco Central do Brasil
BTG Pactual's reliance on market funding poses challenge for new boss, Tatiana Bautzer and Guillernmo Parra-Bernal
Ações do BTG Pactualcaíram 50% desde aprisão de André Esteves, Época Negócios
Fitch Places Banco BTG Pactual and Subsidiaries on Rating Watch Negative, Fitch Ratings
BTG Funds’ Net Withdrawals Reach $2 Billion Since Esteves Arrest, Ney Hayashi
BTG está confortável com posição de liquidez após linha do FGC, diz Arida em carta, InfoMoney
BTG Pactual stops making new loans to conserve liquidity, Joe Leahy
BTG’s $1.6 Billion Lifeline: Silver Bullet or Band-Aid?, Jonathan Levin, Francisco Marcelino, and Cristiane Lucchesi
Brazil Central Bank Said to Demand BTG Sell Assets, Cut Trading, Cristiane Lucchesi
BTG Avoids Fire Sale as $1.5 Billion Credit Line Buys Time, Cristiane Lucchesi, Francisco Marcelino, and Jonathan Levin
BTG to Get Central Bank Help With Lower Requirements, Francisco Marcelino
FGC Fund Says BTG Pactual Shrs Falling Because Bank Will Shrink, Francisco Marcelino
The 'Goldman Sachs of Brazil' may need to be rescued by a big buyer, Jonathan Marino
BTG Pactual taps credit facility from Brazil guarantee fund, Guillermo Parra-Bernal
Esteves swapped BTG Pactual common for preferred stock in deal, source says, Guillermo Parra-Bernal and Tatiana Bautzer
BTG: There's No Accord to Sell Loans to Caixa, Banca do Brasil, Jonathan Roeder
BTG Pactual, Brazilian Bank, Seeks to Calm Investors After C.E.O.’s Arrest, Vinod Sreeharsha and Dan Horch
BTG Pactual CoCo Holders Eye Bank's Strength Ratios After Arrest, Nazzareno Virdo
Some Intl Banks Have Limited Funding to BTG Pactual: Reuters, Huang Zhe
Documents from 1995
RESOLUÇÃO N.o 2.211, DO CMN, National Monetary Council
RESOLUTION 2,197, FROM NATIONAL MONETARY COUNCIL (CMN), AUGUST 31, 1995, National Monetary Council