University-Produced Resources About New Haven | Browse Research by Origin | Yale University

University-Produced Resources



Research from 2024


Connecticut Environmental Screening Tool, Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA), University Of Connecticut, and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection


Community Greenspace Sites Map, Urban Resources Initiative

Research from 2022


Street Tree Inventory Map, Urban Resources Initiative

Research from 2021


Health and Social Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Uninsured Communities in the City of New Haven, Eesha Dave, Betty Duran-Becerra, Alyssa Kim, Senyte Pierce, and Weixi Wu


Exploring Toddler Sleep Disparities Using Spatial Analytic Methods, Jessica He


Improving Care Pathway Access and Utilization in an HIV/AIDS Skilled Nursing Center in New Haven, CT, Katherine Ho, Serena Ly, Christine Pham, and Chinenye Okafor


From Tent City to Tiny House Villages: Exploring Non-traditional Transitional Housing Models for New Haven, Anna Kapolka; Seema Doshi; John Park; Lakai Legg; Debbie Humphries , (Faculty Advisor); Mark Colville; and André Medeiros

Research from 2020


Reducing Lead Exposure: A Qualitative Exploration of Service Providers’ Experiences Working with Families, Haley Case, Rebecca Schapiro, Debbie Humphries, and Marta Kostecki

Erik Clemons: Food and Empowering New Haven, Yale Sustainable Food Program

Nonprofits and New Haven: Driving Food-Centered Inclusion, Yale Sustainable Food Program


Documenting the Impact of a Food Pantry Program in Promoting Stability and Independence Among New Haven Residents, Victoria Tran, Rucha Kandlur, Lakai Legg, Jakyung Lee, Debbie Humphries, Parmida Zarei, Bonita Grubbs, Nicole Smith, Mary Tyrrell, and Kelsey Hitchcock

Research from 2019


A Trauma-Informed Atmospheric Assessment for Food Assistance Programs, Rachel Brase, Jane Dai, Alyssa Schneider, Steve Werlin, Rachel Ebling, Emily Pieper, and Debbie Humphries


Evaluating Behavioral Health Service Need for Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Community-Based Qualitative Study, Antonia Caba, Joy Chen, Casey Chu, Alexandra Grimaldi, Abigail Raynor, Chris Cole, and John Pachankis


Identifying Health Resources and Community Perceptions in the Greater New Haven Area, Anthony Chui, Harry Hyunteh Kim, Lauren Kim, Uzma Amin, Augusta Mueller, Brita Roy, Emily Pieper, and Debbie Humphries

New Haven's Own: Ital Eating and Lady Lager, Yale Sustainable Food Program


Time Under the Curve: Assessing the Impact of Regional Lead Treatment Center Home Visit on the Length of Exposure in Lead Poisoned Children, Diane Ma, Bethany Sanchez, Ayse Tuncel Bahar, Momoko Ishii, Marta Wilczynski, William Maher, and Debbie Humphries

Research from 2018


Adapting Dietary Guidelines to Client-Centered Preferences at the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK), Olivia Campbell, Jessica Liu, Dashni Sathasivam, Victoria Shirriff, Steve Werlin, Amelia Reese Masterson, Leah Ferrucci, Nicole Hood, and Debbie Humphries


Assessing Low-Income Community Members' Views on Food Access and Farmers' Markets in New Haven, Hillary Chisholm, Joey Clingerman, Libby Didomizio, Janine Kara, Emmy Pieper, Jieqiong Zhou, Debbie Humphries, Rachel Perler, and Amelia Reese Masterson


Public Health Implications of Evictions: Modeling the Costs for Landlords, Tenants, and Society, Sam Levy, Madelynn Tice, Maria Sperduto, Ryan Yucha, Rachel Perler, Billy Huang, Debbie Humphries, and Jack Tsai


Yale New Haven Hospital - Regional Lead Treatment Center, Cade McGovern, Natasha Wasim, Pooja Bollampally, Tammy Chen, Will Maher, Marta Wilczynski, Brianna Foley, Nicole Hood, and Debbie Humphries


Measuring & Mapping Mortality in the Elm City: Identifying and Addressing Health Inequities in New Haven with Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) and Other Health Determinants, Natalie Olson, Wei Chang, Miranda Janvrin, Carolyn Park, Chengcheng Qiu, Brian Weeks, Brooke Logan, Byron Kennedy, Sheridan Finnie, and Debbie Humphries


Implementing an Effective Community-Based Advisory Board (CAB) at New Haven Farms, Akshar Patel, Kendra Hanlon, Qingying Luo, Sheridan Finnie, Debbie Humphries, Marcella Nunez-Smith, and Laura Hansen


The State of Hunger in New Haven: Report on Food Insecurity and Recommendations for Action 2017-2018, Alycia Santilli and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany

Research from 2016


Students Help New Haven Farms Rethink Its Future, Columbia Climate School


Urban Tree Canopy Metrics for New Haven, CT (2016), Urban Resources Initiative

Research from 2007


New Haven Oral History Project: Linda Maier, Linda Maier and Usha Chilukuri


New Haven Oral History Project: Curlena McDonald, Curlena McDonald and Usha Chilukuri


New Haven Oral History Project: Kovilka and Verica Milvojevic, Kovilka Milvojevic, Verica Milvojevic, and Jacob Marcus


New Haven Oral History Project: Daniel Naddis, Daniel Naddis and Alexis Fitts

Research from 2006


New Haven Oral History Project: John Daniels, John Daniels and Courtney Amos


New Haven Oral History Project: Lola Nash, Lola Nash and Jordan Sauer

Research from 2005


New Haven Oral History Project: Curtis Cofield, Curtis Cofield and Emily Johnson


New Haven Oral History Project: Rev. Ed Dobihal, Rev. Ed Dobihal and Emily Johnson


New Haven Oral History Project: Dr. Edward Joyner, Dr. Edward Joyner and Maren Ludwig


New Haven Oral History Project: Mark Kinzly, Mark Kinzly and Tiffany Lu


New Haven Oral History Project: Michael Morand, Michael Morand and Josh Eidelson

Research from 2004


New Haven Oral History Project: Richard Abbatiello, Richard Abbatiello and Douglas London


New Haven Oral History Project: Elizabeth Kubler, Elizabeth Kubler and Andy Horowitz


New Haven Oral History Project: Eugene Vitelli, Eugene Vitelli and Katherine Levine

Research from 2003


New Haven Oral History Project: Francis Clark, Francis Clark and Thomas Dolan


New Haven Oral History Project: Frank Nasti Jr., Frank Nasti Jr. and Christina Sánchez


New Haven Oral History Project: Craig O'Connell, Craig O'Connell and Nicholas Strohl