A high proportion of Connecticut residents are at risk of health effects due to lead exposure, especially children under the age of six. The Yale Regional Lead Treatment Center (YRLTC) assists families of children with blood lead levels (BLL) exceeding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maximum BLL of 5 µg/dL. YRLTC incorporates home visits of lead-exposed children living in Southern Connecticut to mitigate lead poisoning by emphasizing public health initiatives and social work, rather than using a clinic-only approach. This project aimed to evaluate the merits of this new interdisciplinary approach and its tangible effects on health outcomes. Key informant interviews provided perspectives on the value and themes of home visits. Questions focused on physiological measures of lead poisoning and cognitive development, patient interactions during home visits as well as legal, and logistical challenges to lead abatement. The team also shadowed home visits in order to understand the intervention.
Publication Date
Spring 2019
Public health, lead, lead poisoning, home visits, regional lead treatment center, Connecticut
Clinical Epidemiology | Environmental Public Health
Recommended Citation
Ma, Diane; Sanchez, Bethany; Bahar, Ayse Tuncel; Ishii, Momoko; Wilczynski, Marta; Maher, William; and Humphries, Debbie, "Time Under the Curve: Assessing the Impact of Regional Lead Treatment Center Home Visit on the Length of Exposure in Lead Poisoned Children" (2019). Practice Based Community Health Research Reports. 29.