As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 1989


A Brownian-pumping model for oceanic trace metal scavenging: Evidence from Th isotopes, B. D. Honeyman and P. H. Santschi


A nonlinear, time-dependent thermocline theory, William K. Dewar


A numerical study of wind forcing of eddies and jets in the California Current System, Mary L. Batteen, Robert L. Haney, Terrance A. Tielking, and Philip G. Renaud


Chaetognaths and oceanography on Georges Bank, R. Gregory Lough and Ronald W. Trites


Circulation of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the North Atlantic Ocean, Mizuki Tsuchiya


Composition and degradation of salp fecal pellets: Implications for vertical flux in oceanic environments, David A. Caron, Laurence P. Madin, and Jonathan J. Cole


Critical control of zonal jets by bottom topography, Larry J. Pratt


Density of the major size groups of benthic fauna and trophic input in deep basins of the Atlantic Ocean, Myriam Sibuet, Claude E. Lambert, Roger Chesselet, and Lucien Laubier


Derivative analysis of spectral absorption by photosynthetic pigments in the western Sargasso Sea, R. R. Bidigare, J. H. Morrow, and D. A. Kiefer


Eddy momentum and heat ftuxes and their effects on the circulation of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Harry L. Bryden and Esther C. Brady


Lagrangian statistics in the South Atlantic as derived from SOS and FGGE drifters, Horacio A. Figueroa and Donald B. Olson


Large-scale SST anomalies associated with subtropical fronts in the western North Atlantic during FASINEX, George R. Halliwell Jr. and Peter Cornillon


Lead-210 and polonium-210 in pteropod and heteropod mollusc shells from the North Pacific: Evaluation of sample treatments and variation with shell size, Victoria J. Fabry and Margaret L. Delaney


Longitudinal dispersion of suspended particles in oscillatory currents, Hidekazu Yasuda


Low frequency variability in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Gordon Mertz, Mohammed I. El-Sabh, and Vladimir G. Koutitonsky


Maximal quantum yield of photosynthesis in the northwestern Sargasso Sea, J. S. Cleveland, M. J. Perry, D. A. Kiefer, and M. C. Talbot


Mechanisms of subsurface thermal structure and sea surface thermohaline variabilities in the southwestern tropical Pacific during 1975-85, Thierry Delcroix and Christian Hénin


Microscale and finescale variations of small plankton in coastal and pelagic environments, R. W. Owen


O2 and CO2 balances approach for estimating biological production in the mixed layer of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Guinea Dome area), C. Oudot


On the barotropic planetary oscillations of the Pacific, Arthur J. Miller


On the contribution of the benthos to pelagic production, Peter H. Doering


On the interaction of wind and buoyancy driven gyres, Alain Colin de Verdière


Open-incubation, diffusion methods for measuring solute reaction rates in sediments, Robert C. Aller and James E. Mackin


Organic matter decomposition pathways and oxygen consumption in coastal marine sediments, James E. Mackin and Kenneth T. Swider


Oxygen, sulfide and diffusion: Why thiobiotic meiofauna must be sulfide-insensitive first-order respirers, Eric Powell


Rates of vertical mixing, gas exchange and new production: Estimates from seasonal gas cycles in the upper ocean near Bermuda, William S. Spitzer and William J. Jenkins


Red Sea budgets of salinity, nutrients and carbon calculated in the Strait of Bab-EI-Mandab during the summer and winter seasons, E. Souvermezoglou, N. Metzl, and A. Poisson


Resonance of internal waves in fjords: A finite-difference model, Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Vigdis Tverberg, and Edgar G. Pavia


Spectral transform simulations of finite amplitude double-diffusive instabilities in two dimensions, D. W. A. Whitfield, G. Holloway, and J. Y. Holyer


Streamfunctions for the lateral velocity vector in a compressible ocean, Trevor J. McDougall


The influence of Gulf Stream warm core rings on recruitment of fish in the northwest Atlantic, Ransom A. Myers and Ken Drinkwater


The MODE Site revisited, William J. Schmitz Jr.


The mythical thermohaline oscillator?, Barry Ruddick and Lingqi Zhang


The response of the coastal ocean to strong offshore winds: With application to circulations in the Gulfs of Tehuantepec and Papagayo, Julian P. McCreary Jr., Hyong S. Lee, and David B. Enfield


The spatial and temporal structure of hydrographic and phytoplankton biomass heterogeneity along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean), Mercedes Masó and Carlos M. Duarte


The ventilated thermocline in quasigeostrophic approximation, Myrl C. Hendershott


Variability of the coastal current and nutrient pathways in the eastern Gulf of Maine, David A. Brooks and David W. Townsend


Vertical distribution of microbial and meiofaunal populations in sediments of a natural coastal hydrocarbon seep, Paul A. Montagna, James E. Bauer, Dane Hardin, and Robert B. Spies


Wind-driven ocean circulation and equilibrium statistical mechanics, Annalisa Griffa and Rick Salmon

Submissions from 1990


A mechanistic view of the particulate biodiffusion coefficient: Step lengths, rest periods and transport directions, R. A. Wheatcroft, P. A. Jumars, C. R. Smith, and A. R. M. Nowell


A nitrogen-based model of plankton dynamics in the oceanic mixed layer, M. J. R. Fasham, H. W. Ducklow, and S. M. McKelvie


Barotropic variability in the presence of an ocean gyre, Richard J. Greatbatch and Jin Li


Covariability of dissolved oxygen with physical processes in the summertime Chesapeake Bay, Lawrence P. Sanford, Kevin G. Sellner, and Denise L. Breitburg


Deep Western Boundary Current variability at Cape Hatteras, Robert S. Pickart and D. Randolph Watts


Dissipative dynamics of western boundary currents, Paola Cessi, R. Vance Condie, and W. R. Young


Double-diffusive convection with imposed vertical mass flux, R. Krishnamurti and Y. Zhu


Early diagenesis and recycling of biogenic debris at the seafloor, Santa Monica Basin, California, Richard A. Jahnke


Effects of large-scale topography on abyssal circulation, David N. Straub and Peter B. Rhines


Hydrography and circulation off the west coast of India during the Southwest Monsoon 1987, S. R. Shetye, A. D. Gouveia, S. S. C. Shenoi, D. Sundar, G. S. Michael, A. M. Almeida, and K. Santanam


Interaction between internal tides and energetic fluxes across the atmosphere-ocean interface over a continental shelf break, R. Mazé and J. Y. Le Tareau


Inversions of observations near the Azores Front, Grant R. Bigg


Meridional variations of the springtime phytoplankton community in the Sargasso Sea, D. A. Siegel, R. Iturriaga, R. R. Bidigare, R. C. Smith, H. Pak, T. D. Dickey, J. Marra, and K. S. Baker


Near-inertial and diurnal motions in the trajectories of mixed layer drifters, Pierre-Marie Poulain


Nitrogen recycling in coastal waters of southeastern U.S. during summer 1986, R. B. Hanson, C. Y. Robertson, J. A. Yoder, P. G. Verity, and S. S. Bishop


On the generation and propagation of Rossby waves in an ocean with a zonally shoaling mixed layer, M. S. Darby and A. J. Willmott


On the influence of the Continental Slope on the Western Boundary Layer: The enhanced transport and recirculation, Zhengyu Liu


Optical efficiency factors of free-living marine bacteria: Influence of bacterioplankton upon the optical properties and particulate organic carbon in oceanic waters, André Morel and Yu-Hwan Ahn


Physical, chemical and biological structure of a coastal eddy near Cape Mendocino, Thomas L. Hayward and Arnold W. Mantyla


Phytoplankton growth at the shelf-break front in the Middle Atlantic Bight, John Marra, R. W. Houghton, and Christopher Garside


Recirculation and separation of boundary currents, Paola Cessi


Retroflection and leakage in the North Brazil Current: Critical point analysis, G. T. Csanady


Shell growth rates of pteropod and heteropod molluscs and aragonite production in the open ocean: Implications for the marine carbonate system, Victoria J. Fabry


Simulating the time-variable coastal upwelling during CODE 2, Dake Chen and Dong-Ping Wang


Some features of the upwelling off Oman, Alan J. Elliott and Graham Savidge


The effects of flow disturbance by an oceanic island, Karen J. Heywood, Eric D. Barton, and John H. Simpson


The evolution of salt fingers in inertial wave shear, Eric Kunze


The mesoscale variability of the sea surface temperature: An analytical and numerical mode, Patrice Klein and Bach Lien Hua


The mixed-layer climatology in the northwestern part of the North Pacific subtropical gyre and the formation area of Subtropical Mode Wate, Toshio Suga and Kimio Hanawa


The North Atlantic Current and Subarctic Intermediate Water, Michel Arhan


The thermocline as an "internal boundary layer", Rick Salmon


Δ14C balance for the Gulf of Maine, Long Island Sound and the northern Middle Atlantic Bight: Evidence for the extent of the Antarctic Intermediate Water contribution, N. Tanaka, M. C. Monaghan, and K. K. Turekian

Submissions from 1991


A carbon budget for a eutrophic marine ecosystem and the role of sulfur metabolism in sedimentary carbon, oxygen and energy dynamics, P. Sampou and C. A. Oviatt


A model of the diel vertical migration of zooplankton based on euphausiids, Valérie Andersen and Paul Nival


Arrested fronts, William K. Dewar


A subsurface cyclonic eddy in the Bay of Bengal, M. T. Babu, Prasanna Kumar, and D. P. Rao


Bubbles and the air-sea exchange of gases in near-saturation conditions, David K. Woolf and S. A. Thorpe


Buoyancy-driven circulation as horizontal convection on β-plane, Nobuo Suginohara and Shigeaki Aoki


Conservative tracer study of horizontal sediment mixing rates in a bathyal basin, California borderland, Robert A. Wheatcroft


Control of deep-sea benthic community structure by oxygen and organic-matter gradients in the eastern Pacific Ocean, Lisa A. Levin, Cynthia L. Huggett, and Karen F. Wishner


Diel migration and feeding patterns of the chaetognath, Sagitta friderici, off the west coast of South Africa, Venetia Stuart and Hans M. Verheye


Direct measurement of dissolved inorganic nitrogen exchange and denitrification in individual polychaete (Nereis virens) burrows, Erik Kristensen, Mikael Hjorth Jensen, and Robert C. Aller


Early diagenesis of chlorophyll-a in Long Island Sound sediments: A measure of carbon flux and particle reworking, Mingyi Sun, Robert C. Aller, and Cindy Lee


Expatriation of Xyrichtys novacula (Pisces: Labridae) larvae: Evidence of rapid cross-slope exchange, Jonathan A. Hare and Robert K. Cowen


Generation and propagation of inertial waves in the subtropical front, Dong-Ping Wang


Geostrophic transport of the South Equatorial Current in the Atlantic, Lothar Stramma


Laminar separation of colliding western boundary currents, Paola Cessi


Micropatchiness, turbulence and recruitment in plankton, Cabell S. Davis, Glenn R. Flierl, P. H. Wiebe, and P. J. S. Franks


Modeling of internal tides in fjords, V. Tverberg, B. Cushman-Roisin, and H. Svendsen


Modeling the variability of the Somali Current, D. L. T. Anderson, D. J. Carrington, R. Corry, and C. Gordon


Nonlinear general circulation of an ocean model driven by wind with a stochastic component, Annalisa Griffa and Sergio Castellari


On the structure and stability of the Alaskan Stream, R. K. Reed, F. I. Gonzalez, and L. Miller


Optics of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates: A tentative assessment of their scattering role in oceanic waters compared to those of bacterial and algal cells, André Morel and Yu-Hwan Ahn


Oxic and anoxic decomposition of tubes from the burrowing sea anemone Ceriantheopsis americanus: Implications for bulk sediment carbon and nitrogen balance, Erik Kristensen, Robert C. Aller, and Josephine Y. Aller


Seasonal variations of surface dynamic topography in the tropical Atlantic: Observational uncertainties and model testing, Christine Duchène and Claude Frankignoul


Separation and recirculation of the North Brazil Current, Scott A. Condie