As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 1986


Effects of California El Niño 1982-1984 on the northern anchovy, Paul C. Fiedler, Richard D. Methot, and Roger P. Hewitt


Enrichment of microbial populations in macroaggregates (marine snow) from surface waters of the North Atlantic, David A. Caron, Paul G. Davis, Laurence P. Madin, and John McN. Sieburth


Evolution of the near-surface thermal structure in the western Indian Ocean during FGGE, 1979, Robert L. Molinari, John Swallow, and John F. Festa


Grazer control of the fine-scale distribution of phytoplankton in warm-core Gulf Stream rings, M. R. Roman, C. S. Yentsch, A. L. Gauzens, and D. A. Phinney


Hindcasting of hurricane characteristics and observed storm damage on a fringing reef, Jamaica, West Indies, Björn Kjerfve, K. E. Magill, J. W. Porter, and J. D. Woodley


Nekton falls, low-intensity disturbance and community structure of infaunal benthos in the deep sea, Craig R. Smith


Observations of the horizontal separation of the salinity core and the current core in the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent, Eberhard Fahrbach, Jens Meincke, and Alexander Sy


On the amplification of convergences in coastal currents and the formation of "squirts", Melvin E. Stern


On the existence of an EI Niño-type phenomenon in the Benguela System, L. V. Shannon, A. J. Boyd, G. B. Brundrit, and J. Taunton-Clark


On the role of topography in the ocean circulation, Paola Cessi and Joseph Pedlosky


On the upwelling circulation over the wide shelf off Peru: 2. Vertical velocities, internal mixing and heat balance, Gary Shaffer


Predictions of sediment trap biases in turbulent flows: A theoretical analysis based on observations from the literature, Cheryl Ann Butman, William D. Grant, and Keith D. Stolzenbach


Rossby adjustment over a step, A. E. Gill, M. K. Davey, E. R. Johnson, and P. F. Linden


Seabird affinities for Gulf Stream frontal eddies: Responses of mobile marine consumers to episodic upwelling, J. Christopher Haney


Seasonal lags between organic carbon deposition and mineralization in marine sediments, David T. Rudnick and Candace A. Oviatt


Sediment trap biases in turbulent flows: Results from a laboratory flume study, Cheryl Ann Butman


Spacial and temporal variations of water characteristics in the Japan Sea bottom layer, Toshitaka Gomo, Yoshiyuki Nozaki, Hitoshi Sakai, Toshisuke Nakai, and Hiroyuki Tsubota


Stirring and mixing of thermohaline anomalies, A. Colin de Verdiere, J. G. Harvey, and M. Arhan


The effects of intra-specific density and food supply on growth and reproduction in an infaunal polychaete, Polydora ligni Webster, Roman N. Zajac


The effects of the filter-feeding clam Mercenaria mercenaria on carbon cycling in experimental marine mesocosms, Peter H. Doering, Candace A. Oviatt, and John R. Kelly


The internal tide on Georges Bank, R. F. Marsden


The meteorologically driven circulation in mid-Chesapeake Bay, Mário E. C. Vieira


Thermohaline forcing of eastern boundary currents: With application to the circulation off the west coast of Australia, Julian P. McCreary Jr., Satish R. Shetye, and Pijush K. Kundu


Time scales and structure of topographic Rossby waves and meanders in the deep Gulf Stream, W. E. Johns and D. R. Watts


Variability of the ocean surface color field in central California near-coastal waters as observed in a seasonal analysis of CZCS imagery, Vittorio Barale and Ruth Wittenberg Fay


Vertical patterns in 15N natural abundance in PON from the surface waters of warm-core rings, Mark A. Altabet and James J. McCarthy

Submissions from 1987


Accurately monitoring the Florida Current with motionally induced voltages, Peter Spain and Thomas B. Sanford


A least-squares fit of the advective-diffusive equations to Levitus Atlas data, Nelson G. Hogg


A model for the dynamics of nutrients and oxygen in the Baltic proper, Anders Stigebrandt and Fredrik Wulff


A model for the inertial recirculation of a gyre, Richard J. Greatbatch


Bomb radiocarbon in the Pacific: Annual and seasonal timescale variations, Ellen R. M. Druffel


Bottom waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1978-1983, David G. Mountain and Paul F. Jessen


Components of the zooplankton production cycle in the temperate ocean, Cabell S. Davis


Compositional changes in particulate matter on the Iceland Rise, through the water column, and at the seafloor, M. J. Richardson and C. D. Hollister


Continental-shelf-scale model of the Leeuwin Current, R. O. R. Y. Thompson


Daily and seasonal variations in the spatial distribution of zooplankton populations in relation to the physical structure in the Ligurian Sea Front, J. Boucher, F. Ibanez, and L. Prieur


Deep zonal currents in the central equatorial Pacific, Eric Firing


Lagrangian properties of eddy fields in the northern North Atlantic as deduced from satellite-tracked buoys, W. Krauss and C. W. Böning


Methane anomalies over TAG hydrothermal field on Mid Atlantic Ridge, J. L. Charlou, P. Rona, and H. Bougault


Modeling eddy transport of passive tracers, Russ E. Davis


Observations of fronts in the North Sea, H. M. van Aken, G. J. F. van Heijst, and L. R. M. Maas


Observations on the vertical structure of tidal and inertial currents in the central North Sea, L. R. M. Maas and J. J. M. van Haren


On the dynamics of the California Current system, Julian P. McCreary Jr., Pijush K. Kundu, and Shenn-Yu Chao


On the energetics of the Gulf Stream at 73W, T. Rossby


Penetrating outflows and the dam-breaking problem, Doron Nof


Relative mobility of radioactive trace elements across the sediment-water interface in the MERL model ecosystems of Narragansett Bay, Peter H. Santschi, Michael Amdurer, Dennis Adler, Patricia O'Hara, Yuan-Hui Li, and Peter Doering


Seasonal fluxes of silicoflagellates and Actiniscus in the subarctic Pacific during 1982-1984, Kozo Takahashi


Single-particle dispersion, Lagrangian structure function and Lagrangian energy spectrum in two-dimensional incompressible turbulence, Armando Babiano, Claude Basdevant, Pascal Le Roy, and Robert Sadourny


Solutions for internal tidal generation over coastal topography, P. D. Craig


Some aspects of the oxygen-deficient conditions and denitrification in the Arabian Sea, S. W. A. Naqvi


Spatial and temporal variability of cadmium in Gulf Stream warm-core rings and associated waters, Carole M. Sakamoto-Arnold, Alfred K. Hanson Jr., Douglas L. Huizenga, and Dana R. Kester


Stoichiometry of C, N, P, and Si fluxes in a temperate-climate embayment, S. V. Smith, W. J. Wiebe, J. T. Hollibaugh, S. J. Dollar, S. W. Hager, B. E. Cole, G. W. Tribble, and P. A. Wheeler


Subsurface chlorophyll maximum and hydrodynamics of the water column, T. Vandevelde, L. Legendre, J. C. Therriault, S. Demers, and A. Bah


Temporal variability and the relationship between benthic meiofaunal and microbial populations of a natural coastal petroleum seep, Paul A. Montagna, James E. Bauer, Jon Toal, Dane Hardin, and Robert B. Spies


The dynamics of near-bed seston flux and suspension-feeding benthos, D. K. Muschenheim


The fate of organic carbon and nitrogen in experimental marine sediment systems: Influence of bioturbation and anoxia, E. Kristensen and T. H. Blackburn


The freshwater pulse—a numerical model with application to the St. Lawrence Estuary, Kim-Tai Tee and Thin-Hock Lim


The importance of a plume of tidally-mixed water to the biological oceanography of the Gulf of Maine, David W. Townsend, John P. Christensen, David K. Stevenson, Joseph J. Graham, and Stanley B. Chenoweth


The influence of planetary rotation on oceanic double-diffusive fluxes, Dan Kelley


The relationship of upwelling to mussel production in the rias on the western coast of Spain, J. O. Blanton, K. R. Tenore, F. Castillejo, L. P. Atkinson, F. B. Schwing, and A. Lavin


The role of the higher shelf modes in coastal hydraulics, Roger L. Hughes


Variability of diatom species populations: From days to years, Sargun A. Tont


What controls the rate of equatorial warm water mass formation?, G. T. Csanady


Zooplankton grazers as transformers of ocean optics: A dynamic model, Mark E. Huntley, Victor Marin, and Florence Escritor

Submissions from 1988


A numerical investigation of the Somali Current during the Southwest Monsoon, Julian P. McCreary Jr. and Pijush K. Kundu


A numerical model of instabilities in the Florida Current, Douglas B. Boudra, Rainer Bleck, and Friedrich Schott


A numerical model study of internal tides on the Australian Northwest Shelf, Peter D. Craig


A provisional diagenetic model for pH in anoxic porewaters: Application to the FOAM Site, Bernard P. Boudreau and Donald E. Canfield


A shelf/slope frontal filament off the northeast Spanish Coast, Dong-Ping Wang, Mário E. C. Vieira, Jordi Salat, Joaquim Tintoré, and Paul E. La Violette


Buoyancy driven planetary flows, A. Colin de Verdière


Cold-seep benthic communities in the Japan subduction zones: Geological control of community development, Myriam Sibuet, S. Kim Juniper, and Guy Pautot


Convectively driven coastal currents in a rotating basin, Scott A. Condie and Gregory N. Ivey


Copepods in Fram Strait in summer: Distribution, feeding and metabolism, Sharon L. Smith


Cross-phyletic patterns of particle selection by deposit feeders, Robert F. L. Self and Peter A. Jumars


Eddy-wall interactions, Doron Nof


Effects of bivalve siphonal currents on the settlement of inert particles and larvae, Stephen C. Ertman and Peter A. Jumars


Field assessment of sediment trap efficiency under varying flow conditions, Edward T. Baker, Hugh B. Milburn, and David A. Tennant


Field measurements of the fluid and sediment-dynamic environment of a benthic deposit feeder, Douglas C. Miller and Richard W. Sternberg


Functional response of the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii grazing on small diatoms and toxic dinoflagellates, Sam McClatchie


Implications of conservation equations for the determination of absolute velocities, C. L. Frenzen and Alex C. Warn-Varnas


Interaction of internal waves and mean flow observed near a coast, Pijush K. Kundu, Richard E. Thomson, Barbara M. Hickey, and Paul H. LeBlond


Mesoscale heterogeneity of the wind-driven mixed layer: Influence of a quasigeostrophic flow, Patrice Klein and Bach Lien Hua


Microbial-meiofaunal interrelationships in some tropical intertidal sediments, Daniel M. Alongi


Multiple thermoclines are barriers to vertical exchange in the subarctic Pacific during SUPER, May 1984, K. L. Denman and A. E. Gargett


Nitrogen uptake and NH4+ regeneration by pelagic microplankton and marine snow from the North Atlantic, Patricia M. Glibert, Mark R. Dennett, and David A. Caron


On the surface drift of the Southern Ocean, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, L. V. Shannon, and L. J. Beekman


Organic geochemistry of particulate matter in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean: Implications for particle dynamics, Stuart G. Wakeham and Elizabeth A. Canuel


Oscillations of macrobenthos in shallow waters of the Peruvian central coast induced by EI Niño 1982-83, Juan Tarazona, Horst Salzwedel, and Wolf Arntz


Phytoplankton species composition and abundance in a Gulf Stream warm core ring. I. Changes over a five month period, Richard W. Gould Jr. and Greta A. Fryxell


Phytoplankton species composition and abundance in a Gulf Stream warm core ring. II. Distributional patterns, Richard W. Gould Jr. and Greta A. Fryxell


Plankton dynamics on the outer southeastern U.S. continental shelf. Part II: A time-dependent biological model, Eileen E. Hofmann and Julie W. Ambler


Plankton dynamics on the outer southeastern U.S. continental shelf. Part III: A coupled physical-biological model, Eileen E. Hofmann


Plankton dynamics on the outer southeastern U.S. continental shelf. Part I: Lagrangian particle tracing experiments, Joji Ishizaka and Eileen E. Hofmann


Recent moored current meter and SOFAR float observations in the eastern Atlantic near 32N, William J. Schmitz Jr., James F. Price, and Philip L. Richardson


Response of capelin to wind-induced thermal events in the southern Labrador Current, David C. Schneider and David A. Methven


Response of small motile epifauna to complexity of epiphytic algae on seagrass blades, Margaret O. Hall and Susan S. Bell


Seasonal variability of meridional temperature fluxes in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Lothar Stramma and Hans-Jörg Isemer


Spatial variations in the sulfur chemistry of salt marsh sediments at North Inlet, South Carolina, L. R. Gardner, T. G. Wolaver, and M. Mitchell


Temperature structure and mixed layer in the Kuroshio Region over the Izu Ridge, Kimio Hanawa and Izumi Hoshino


The comparison of macrobenthic recolonization patterns near and away from crab burrows on a sublittoral sand flat, Simon F. Thrush