As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 1992


Active habitat selection by Capitella sp. I larvae. II. Multiple-choice experiments in still water and flume flow, Judith P. Grassie, Cheryl Ann Butman, and Suan W. Mills


Active habitat selection by Capitella sp. I larvae. I. Two-choice experiments in still water and flume flow, Cheryl Ann Butman and Judith P. Grassie


A model for death assemblage formation: Can sediment shelliness be explained?, Eric N. Powell


A thermocline model for ocean-climate studies, Sheng Zhang, Charles A. Lin, and Richard J. Greatbatch


A two-layer Gulf Stream over a continental slope, Rick Salmon


Benthic community metabolism and the role of deposit-feeding callianassid shrimp, Richard C. Murphy and James N. Kremer


Circulation and water mass balance in the Brazil Basin, Huai-Min Zhang and Nelson G. Hogg


Deposit and suspension feeding in oscillatory flows and sediment fluxes, Douglas C. Miller, Michael J. Bock, and Elizabeth J. Turner


Effects of polychaetes on silicate dynamics and fluxes in sediments: Importance of species, animal activity and polychaete effects on benthic diatoms, Roberta L. Marinelli


Encounter rate by turbulent shear of particles similar in diameter to the Kolmogorov scale, P. S. Hill, A. R. M. Nowell, and P. A. Jumars


Henry Melson Stommel: 27 September, 1920 - 17 January, 1992, George Veronis


Inertial gyres in decaying and forced geostrophic turbulence, Patrick F. 0


Integral equation approach to tropical ocean dynamics: Part II-Rossby wave scattering from the equatorial Atlantic western boundary, Paulo R. Holvorcem and Marcio L. Vianna


Integral equation approach to tropical ocean dynamics: Part I-Theory and computational methods, Marcio L. Vianna and Paulo R. Holvorcem


Modelling the deep-chlorophyll maximum: A coupled physical-biological approach, Ramiro A. Varela, Antonio Cruzado, Joaquín Tintoré, and Emilio García Ladona


Models of abyssal flow in basins separated by amid-ocean ridge, Scott A. Condie and Mitsuhiro Kawase


Multi-year current time series in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Thomas J. Müller and Gerold Siedler


Numerical modeling of larval settlement in turbulent bottom boundary layers, Thomas F. Gross, Francisco E. Werner, and James E. Eckman


Nutrient and biogenic particulate distributions, primary productivity and nitrogen uptake in the Weddell-Scotia Sea marginal ice zone during winter, Glenn F. Cota, Walker O. Smith Jr., David M. Nelson, Robin D. Muench, and Louis I. Gordon


Surface-intensified Rossby waves over rough topography, R. M. Samelson


The dynamic changes of stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen in suspended and sedimented particulate organic matter during a phytoplankton bloom, Takeshi Nakatsuka, Nobuhiko Handa, Eitaro Wada, and Chi Shing Wong


The equatorial basin response to a Rossby wave packet: The effects of nonlinear mechanism, Hong Ma


The measurement of sediment irrigation rates: A comparison of the BR- tracer and 222RN/226RA disequilibrium techniques, W. R. Martin and G. T. Banta


The radiolarian fauna at the ice edge in the Greenland Sea during summer, 1988, N. R. Swanberg and L. K. Eide


The rise of bubbles in a glass tube and the spectrum of bubbles produced by a splash, P. A. Bowyer


The stability of a canonical front, John Kroll


Upwelling and outwelling effects on the benthic regime of the continental shelf off Galicia, NW Spain, E. López-Jamar, R. M. Cal, G. González, R. B. Hanson, J. Rey, G. Santiago, and K. R. Tenore


Water characteristics, mixing and circulation in the Bay of Bengal during southwest monsoon, V. S. N. Murty, Y. V. B. Sarma, D. P. Rao, and C. S. Murty

Submissions from 1993


Advection and eddy mixing in the Mediterranean salt tongue, Michael A. Spall, Philip L. Richardson, and James Price


An analytic model of tidal circulation in a narrow estuary, X. H. Wang and P. D. Craig


Benthic fluxes and nitrogen cycling in sediments of the continental margin of the eastern North Pacific, Allan H. Devol and John P. Christensen


Biological effects of Gulf Stream meandering, Glenn R. Flierl and Cabell S. Davis


Buoyancy and wind forcing of a coastal current, Andreas Münchow and Richard W. Garvine


Cell merging and the jet/downwelling ratio in Langmuir circulation, Ming Li and Chris Garrett


Coupled effects of vertical mixing and benthic grazing on phytoplankton populations in shallow, turbid estuaries, Jeffrey R. Koseff, Jacqueline K. Holen, Stephen G. Monismith, and James E. Cloern


Deep circulation in the tropical North Atlantic, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs and Melinda M. Hall


Detrital spectral absorption: Laboratory studies of visible light effects on phytodetritus absorption, bacterial spectral signal, and comparison to field measurements, James R. Nelson and Charles Y. Robertson


Displacement of water masses and remineralization rates off the Iberian Peninsula by nutrient anomalies, Fiz F. Perez, C. Mouriño, F. Fraga, and Aida F. Rios


Effects of poisons and preservatives on the composition of organic matter in a sediment trap experiment, Stuart G. Wakeham, John I. Hedges, Cindy Lee, and Tamara K. Pease


Effects of poisons and preservatives on the fluxes and elemental compositions of sediment trap materials, John I. Hedges, Cindy Lee, Stuart G. Wakeham, Peter J. Hernes, and Michael L. Peterson


Enhanced deposition to pits: A local food source for benthos, Patricia L. Yager, Arthur R. M. Nowell, and Peter A. Jumars


Low-density particles as potential nitrogenous foods for benthos, Lawrence M. Mayer, Peter A. Jumars, Gary L. Taghon, Stephen A. Macko, and Susan Trumbore


Model of frontogenesis: Subduction and upwelling, Dong-Ping Wang


On the role of large bubbles in air-sea gas exchange and supersaturation in the ocean, Ralph F. Keeling


Phytoplankton bloom and the vertical thermal structure of the upper ocean, Malgorzata Stramska and Tommy D. Dickey


Potential carbon sources for the head-down deposit-feeding polychaete Heteromastus filiformis, Lisa M. Clough and Glenn R. Lopez


Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus: A comparative study of their optical properties in relation to their size and pigmentation, André Morel, Yu-Hwan Ahn, Frédéric Partensky, Daniel Vaulot, and Hervé Claustre


Rates and possible mechanism of light-dependent degradation of pigments in detritus derived from phytoplankton, James R. Nelson


Release rates of trace elements and protein from decomposing planktonic debris. 1. Phytoplankton debris, Byeong-Gweon Lee and Nicholas S. Fisher


Release rates of trace elements and protein from decomposing planktonic debris. 2. Copepod carcasses and sediment trap particulate matter, John R. Reinfelder, Nicholas S. Fisher, Scott W. Fowler, and Jean-Louis Teyssié


Seasonal contrasts in the diel vertical distribution, feeding behavior, and grazing impact of the copepod Temora Longicornis in Long Island Sound, Hans G. Dam and William T. Peterson


Size-fractionated 234Th in continental shelf waters off New England: Implications for the role of colloids in oceanic trace metal scavenging, S. Bradley Moran and Ken O. Buesseler


Steady wind forcing of a density front over a circular bank, Glen Gawarkiewicz


The annual variation of water mass structure in the Gulf of Maine: 1986-1987, W. S. Brown and J. D. Irish


The ecology of larger microzooplankton in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence Area: Horizontal and vertical distribution patterns, Viviana A. Alder and Demetrio Boltovskoy


The importance of the Scotia Sea on the outflow of Weddell Sea Deep Water, Ricardo A. Locarnini, Thomas Whitworth III, and Worth D. Nowlin Jr.


The nonlinear response of an equatorial ocean to oscillatory forcing, LuAnne Thompson and Mitsuhiro Kawase


The North Atlantic circulation: Combining simplified dynamics with hydrographic data, Philip S. Bogden, Russ E. Davis, and Rick Salmon


The recent return of the Alaskan Stream to Near Strait, R. K. Reed and P. J. Stabeno


The splitting of eddies along boundaries, Chuan Shi and Doron Nof


The stability of an axially symmetric warm-core model eddy on a stratified ocean, John Kroll

Submissions from 1994


Aggregation and sedimentation processes during a spring phytoplankton bloom: A field experiment to test coagulation theory, Thomas Kiørboe, Claus Lundsgaard, Michael Olesen, and Jørgen L. S. Hansen


A linear homogeneous model for topographic control of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Liping Wang


A modelling study of discontinuous biological irrigation, Bernard P. Boudreau and Roberta L. Marinelli


A proposed flux constraint for salt fingers in shear, Eric Kunze


Bottom water variability in the Samoa Passage, Gregory C. Johnson, Daniel L. Rudnick, and Bruce A. Taft


Calcium carbonate dissolution rates in hydrothermal vent fields of the Guaymas Basin, Richard A. Lutz, Michael J. Kennish, Alan S. Pooley, and Lowell W. Fritz


Circulation, transport and bottom boundary layers of the deep currents in the Brazil Basin, X. Durrieu De Madron and G. Weatherly


Contrasting effects of substrate mobility on infaunal assemblages inhabiting two high-energy settings on Fieberling Guyot, Lisa A. Levin, Elana L. Leithold, Thomas F. Gross, Cynthia L. Huggett, and Claudio DiBacco


Currents under land-fast ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Part 1: Vertical velocities, R. F. Marsden, R. Paquet, and R. G. Ingram


Currents under land-fast ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Part 2: Vertical mixing, R. F. Marsden, R. G. Ingram, and L. Legendre


Dense overflow into a large silled embayment: Tidal modulation, fronts and basin modes, M. White and Alex E. Hay


Disturbance associated with bait-collection for sandprawns (Callianassa kraussi) and mudprawns (Upogebia africana): Long-term effects on the biota of intertidal sandflats, Rachel P. Wynberg and George M. Branch


Effects of finite scales of turbulence on dispersion estimates, Enrico Zambianchi and Annalisa Griffa


Effects of porewater hydrogen sulfide on the feeding activity of the subsurface deposit-feeding polychaete, Clymenella torquata, Leidy, Charlotte M. Fuller


Emergence of Fofonoff states in inviscid and viscous ocean circulation models, Jian Wang and Geoffrey K. Vallis


Flow along and across the Aleutian Ridge, R. K. Reed and P. J. Stabeno


Frictional decay of abyssal boundary currents, Parker MacCready


Generalized two-layer models of ocean circulation, Rick Salmon


Individual physiological responses to environmental hypoxia and organic enrichment: Implications for early soft-bottom community succession, Thomas L. Forbes, Valery E. Forbes, and Michael H. Depledge


Instability waves in the Gulf Stream front and its thermocline layer, Sang-Ki Lee and G. T. Csanady


Internal tidal bores in the nearshore: Warm-water fronts, seaward gravity currents and the onshore transport of neustonic larvae, Jesus Pineda


Lateral entrainment in baroclinic currents, Melvin E. Stern and Jean-Raymond Bidlot


Macrofaunal response to artificial enrichments and depressions in a deep-sea habitat, P. V. R. Snelgrove, J. F. Grassle, and R. F. Petrecca


Measurements of internal wave band eddy fluxes above a sloping bottom, Hans van Haren, Neil Oakey, and Chris Garrett


Modelling the effect of physical variability on the midwater chlorophyll maximum, Jonathan Sharples and Paul Tett


On topographic pressure drag in a zonal channel, Alexander Krupitsky and Mark A. Cane


Parameter space exploration of an ocean general circulation model using an isopycnal mixing parameterization, William A. Gough and William J. Welch


Particle bioturbation in Massachusetts Bay: Preliminary results using a new deliberate tracer technique, Robert A. Wheatcroft, Ilhan Olmez, and Francais X. Pink


Photochemical iron reduction and iron bioavailability in seawater, William L. Miller and Dana Kester