As one of the oldest journals in American marine science, from 1937 to 2021 the Journal of Marine Research published important peer-reviewed original research on a broad array of topics in physical, biological, and chemical oceanography. This archive presents the rich tradition and distinguished history of the Journal of Marine Research from Volume 1 through the final Volume 79, including supplements.

Included are the latest titles of The Sea, a long-standing and well-respected oceanographic series that provides a comprehensive synthesis of the state of knowledge of ocean science, published as supplements to the Journal of Marine Research. Print-on-demand copies of The Sea Volumes 17 and 18 are available for direct purchase through Yale Printing and Publishing Services.


Submissions from 1984


Copper complexation during spring phytoplankton blooms in coastal waters, Donald M. Anderson, John S. Lively, and Ralph F. Vaccaro


Cycling of nitrogen by plankton: A hypothetical description based upon efficiency of energy conversion, Dale A. Kiefer and C. Allen Atkinson


Dissipation and diffusion by internal wave breaking, Ann E. Gargett and Greg Holloway


Disturbance, sediment stability, and trophic structure of soft-bottom communities, P. K. Probert


Double Kelvin waves in a two-layer sea, S. A. W. Bondok and H. G. Pinsent


Effects of predators and food resources on the macrobenthos of salt marsh creeks, Wendy I. Wiltse, Kenneth H. Foreman, John M. Teal, and Ivan Valiela


Effects of remote annual forcing in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean, Julian P. McCreary Jr., Joel Picaut, and Dennis W. Moore


Effects of velocity fluctuations on vertical distributions of phytoplankton, Greg Holloway


Episodic nutrient supply to a kelp forest ecosystem in Southern California, Richard C. Zimmerman and James N. Kremer


Equatorial beams, Julian P. McCreary Jr.


ERRATUM in "The importance of the diffusive permeability of animal burrow linings in determining marine sediment chemistry," by R. C. Aller; Journal of Marine Research 41(2): 299-322., Robert C. Aller


Ferromanganese micronodules from the surficial sediments of Georges Bank, L. J. Poppe, R. F. Commeau, J. A. Commeau, F. T. Manheim, and P. J. Aruscavage


Flux measurements across a finger interface at low values of the stability ratio, Trevor J. McDougall and John R. Taylor


Forced double Kelvin waves in a stratified ocean, Andrew J. Willmott


Geostrophic transport in the Warm Water Sphere of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic, Lothar Stramma


Habitat dimensions of calanoid copepods in the western Gulf of Mexico, James A. Cummings


Influence of residents on the development of a marine soft-bottom community, William G. Ambrose Jr.


In situ effects of selected preservatives on total carbon, nitrogen and metals collected in sediment traps, George A. Knauer, David M. Karl, John H. Martin, and Craig N. Hunter


Interaction of a copepod population with the mean circulation on Georges Bank, Cabell S. Davis


Nephelometer and current observations at the STIE site, Panama Basin, W. D. Gardner, J. K. B. Bishop, and P. E. Biscaye


Nitrification and oxygen consumption in northwest Atlantic deep-sea sediments, John P. Christensen and Gilbert T. Rowe


Observations of an internal resonance in a fjord, J. R. Keeley


Observations of current rings in the Antarctic Zone at Drake Passage, R. D. Pillsbury and J. S. Bottero


On the equatorial Pacific response to the 1982/1983 EI Nino—Southern Oscillation event, T. Y. Tang and R. H. Weisberg


On the equivalence of nonlocal and radial-diffusion models for porewater irrigation, Bernard P. Boudreau


On the mean flow in the Tiran Strait in winter, Stephen P. Murray, Artur Hecht, and Arthur Babcock


Oxalic, glyoxalic and pyruvic acids in eastern Pacific Ocean waters, Spencer M. Steinberg and Jeffrey L. Bada


Particulate amino acids in the sea: Effects of primary productivity and biological decomposition, Cindy Lee and Carolyn Cronin


Reflection of low-frequency equatorial waves at arbitrary western boundaries, Mark A. Cane and Peter R. Gent


Seasonal and geographic variation in the shell microstructure of a salt-marsh bivalve (Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn)), Richard A. Lutz and George R. Clark II


Sediment-water exchange in shallow water estuarine sediments, Steven Emerson, Richard Jahnke, and David Heggie


Spatial and temporal effects of salinity, temperature and chlorophyll on the communities of zooplankton in the southeastern Bering Sea, Sharon L. Smith and Julio Vidal


Summer phytoplankton assemblages and their environmental correlates in the Southern California Bight, D. Goodman, R. W. Eppley, and F. M. H. Reid


The effect of summertime shelf break upwelling on nutrient flux in southeastern United States continental shelf waters, Larry P. Atkinson, Patrick G. O'Malley, James A. Yoder, and Gustav A. Paffenhöfer


The importance of microalgae, bacteria and particulate organic matter in the somatic growth of Hydrobia totteni, Thomas S. Bianchi and Jeffrey S. Levinton


The importance of predation by horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, to an intertidal sand flat community, Mark L. Botton


The influence of seagrass cover on population structure and individual growth rate of a suspension-feeding bivalve, Mercenaria mercenaria, C. H. Peterson, H. C. Summerson, and P. B. Duncan


The life of a thermohaline intrusion, Barry Ruddick


The role of bacterial exopolymer and suspended bacteria in the nutrition of the deposit-feeding clam, Macoma balthica, Ronald W. Harvey and Samuel N. Luoma


The significance of subsurface chlorophyll, nitrite and ammonium maxima in relation to nitrogen for phytoplankton growth in stratified waters of the Gulf of Maine, P. M. Holligan, W. M. Balch, and C. M. Yentsch


Tidal period upwelling within Raine Island Entrance Great Barrier Reef, Richard E. Thomson and Eric J. Wolanski


Variations in primary production and particulate carbon flux through the base of the euphotic zone at the site of the Sediment Trap Intercomparison Experiment (Panama Basin), James K. B Bishop and John Marra


Vertical eddy diffusivity in the ocean interior, A. E. Gargett


Wave damping by monomolecular surface films and their chemical structure. Part II: Variation of the hydrophilic part of the film molecules including natural substances, Heinrich Hühnerfuss, Philipp Lange, and Wolfgang Walter


Wave propagation and growth on a surface front in a two-layer geostrophic current, Peter D. Killworth, Nathan Paldor, and Melvin E. Stern


Wind and thermal conditions along the equatorial Pacific, Jene-René Donguy, Alain Dessier, Gérard Eldin, Alain Morliere, and Gary Meyers


Zooplankton abundance in relation to state and type of intrusions onto the southeastern United States shelf during summer, Gustav-Adolf Paffenhöfer, Bryan T. Wester, and William D. Nicholas

Submissions from 1985


Acoustical patchiness of mesopelagic micronekton, Charles F. Greenlaw and William G. Pearcy


Analyses of the settling velocities of fecal pellets from the subtidal polychaete Amphicteis scaphobranchiata, Paul D. Komar and Gary L. Taghon


Annual cycles of nutrients and chlorophyll in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Michael E. Q. Pilson


Association of an ice-nucleating pseudomonad with cultures of the marine dinoflagellate, Heterocapsa niei, Ray Fall and Russell C. Schnell


Average velocity and transport of the Gulf Stream near 55W, P. L. Richardson


A zero potential vorticity model of the North Brazilian Coastal Current, G. T. Csanady


Biological observations in the marginal ice zone of the East Greenland Sea, Sharon L. Smith, Walker O. Smith, Louis A. Codispoti, and David L. Wilson


Blooms of the pelagic tunicate, Dolioletta gegenbauri: Are they associated with Gulf Stream frontal eddies?, Don Deibel


Computer simulations of the Fraser River Plume, Louise Royer and W. J. Emery


Correlation scales, objective mapping and a statistical test of geostrophy over the continental shelf, Kenneth L. Denman and Howard J. Freeland


Coupling of the Gulf of California to large-scale interannual climatic variability, Tim R. Baumgartner and Niels C. Christensen Jr.


Differential responses of two nearshore infaunal assemblages to experimental petroleum additions, Jeffrey L. Hyland, Eva J. Hoffman, and Donald K. Phelps


Dispersal of meiofauna in a turbulent tidal creek, M. A. Palmer and G. Gust


Drifter spectra and diffusivities, John F. Middletown


Dynamics of temperature and chlorophyll structures above a seamount: An oceanic experiment, Amatzia Genin and George W. Boehlert


Effect of physical disturbance on population dynamics and trophic interactions among microbes and meiofauna, Daniel M. Alongi


Effects of the marine deposit-feeders Heteromastus filiformis (Polychaeta), Macoma balthica (Bivalvia), and Tellina texana (Bivalvia) on averaged sedimentary solute transport, reaction rates, and microbial distributions, Robert C. Aller and Josephine Y. Yingst


Estuarine mean flow estimation revisited: Application to the St. Lawrence estuary, V. G. Koutitonsky and M. I. El-Sabh


Evidence of a double-cell subtropical gyre in the South Atlantic Ocean, Mizuki Tsuchiya


Evolution of sea-surface temperature in the tropical Atlantic Ocean during FGGE, 1979: II. Oceanographic fields and heat balance of the mixed layer, Robert L. Molinari, John F. Festa, and Eric Marmolejo


Factors affecting the distribution of the introduced bivalve, Mercenaria mercenaria, in a California lagoon—The importance of bioturbation, Richard C. Murphy


Features of the circulation in the Mozambique Basin in 1981, Marten L. Gründlingh


Flow disruption by an animal-tube mimic affects sediment bacterial colonization, James E. Eckman


Habitat complexity of polychaete tube-caps: Influence of architecture on dynamics of a meioepibenthic assemblage, Susan B. Bell


Interstitial water iodine enrichments in sediments from the eastern Pacific, S. J. Wakefield and H. Elderfield


Large scale pattern of recruitment by the labrid, Semicossyphus pulcher: Causes and implications, Robert K. Cowen


Meiofauna-sediment interactions around subtropical seagrass sediments using factor analysis, A. W. Decho, W. D. Hummon, and J. W. Fleeger


Minipellets: A new and abundant size class of marine fecal pellets, Marcia M. Gowing and Mary W. Silver


Nitrogen storage and use of biochemical indices to assess nitrogen deficiency and growth rate in natural plankton populations, Q. Dortch, J. R. Clayton Jr., S. S. Thoresen, J. S. Cleveland, S. L. Bressler, and S. I. Ahmed


Phytoplankton patchiness: inferences from particle statistics, Andrew F. Bennett and Kenneth L. Denman


Seasonal oxygen cycling and primary production in the Sargasso Sea, W. J. Jenkins and J. C. Goldman


Seasonal variability of the surface dynamic topography in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, Jacques Merle and Sabine Arnault


SOFAR float trajectories associated with the Newfoundland Basin, William J. Schmitz Jr.


Some physical factors affecting ecosystems, Patrice Klein and John H. Steele


Spatial patterns in temperature and chlorophyll on Nantucket Shoals from airborne remote sensing data, May 7-9, 1981, Janet W. Campbell and Wayne E. Esaias


Spectral "fingerprinting" of phytoplankton populations by two-dimensional fluorescence and Fourier-transform-based pattern recognition, P. B. Oldham, E. J. Zillioux, and I. M. Warner


Spectral observations of pigment fluorescence in intermediate depth waters of the North Pacific, William W. Broenkow, Alan J. Lewitus, and Mark A. Yarbrough


The annual cycle in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, Peter R. Gent


The concentrating of organisms at fronts: A cold-water fish and a warm-core Gulf Stream ring, Donald B. Olson and Richard H. Backus


The role of bacteria in the turnover of organic carbon in deep-sea sediments, Gilbert T. Rowe and Jody W. Deming


The role of double diffusive interleaving in mesoscale dynamics: An hypothesis, Eric S. Posmentier and A. D. Kirwan Jr.


Three-dimensional shelf circulation along an eastern ocean boundary, Julian P. McCreary Jr. and Shenn-Yu Chao


Tidal rectification and frontal circulation on the sides of Georges Bank, John W. Loder and Daniel G. Wright


Western boundary circulation driven by an alongshore wind: With application to the Somali Current system, Julian P. McCreary and Pijush K. Kundu


Wind-driven mid-ocean baroclinic gyres over topography: A circulation equation extending the Sverdrup relation, R. A. de Szoeke