"Distribution of dissolved CO2 in the Red Sea and correlations with oth" by A. Papaud and A. Poisson


The concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Red Sea was studied using the following model:TCO2 = TCO2o + ΔTCO2bio + ΔTCO2ant. The conservative part TCO2o was correlated with the potential temperature T. The term ΔTCO2bio represents the exchanges with the marine biosphere and was expressed in the form aΔX + bΔY with X = O2, NO3, PO4 and Y = TA, Ca. The term ΔTCO2ant represents the excess of TCO2 due to the penetration of human induced CO2 in the ocean, which was expressed in the form co exp(−(zzo)/H). As a result of the study, the contribution of each of the three identified signals was evaluated and the ratio C/O/N/P for the Red Sea basin was determined.
