Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2005
OFHEO Fannie Mae Report of Annual Examination, 2005, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO Freddie Mac Report of Annual Examination, 2005, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO Report of Examination- Freddie Mac, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (December 5, 2005), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
American International Group (AIG) 8-K, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Tenth Judicial Circuit in and for Polk County Florida, State of Florida vs. Scott Almeida, United States: State of Florida: District Court: Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida: Polk County
Fort Sheridan CDO Pitchbook, Vanderbilt Capital Advisors LLC
Huntington CDO Pitchbook, Western Asset Management Company
G Street Finance CDO Pitchbook of a Static High Grade Structured Product, Wharton Asset Management
FRB Draft Close-out report on Large Complex Banking Supervision, Lisa White, Michael Carroll, Cathie Bourke, and Ray Bacon
OCC Report of Examination of Wachovia Bank, David Wilson and Delora Ng Jee
Moody's Modeling Approach to Rating Structured Finance Cash Flow CDO Transactions, Michael Xie and Gary Witt
Fannie Mae Presentation- Housing Goals and Minority Lending, Barry Zigas and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Documents from 2004
ACA ABS 2004-1 CDO Pitchbook, ACA Management Group, LLC
Apgar and Fishbein, Changing Industrial Organization, William C. Apgar and Allen J. Fishbein
FRB Letter from Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation and Legal Division to Jennifer J Johnson Re Issuance of Consent Order Under Delegated Authority, Richard M. Ashton
International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Bank of Canada Lender-of-Last-Resort Policies, Bank of Canada/Central Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
The Banking Act, Bank of Jamaica
The Financial Institutions Act, Bank of Jamaica
Speech by Govenor Bernanke on the Great Moderation, Ben S. Bernanke
FRB Transcipt of the Consumer Advisory Council Meeting, Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Mark Pinsky, Dennis L. Algiere, Janie Barrera, Kenneth P. Bordelon, Susan Bredehoft, Shiela Canavan, Robin Coffey, Anne Diedrick, Dan Dixon, Hattie Dorsey, Thomas P. FitzGibbon, Charles R. Gatson, James W. King, Ruhi Maker, Patricia McCoy, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Debra S. Reyes, Benson Roberts, Benjamin Robinson III, Mary Jane Seebach, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Lorie R. Swanson, Diane Thompson, Hubert Van Tol, Clint Walker, Dolores S. Smith, Edward M. Gramlich, Ben S. Bernanke, and Susan Bies
TRANSCRIPT OF THE CONSUMER ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2004, Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Mark Pinsky, Dennis L. Algiere, Kenneth P. Bordelon, Shiela Canavan, Robin Coffey, Anne Diedrick, Dan Dixon, Hattie Dorsey, Thomas P. FitzGibbon, James Garner, Charles R. Gatson, Larry Hawkins, Ruhi Maker, James W.King, Patricia McCoy, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Debra S. Reyes, Benson Roberts, Benjamin Robinson III, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Lorie R. Swanson, Diane Thompson, Clint Walker, Hubert Van Tol, Sandra F. Braunstein, Roger W. Ferguson Jr, Susan Bies, and Ben S. Bernanke
FRB Transcript of the Consumer Advisory Council Meeting, Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Mark Pinsky, Janie Barrera, Kenneth P. Bordelon, Shiela Canavan, Robin Coffey, Anne Diedrick, Dan Dixon, Hattie Dorsey, Thomas P. FitzGibbon, James Garner, Charles R. Gatson, Larry Hawkins, James W. King, Ruhi Maker, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Debra S. Reyes, Benson Roberts, Benjamin Robinson III, Mary Jane Seebach, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Lorie R. Swanson, Diane Thompson, Hubert Van Tol, Clint Walker, Sandra F. Braunstein, Roger W. Ferguson Jr, Edward M. Gramlich, and Susan Bies
President's Bush Remarks to the National Association of Home Builders, George W. Bush
Rapport Annuel du Comitè de la Règlementation Bancaire et Financière 2002-2003-2004, Comitè de la Règlementation Bancaire et Financière
Countrywide Loan Program Guide- Non-Conforming COFI, MTA, or LIBOR, Countrywide Financial Corporation
Independence V CDO Pitchbook, Declaration Management & Research LLC
E trade III CDO Pitchbook, E*Trade Global Asset Management, Inc
Community Guidelines on State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty, European Union: European Commission
Community Guidelines on State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty, European Union: European Commission
Discussion of HUD's Proposed Housing Goals, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Fannie Mae Presentation to HUD- HUD's Proposed Housing Goals, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Federal Reserve Board Issues an Order to Cease and Desist and Order of Assessment of Civil Money Penalty against Citigroup Inc., Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
NASD Fines Piper Jaffray $2.4 Million for IPO Spinning, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA): National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD)
Transmittal to Citibank of OCC Findings on Derivatives Examination from Frake to Tremain, Ronald Frake
Fussing and Fuming Over Fannie and Freddie: How Much Smoke, How Much Fire?, W. Scott Frame and Lawrence J. White
Regulating Housing GSEs: Thoughts on Institutional Structure and Authorities, W. Scott Frame and Lawrence J. White
FBI warns of mortgage fraud 'epidemic' (CNN), Terry Frieden
Office of Thrift Supervision comments on S7-21-03, James E. Gilleran
Abacus 2004-2 CDO Term Sheet, Goldman Sachs
Abacus 2004-3 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Sierra Madre Funding CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Davis Square Funding III CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs and Crèdit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank/CALYON
Decret n °2004-963 du 9 septembre 2004 portant creation du service a competence nationale Agence des participations de l'Etat., Government of France
Décret n°2004-963 du 9 septembre 2004 portant création du service à compétence nationale Agence des participations de l'Etat., Government of France
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan At the Meetings of the American Economic Association On isk and Uncertainty in Monetary Policy, Alan Greenspan
Testimony of Alan Greenspan Before the Committee on Financial Services on Monetary Policies, Alan Greenspan
Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Alan Greenspan
Funding the Business Plan 2004-2008, Halifax Bank of Scotland
Letter from Dougalz Holtz-Eakin to Richard Shelby Regarding Updated Estimates of the Subsidies to the Housing GSE, Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Cap. 581 Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance, Hong Kong: Legislative Council
Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
FRBNY Letter from Joan Johnson to Michelle Sims Re examination letter report conducted by examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Joan Johnson and Homer Hill III
FRBNY Letter from Joan Johnson to Michelle Sims Re inspection report, Joan Johnson and Homer Hill III
Kaupthing Offering Circular, Kaupthing Bank HF.
The Effect of Mortgage Broker Compensation Disclosures on Consumers and Competition: A Controlled Experiment, James M. Lacko and Janis K. Pappalardo
Lehman Brothers Code of Ethics, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
The Longer Term Refinancing Operations of the ECB, Tobias Linzert, Dieter Nautz, and Ulrich Bindseil
Drought of CDO, Colleen Marie O'Connor
Jupiter High-Grade CDO Pitchbook, Maxim Advisory LLC
Countrywide McMurry Email re Credit Risk, John McMurray
Cascade Funding 1 CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Cascade Funding 1 CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Crystal Cove CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Dunhill CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Dunhill CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
E trade III CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding I CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding I CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding II CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Independence V CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Lakeside II CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Lakeside II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.
E trade III CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and United Capital Markets Inc.
Moody's Corporation 2003 10-K, Moody's Investor Service
Countrywide Email from Mozilo to Kurland and McLaughlin re Subprime Residuals, Angelo Mozilo
CountryWide Fourth Quarter 2003 Earnings Call Trancript, Angelo Mozilo, Bob Napoli, Stanford L. Kurland, Mike McMahon, Keith McLaughlin, Eric Wasserstrom, David Sambol, Brad Ball, Angeloe Mazilo, Mike Vinciquerra, Jonathan Gray, Bruce Harting, Paul Miller, Robert Hottensen, Vincent Daniel, Ed Groshans, Joel Houck, Lawrence Kam, Matthew Lindenbaum, and Hai Vu
New Century 2003 10-K, New Century Financial Corporation
Fed Assesses Citigroup Unit $70 million in loan abuse, Timothy L. O'Brien
Crystal Cove CDO Pitchbook, Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
OFHEO Memorandum from Perkins Re 2003 Fannie Mae Examination Activity Exceptions, Marietta Perkins
Lehman Brothers Letter to the SEC, Joseph Polizzotto and David A. DeMuro
AIG Memo from Robert Powell to Kevin McGinn re Credit Derivative Transaction with lona, Robert Powell
Deposit Insurance Corporation Law, President of the Republic of Indonesia
Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 25 (749), Russian Federation: Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Countrywide Adding Staff to Boost Purchase Share, Jody Shenn
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Robert Lewis regarding Transaction Approval of Merrill Lynch Credit Derivative, William Shirley
Moodys Email From Jay Siegel Regarding Revised Silent Second, Jay Siegel
Moodys Email from Jay Siegel Regarding the Interim Rule, Jay Siegel
Moodys Email from Jay Siegel Regarding Benefit For SQ1 Servicer, Jay Siegel, Warren Kornfeld, Wen Zhang, Shelly Garg, and Wioletta Frankowicz
OCC Findings from Staehle to Frake Regarding Fixed Income Derivatives Examination, Daniel C. Staehle
The Banking and Finance Business Act (2004:297), Sweden: Ministry of Finance