Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2005
Abacus 2005-3 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Abacus 2005-5 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Adirondack 2005-1 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
AIG Letter from Goldman Sachs to AIG regarding ABACUS 2004-1 CDS Transaction, Goldman Sachs
Altius I Funding CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Broderick 1 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Camber 3 CDO Term Sheet, Goldman Sachs
Davis Square Funding IV CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
G Street Finance CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
AIG-Goldman Sachs ABACUS 2005-CB1, Goldman Sachs and C-BASS Investment Management LLC (CIM)
Coolidge Funding CDO Term Sheet, Goldman Sachs and Maxim Advisory LLC
Coolidge Funding CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs and Maxim Group LLC
Camber 3 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs, SG Corporate & Investment Banking, and Barclays PLC
AIG Executive Summary Memo from Alan Frost and Gary Gorton, Gary B. Gorton and Alan Frost
Letter from Brian Graham to Members of the Board of Directors of Fannie Mae Re Background Reading for Strategic Retreat, Brian Graham
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan Regarding Reflections Central Banking, Alan Greenspan
Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan Before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress June 9, 2005, Alan Greenspan
FRBNY Letter from Himer C Hill to Thomas F Rollauer Re A review related to Citigroups compliance with the July 28 2003 Written Agreement, Homer Hill III
Letter from Homer Hill for the FRBNY Summary of Supervision for Citi 2004, Homer Hill III
International Financial Reporting Standard 7 - Financial Instruments: Disclosures, International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation
ISDA Publishes Template for Credit Default Swaps on Asset-Backed Securities with Pay As You Go Settlement, International Swap Dealers Association, Inc. (ISDA)
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Letter to Angelo Mozilo, Robert C. Johnson
Countrywide Corporate Credit Risk Committee Final Minutes, Stan Kurland, Eric Sieracki, John McMurray, Nick Krsnich, Christian Ingerslev, Mitch Turley, Pauline Kennedy, Jeff Speakes, Erik Stein, Frank Aguilera, Rod Williams, Jack Schakett, Marc Fisher, Clifford Rossi, David Spector, and Andrew Gissinger III
Market Risk Management: Risk Equity and Risk Appetite Models, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Risk Management: SEC Risk Appetite, Risk Equity Review for CSE, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Be Warned: Mr. Bubble's Worried Again, DAVID LEONHARDT
Fannie Mae Board Meeting Presentation Robert J. Levin, Interim Chief Financial Officer, Robert Levin
Fannie Mae Board Report Robert J Levin, Robert Levin
Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Act 2005 (PIDM Act), Malaysia: Parliament
Fannie Mae Memo Adolfo Marzol to Dan Mudd RE Private Label Securities, Adolfo Marzol
Jupiter High-Grade II CDO Pitchbook, Maxim Advisory LLC
Jupiter High-Grade III CDO Pitchbook, Maxim Advisory LLC
Lexington Capital Funding CDO Pitchbook, Maxim Advisory LLC
Federal Home Loan Bank System: An Overview of Changes and Current Issues Affecting the System, Thomas J. McCool
AIG Memo from Kevin B. McGinn to the Credit Risk Committee regarding Global Securities Lending Cash Policy, Kevin McGinn
Countrywide McMurray email to Sambol, John McMurray
Broderick 1 CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Class V Funding CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Class V Funding CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
E trade IV CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
E trade IV CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Fort Sheridan CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding III CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Glacier Funding III CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Huntington CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Huntington CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Independence V CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Independence VI CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Independence VI CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade II CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade III CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Preferred Funding CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Preferred Funding CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Lenox CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Lenox CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Lexington Capital Funding CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Merrill Lynch 2005 10-K, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and Maxim Group LLC
Jupiter High-Grade III CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and Maxim Group LLC
Lexington Capital Funding Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International, Maxim Group LLC, and Descap Securities
Moody's Corporation 2004 10-K, Moody's Corporation: The Corporate library
Moody's Derivatives Organizational Chart Americas, July 2005, Moody's Investor Service
Moodys Follow Up Exhibits- Code Of Professional Conduct, Moody's Investor Service
Mortgage Originations Rise in First Half of 2005; Demand for Interest Only, Option ARM and Alt-A Products Increases, Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
Countrywide Mozilo email to Garcia cc Kurland re Bank Assets, Angelo Mozilo, Carlos Garcia, and David Sambol
Countrywide Mozillo Email to Sambol, Angelo Mozilo, David Kovnesky, Moe Muscatel, and Jeff Yoshida
Countrywide Mozilo Email to Tarman cc Bielanski re Today's American Banker: Pay Options, Angelo Mozilo and Dan Tarman
Fannie Mae CEO Report Dan Mudd, Daniel Mudd
Nomura Report from Boca Raton- Coverage of Selected Sessions of ABS East 2005, Nomura Holdings and David P. Jacob
Blizzard ASF (ASR), Colleen Marie O'Connor
Options Group 2005 Global Financial Market Overview & Compensation Report, Options Group
FRB Transcript of the Consumer Advisory Council Meeting, Mark Pinsky, Lorie R. Swanson, Stella Adams, Dennis L. Algiere, Faith L. Anderson, Susan Bredehoft, Shiela Canavan, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Dan Dixon, Hattie Dorsey, Kurt Eggert, James Garner, Deborah Hickok, James W. King, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Benjamin Robinson III, Mary Jane Seebach, Lisa Sodeika, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Diane Thompson, Anselmo Villarreal, Clint Walker, Kelly K. Walsh, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Edward M. Gramlich, Susan Bies, and Ben S. Bernanke
FRB Consumer Advisory Council Meeting Transcript FCIC, Mark Pinsky, Lorie R. Swanson, Stella Adams, Dennis L. Algiere, Faith L. Anderson, Susan Bredehoft, Shiela Canavan, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Hattie Dorsey, Dan Dixon, Kurt Eggert, James Garner, Chuck Gatson, James W. King, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Mary Jane Seebach, Lisa Sodeika, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Diane Thompson, Anselmo Villarreal, Clint Walker, Kelly K. Walsh, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Roger W. Ferguson Jr, Susan Bies, and Mark Olson
CDO Investors Debate Morality of Spread Environment, Allison Pyburn
CDO machine? Managers, mortgage companies, happy to keep fuel coming, Allison Pyburn
Reilly Moving the Market, David Reilly
SEC Information memorandum from Lori Richards, Mary Ann Gadziala, and Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations Re CSE Examination of Bear Stearns and Co Inc, Lori Richards and Mary Ann Gadziala
Broderick 1 CDO Pitchbook, Seneca Capital Management LLC
FRB Minutes of CDO-ABS Warehouse Business Product Control and Market Risk Meeting, Patrick Shannon, Murray Barnes, Richard Coppola, Om Arya, Roseanne Farley, and Laura Braverman
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee and Broderick CDO, William Shirley
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee Request, William Shirley
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Goldman Sachs, William Shirley
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding SocGen, William Shirley
Moodys Email from Jay Siegel Regarding Rating Feedback Discussion, Jay Siegel and Michael B. Kanef
Moodys Email from Jay Siegel Regarding Second Liens IOs, Jay Siegel and Marjan Riggi
OCC Memorandum from Daniel Staehle to Ronald Frake Re North America Credit Trading and North America Global Structured Credit Derivatives Examination, Daniel C. Staehle
Kleros Preferred Funding CDO Pitchbook, Strategos Capital Management, LLC
After the Fall (The Economist), The Economist
Moody's Revisits its Assumptions Regarding Structured Finance Default (and Asset) Correlations for CDOs, Olivier Toutain, David Rosa, Yvonne Fu, Paul Mazataud, Guillaume Jolivet, Laurent Lassalvy, Julien Sieler, Gareth Levington, Gary Witt, and Yuri Yoshizawa
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Mortgage Fraud Assessment, Guy M. Tunnell
United Kingdom Debt Management Office Executive Agency Framework Document, United Kingdom: Debt Management Office
HUD - Recent House Price Trends and Homeownership Affordability, United States: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), David T. Rodda, and Jack Goodman
The External Effects of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Reprioritization Efforts, United States: Department of Justice: Office of the Inspector General Audit Division
Federal Register- Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Credit Risk Management Guidance for Home Equity Lending, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision
INTERAGENCY GUIDANCE ON THE ELIGIBILITY OF ASSET-BACKED COMMERCIAL PAPER LIQUIDITY FACILITIES AND THE RESULTING RISK- BASED CAPITAL TREATMENT, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
Memorandum of Understanding Between the OTS and the Commission Bancaire, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision and France/The French State: Commission Bancaire
FRB Operations Review Report Federal Reserve Bank of New York Banking Supervision Group, United States: Federal Reserve System: Operation Review Team
AIG 2005 Compensation Information, United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)