Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2006
Ipswich Street CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Jupiter High-Grade IV CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Funding III CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Funding III CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Preferred Funding II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Real Estate I CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Real Estate I CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Real Estate II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Kleros Real Estate II CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Libertas Preferred Funding I CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Libertas Preferred Funding I CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Octans I CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Fort Sheridan CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and Descap Securities
Khaleej II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International and Gulf Investment Corporation
2005 US CDO Review - Looking Ahead to 2006 - Record Year Follows Record Year (Moody's Special Report), Richard Michalek, Suzanna Sava, and Karie Chen
Moody's Corporation 2005 10-K, Moody's Investor Service
Moody's Rating Memorandum re CMLTI 2006-NC2 18R, Moody's Investor Service
Susan Mills, head of the Mortgage Finance group at Citigroup Global Markets, Moody's Investor Service
Ratings Committee Memorandum re Final Closing Committee, Moody's Investor Service: Derivatives Group Ratings Committee, Karie Chen, and Teresa Wyszomierski
Moody's Rating Committee Memorandum, Moody's Investor Service: Derivatives Group Ratings Committee and Wioletta Frankowicz
Housing at the Tipping Point - The Outlook for the US Residential Real Estate Market, Moody's Investor Service, Mark Zandi, Celia Chen, and Brian Carey
CMLTI 2006-NC2 12R Mortgage releases, Morgan Stanley, UBS Investment Bank, Citigroup Global Markets Realty Corp., Bear Stearns: Mortgage Capital Corporation, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, and New Century: NC Capital Corporation
Countrywide Mozilo email to Clayton Clark re Pay Option Arms, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Mozilo email to Garcia, Furash, Kurland and Sambol re Bank assets, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Mozilo email to Kurland, Sambol, Dieracki, Spector, and McMurray re HSBC, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Mozilo email to McMurray cc Sambol, Bartlett, and Sieracki re Pay Options, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Mozilo email to Sambol and Kurland re Subprime Seconds, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Sambol Email to Mozilo Email on Subprime Seconds, Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide Mozilo Email to Kurland re PayOption Arm Information, Angelo Mozilo, Steve Bailey, and William Endicott
Counrtrywide Bigelow email to Mozilo cc Sieracki and Riordan, Angelo Mozilo and David Bigelow
Countrywide Mozilo email to Sambol cc Garcia and Sieracki re The Bank, Angelo Mozilo and John McMurray
Countrywide Mozilo email to Sambol, Bartlett, Sieracki, cc Kurland re Reducing Risk Reducing Cost, Angelo Mozilo and David Sambol
Countrywide Mozilo email to Sieracki cc Kurland, Sambol, Spector, McMurray re 1Q 2006 Earnings, Angelo Mozilo and Eric Sieracki
Countrywide 2006 Fixed Income Investor Forum, Angelo Mozilo, Eric Sieracki, Jim Furash, John McMurray, Jeff Speakes, Jennifer S. Sandefur, and Grant Couch
CDOs with Short-Term Tranches - Moody's Approach to Rating Prime-1 CDO Notes, Karen Mueller, Pooja Bharwani, and Rodrigo Araya
Nigerian Deposit Insurance Act, National Assembly
Citigroup Loan Issues 7/31 (2), New Century Financial Corporation and Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc
Citigroup Loan Issues 8/3, New Century Financial Corporation and Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc
Nomura Fixed Income Research, CDO CDS Update, Nomura Holdings
Andrew von Nordenflycht, Draft Paper on The Demise of the Professional Partnership, The Emergence and Diffusion of Publicly-Traded Professional Service Firms, Andrew von Nordenflycht
AIG Email from Gene Park to Joe Cassano Regarding CDO of ABS Approach, Gene Park
FRBNY Letter from Jim Robbins to Michelle A Vinnedge Re examination letter report, Jim Robbins and Dianne Dobbeck
Fannie Memo re Proposal for Increasing Housing Goal Loans, Charles Rumfola, Patti Parsons, and Kevin Kim
Countrywide Email from David Sambol to Kevin Bartlett re Product Summit, David Sambol, Kevin Bartlett, and John McMurray
Center For Responsible Lending, Losing Ground Foreclosures in the Subprime Market and Their Cost to Homeowners, Ellen Schloemer, Wei Li, Keith Ernst, and Kathleen Keest
SEC OCIE Entrance Exam of Bear Stearns, Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE)
Broderick 2 CDO Pitchbook, Seneca Capital Management LLC
Simpson MICA Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Transportation and the Subcommittee on Economic Policy re: Non traditional mortgages, William A. Simpson
Launch of Deposit Insurance Scheme in Singapore, Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation and Monetary Authority of Singapore
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
American Bankers Association letter to OTS, Paul Smith and United States: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
FRB Transcript of the Meeting of the Consumer Advisory Council, Lisa Sodeika, Stella Adams, Dennis L. Algiere, Faith L. Anderson, Dorothy Bridges, Tony T. Brown, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Hattie Dorsey, Kurt Eggert, Deborah Hickok, Sarah Ludwig, Mark M. Metz, Bruce B. Morgan, Lance Morgan, Joshua Peirez, Anna McDonald Rentschler, Anna McDonald Rentschler, Faith Arnold Schwartz, Mary Jane Seebach, Edward Sivak, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Alan White, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Ben S. Bernanke, Susan Bies, Randall S. Kroszner, and Frederic S. Mishkin
OFHEO Office of Examination ltr to Richard Syron, Jeffrey S. Spohn
Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-NC2, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-NC2 Asset-Backed Pass Through Certificates, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
CMLTI 2006-NC2 16aR S& P ratings letter to Citi, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
CMLTI 2006-NC2 16eR S& P true sale letter and tax opinion, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
CMLTI 2006-NC2 17aR S&P Model Docs 9/11, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
CMLTI 2006-NC2 17bR S&P Model Docs 9/26, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
CMLTI 2006-NC2 17cR S&P Waterfall, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC
SF Global New Issue Form - Long Term Ratings, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc
Citi Letter from Tobias Brushammar James Hua Graham Jackson and Subra Viswanathan Re Liquidity Put Valuation, United States
Libertas Preferred Funding I CDO Pitchbook, Strategos Capital Management, LLC
FRB Transcript of the Counsumer Advisory Council Meeting, Lorie R. Swanson, Lisa Sodeika, Stella Adams, Dennis L. Algiere, Faith L. Anderson, Dorothy Bridges, Tony T. Brown, Shiela Canavan, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Kurt Eggert, Sarah Ludwig, Mark M. Metz, Lance Morgan, Bruce B. Morgan, Joshua Peirez, Anna McDonald Rentschler, Faith Arnold Schwartz, Mary Jane Seebach, Edward Sivak, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Anselmo Villarreal, Kelly K. Walsh, Alan White, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Ben S. Bernanke, Mark Olson, and Kevin Warsh
FRB Transcript of the Consumer Advisory Council Meeting, Lorie R. Swanson, Lisa Sodeika, Stella Adams, Faith L. Anderson, Dorothy Bridges, Shiela Canavan, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Hattie Dorsey, Sarah Ludwig, Peter J. Wallison, Bruce B. Morgan, Lance Morgan, Joshua Peirez, Anna McDonald Rentschler, Faith Arnold Schwartz, Mary Jane Seebach, Edward Sivak, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Anselmo Villarreal, Alan White, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Ben S. Bernanke, Susan Bies, Mark Olson, and Kevin Warsh
Freddie Mac Proxy Statement 7-12-2006, Richard F. Syron, Robert E. Bostrom, and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
Bear Stearns Matt Tannin email diary entry, Matthew Tannin
Davis Square Funding VI CDO Pitchbook for a $2 Billion High Grade Structured Product, Tcw Management, LLC
West Coast Funding I CDO Pitchbook A $2.7 Billion High Grade Structured Product CDO, Tcw Management, LLC
Goldman Fabrice Tourre Email to Jonathan Egol, PSI Exhibit 61, Fabrice Tourre and Jonathan Egol
Kleros Real Estate III CDO Offering Circular, UBS Investment Bank
Watters v Wachovia, United States: Courts: Supreme Court
FINCEN Mortgage Fraud Report November 2006, United States: Department of the Treasury: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
OCC Review Check List of CMAC Approval of CDS Issued on ABS CDOs for compliance with Formal agreement, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
Office of Thrift Supervision Report of Examination : AIG Financial Products, Inc. – Significant Products and Activities, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision
Fannie Mae Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance of a Consent Order, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO Fannie Mae Report of Annual Examination, 2006, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO Freddie Mac Report of Annual Examination, 2006, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO's 2006 Fannie Mae Report of Annual Examination, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO SEC Reach Settlement with Fannie Mae Penalty Imposed, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) and Otto Schulz
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (August 2, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (December 5, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (February 1, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (January 6, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (July 5, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (June 7, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (March 8, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (May 8, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (November 7, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (October 6, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (September 7, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
SEC Memo Hedge Fund Derivative-Linked Products Current Market Practice Risk Management and Capital, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
SEC Memo Residencial and Commercial Mortgage Securitization Current Market Practice Risk Management and Capital Treatment, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)