European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2008 - 2012)
Documents from 2013
Cyprus president says depositors had to pay to avoid bankruptcy, Reuters
Cypriot Laiki bank to be closed down, Bank of Cyprus restructured, Reuters Staff
SNS Reaal transfers property unit to Dutch state, SeeNews Netherlands
Bad Bank to Remain in Operation Longer than Expected, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
National Reform Programme 2013-2014, Slovenia
Regulation Implementing Measures to Strengthen Bank Stability (In Slovene, Uredba o izvajanju ukrepov za krepitev stabilnosti bank) (Oradni list RS, st. 103/2013 z dne 11.12.2013) (December 11, 2013), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Regulation Implementing Measures to Strengthen Bank Stability (In Slovene, Uredba o izvajanju ukrepov za krepitev stabilnosti bank) (Oradni list RS, st. 22/2013 z dne 15.3.2013), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Stevilka 103. Oradni list RS, st. 103/2013 z dne 11.12.2013 (Official Gazette No. 103/2013 dated 11.12.2013), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Stevilka 51. Oradni list RS, st. 51/2013 z dne 14.06.2013 (Official Gazette No. 51/2013 dated 14.06.2013), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Cyprus depositors' fate sealed in Berlin, Peter Spiegel
How ECB's Emergency Liquidity Assistance works, Sakari Suoninen and Marc Jones
Minister of Finance Was Entitled to Expropriate SNS Securities and Loans, but Not Future Claims, The Netherlands: Council of State
Court Hearing for the Decree to Expropriate SNS Reaal, The Netherlands/ The Dutch State/Holland
A Better Cyprus Deal, The Wall Street Journal
Bankia investors fear stock will be declared worthless, Giles Tremlett
Netherlands Nationalizes SNS Reaal, Maarten van Tartwijk
Cypriots braced for harsh banking curbs; Cypriots face draconian controls over how they spend their money, use debit cards or access their savings lasting beyond May as Cyprus tries to stop capital flight ahead of inflicting major losses on depositors..., Bruno Waterfield and Nick Squires
Documents from 2012
Recession-plagued Slovenia can still avoid bailout: IMF, Agence France Presse (AFP)
Slovenia approves 'bad bank', backs with 4 bn euros, Agence France Presse (AFP)
Slovenian opposition pushes for referendum on 'bad bank' bill, Agence France Presse (AFP)
ATE Bank Announcement, Agricultural Bank of Greece
Announcement, Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE Bank)
State Aid SA.34827 (2012/NN) - Cyprus Rescue Recapitalisation of Cyprus Popular Bank, Joaquin Almunia
The Irish case from an ECB perspective, J¶rg Asmussen
Piraeus Bank Announces Aquisition of Good Part of ATEbank, Athens News Agency
The Federal Reserve as Last Resort, Colleen Baker
Absorption by Piraeus Bank of the sound part of the Agricultural Bank of Greece, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Summary of the Annual Report 2011, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Annual Report 2012 (Belfius), Belfius Bank
Statement by Ben S. Bernanke, Ben S. Bernanke
Empirical review of EU asset relief measures in the period 2008-2012, Yassine Boudghene and Stan Maes
Slovenia hops on the bad bank bandwagon, David Brierley
Slovenian Cabinet OKs Plan to Create Fund for Bad Bank Assets, Sean Carney
The Funding for Lending Scheme, Rohan Churm, Amar Radia, Jeremy Leake, Sylaja Srinivasan, and Richard Whisker
A Cyprus liquidity switch, Joseph Cotterill
What went wrong in Slovenia and how to get out of the mess?, Jože Damijan
Dexia 2012 Financial Report, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Dexia Operational Memorandum, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Is Nama wandering from its original remit, Stephen Dodd
NAMA: The Law Relating to the National Asset Management Agency, Stephen Dodd and Cian Carroll
Introductory Statement to the press conference (with Q&A), Mario Draghi and Vitor CONSTANCIO
Decision 2012/133 of the European Central Bank of 27 February 2012 repealing Decision ECB/2010/3 on temporary measures relating to the eligibility of marketable debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the Greek Government, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decision of the European Central Bank of 18 July 2012 repealing Decision ECB/2012/3 on the eligibility of marketable debt instruments issued or fully guaranteed by the Hellenic Republic in the context of the Hellenic Republic's debt exchange offer, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decision of the European Central Bank of 19 December 2012 on temporary measures relating to the eligibility of marketable debt instruments issued or fully guaranteed by the Hellenic Republic, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB extends the swap facility agreement Ӭwith the Bank of England, European Central Bank (ECB)
Ending of covered bond purchase programme 2, European Central Bank (ECB)
Impact of the Two Three-Year Longer-Term Refinancing Operations, European Central Bank (ECB)
On a guarantee scheme for the liabilities of Italian banks and on the exchange of lira banknotes, European Central Bank (ECB)
OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 19 September 2012 on strengthening bank stability, European Central Bank (ECB)
Extension of existing central bank swap arrangements, European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
State aid n° SA.35137 (2012/N) – Italy Rescue aid to Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A., European Commission
European Covered Bond Fact Book 2012, European Covered Bond Council
Answer given by Mr Rehn on behalf of the Commission, European Parliament
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT: Assessment of the 2012 national reform programme and stability programme for SLOVENIA, European Union: European Commission
The Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece, European Union: European Commission
Fitch Downgrades Cyprus to 'BB+', Outlook Negative, Fitch Ratings
Mission and Functions | Resolution Fund, Fundo de Resolução/Resolution Fund
Chapter 2: Sovereigns, Banks, and Emerging Markets: Detailed Analysis and Policies, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Republic of Slovenia: 2012 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; Informational Annex; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Slovenia, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
United Kingdom: 2012 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Comptroller and Auditor General Special Report: National Asset Management Agency: Management of Loans, Ireland: Comptroller and Auditor General
National Asset Management Agency, 2012 Annual Report, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
Business in Brief, Irish Independent
Prospectus Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co Ltd, Laiki Bank Group
Ireland's National Treasury Management Agency Managing a Complex Portfolio of Public Assets and Liabilities, Anthony Linehan
The bank that broke Spain, Victor Mallet and Miles Johnson
Executive Chairman Resigns at Bankia, the Troubled Spanish Real Estate Lender, Raphael Minder
The European Debt Crisis and the Dollar Funding Gap, Jason Miu, Asani Sarkar, and Alexander Tepper
The Impact of State Guarantees on Banks' Debt Issuing Costs, Lending and Funding Policy, Patrice Muller, Shaan Devani, and Rasmus Flytkjaer
NLB Group Annual Report 2011, NLB Group
Slovenian opposition calls for referendum on economic reform and bad banks law, Carina O'Reilly
Slovenia Sovereign Holding Act: OECD Comments, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Greece: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding, Lucas Papademos, Evangelos Venizelos, and George Provopoulos
Re-visiting the ECB's 3-year Long Term Refinancing Operations, Sia Partners
Is LTRO QE in disguise?, Jean Pisani-Ferry and Guntram Wolff
Draghi strikes back II, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC)
ECB loans out EUR 529.5 billion to European banks, Ben Rooney and Chris Isidore
Bank Association Boss Welcomes Plan to Set up Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Central Bank Advises Caution in Plans for Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Chamber of Commerce Critical of Govt Approach to Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Coalition to Discuss NLB, State Assets Holding, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Committee Endorses Bad Bank Bill Despite Warnings Against Haste, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Delo Poll Puts Türk and Pahor in Run-off, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Governor Kranjec Sceptical about Plans for Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Govt Adopts Bill Establishing a Bad Bank (adds), Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Minister, Unions Negotiating in Attempt to Avoid Referenda, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
MPs Asks Constitutional Court to Review Bad Bank Referendum Motion, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
National Council Rejects Bad Bank, Sovereign Holding Referenda (adds), Slovene Press Agency (STA)
National Council Vetoes Bad Bank Act, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Pensioners, Unions Oppose Sovereign Holding Plan, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Slovenia Likely to Set up Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Speaker Sets Deadline for 40,000 Signatures Against Bad Bank, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Top Court Bans Holding, Bad Bank Referendum, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Trade Union Referendum Initiative Also Targeting Bad Bank Act (adds), Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Unions, Employers Welcome Decision To Postpone Sovereign Holding Vote, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Žerjav and Vizjak Warn Against Referenda on Bad Bank, Holding, Slovene Press Agency (STA)
Stevilka 105. Oradni list RS, st. 105/2012 z dne 27.12.2012 (Official Gazette No. 105/2012 dated 27.12.2012), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
DJ UPDATE: Euro Zone Finance Ministers Flesh Out Spain Bailout Details, Matina Stevis
Special Measures Financial Enterprises Act AMENDED PROPOSAL OF LAW 14 February 2012, The Netherlands/ The Dutch State/Holland
Promissory Note Arrangement an Exercise in Political Optics, Karl Whelan