European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2008 - 2012)
Documents from 2017
Effectiveness and Transmission of the ECB's Balance Sheet Policies, Jef Boeckx, Maarten Dossche, and Gert Peersman
Lone Star picked as top candidate to buy Portugal's Novo Banco, Axel Bugge
The Effect of Central Bank Liquidity Injections on Bank Credit Supply, Luisa Carpinelli and Matteo Crosignani
Bulletin No. 12.2, December 16–31, 2016, Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa
NAMA Land, Frank Connolly
Italy Converts into Law an Emergency Decree Aimed at Rescuing Troubled Banks | Paul Hastings LLP, Bruno Cova, Eriprando Guerritore, Patrizio Braccioni, and Marc-Alexandre Courtejoie
A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus: Lessons for Bank Recovery and Resolution, Panicos Demetriades
State aid: Commission authorises precautionary recapitalisation of Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena, European Commission
State Aid SA.47677 (2017/N) – Italy New aid and amended restructuring plan of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, European Commission
Statement on Agreement in principle between Commissioner Vestager and Italian authorities on MPS, European Commission
State aid n. SA.49275 (2017-N) - Portugal Sale of Novo Banco with additional aid in the in the context of the 2014 Resolution of Banco Espirito Santo, S.A, European Union: European Commission
State Aids SA.39543 (2017/N-2), SA.41134 (2017/N-2), SA.43547 (2017/N-2) - Italy - Sale of the bridge banks Marche, Etruria and Carichieti to UBI Banca (third amendment to the resolution of the banks Marche, Etruria and Carichieti), European Union: European Commission
Portugal Makes Progress on Legacy Banking Problems, Fitch Ratings
Taking bail-in seriously: The looming risks for banking policy in the rescue of Monte Paschi di Siena, Martin Götz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, and Tobias Troger
Hellenic Financial Stability Fund's Annual Financial Report 2016 Press Release, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Republic of Slovenia: 2017 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
NAMA redeems all of its Senior Debt, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
National Asset Management Agency Annual Report & Financial Statements 2016, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana Anno 158 - Numero 175, Italian Government
Proceedings of the fact-finding investigation on the conditions of the Italian banking and financial system and the protection of savings, also with reference to supervision, crisis resolution and European deposit guarantee, Italian Senate Finance Commission
ECB Policies Involving Government Bond Purchases: Impact and Channels, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stefan Nagel, and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen
Project Tenor II: Summary Report, Kroll
Emergency Liquidity Assistance - moving away from “constructive ambiguity”?, M. Magnus and A. Xirou
Precautionary recapitalisations under the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive: conditionality and case practice, B. Mesnard, M. Magnus, and A. Margerit
The precautionary recapitalisation of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, B. Mesnard, M. Magnus, and A. Margerit
On Emergency Liquidity Assistance: theory and evidence, John "Iannis" Mourmouras
Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe, Thomas Philippon and Aude Salord
Atlante Closes Buy of 2.2 Bln Euros in Problem Loans from 3 Rescued Banks, Reuters Staff
Ed Sibley: Non-performing loans – the Irish perspective on a European problem, Ed Sibley
State Capture: the Case of the Republic of Moldova, Transparency International Moldova, Adept, Legal Resources Center from Moldova, and Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Precautionary Recapitalisation: Time for a Review?, Nicolas Véron
State Aid: Sixteenth Extension of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme, Margrethe Vestager
Lone Star acquires 75% of Portugal's Novo Banco, Peter Wise
Documents from 2016
S&P Upgrades Four Greek Banks, Mamta Badkar
Banca delle Marche S.p.A.. Modifica del programma di risoluzione, ai sensi del D.Lgs. 180/2015 e decorrenza degli effetti., Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Call for expression of interest in relation to the transfer of Nuova Cassa di risparmio di Ferrara SpA, Nuova Banca delle Marche SpA, Nuova Banca dell'Etruria e del Lazio SpA, Nuova Cassa di risparmio di Chieti SpA, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Nuova Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara S.p.A.. Transfer of non-performing loans to REV Gestione Crediti S.p.A., pursuant to Legislative Decree 180/2015, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Rapporto sulla stabilita finanziaria, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Press Release, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Press Release Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (12/19/2016), Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Comunicado do Banco de Portugal sobre o relana§amento do processo de venda do Novo Banco, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the Novo Banco sale process | Banco de Portugal, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Annual Report 2015, Banco Espirito Santo
Liquidation Committee Message, Banco Espirito Santo
Annual Report 2015, Banco Espírito Santo
Liquidation Committee Message, Banco Espírito Santo
Bank of Slovenia Financial Stability Review, January 2016, Banka Slovenjie/Central Bank of Slovenije
Bank of Slovenia Policy Strategy Paper for Slovenia 2016 (December 2016), Banka Slovenjie/Central Bank of Slovenije
BAMC 2015 Operations Report to the National Assembly (in accordance with Article 15 of ZUKSB), Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC Annual Report 2015, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC Annual Report 2016, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC Business Strategy 2016-2022, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC HALF-YEAR REPORT 2016, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Merger of Factor banka and Probanka to BAMC confirmed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme (RCAP) - Assessment of Basel III G-SIB framework and review of D-SIB frameworks - European Union, Bank for International Settlements
Identification of UniCredit, Intesa Sanpaolo and Monte dei Paschi di Siena banking groups as other systemically important institutions, Bank of Italy
Notification by Banca d'Italia (Italy) on one globally systemically important institution (G-SII), Bank of Italy
The ‘precautionary recapitalization’ of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Bank of Italy
Matteo Renzi's referendum defeat risks Italy political crisis, BBC
Evaluating the impact of unconventional monetary policy measures: Empirical evidence from the ECB×ós Securities Markets Programme, Schwaab Bernd and Fabian Eser
Ireland's 'Bad Bank' Chief Rejects Developers' Complaints, Vincent Boland
Italian Government Guarantee for Italian Banks' Debt Securities, Clifford Chance
Annual Report Public Debt Management 2015, Cyprus Ministry of Finance
EBA publishes 2016 EU-wide stress test results | European Banking Authority, European Banking Authority
Macroprudential Bulletin, European Central Bank
Decision (EU) 2016/1041 of the European Central Bank of 22 June 2016 on the eligibility of marketable debt instruments issued or fully guaranteed by the Hellenic Republic and repealing Decision (EU) 2015/300, European Central Bank (ECB)
Implementation Aspects of the Public Sector Purchase Program, European Central Bank (ECB)
State Aid SA.47081 (2016/N) – Italy – Liquidity support to MPS bank, European Commission
Conclusion of ESM programme for Cyprus: an overview, European Stability Mechanism
COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 12 July 2016 on the 2016 National Reform Programme of Slovenia and delivering a Council opinion on the 2016 Stability Programme of Slovenia, European Union: Council of the European Union
The guarantee granted by Belgium to the ARCO Group financial cooperatives infringes EU law, European Union: Court of Justice/ European Court of Justice/(CJEU)
Annual Report for the National Resolution Fund, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 29.04.2016 on the state aid SA.39543 (2015/N), SA.41134 (2015/N), SA.41925 (2015/N), SA.43547 (2015/N) implemented by Italy: Amendment to the resolution of Banca Marche, Banca Etruria, Carife and Carichieti, European Union: European Commission
State Aid SA.39543 (2015/N), SA.41134 (2015/N), SA.41925 (2015/N), SA.43547 (2015/N) - Italy Second amendment to the Resolution of Banca delle Marche S.p.A., Banca Popolare dell'Etruria e del Lazio Soc. Coop., Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara S.p.A. and Cass, European Union: European Commission
Bad luck for backers of Portugal's 'good bank', Financial Times
Novo Banco Action Highlights Bridge Bank Retransfer Risks, Fitch Ratings
Statistical agencies and responses to financial crises: Eurostat, bad banks, and the ESM, Christopher Gandrud and Mark Hallerberg
The bank lending channel of unconventional monetary policy: The impact of the VLTROs on credit supply in Spain, Miguel GarcÃa-Posada and Marcos Marchetti
Cleaning-up Bank Balance Sheets: Economic, Legal, and Supervisory Measures for Italy, José Garrido, Emanuel Kopp, and Anke Weber
The effectiveness of the ECB's asset purchase programs of 2009 to 2012, Heather Gibson, Stephen G. Hall, and George S. Tavlas
Slovenia: The End of a Success Story? When a Partial Reform Equilibrium Turns Bad, Igor Guardiancich
European banks: New rules, old problems, Thomas Hale
Fourteen asset managers sue Portuguese central bank, Thomas Hale and Martin Arnold
Overcoming the Crisis in Cyprus, Gikas A. Hardouvelis
Report of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund's Activities for the period July - December 2015, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Bank recapitalizations and lending: A little is not enough, Timotej Homar
Comptroller and Auditor General: Special Report National Asset Management Agency's sale of Project Eagle, Ireland: Comptroller and Auditor General
PAC to hold series of meetings on C&AG report on Project Eagle, Ireland: Oireachtas
Report of the Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis | Houses of the Oireachtas (Inquiries, Privileges and Procedures) Act, 2013, Ireland: Oireachtas: Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis
Report of the Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis, Dept. of Finance DOF: Core Book 19, Ireland: Oireachtas: Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis and Ireland: Department of Finance/An Roinn Airgeadais
Report of the Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis, NAMA: Core Book 43, Ireland: Oireachtas: Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis and Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
DECRETO-LEGGE 23 dicembre 2016, n. 237 - Normattiva, Italian Government
European Bank Restructuring During the Global Financial Crisis, Malgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Jakub Kerlin, Anna Kozlowska, and Piotr Wisniewski
Bank of Greece appoints special liquidator for NPL portfolio management, Nabiha Javaid
Economic Letter: Housing supply after the crisis, Gerard Kennedy and Rebecca Stuart
Fluid Dynamics: Emergency Liquidity Assistance during the Eurocrisis, Nicholas Anthony Lee
Italy sets up fund to help troubled banks; Move to create €20 billion fund comes shortly after Monte dei Paschi says it failed to raise capital, Giovanni Legorano
Sale of Propertize B.V. finalized, NL Financial Investments