European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2008 - 2012)
Documents from 2016
Dutch gov't sells SNS Reaal real estate division for EUR900 million, NL Times
Nama to focus on accommodation, Peter O’Dwyer
Piraeus Bank Annual Report 2015, Piraeus Bank
Piraeus Banks Financial Statements Information 2015, Piraeus Bank
Italy to bail out Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank, James Politi, Martin Arnold, and Rachel Sanderson
Italy’s Constitutional Referendum: What You Need to Know, Elisabetta Povoledo
Q&A with Bank of Italy Governor Ignazio Visco, Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli
Regulation Amending the Regulation Implementing Measures to Strengthen Bank Stability (In Slovene, Uredba o spremembah in dopolnitvah Uredbe o izvajanju ukrepov za krepitev stabilnosti bank) (Oradni list RS, st. 22/2016 z dne 25.3.2016), Slovenia: Official Gazette (Uradni List Republike Slovenije)
Resolving Banco Espirto Santo: An Overview of the Application of Recovery and Resolution Measures in Portugal, Mariana Solá de Albuquerque and LuÃs Branco
Anbang turns Vivat a profit-maker, Zhuan ti
Italian cabinet gives green light to Monte dei Paschi di Siena bailout, Jill Treanor and Stephanie Kirchgaessner
The Real Estate Bubble in Ireland. Policy Context and Responses, Brendan Williams and Zorica Nedovic-Budic
Bank Resolution and "Bail-In" in the EU: Selected Case Studies Pre and Post BRRD, World Bank Group
Bank Resolution and 'Bail-In' in the EU: Selected Case Studies Pre and Post BBRD, World Bank/World Bank Group
Bank Resolution and 'Bail-In' In the EU: Selected Case Studies Pre and Post BRRD, World Bank/World Bank Group
Bank resolution and bail-in in the EU: selected case studies pre and post BRRD (English), World Bank/World Bank Group
UPDATE 1-Italian Bank Rescue Fund Atlante to Buy More Bad Loans, Valentina Za and Andrea Mandala
Documents from 2015
Former head of collapsed Portuguese bank BES put under house arrest, Agence France Presse (AFP)
Portugal Imposes Losses on Some Novo Banco Senior Bonds, Henrique Almeida and Anabela Reis
Productive Reconstruction Minister attacks central banker over ATEBank break up, Athens News Agency
Banca de Economii Raport Anual 2014, Banca de Economii
Comunicato stampa 30 dicembre 2015, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Information on Resolution of Banca Marche, Banca Popolare Dell'Etruria e Del Lazio, Carichieti, and Cassa Di Risparmio Di Ferrara Crises, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Annual Report 2014, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Comunicado do Banco de Portugal sobre acordo alcançado com a Comissao Europeia relativo ao Novo Banco, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the Novo Banco Sale Process, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the Novo Banco sale process | Banco de Portugal, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the Results of Novo Banco in the Stress Test of the Comprehensive Assessment Conducted by the Single Supervisory Mechanism/European Central Bank, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Release concerning BES' balance sheet as at 31 December 2014, Banco Espirito Santo
Release concerning BES' balance sheet as at 4 August 2014, Banco Espirito Santo
Annual Report 2014, Banco Espírito Santo
Bank of Slovenia Financial Stability Review, May 2015, Banka Slovenjie/Central Bank of Slovenije
Report of the Bank of Slovenia on the causes of the capital shortfalls of banks and the role of the Bank of Slovenia as the banking regulator in relation thereto, the recovery of banks in 2013 and 2014 [...], Banka Slovenjie/Central Bank of Slovenije
Stability of the Slovenian Banking System, December 2014 (Report by Bank of Slovenia), Banka Slovenjie/Central Bank of Slovenije
A letter from Metod Dragonja, state secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC Annual Report for 2014, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC launches internal probe, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC obtains international anti-corruption certificate from ETHIC Intelligence, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC submits two amended internal by-laws and signed employment agreements for executive directors to the Court of Audit, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
BAMC UNAUDITED HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Higher court acknowledges BAMC's warnings regarding inappropriateness of Gorenjska banka acting as the initiator of compulsory settlement against Sava, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Introductory speech from dr. Lars Nyberg at the meeting of the Committee on Financial and Monetary policy October 7th, 2015, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Letter of the Chairman of the Board to the Minister of Finance (BAMC), Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Marko Simoneti and Imre Balogh take the helm of BAMC, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
There have been no changes in BAMC executive directors' salaries since April 2015, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
ELA-ceiling for Greek banks, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Settlement Agreement between the Central Bank of Ireland and Irish Nationwide Building Society, Bank of Ireland
Comunicado do Banco de Portugal sobre acordo alcançado com a Comissão Europeia relativo ao Novo Banco, Bank of Portugal
Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the Novo Banco sale process, Bank of Portugal
Nama NI deal: The key figures and the background you need to know, BBC News
Benoît Cœuré: Interview in Delo, Benoit Coeure
Annual Report Public Debt Management 2014, Cyprus Ministry of Finance
European Central Bank Letter, Mario Draghi
Piraeus gets ahead of Greek bank capital queue, Helene Durand
Banking sector remains a drag on growth, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
Government ousts chairman and CEO of so-called bad bank, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
Decision (EU) 2015/300 of the European Central Bank of 10 February 2015 on the eligibility of marketable debt instruments issued or fully guaranteed by the Hellenic Republic, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB finds total capital shortfall of EUR14.4 billion for four significant Greek banks, European Central Bank (ECB)
Greek Comprehensive Assessment 2015: Results overview, European Central Bank (ECB)
The Financial Risk of Management of the Eurosystem Monetary Policy Actions, European Central Bank (ECB)
The fiscal impact of financial sector support during the crisis, European Central Bank (ECB)
EFSF programme for Greece (expired 30 June 2015), European Stability Mechanism
Commission Decision of 22.11.2015 on the state aid SA.41134 (2015/N) implemented by Italy: Aid for the resolution of Banca Etruria, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 22.11.2015 on the State Aid SA.41925 (2015/N) Implemented by Italy: Aide for the Resolution of Carife, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 22.11.2015 on the state aid SA.43547 implemented by Italy: Aid for the resolution of Carichieti, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 29.04.2016 on the state aid SA.39543 (2015/N), SA.41134 (2015/N), SA.41925 (2015/N), SA.43547 (2015/N) implemented by Italy: Amendment to the resolution of Banca Marche, Banca Etruria, Carife and Carichieti, European Union: European Commission
Note on the 2015 Comprehensive Assessment, European Union: European Commission
State aid - Commission approves state aid for Piraeus Bank on the basis of an amended restructuring plan, European Union: European Commission
State Aid SA.43364 (2015/N) Greece Amendment of the restructuring plan approved in 2014 and granting of new aid to Piraeus Bank, European Union: European Commission
Ex post Evaluation of the Economic Adjustment Programme Ireland, 2010-2013, European Union: European Commission: Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Announcements of ECB unconventional programs: Implications for the sovereign spreads of stressed euro area countries, Matteo Falagiarda and Stefan Reitz
Delayed Novo Banco Sale Unfavourable for Portuguese Banks, Fitch Ratings
Delayed Novo Banco Sale Unfavourable for Portuguese Banks, Fitch Ratings
Sovereign CDS Spreads in Europe: The Role of Global: Risk Aversion, Economic Fundamentals, Liquidity, and Spillovers, Frigyes Heinz and Yan Sun
Major banking decisions in Ireland during the financial crisis, Patrick Honohan
Portugal: First Post-Program Monitoring Discussions, International Monetary Fund
Portugal: First Post-Program Monitoring Discussions, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Republic of Slovenia: 2014 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Ireland: Lessons from Its Recovery from the Bank-Sovereign Loop, International Monetary Fund (IMF): European Department
Direction to the National Asset Management Agency pursuant to Section 14(1) of the National Asset Management Agency Act 2009 in relation to the interest rate on the NAMA Senior Note Programme, Ireland: Department of Finance/An Roinn Airgeadais and Michael Noonan
NAMA SDZ and Residential Delivery Funding Updates, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
National Asset Management Agency, 2011 Annual Report, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
National Asset Management Agency, 2015 Annual Report, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
Cyprus to lift all capital controls on Monday: President Anastasiades, Michele Kambas
Competition Policy in the Framework and Application of State Aid in the Banking Sector, Jochem de Kok
Project Tenor - Scoping Phase: Final Report, Kroll
The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom?, Philip R. Lane
Wither Diversity of Post-Socialist Welfare Capitalist Cultures? Crisis and Change in Estonia and Slovenia, Nicole Lindstrom
Witness Statement of Seamus McCarthy, Seamus McCarthy
The Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic Crisis, The case of Ireland, Julien Mercille
Portugal, Missing Deadline for Novo Banco Sale, Turns to Second Bidder, Raphael Minder
'Bad Banks' in Ireland, Spain and Germany: Diverging Fortunes, Moody's Investor Service, Kathrin Muehlbronner, and Yves Lemay
Advice For the Sale of Propertize, NL Financial Investments
Advisory report on the conditional sale of REAAL N.V. to Anbang Insurance Group Co. Limited, NL Financial Investments
NLFI Becomes Sole Shareholder of SNS Holding B.V., NL Financial Investments
Start sale process of Propertize B.V., NL Financial Investments
Slovenian supervisor finds possible criminal activity at state "bad bank", Marja Novak
Annual Report 2014, Novo Banco