European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2008 - 2012)
Documents from 2024
The Moldovan Banking Scandal, Center For Combating Economic Crimes And Corruption (CCECC)
History, Central Bank of Cyprus
Greece: PROGRAMME TIMELINE FOR GREECE, European Stability Mechanism
Десять лет тюрьмы для бывшего временного президента SA Banca de Economii Виорела Быркэ, Ilie Gulca
Documents from 2023
Conclusao do processo de reestruturacao do Novo Banco, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Conclusão do processo de reestruturação do Novo Banco, Bank of Portugal
How Effective Are Bad Bank Resolutions? New Evidence from Europe, Michael Brei, Leonardo Gambacorta, Marcello Lucchetta, and Bruno Maria Parigi
Single Supervisory Mechanism, European Central Bank (ECB)
Debt relief: What was the private sector debt restructuring in March 2012?, European Stability Mechanism
ESM Explainers, European Stability Mechanism
Programme Timeline for Cyprus, European Stability Mechanism
European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), European Union: European Commission
BES/GES process instructional debate begins in Portugal's Lisbon court, Sheras Fernandes
Portugal's Competition Court Consolidates Fines of Eight Million Euros Imposed on Ricardo Salgado, Sheras Fernandes
Portugal's Competition Court Consolidates Fines of Eight Million Euros Imposed on Ricardo Salgado, Sheras Fernandes
Italy raises $1 bln from Monte dei Paschi's 25% stake sale, Giuseppe Fonte and Valentina Za
CORRECTED-Portugal closes Novo Banco's access to state funding after restructuring - ministry, Sergio Goncalves
Plano de reestruturação do Novo Banco concluído, Government of Portugal
Supreme Court accepts BES banker’s appeal, Christopher Graeme
The Greek Economic Crisis and the Banks, Gikas Hardouvelis and Dimitri Vayanos
2022 Condensed Interim Financial Statements, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Hellenic Financial Stability Fund Legal Framework, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
HFSF Law, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Ministry of Economy and Finance places 25% of the share capital of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena for approximately Euro 920 million, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
NBM Press Releases, National Bank of Moldova
Moldovan Oligarch Plahotniuc Faces Trial in ‘Grand Theft’ Case, Madalin Necsutu
áximo dos Santos reconduzido como presidente do Fundo de Resolução, Hugo Neutel
Annual Report 2022, Novo Banco
Investor Presentation, Novo Banco
Novo Banco, S.A. informs about multi-notch rating upgrade by DBRS Morningstar, Novo Banco
Annual Report 2022, Novo Banco S.A.
Investor Presentation, Novo Banco S.A.
Novo Banco, S.A. informs about multi-notch rating upgrade by DBRS Morningstar, Novo Banco S.A.
Plano de reestruturacaoo do Novo Banco concluado, Portugal
Portugal's Novo Banco to be IPO-ready in 2024, CEO says, Reuters
Portugal's Novo Banco to be IPO-ready in 2024, CEO says, Reuters Staff
EU imposes sanctions on 7 Moldovans, cites destabilising actions, Alexander Tanas
Recapitalisation through Bail-in and Resolution Exit Bank of Cyprus Announcement, The Bank of Cyprus
Compensation for the Expropriation of SNS Reaal and SNS Bank, The Netherlands/ The Dutch State/Holland
How the Billion Was Stolen: Details from the file of Dorin Drăguțanu, Ziarul de Garda
Documents from 2022
Rendiconto del Fondo nazionale di risoluzione, Banca d'Italia/Central Bank of Italy
Comunicado do Banco de Portugal sobre a auditoria do Tribunal de Contas à gestão do Novo Banco com financiamento público, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Banking Crises in Italy: An Application and Evaluation of the European Framework, Giuseppe Boccuzzi and Riccardo De Lisa
Restructuring Trends in Retail Banking: Case Study on Novo Banco (Portugal), Paula Carrilho and Heloisa Perista
Experiences from the implementation of bail-in resolution measures in Cyprus, Central Bank of Cyprus
Novo Banco: government and Bank of Portugal "did not safeguard public interest", Natasha Donn
State aid: Commission approves revised commitments by Italy for Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, European Commission
State Aid SA.103450 (2022/N) – Italy Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Second amendment to the list of commitments related to the aid granted to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in 2017, European Commission
Answer given by Executive Vice-President Vestager on behalf of the European Commission, European Parliament
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Karl-Philipp Wojcik, Maryann Haggerty
Hellenic Financial Stability Fund's Annual Financial Report 2021, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Hearing of the Minister on MPS, Italian Government
Commissione Parlamentare di Inchiesta sul sistema bancario e finanziario, Italian Parliament
Lone Star's Novo Banco Sees No Significant Rise in Bad Loans, Jao Lima
Management of Novo Banco by Lone Star, bank recovery and resolution criteria and capital requirements, Joao Pimenta Lopes
European Union and Monetary Union in Permanent Crisis I: An Inventory, Dirk Meyer
Investor Presentation & Performance Review, Novobanco
RE: ELA administration, Spiros Pantelias and Corey N. Runkel
Enhanced currency swap agreement signed between PBOC, HKMA, People's Bank of China: The State Council
Management of Novo Banco by Lone Star, bank recovery and resolution criteria and capital requirements, João Pimenta Lopes
The Court of Auditors' Audit Report on the management of Novo Banco confirms options that are harming the country in billions of euros, Portuguese Communist Party
The Central Bank of Cyprus Law, 2002, Republic of Cyprus
Deloitte concludes that Novo Banco failed in its search for debtors' assets, Sara Ribiero
The Rescue of Banks in Crisis." In Ethics in Banking: Is It Possible?, Cristina Rovera
NL Financial Investments Articles of Association, The Netherlands/ The Dutch State/Holland
Treasury Targets Corruption and the Kremlin’s Malign Influence Operations in Moldova, United States: Department of the Treasury
Answer given by Executive Vice-President Vestager on behalf of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager
EU Commission agrees to extend sale deadline for Monte dei Paschi, Valentina Za and Giuseppe Fonte
Documents from 2021
Banco Espirito Santo Scandal, Intekhab Alam
Comunicado do Banco de Portugal sobre a conclusao da auditoria especial ao Novo Banco prevista na Lei n. 15/2019, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
RE: ELA data, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Bank of Greece balance sheet, changing composition, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece and Corey N. Runkel
Irish make final repayment on UK emergency 'bailout' loan, John Campbell
Federal Open Market Committee Rules and Authorizations (January 2021), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Clarity on Novo Banco Capital Injections Could Help Portuguese Banks, Fitch Ratings
Italy, Unicredit talks over sale of Monte dei Paschi collapse, Sharlene Goff
Portugal's Resolution Fund injects $127 million into Novo Banco, Sergio Goncalves
Portugal's Resolution Fund pumps $386 mln into Novo Banco, Sergio Goncalves
On the Cypriot banking crisis and banking resolution of 2013, Christos V. Gortsos
Liquidation filing for legacy Laiki took seven years, Elias Hazou
HFSF Announcement for Piraeus Bank, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Legislation (from the website of NAMA), Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
National Asset Management Agency Annual Reports Webpage, Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
Commissione Parlamentare di Inchiesta sul sistema bancario e finanziario, Italian Parliament
Moldova’s “Theft of the Century” – ostensible investigations or sincere lust for justice?, Andriy Osavoliuk, Loredana Prijmireanu, Igor Savchenko, and Iris Vijverberg
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Spiros Pantelias, Spiros Pantelias and Maryann Haggerty
Clone of RE: ELA administration, Spiros Pantelias and Corey N. Runkel
Follow-up Interview, Spiros Pantelias and Corey N. Runkel
RE: How were ELA recipients selected?, Spiros Pantelias and Corey N. Runkel
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Klaus Regling, Klaus Regling and Maryann Haggerty
Documents from 2020
Study on the financial sector in Greece during the economic adjustment programmes: 2010-2018, Oskar Andruszkiewicz, Juliette Mathis, Charu Wilkinson, Michalis Vassiliadis, Peppas Konstantinos, and George Gatopoulos
Esclarecimento do Banco de Portugal sobre o contrato de venda do Novo Banco, Banco de Portugal/Central Bank of Portugal
Market awaits equity conversion for Piraeus Bank CoCos, Tyler Davies
ECB decides on measures to address severe tensions in financial markets, European Central Bank (ECB)
Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB, European Central Bank (ECB)
The effect of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) on bank lending during the euro area crisis, Heather Gibson, Stephen G. Hall, Pavlos Petroulas, Vassilis Spiliotopoulos, and George S. Tavlas
Portugal will not renege on Novo Banco commitments: finance minister, Sergio Goncalves
Novo Banco boss hits back at harsh parliamentary criticism, Christopher Graeme