This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 2023
JPMorgan Chase acquires substantial majority of assets and assumes certain liabilities of First Republic Bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Steven Kardell Letter to Gary Cohen regarding the use of Bowen Quotes, Steve Kardell
The Fed gets ratioed, bank capital edition, Steven Kelly
Why Does the Fed Really Use SPVs?, Steven Kelly
Payment-in-Kind (PIK): What It Is, How It Works, Pros and Cons, Will Kenton
Credit Suisse Promises Overhaul in Wake of Rout as Regulators Offer Lifeline; Swiss lender says it will shore up liquidity following a sharp decline in share price, Patricia Kowsmann, Margot Patrick, and Caitlin Ostroff
BL Explainer. What the Yes Bank AT1 bonds fiasco is all about, Aarti Krishnan
Bank Failures: The FDIC’s Systemic Risk Exception, Marc Labonte
Landsbankinn hf. Consolidated Financial Statements 2022, Landsbankinn HF
Consolidated Financial Statements 2022, Landsbankinn (NBI)
Official Gazette, Latvian Journal
About LPA, Latvian Privatization Agency
Latvian Privatization Agency 2022 Report, Latvian Privatization Agency
Section 36ACA - The Banking Regulation Act, Lawgist
Preemptive right, Legal Information Institute
How First Republic Bank Received a $30 Billion Lifeline, Hannah Levitt, Annmarie Hordern, Jennifer Surane, and Saleha Mohsin
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Clay Lowery, Clay Lowery and Yasemin Sim Esmen
Bank Funding during the Current Monetary Policy Tightening Cycle, Stephan Luck, Matthew Plosser, and Josh Younger
Application to Charter Signature Bridge Bank, National Association Charter No.: 25296 OCC Control No.: 2023-BridgeBank-331276, Stephen A. Lybarger
Application to Charter Silicon Valley Bridge Bank, National Association Charter No.: 25298 OCC Control No.: 2023-BridgeBank-331278, Stephen A. Lybarger
About resolution in brief, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Questions and Answers, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
Silicon Valley Bridge Bank – Open for business, Tim Mayopoulos
Update from Silicon Valley Bridge Bank CEO, Tim Mayopoulos
Why Is Credit Suisse in Trouble? The Banking Turmoil Explained; Swiss bank has weathered a period of market crises, executive turnover and financial losses, Caitlin McCabe and Josh Mitchell
Lessons for the Discount Window from the March 2023 Bank Failures, Susan McLaughlin
Patrick Mitchell to FDIC Board Re: Restoration Plan Semiannual Update, Patrick Mitchell
Credit Suisse, Yes Bank legacy: Tense future for AT1 bonds, Prasanna Mohanty
How the Swiss ‘trinity’ forced UBS to save Credit Suisse, Stephen Morris, James Fontanella-Khan, and Arash Massoudi
MSZVK group website, MSZVK Group
Information related to the liquidation process of Banci de Economii SA, BC "BANCA SOCIALÄ‚" SA and BC "UNIBANK" SA as of 31.12.2022, National Bank of Moldova
NBM Press Releases, National Bank of Moldova
Report on Monetary Synthesis, National Bank of Moldova
Moldovan Oligarch Plahotniuc Faces Trial in ‘Grand Theft’ Case, Madalin Necsutu
áximo dos Santos reconduzido como presidente do Fundo de Resolução, Hugo Neutel
Internal Review of the Supervision and Closure of Signature Bank, New York State Department of Financial Services (NYS DFS)
Update on NRAM, Northern Rock Asset Management
Annual Report 2022, Novo Banco
Investor Presentation, Novo Banco
Novo Banco, S.A. informs about multi-notch rating upgrade by DBRS Morningstar, Novo Banco
Annual Report 2022, Novo Banco S.A.
Investor Presentation, Novo Banco S.A.
Novo Banco, S.A. informs about multi-notch rating upgrade by DBRS Morningstar, Novo Banco S.A.
Currency Converter, OANDA Forex Trading
How Swiss Authorities Bungled Credit Suisse Oversight, John O'Donnell, Stefania Spezzati, and Elisa Martinuzzi
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with John Oros, John Oros and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Remarks on the Panel “Bank Crisis Framework: Learning from Experience”, Richard Ostrander
The magic of an SDR-denominated bond, Stephen Paduano and Brad Setser
The World Needs a Second Channel for Using SDRs, Stephen Paduano and Brad W. Setser
Interpretation of Parallel Proceedings during Moratorium under IBC, Ashish Panday
UBS Sheds Swiss Government Aid for Credit Suisse Takeover, Margot Patrick
Subregional over regional cooperation, Smruti S. Pattanaik
Management Team of the People's Bank of China, People's Bank of China
State Council News Archive: Argentina Press Releases, 2014-2015, People's Bank of China: The State Council
Organization of the State Council, People's Daily
Annual Report 2022 (Pillar Securitisation), Pillar Securitisation
A February 2023 Update on SDR Recycling: Getting Closer But Still Not There!, Mark Plant
Empty Words, Empty Wallets: The G20’s Broken Promise on SDR Recycling, Mark Plant
Plano de reestruturacaoo do Novo Banco concluado, Portugal
Restructuring of PAREX Bank,
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Zoltan Pozsar, Zoltan Pozsar and Sandra Ward
Report of the Special Investigation Commission (SIC), Rannsóknarnefndir Alþingis
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Martín Redrado, Martín Redrado, Mercedes Cardona, and G. Vincient Arnold
Bundesgesetzblatt authentisch ab 2004, Republic of Austria: Federal Ministry of Finance/ Bundesministerium fur Finanzen (BMF)
Institutions, Republic of Austria: Federal Ministry of Finance/ Bundesministerium fur Finanzen (BMF)
Recovery planning, Republic of Austria: Financial Market Authority
The Main Committee, Republic of Austria: Parliament of Austria
Belgium sells stake worth EUR2.17bn in French lender BNP Paribas, Retail Banker International
First Republic spoke to private equity before securing financing -sources, Reuters
First Republic, Western Alliance seek to calm contagion worries from SVB meltdown, Reuters
Portugal's Novo Banco to be IPO-ready in 2024, CEO says, Reuters
Portugal's Novo Banco to be IPO-ready in 2024, CEO says, Reuters Staff
2022.GADA PĀRSKATS, Reverta
Reverta: Annual Report 2022, Reverta
Credit Suisse inquiry will keep files secret for 50 years, John Revill
Swiss National Bank hit by $15 billion second quarter loss, John Revill
Credit Suisse crash investigated by Swiss lawmakers, John Revill and Tomasz Janowski
Stöd till enskilda institut – Carnegie, Riksgälden
Sweden: How the Debt Office issues guarantees and loans, Riksgalden/Swedish National Debt Office
Testimony of Michael J. Roffler before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, Michael J. Roffler
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Eric Rosengren, Eric Rosengren and Steven Kelly
On the Subject of RPI, Royal Park Investments
On the Subject of RPI, Royal Park Investments
Rana Kapoor gets bail in ED case but won't walk free yet, Rebecca Samervel
Many Small US Banks Not Ready to Borrow from Fed in an Emergency, Ann Saphir
A pillar of financial stability–The SNB’s role as lender of last resort, Martin Schlegel
Rescue of the Schweizerische Volksbank 1933/37, Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv (Swiss Federal Archives)
US watching developments at First Republic, other banks - White House, Andrea Shalal
Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for A Bank With Domestic and Foreign Offices - FFIEC 031, Silicon Valley Bank Financial Group
Merchandise Trade, Singapore: Department of Statistics
First Republic shares dive on contagion fear, dragging U.S. regional banks, Medha Singh and Tatiana Bautzer
Single Resolution Fund grows by EUR11.3 billion to reach EUR77.6 billion, Single Resolution Board
Limitless: The Federal Reserve Takes on a New Age of Crisis, Jeanna Smialek
Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic, Hugh Son
Why First Republic Has Not Done a Deal, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Mattu Ravi, Warner Bernhard, Sarah Kessler, Michael de La Merced, Lauren Hirsch, and Ephrat Livni
Are America’s Banks Safe Yet?, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Mattu Ravi, and Sarah Kessler
Press Release - BFA/Bankia Restructuring, Spain: Fondo de Reestructuracion Ordenada Bancaria (FROB)/ Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring
Rs 126 bn windfall gains! SBI made big bucks in 3 yrs of investment in Yes Bank, Vidya Sreedhar
FINMA and the SNB issue statement on market uncertainty, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority