This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 2022
Monetary Policy Summary and Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting Ending on 2 February 2022, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom: Monetary Policy Committee
What are current account deposits at the Bank? Are interest rates applied to the deposits?, Bank of Japan/Central Bank of Japan
2021 Annual Report, Bank of Mongolia (Mongolbank)
Bank of Mongolia - About the Bank, Bank of Mongolia (Mongolbank)
The 2008 Financial Crises on the Baltic Countries, Patrizia Baudino, Olga Lielkalne, Tomas Reichenbachas, Mari Tamm, and Rastko Vrbaski
Guarantee Funds and Protection Funds, Belgium: Federal Public Service Finances
Class 21 Life Insurance, Belgium: Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
FSMA Organization, Belgium: Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
Protection of Deposits, Belgium: Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
About BIMSTEC, BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation)
Countercyclical Liquidity Policy and Credit Cycles: Evidence from Macroprudential and Monetary Policy in Brazil, João Barata R. Blanco Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, Josè-Luis Peydró, and Bernardus F. Nazar Van Doornik
Yes Bank Share Price 2017-2022, Bloomberg L.P.
Banking Crises in Italy: An Application and Evaluation of the European Framework, Giuseppe Boccuzzi and Riccardo De Lisa
Lessons Learned: John Bovenzi, John Bovenzi and Sandra Ward
Lessons Learned: Tim Clark, Lynnley Browning and Tim Clark
Canada Mortgage Bonds: Fact Sheet, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Lessons Learned: David Wilcox, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Michael Silva, Mercedes Cardona
Lessons Learned: Andrew Gray, Mercedes Cardona and Andrew Gray
Lessons Learned: Patrick Honohan, Mercedes Cardona and Patrick Honohan
Lessons Learned: Mike Leahy, Mercedes Cardona and Mike Leahy
Lessons Learned: Hiroshi Nakaso, Mercedes Cardona and Hiroshi Nakaso
Lessons Learned: Deborah Perelmuter, Mercedes Cardona and Deborah Perelmuter
Lessons Learned: Claudia Sahm, Mercedes Cardona and Claudia Sahm
Lessons Learned: Veerathai Santiprabhob, Mercedes Cardona and Veerathai Santiprabhob
Lessons Learned: Erik Sirri, Mercedes Cardona and Erik Sirri
Lessons Learned: Kevin Stiroh, Mercedes Cardona and Kevin Stiroh
Lessons Learned: Gaurav Vasisht, Mercedes Cardona and Gaurav Vasisht
Annual Financial Statements 2021, Carinthian Compensation Payment Fund
Management Report 2021, Carinthian Compensation Payment Fund
Carlyle to Invest Up to a 10% Stake in YES BANK, One of the Largest Private Sector Banks in India, Carlyle
Lessons Learned: Seth Carpenter, Seth Carpenter and Maryann Haggerty
Restructuring Trends in Retail Banking: Case Study on Novo Banco (Portugal), Paula Carrilho and Heloisa Perista
Special Drawing Rights: The Right Tool to Use to Respond to the Pandemic and Other Challenges, Kevin Cashman, Andres Arauz, and Lara Merling
IMF announces US$ 18.5 billion loan agreement with Chile, CE NoticiasFinancieras
RBI extends Sri Lanka swap line, Central Banking Staff
Experiences from the implementation of bail-in resolution measures in Cyprus, Central Bank of Cyprus
Annual Report 2021 & Annual Performance Statement 2021-2022, Central Bank of Ireland
Documentation on Monetary Policy Instruments and Procedures, Central Bank of Ireland
Bank of Russia and VTB Bank (PJSC) sign agreement to sell Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation (Public Joint-Stock Company), Central Bank of Russia
CBSL Annual Report 2021, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
The ECB Extends Maturity of the EUREP Line, Centralna Banka Crne Gore / Central Bank of Montenegro
The ECB extends maturity of the EUREP line, Centralna Banka Crne Gore / Central Bank of Montenegro
The Fed's Central Bank Swap Lines and FIMA Repo Facility, Mark Choi, Linda Goldberg, Robert Lerman, and Fabiola Ravazzolo
Lessons Learned: Sadiq Malik, Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Lessons Learned: Steven Rattner, Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Monetary and Capital Markets Department: Technical Assistance Handbook - Reserve Requirements, Guido Della Valle, Darryl King, and Romain Veyrune
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Alfred DelliBovi, Alfred Dellibovi and Mary Anne Chute Lynch
Supreme Court of Denmark: Case 241/2017, Denmark: Supreme Court (Højesteret)
Money Market Rates / EURIBOR Twelve Month Funds / Daily Quotations, Deutsche Bundesbank / Central Bank of Germany
Annual Report 2022, Dexia
Setting the Target Fund Size: Philippine Experience, Sandra Diaz
Dolar Paralelo hoy Lunes Bs. 4,55 y Euro Bs. 5,14. (Daily Quote), Dolar Today
Banking Nationalism and Resolution in Italy and Spain, Shawn Donnelly and Gaia Pometto
Novo Banco: government and Bank of Portugal "did not safeguard public interest", Natasha Donn
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and the COVID-19 crisis, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Is Capital Account Convertibility Required for the Renminbi to Acquire Reserve Currency Status?, Barry Eichengreen, Arnaud Mehl, Eric Monnet, and Alain Naef
Reserve Bank of India provides additional currency swap of USD 200 million (equivalent in INR) to Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan, Embassy of India Thimphu, Bhutan
Punktum i langtrukken Roskilde Bank-sag: Tidligere direktør skal betale 231 millioner, Birgitte Erhardsten
Denmark: Former Roskilde Bank director fined DKK 231.7mn, Esmerk Danish News
Central bank liquidity lines, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates), European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB agrees euro liquidity lines with non-euro area central banks until 15 January 2023, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB and National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia set up repo line to provide euro liquidity, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB Annual Report 2021, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB - Central bank liquidity lines, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB extends liquidity lines with non-euro area central banks until 15 January 2024, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB extends liquidity lines with non-euro area central banks until 15 January 2024, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB renews repo line with Banca Naţională a României until 15 January 2023, European Central Bank (ECB)
FAQ on Eurosystem repo facility for central banks (EUREP), European Central Bank (ECB)
Governing Council, European Central Bank (ECB)
History of PEPP purchases broken down by asset category, European Central Bank (ECB)
History of public sector securities cumulative purchase breakdowns under the PEPP, European Central Bank (ECB)
Pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) Questions & Answers, European Central Bank (ECB)
Third covered bond purchase programme - CBPP3, European Central Bank (ECB)
Central bank liquidity lines, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
ECB agrees euro liquidity lines with non-euroarea central banks until 15 January 2023, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
ECB Governing Council Monetary Policy Meeting 9-10 March 2022, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
European Central Bank Convergence Report, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
State aid: Commission approves revised commitments by Italy for Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, European Commission
State Aid SA.103450 (2022/N) – Italy Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Second amendment to the list of commitments related to the aid granted to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in 2017, European Commission
Judgment of the General Court of 1 June 2022 - Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman el Bueno and SFL v SRB, European General Court
Answer given by Executive Vice-President Vestager on behalf of the European Commission, European Parliament
National ordinary courts: Denmark, European Union
Action for nullity of the share acquisition contract brought against the universal successor of the credit institution subject to a resolution decision, European Union: Court of Justice/ European Court of Justice
The actions seeking annulment of the resolution scheme in respect of Banco Popular and/or the Commission decision endorsing that scheme are dismissed in their entirety, European Union: Court of Justice/ European Court of Justice
Case T-523/17: Judgment of the General Court - Elevete Invest Group and Others v Commission and SRB, European Union: Courts: European Court of Justice (ECJ)
Introduction to the EFTA Court, European Union: Courts: European Free Trade Association States (EFTA): Court of Justice
Poland and the euro, European Union: European Commission
DKK (Danish Krone) USD (US Dollar) Historical Data Chart 2008, Exchange Rates
Lessons Learned: Kieran J. Fallon, Kieran J. Fallon and Matthew A. Lieber
FIMA Repo Facility FAQs (updated), Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
Foreign and International Monetary Authorities (FIMA) Repo Facility, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
Foreign Currency Directive, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
12 C.F.R Part 201 - Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks (Regulation A), Effective January 28, 2022, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Assets: Other: Repurchase Agreements - Foreign Official: Wednesday Level, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Central Bank Liquidity Swaps, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Disclosures Regarding the Emergency Lending Response to COVID-19, Pursuant to Section 11(s) of the Federal Reserve Act: CP Funding Facility II (CPFF II), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Disclosures Regarding the Emergency Lending Response to COVID-19, Pursuant to Section 11(s) of the Federal Reserve Act: Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Disclosures Regarding the Emergency Lending Response to COVID-19, Pursuant to Section 11(s) of the Federal Reserve Act: Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors