This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.
Documents from 2023
Central Bank of Ireland Annual Report 2023 & Annual Performance Statement 2023 - 2024, Central Bank of Ireland
Role of the Central Bank of Ireland within the Eurosystem, Central Bank of Ireland
India top court extends stay on order quashing write-off of Yes Bank's AT1 bonds, Arpan Chaturvedi
The Banking Crisis: A Timeline of Key Events, Candice Choi
Citadele: About Us: History, Citadele
First Quarter 2023 Earnings Review Transcript, Citigroup
Scheduled bank,
Bank depositor preference regimes - Policy advantages and disadvantages, Clifford Chance LLP
Jamie Dimon Reprises 2008 Role as Rescuer of a Failing Bank, Rob Copeland and Maureen Farrell
US Congress averts historic default, approves debt-limit suspension, Richard Cowan and Gram Slattery
Annual Report 2022, Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse Announces Technical Delay of Publication of 2022 Annual Report, Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse Group takes decisive action to pre-emptively strengthen liquidity and announces public tender offers for debt securities, Credit Suisse
Governing Board - Danish FSA, Danish Government: Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA)
Board of Directors, Danmarks Nationalbank
Committee of Directors, Danmarks Nationalbank
Danmarks Nationalbank: Board of Governors, Danmarks Nationalbank
Danmarks Nationalbank: Organisation, Danmarks Nationalbank
Monetary History of Denmark 2005-2020, Danmarks Nationalbank
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Michele Davis, Michele Davis and Mercedes Cardona
Endelig opgorelse af overskuddet af bankpakkerne, Denmark: Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs
Erhvervsministeriet: Organisation, Denmark: Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs
About Rigsrevisionen, Denmark: Rigsrevisionen
The Public Accounts Committee, Denmark: Rigsrevisionen
Fed data shows failed bank First Republic was key central bank borrower, Michael S. Derby
Banks brace for auditor shuffle in New Year as per RBI's three year tenure mandate, Amol Dethe
De Volksbank's History, De Volksbank
Dexia applies for the withdrawal of its banking licences and authorisations for investment services, Dexia
The mission of the Dexia Group, Dexia
Annual Report 2022, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Dexia applies for the withdrawal of its banking licences and authorisations for investment services, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
The mission of the Dexia Group, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Stress in Credit Suisse Assets Persists, Dow Jones Institutional News
Signature Event: Jane Fraser with David M. Rubenstein, Economic Club of Washington D.C., Jane Fraser, and David M. Rubenstein
A reform of the CMDI framework that supports completion of the Banking Union, Economic Governance and EMU scrutiny Unit (EGOV)
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Leading Efforts to Craft New First Republic Bank Rescue Plan, Ben Eisen, AnnaMaria Andriotis, and David Benoit
Transdniestria, Encyclopedia Britannica
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with William English, William B. English and Sandra Ward
First Republic Lost $100 Billion in Deposits in Banking Panic, Rachel Louise Ensign
First Republic Stock Falls Amid Deposit Concerns, Rachel Louise Ensign
First Republic Bank Is Seized, Sold to JPMorgan in Second-Largest U.S. Bank Failure, Rachel Louise Ensign and Ben Eisen
Esisuisse History, Esisuisse History
List of supervised entities, European Central Bank
Euro Foreign Exchange Reference Rates, European Central Bank (ECB)
List of supervised entities, European Central Bank (ECB)
Our Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, European Central Bank (ECB)
Single Supervisory Mechanism, European Central Bank (ECB)
Mergers: Commission approves the merger between Credit Suisse and UBS, European Commission
Debt relief: What was the private sector debt restructuring in March 2012?, European Stability Mechanism
ESM Explainers, European Stability Mechanism
Greece, European Stability Mechanism
Programme Timeline for Cyprus, European Stability Mechanism
National ordinary courts: Latvia, European Union
EU sanctions against Russia explained, European Union: Council of the European Union
European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), European Union: European Commission
Hungary and the euro, European Union: European Commission
Latvia and the Euro, European Union: European Commission
Before Silicon Valley, Rhode Island had its own bank crisis. Here's how it changed the state, Antonia Noori Farzan
Federal Council discusses outcome of extraordinary session, Federal Department of Finance
FDIC Releases Comprehensive Overview of Deposit Insurance System, Including Options for Deposit Insurance Reform | FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDIC's Supervision of Signature Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Options for Deposit Insurance Reform, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDIC Acts to Protect All Depositors of the former Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California | FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC Board of Directors Issues a Final Rule on Special Assessment Pursuant to Systemic Risk Determination, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC Creates a Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara to Protect Insured Depositors of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California | FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC Establishes Signature Bridge Bank, N.A., as Successor to Signature Bank, New York, NY, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC Releases Report Detailing Supervision of the Former First Republic Bank, San Francisco, California, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC Releases Report Detailing Supervision of the Former Signature Bank, New York, New York, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
FDIC's Supervision of First Republic Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
First–Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Raleigh, NC, to Assume All Deposits and Loans of Silicon Valley Bridge Bank, N.A., From the FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
First Republic Bank: Bid Summary, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, Ohio Assumes All the Deposits of First Republic Bank, San Francisco, California, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Subsidiary of New York Community Bancorp, Inc., to Assume Deposits of Signature Bridge Bank, N.A., From the FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Material Loss Review of First Republic Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Office of Inspector General
Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee Meeting Transcript, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee
Rate Indications, Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future, Federal Housing Finance Agency
FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future, Federal Housing Finance Agency
Forthcoming Amendments to Operating Circular 10: Lending, Federal Reserve
Primary and Secondary Rates: Historical, Federal Reserve
Central Bank Liquidity Swap Operations, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Funds Effective Rate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Agencies update guidance on liquidity risks and contingency planning, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Chapter 4. System Open Market Account, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Coordinated central bank action to enhance the provision of U.S. dollar liquidity, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances - H.4.1 - Release Dates, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
FIMA Repo Facility FAQs, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
FIMA Repo Facility FAQs (updated), Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)
Capital Adequacy Guidelines for Bank Holding Companies, Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Balance Sheet: Factors Affecting Reserve Balances - H.4.1 - June 1, 2023, Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Discount Window Payment System Risk, Federal Reserve System
Additional Information on Other Credit Extensions, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Bank Term Funding Program, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Federal Open Market Committee, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Board announces its approval for UBS Group AG to acquire the U.S. subsidiaries of Credit Suisse Group AG, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors