Broad-Based Asset Management Programs
Documents from 1991
Ordonnant la présentation à l'Assmblée nationale les projets suivants, Abdou Diouf and Ministere de l'Economie et des Finances du Sénégal (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Annual Report, 1991, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Loans and Advances Realization Trust Act 1991, Parliament of Tanzania
Liberalization and Financial Crisis in Uruguay, 1974-87, Juan Pèrez-Campanero and Alfredo Leone
Bank of Finland 72st Year Book Report on Activities in 1991, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Proposed Credit of SDR 74.0 million to the Republic of Ghana for a Second Financial Sector Adjustment Program, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1990
Regulacion Bancaria, Crisis Financiera y Politicas Consecuentes: El Caso Uruguayo, Ariel Banda
ANNUAL REPORT 1998, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
El Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos mantiene activos por 36.000 millones de pesetas, El Pais
Non-Performing Assets (Loans, Investments) Recovery Law, Provisional National Defence Council
Bank of Finland 71st Year Book Report on Activities in 1990, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Documents from 1989
RTC Statistical Abstract : August 1989/September 1995, Resolution Trust Corporation
Federal Register Vol. 54, No. 215, United States: National Archives and Records Administration: Office of the Federal Register
Report and recommendation of the President of the IDA to the Executive Directors on a proposed development credit in an amount equivalent to SDR 35.3 million to the Republic of Senegal for a Financial Sector Adjustment Program, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1988
La crisis bancaria en Espa±a: 1977-1985: causas, sistemas de tratamiento y coste, Alvaro Cuervo Garca
Four Banking Crises: Their Causes and Consequences, Daniel Enrique Vaz
Proposed credit of SDR 72.1 million to the Republic of Ghana for a Financial Sector Adjustment Project, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1987
Deposit Guarantee Fund - 1986 Annual Report, Spain: Deposit Guarantee Fund (Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos en Establecimientos Bancarios
Documents from 1983
Crisis bancarias, soluciones comparadas: Seminario desarrollado en la Universidad Internacional Menèndez Pelayo, Banco Santander
Documents from 1982
Decreto Ley No 15322, Uruguay: Asamblea General de Uruguay / General Assembly of Uruguay
Documents from 1981
Deposit Guarantee Fund - 1980 Annual Report, Spain: Deposit Guarantee Fund (Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos en Establecimientos Bancarios
Documents from 1980
Real Decreto-ley 4/1980, de 28 de marzo, por el que se dota de personalidad jurdica al Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos y otras medidas complementarias., Spain: Ministry of Economy and Finance
Aprobado un Nuevo Mecanismo de Salvación en Bancos en Crisis, Unknown
Documents from 1978
Real Decreto 54/1978, de 16 de enero, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 3048/1977, de 11 de noviembre, por el que se crea el «Fondo de Garanta de Depósitos en Establecimientos Bancarios», Spain: Ministry of Economy and Finance
Documents from 1900
Achievements, Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON)
BAMC ETHIC Intelligence Certificate, Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
History (BAMC), Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Stakeholder strategies (BAMC), Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC)/Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (DUTB)
Règlementation bancaire, Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (BCEAO)
Financial Assistance Press Releases, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
Operations Report 1998, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Nos rèalisations, Sociètè Nationale de Recouvrement
Foundation of the Industrial Revitalization Corporation in Japan, Shinjiro Takagi