Broad-Based Asset Management Programs
Documents from 1999
Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, Emine Gürgen, Harry Snoek, Jon Craig, Jimmy McHugh, Ivailo Izvorski, and Ron van Rooden
GDP growth (annual %) and Inflation, consumer prices (annual %), International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Malaysia: Selected Issues, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Corporate Restructuring and Governance in East Asia, Magdi Iskander, Gerald Meyerman, Dale F. Gray, and Sean Hagan
Tanzania: Recent Economic Developments, G.G. Johnson, Harry Snoek, K. Elborgh-Woytek, A. Kourelis, H. Davoodi, and O. Kanaan
The Economic Crisis and Financial Sector Restructuring in Thailand, Masahiro Kawai and Kenichi Takayasu
In South Korea, Big Investment Firms Are Banking on Bad Loans, Don Kirk
Globalization and Thailand's Financial Crisis, Jonathan Leightner
Financial Sector Crisis and Restructuring: Lessons from Asia, Carl-Johan Lindgren, Tomas J. T. Balino, Charles Enoch, Anne-Marie Gulde, Marc Quintyn, and Leslie Teo
Malaysia's Danaharta Seeks Ways to Dispose of Bad Loans, Leslie Lopez
Crisis-Driven Changes to the Banking Laws and Regulations, Ross H. McLeod
The Banking Sector Rescue in Mexico, Elizabeth McQuerry
HLAC, RCB merger creates new collection agency, Tomoko Otake
Pile of bad, yakuza-tied debts awaits new president of RCC, Tomoko Otake
Annual Report 1999, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Danaharta Unveils Loan Restructuring Guidelines, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Danaharta Workout Proposal For Capitalcorp - A Win-Win Solution, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Bank of Finland 80th Year Book Report on Activities in 1999, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Bank restructuring falls short: IMF, Unknown
Debt collector starts operation, Unknown
RCC plans bad loan buys from June, Unknown
RCC to buy risky loans, Unknown
Tanzania - Privatization & Private Sector Development, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1998
Annual Report and Accounts 1998, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
Bank Indonesia Report for the Financial Year 1997/98, Bank Indonesia
Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 1998, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Governor Tan Sri Ali Abul Hassan's Speech at the National Congress on Economic Recovery - "The Way Forward", Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Storm in a teacup or Crisis in Jamaica's financial sector, Gladstone Bonnick
With all good intentions: the collapse of Jamaica's financial sector, Paul Chen-Young
Letter of Intent of the Government of Korea, Chol-Hwan Chon and Kyu-Sung Lee
Law No 132: Act on the Emergency Measures for Rehabilitation of Financial Functions, Government of Japan
Failure and Failure Resolution in the US Thrift and Banking Industries, Atul Gupta and Lalatendu Misra
Banking System Restructuring in Kazakhstan, David Hoelscher
Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 27 of 1998, Indonesia
Burkina Faso: Recent Economic Developments, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Japan's Financial Problems, Edward Lincoln
Annual Report 1998, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Asset Management Company Details Announced, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Danaharta Achieves Legal Milestone, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Danaharta Acquires First NPL, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Danaharta Bill Becomes Law, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Malaysia new agency head promises transparency, Reuters Staff
Bank of Finland 79th Year Book Report on Activities in 1998, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Implementation Completion Report: Kazakhstan Financial Sector Adjustment Loan, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1997
Annual Report and Accounts 1997, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 1997, Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia
Supervision Report 1996/7, Bank of Thailand
Thai Authorities Take a Major Step to Resolve Property Loan Problems, Bank of Thailand
President Kim Young-sam asks for his country's support for the radical plan, CNN
Senegal: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix, David T. Coe, E. de Vrijer, M. Fouad, M. Lewis, and P. Rother
Statement by the Minister of Finance, Omar Davies
Statement on the Financial Sector Adjustment Company (FINSAC), Omar Davies
Jamaica: statistical annex, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Letter of Intent, Mar'ie Muhammad and J. Soedradjad Djiwandono
Thailand considers overhaul of Bangkok Bank of Commerce, Raphael Pura
Securum Final Report, Securum AB
Act on the Efficient Disposal of Nonperforming Assets, etc. of Financial Companies and the Establishment of Korea Asset Management Corporation, South Korean Government
Bank of Finland 78th Year Book Report on Activities in 1997, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Changing the Rules: The Politics of Liberalization and the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania, Aili Mari Tripp
Financial Sector Adjustment Credits I and II to Ghana, World Bank/World Bank Group
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Prposed Credit of SDR 7.2 to Mongolia, World Bank/World Bank Group
Second Financial Sector Adjustment Credit, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1996
Annual Report and Accounts 1996, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
The Impact of Financial Sector Policies on Banking in Ghana, Martin Brownbridge and Augustine Fritz Gockel
Financial reform and the efficiency of intermediation: banking performance in Hungary, Geske Dijkstra
Restructuring Senegal's Ailing Banks, Farah Ebrahimi
Japan Mob Muddies Real Estate Loan Crisis, David Holley
Burkina Faso””Background Papers and Statistical Update, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Law Of Mongolia on Banking, Mongolia: Parliament of Mongolia
Depositor Protection Act, National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
The Loans and Advances Realization Trust Act Amendment, 1996, Parliament of Tanzania
Bank Restructuring: Lessons from the 1980s, Andrew Sheng
Bank of Finland 77th Year Book Report on Activities in 1996, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
'Jusen' loan-recovery body established, Unknown
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Financial Sector Adjustment Credit in an Amount Equivalent to SDR 31.2 Million to the Kyrgyz Republic, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1995
Annual Report from Arsenal in 1995, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
The fourth Structural Adjustment Credit (Credit 2090-SE) and the Financial Sector Adjustment Credit (Credit 2077-SE), Gerardo Sicat
Gangsters Aggravating Japanese Banking Crisis, Sandra Sugawara
Bank of Finland 76th Year Book Report on Activities in 1995, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Ending the Bank Support, Unknown
Financial Sector Adjustment Credit I to the Republic of Ghana, World Bank/World Bank Group
Staff Appraisal Report: Republic of Kazakhstan Financial and Enterprises Development Project, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1994
Annual Report and Accounts 1994, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
A model of the asset disposition decision of the RTC, Michael Lea and Kenneth J. Thygerson
The Disposal of Bad Loans in Japan: a Review of Recent Policy Initiatives, Frank Packer
Bank of Finland 75th Year Book Report on Activities in 1994, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
The Finnish Banking Crisis and its Handling (an Update of Developments Through 1993), Vesa Vihriala and Peter Nyberg
Project Completion Report on a Financial Sector Adjustment Credit (2077-SE) to Senegal, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1993
Development Credit Agreement (Private Sector Assistance Project) between Burkina Faso and International Development Association, International Development Association
From Bad Loans to Tainted Bonds: The Credit Market Crisis in Hungary, Abel Istvan and John Bonin
Adjustment Performance in Senegal: A Review of the Design, Implementation, and Outcome Since 1980, Mustapha Rouis
Bank of Finland 74th Year Book Report on Activities in 1993, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
RTC: Data Limitations Impaired Analysis of Sales Methods, United States: Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Staff Appraisal Report: Burkina Faso, Private Sector Assistance Project, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1992
Act on Government Guarantee Fund, Parliament of Finland / Suomen eduskunta
Bank of Finland 73rd Year Book Report on Activities in 1992, Suomen Pankki/Central Bank of Finland
Documents from 1991
Portant création de la Société Nationale de Recouvrement, Assemblèe nationale du Sènègal (National Assembly of Senegal)
Approuvant les statuts de la Société Nationale de Recouvrement, Abdou Diouf