Broad-Based Asset Management Programs
Documents from 2002
Banking Collapse and Restructuring in Indonesia , 1997-2001, George Fane and Ross H. McLeod
Annual Report, Financial Sector Adjustment Company (Jamaica: FINSAC)
Asset management and divestment, Financial Sector Adjustment Company (Jamaica: FINSAC)
ANNUAL REPORT 2001, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
ANNUAL REPORT 2001, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
Purchase Price of Sound Institutions' Assets under Article 53 of the Financial Revitalization Law, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
Program for Financial Revival, Government of Japan: Financial Services Authority
Indonesia's Cycle of Subservience to the IMF, Bill Guerin
Japan: 2002 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; Staff Statement; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Staff Country Reports: Indonesia: Selected Items (2002), International Monetary Fund (IMF)
La Rèforme du Secteur Financier en Afrique, Anne Joseph
KAMCO's Experience, KAMCO
KAMCO's Experience (Notes), KAMCO
Thai bad debt agency off to good start - PM's adviser, Vikram Khanna
The Japanese Economy: What We Know, Think We Know, and Don't Know, Edward Lincoln
China's Asset Management Corporations, Guonan Ma and Ben S.C. Fung
On some Measures to Increase Bank Debt Recovery, Mongolia: Minister of Finance and Economy
Thai Asset Management Corporation - Objectives and Powers, Cynthia Pornavalai
Statement by Heizo Takenaka, Minister for Financial Services, Heizo Takenaka
Burkina Faso: Dissolution du BRCB Après une mission remplie 90 %, Jules Arnaud Tanga
Job of reducing Thai debt goes to investment banker, Edward Tang
Thai Asset Management Company Press Release, Thai Asset Management Company
Garbage In: The Irresolution Corporation, Unknown
RCC chief airs concern over 'secondary losses', Unknown
RCC should buy bad loans at book value: Yamasaki, Unknown
Bankers who must never walk alone, Jonathan Watts
Implementation Completion Report (FSLT-70000) on a Loan and a Policy Based Guarantee in the Amount of US$ 505.6 Million Equivalent to the Republic of Colombia, World Bank/World Bank Group
Mongolia - Financial Capacity Development Project, World Bank/World Bank Group
Report and recommendation of the president of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the executive directors on a proposed second Bank Restructuring & Debt Management Program Adjustment Loan in the amount of US$75 million to Jamaica, World Bank/World Bank Group
Japanese Financial Sector : Progress and Prospect, Hakuo Yanagisawa
Documents from 2001
Thai asset management company plan approved, Vithoon Amorn
Annual Report and Accounts 2001, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
Act Amending Royal Proclamation on Thai Asset Management Company B.E. 2544 (2001), Bangkok Business & Secretarial Office Ltd
Thailand's Economic and Monetary Conditions in 2001, Bank of Thailand
TAMC must not be used as a tool for the politically connected, Business Day
Trends and Prospects of Thailand's Banking and Financial Sector and its Impacts on the Thai Economy, M. R. Chatumongol Sonakul
Southeast Asia spends today, worries tomorrow, jennifer chen
FINSAC Financial Statements, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Monetary policy in Thailand: current challenges and prospects, Pridiyathorn Devakula
Indonesia: Anatomy of a Banking Crisis Two Years of Living Dangerously, 1997-99, Charles Enoch, Barbara Baldwin, Olivier Frècaut, and Arto Kovanen
Annual Report on Japan's Economy and Public Finance 2000-2001, Government of Japan: Cabinet Office
Summary of the "Front-Loaded Reform Program", Government of Japan: Cabinet Office
ANNUAL REPORT 2000, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
Thailand: Selected Issues 2001, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
FINSAC to begin winding down, Jamaica Gleaner
Thai banks ready to hand over burden of bad loans, Amy Kazmin
Royal Proclamation on Thai Asset Management Corporation B.E. 2544 (2001), King Bhumibhol Adulyadej of Thailand
Who Triggered the Asian Financial Crisis?, Michael R. King
RCC's revamp offers hope against NPLs, Shinichi Kishima
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to the 153rd Session of the Diet (Provisional Translation), Junichiro Koizumi
Malaysia: From Crisis to Recovery, Olin Liu, Kanitta Meesook, Il Houng Lee, Yougesh Khatri, Natalia Tamirisa, Mark H. Krysl, and Michael Moore
The Financial Crisis of the Early 1990s and its Lessons, David Mayes, Liisa Halme, and Aarno Liuksila
The financial crisis in Japan during the 1990s: How the Bank of Japan responded and the lessons learnt, Hiroshi Nakaso
Republic of Kazakhstan Country Assistance Evaluation, Operations Evaluation Department
Thai Government Sets Up Asset Manager to Absorb $31.02 Billion in Bad Loans, Umesh Pandey
Annual Report 2001, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
The Indonesian Financial Crisis: From Banking Crisis to Financial Sector Reforms, 1997-2000, Shalendra D. Sharma
The Making of the Korean Financial Crisis Financial Liberalization without Regulations, Shalendra D. Sharma
Policy of the Government of H.E. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Delivered to the National Assembly on Monday, 26 February 2001, Thaksin Shinawatra
Thai Asset Management Company Press Release, Thai Asset Management Company
Thai Asset Management Company Press Release, Thai Asset Management Company
Thai Asset Management Company Press Release, Thai Asset Management Company
Four taskforces set up to study details on TAMC, Thai News Service
Government puts establishment of TAMC on fast track, Thai News Service
JP/IBRA's OC Launches Website, The Jakarta Post
Coalition finalized bill adding to RCC's powers to clear loans, Unknown
Coalition to study book-value buys by RCC, Unknown
Debt collector handed license to speed up bad-loan disposal, Unknown
Implementation Completion Report, World Bank/World Bank Group
Implementation Completion Report on a loan in the amount of US$75 million to Jamaica for a Bank Restructuring & Debt Management Program Adjustment Loan, World Bank/World Bank Group
Japan's Financial Sector Reform: Progress and Challenges, Hakuo Yanagisawa
Documents from 2000
Tanzania Financial Sector Adjustment Programme Project Completion Report, African Development Fund
Financial sector reforms and bank performance in Ghana, T.O. Antwi-Asare and E. K. Y. Addison
Annual Report and Accounts 2000, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
Bank Indonesia Annual Report 2000, Bank Indonesia
The Interrelationship Between Bank Failure and Political Interventions in Tanzania in the Pre-Liberalization Period, Marcellina M. Chijoriga
The Cost of the Savings and Loan Crisis: Truth and Consequences, Timothy Curry and Lynn Shibut
FINSAC Financial Statements, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Interventions in Banks During Banking Crises: The Experience of Indonesia, Charles Enoch
Indonesia Economic and Social Update, Sudarshan Gooptu, Ruth Neyens, Bernard Drum, Sarah Cliffe, and Lant Pritchett
ANNUAL REPORT 1999, Government of Japan: Deposit Insurance Corporation
Thailand: Selected Issues 2000, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
FINSAC bill nears $130b, Jamaica Gleaner
The Japanese Banking Crisis of the 1990s - Sources and Lessons, Akihiro Kanaya and David Woo
The evolution of structural adjustment and stabilization policy in Jamaica, Damien King
The Disposal of Bad Loans in Japan: The Case of the CCPC, Frank Packer
Annual Report 2000, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad
Industrial Revitalization in Japan: The Role of the Government vs the Market, Nicole Pohl
Banking Crises in Transition Economies: Fiscal Costs and Related Issues, Helena Tang, Edda Zoli, and Irina Klytchnikova
Implementation Completion Report: Kyrgyz Republic Financial Sector Adjustment Credit (FINSAC), World Bank/World Bank Group
Report and Recommendation of hte President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Prposed Credit of SDR 24 Million (US$32 Million) to Mongolia, World Bank/World Bank Group
Report and recommendation of the president of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the executive directors on a proposed Bank Restructuring & Debt Management Program Adjustment Loan in the amount of US$75 million to Jamaica, World Bank/World Bank Group
Documents from 1999
Managing and preventing financial crises - lessons from the Swedish experience, Martin Andersson and Staffan Viotti
The Malaysian Financial Crisis: Economic Impact and Recovery Prospects, Mohamed Ariff and Syarisa Yanti Abubakar
Annual Report and Accounts 1999, Arsenal Ltd Finnish Asset Management Company
Bank Indonesia Report for the Financial Year 1998/99, Bank Indonesia
Bank Insolvencies: Cross-Country Experience, Gerard Caprio and Daniela Klingebiel
Morgan Stanley, Goldman, Lone Star, Deutsche Buy Korean Loans, Commercial Real Estate Direct
Auditors' Report to the members of FINSAC Limited, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Jamaica: Selected Issues, L.E. Escobar, A. Hilaire, I. Lukonga, P. Rado, and A. Schipke