Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2014
Modalities of the Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations, European Central Bank (ECB)
Single Supervisory Mechanism Quarterly Report, European Central Bank (ECB)
Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations, European Central Bank (ECB)
Transcript of the Comprehensive Assessment Press Conference (Q&A), European Central Bank (ECB)
Glossary:European system of national and regional accounts (ESA95), European Union
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, European Union: Council of the European Union
The General Court confirms the Commission decision ordering the recovery of State aid granted by Portugal to Banco Privado Português, European Union: Courts: European Court of Justice (ECJ)
A Single Resolution Mechanism for the Banking Union -- Frequently Asked Questions, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 28 December 2012, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 3 July 2014 on State Aid SA.33927 (12/C) (ex 11/NN) implemented by Belgium - Guarantee Scheme Protecting the Shares of Invididual Members of Financial Cooperatives, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of 9.7.2014 on State Aid SA.36612 - 2014/C (ex 2013/NN) implemented by Latvia for Parex, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of April 29 2014, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision of July 23 2014, European Union: European Commission
Commission Decision on the State Aid implemented by Ireland for the restructuring of Allied Irish Banks plc and EBS Building Society, European Union: European Commission
Deposit Guarantee Schemes – Frequently Asked Questions, European Union: European Commission
EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Direction (BRRD): Frequently Asked Questions, European Union: European Commission
Finalising the Banking Union: European Parliament Backs Commission's Proposals (Single Resolution Mechanism, Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, and Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive), European Union: European Commission
Financial Assistance Programme for the Recapitalisation of Financial Institutions in Spain Fifth Review – Winter 2014, European Union: European Commission
Greece Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission
Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation, European Union: European Commission
State aid SA.36612 (2014/C) (ex 2013/NN) - Latvia Aid granted by Latvia to AS Citadele banka and AS Reverta (formerly known as AS Parex banka) as well as misuse of aid, European Union: European Commission
State aid SA.38304 (2014/N) – United Kingdom Amendment to the Restructuring Plan of Royal Bank of Scotland, European Union: European Commission
State aid SA.38900(2014/N)– Tenth Prolongation of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme, European Union: European Commission
Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission and Joaquin Almunia
Prolongation of the Guarantee Scheme and the Bond Loan Scheme for Credit Institutions in Greece, European Union: European Commission and Joaquin Almunia
Flagship Report on Macro-Prudential Policy in the Banking Sector, European Union: European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on Deposit Guarantee Schemes, European Union: Official Journal of the European Union
Bailing out banks is not a lucrative business, Henry Farrell
Freddie Mac Monthly Volume Summary: December 2014, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
Fannie Mae Monthly Summary: December 2014, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Annual Report 2013, Federal Participations and Investment Company
2014 Treasury and Federal Reserve Purchase Programs for GSE and Mortgage-Related Securities Data, Federal Reserve System
Enhanced Prudential Standards for Bank Holding Companies and Foreign Banking Organizations; Final Rule, Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Federal Reserve System
Extension of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Press Release October 29, 2014, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Doomsday Book, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Economic Policy Review, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Maiden Lane III: Financial Statements as of and for the Years Ended December 31, 2013 and 2012, and Independent Auditors' Report, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Maiden Lane Transactions, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
U.S. Dollar-Euro Swap Agreement Dated as of January 16, 2014, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), and European Central Bank (ECB)
Financial Crisis Timeline, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Reserve Requirement Policy over the Business Cycle, Pablo Federico, Carlos A. Vegh, and Guillermo Vuletin
FSB Publishes Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Non-Centrally Cleared Securities Financing Transactions, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Finansiel Stabilitet Annual Report 2013, Finansiel Stabilitet (FSC)
Finansiel Stabilitet launches process to sell loan and credit exposures, Finansiel Stabilitet (FSC)
Finansiel Stabilitet launches process to sell property company exposures, Finansiel Stabilitet (FSC)
The Failure Resolution of Lehman Brothers, Michael J. Fleming and Asani Sarkar
RECOVERY ROAD? AN ASSESSMENT OF THE AUTO BAILOUT AND THE STATE OF U.S. MANUFACTURING: A DISCUSSION WITH CHRYSLER CHAIRMAN AND CEO SERGIO MARCHIONNE AND LARRY SUMMERS, Ted Gayer, Lawrence Summers, Alan Murray, Phil LeBeau, Sean McAlinden, Harry Wilson, Clifford Winston, Martin Baily, Jared Bernstein, Scott Paul, Steven Rattner, Matthew Slaughter, Sergio Marchionne, and Paul Ingrassia
Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, Timothy F. Geithner
A High Frequency Assessment of the ECB Securities Markets Programme, Eric Ghysels, Julien Idier, Simone Manganelli, and Olivier Vergote
Crises and Productivity in Good Booms and in Bad Booms, Gary B. Gorton and Guillermo Ordonez
Austrian Parliament Approves Hypo Alpe Law Imposing Loss, Boris Groendahl
Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts, Emiliano Grossman and Cornelia Woll
The First Time the Fed Bought GSE Debt, Renee Haltom and Robert Sharp
Financial reform and the adequacy of deposit insurance fund: Lessons from Taiwanese experience, Chia-Ling Ho, Gene C. Lai, and Jin-Ping Lee
Annex 2: Terms and Conditions of the 1-Day and 1-Week RMB Liquidity Facility, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
HKMA Designates Seven CNH Primary Liquidity Providers, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Introduction of Intraday Repo under the Renminbi Liquidity Facility, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
People's Bank of China and Hong Kong Monetary Authority renewed Currency Swap Agreement (11/27/2014), Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Solutions to the Japanese Banking Crisis: What Might Work and What Definitely Will Fail, Takeo Hoshi and Anil Kashyap
Disclosure Report according to the Disclosure Regulation, Hypo Alpe Adria Bank
Chrysler, Lee Iacocca
Iceland Ministry for Foreign Affairs Icesave Q&A, Iceland: Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Icesave Glossary, Iceland: Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Corruption in Indonesia: Budi Mulya Found Guilty in Bank Century Case, Indonesia Investments
International Financial Reporting Standards 9 Financial Instruments, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems, International Association of Deposit Insurers
Cross-Border Bank Resolution: Recent Developments, International Monetary Fund
Denmark: Financial Sector Assessment Program, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Financial System Stability Assessment, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Fourth Post-program Monitoring Discussions—Staff Report; Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for Iceland, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
IMF Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Republic of Korea: Financial System Stability Assessment, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Austria: Publication of Financial Sector Assessment Program Documentation— Technical Note on Crisis Preparedness and Management Framework, International Monetary Fund (IMF): Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Switzerland: Financial Sector Stability Assessment, International Monetary Fund (IMF): Monetary and Capital Markets Department
ISDA 2014 Resolution Stay Protocol, International Swap Dealers Association, Inc. (ISDA)
ISDA Resolution Stay Protocol Overview, International Swap Dealers Association, Inc. (ISDA)
Overview of U.S. & EU OTC Derivatives Regulator Reforms, International Swap Dealers Association, Inc. (ISDA)
IBRC Progress Update Report, Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited
Bringing Down the Banking System: Lessons from Iceland, Gudrun Johnsen
Political bargaining and multinational bank bailouts, Michael R. King
Did TARP Distort Competition Among Sound Unsupported Banks?, Michael Koetter and Felix Noth
German investors rail against Austria's Hypo bail-in, Andreas Kröner
Sizing Up Repo, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stefan Nagel, and Dmitry Orlov
Landsbankinn hf. Consolidated Financial Statements 2013, Landsbankinn HF
Landsbankinn Initial Balance Sheet, Landsbankinn HF
Lehman Settles Freddie Mac Claim for $767 Million, Erik Larson
AIG, Others Escape FCA Suit Over $137B Bailout, Michael Lipkin
Credit Cycles, Credit Risk and Countercyclical Loan Provisions, Martha López, Fernando Tenjo, and Hector Z¡rate
Austria's Banks Could Face Higher Financing Costs; Law Designed to Restructure Indebted Bank Poses Risks, Says Banker, Nicole Lundeen
The impact of international swap lines on stock returns of banks in emerging markets, Alin Marius Andries, Andreas M. Fischer, and Pinar Yesin
The New York Fed Has Contracted JPMorgan to Hold Over $1.7 Trillion of its QE Bonds Despite Two Felony Counts and Serial Charges of Crime, Pam Martens and Russ Martens
Monetary Policy Concentration and the Role of Central Banks, Rakesh Mohan and Muneesh Kapur
Moody's affirms State of Carinthia's A2 rating with stable outlook, Moody's Investor Service
Moody's downgrades Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International's public-sector covered bonds, Moody's Investor Service
FHLB Merger Promotes Scale, Michael Muckian
The Orderly Liquidation Authority: Friend or Foe?, S. Ari Mushell