Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009)
Documents from 2015
Carver Bancorp 2015 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
Community Development Capital Initiative Program Status, United States: Department of the Treasury
Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union 2015 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
DC Federal Credit Union 2015 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
Housing & Government Sponsored Enterprises FY 2016 President's Budget, United States: Department of the Treasury
Housing & Government Sponsored Enterprises FY President's Budget, United States: Department of the Treasury
Monthly Report to Congress: August 2015, United States: Department of the Treasury
North Side Community Federal Credit Union 2015 Capital Survey, United States: Department of the Treasury
Public-Private Investment Program Quarterly Reports, United States: Department of the Treasury
TARP Investment Program Transaction Reports, United States: Department of the Treasury
Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program; Unlimited Deposit Insurance Coverage for Noninterest-Bearing Transaction Accounts, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
2014 Report to Congress, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
2015 Performance and Accountability Report, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
2015 Scorecard For Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, And Common Securitization Solutions, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
2016 Scorecard For Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Common Securitization Solutions, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
FHFA's Conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: A Long and Complicated Journey, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA): Office of the Inspector General
Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2015, United States: Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
January 2015 Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) Quarterly Report, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP 2015 Quarterly Report, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
SIGTARP Quarterly Report to Congress April 29 2015, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
The Legacy of TARP's Bank Bailout Known as the Capital Purchase Program, United States: Office of the Special Inspector General for the TARP
Capital Purchase Program: Program Purpose & Overview, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Q– 16: What is the Office of the Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation, and what are its powers, duties and responsibilities?" Code of Federal Regulations, title 31, U. S. Department of the Treasury
TARP Tracker from November 2008 to January 2020, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Amendment of the 2014 Resolution of Banco Espírito Santo, S.A., Margrethe Vestager
Opinion of Advocate General Cruz Villalon, Cruz Villaloz
Nigeria's Amcon Recovers 57% of Bad Debts Bought in Crisis, Paul Wallace
Government Assistance for GMAC/Ally Financial: Unwinding the Government Stake, Baird Webel and Bill Canis
European Banking Union C: Cross-Border Resolution - Fortis Group, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Andrew Metrick, and Natalia Tente
UAW rejects Fiat Chrysler contract; strikes loom, Bernie Woodall
World Bank Madelyn Antoncic Biography, World Bank/World Bank Group
Hypo Reorganization Act Violates Right to Property, Claudia Wutscher
Documents from 2014
Dealer Financial Conditions and Lender-of-Last Resort Facilities, Viral V. Acharya, Michael J. Fleming, Warren B. Hrung, and Asani Sarkar
Annual Report 2013, Ageas
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code of Professional Conduct, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Regulation, Capital, and Margining: Quant Angle, Leif Andersen
How does deposit insurance affect bank risk? Evidence from the recent crisis, Deniz Anginer, Asli Demirg¼§-Kunt, and Min Zhu
Inflation Targeting and Quantitative Tightening: Effects of Reserve Requirements in Peru, Adri¡n Armas, Paul Castillo, and Marco Vega
Deposit Guarantee Schemes: A European Perspective, Francesca Arnaboldi
Criminal Offense Aspects in the Banking World at Bank Century, Riesia Darma Bachriani
The Network Topology of the Hungarian Short-Term Foreign Exchange Swap Market, d¡m Banai, Andr¡s Kollarik, and Andr¡s Szabó-Solticzky
Report on Banking Supervision in Spain 2014, Banco de Espana/Central Bank of Spain
Basel III Leverage Ratio Framework and Disclosure Requirements, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Basel III: The Net Stable Funding Ratio, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Statistical Release: OTC Derivatives Statistics as of June, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Supervisory Framework for Measuring and Controlling Large Exposures, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Changes to the Bank’s weekly reporting regime, Bank of England
Indexed Long-Term Repo operations and Contingent Term Repo Facility, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
Summary of haircuts for securities eligible for the Bank's lending operations, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
Record of the Financial Policy Committee Meeting 26 September 2014, Bank of England: Financial Policy Committee
Chronicle of the Great Crisis, The: The Bank of Greece 2008-2013, Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
The Chronicle of the Great Crisis - The Bank of Greece 2008-2013: Public Interventions and Institutional Actions to Safeguard Financial Stability and Overcome the Crisis., Bank of Greece/Central Bank of Greece
Principles for Effective Supervisory Colleges, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
Kilas balik kasus Bank Century, BBC News Indonesia
Did Saving Wall Street Really Save Main Street? The Real Effects of TARP on Local Economic Conditions, Allen N. Berger and Raluca A. Roman
Benefits of Government Bank Debt Guarantees: Evidence from the Debt Guarantee Program, Jeffrey R. Black, Seth A. Hoelscher, and Duane Stock
2014 Fall Report of the Auditor General of Canada, Chapter 5—Support to the Automotive Sector, Canada: Auditor General of Canada
Summary Report on Canada's Support for the Restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler in 2009, Canada: Industry Canada
Annual Report 2013, Central Bank of Ireland
FCA US LLC., Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2014, Chrysler-Fiat Alliance
CHRYSLER GROUP LLC Form 10-K: ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Year Ended December 31, 2013, Chrysler Group, LLC. and Chrysler-Fiat Alliance
Financial Innovation and Governance Mechanisms: The Evolution of Decoupling and Transparency, Henry T. C. Hu
AS Citadele Banka: Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2013, Citadele
The (Not So) Unconventional Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank Since 2008 Draft, Gregory Claeys
Hypo Alpe Adria, German Banks And The ECB's Stress Tests, Frances Coppola
Hypo Alpe Adria, German Banks And The ECB's Stress Tests, Frances Coppola
Structural Power and Bank Bailouts in the United Kingdom and the United States, Pepper D. Culpepper and Raphael Reinke
Deposit Insurance Database (July 2014), Asli Demirg¼§-Kunt, Edward Kane, and Luc Laeven
Deposit Insurance Database, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Edward Kane, and Luc Laeven
Century Bank was in dire need of lending facility, Natalia Desca Lidya
Central Bank Currency Swaps and the International Monetary System, Christophe Destais
Financial Systems in Financial Crisis – An Analysis of Banking Systems in the EU, Daniel Detzer
DEXIA Annual Report 2014, Dexia Group N.V./S.A.
Central banks as lender of last resort: experiences during the 2007-2010 crisis and lessons for the future, Dietrich Domanski, Richhild Moessner, and William Nelson
Safer Ratios, Riskier Portfolios: Banks' Response to Government Aid, Ran Duchin
EFTA Surveillance Authority Decision on Restructuring Aid Granted to Landsbankinn (Iceland), EFTA Surveillance Authority
Bank Liquidity Requirements: An Introduction and Overview, Douglas J. Elliot
Ernst & Young Global Review 2014, Ernst & Young (EY LLP)
2014 EU-wide stress test: Frequently Asked Questions, European Banking Authority (EBA)
Consultation Paper, European Banking Authority (EBA)
Main Features of the 2014 European Union-Wide Stress Test, European Banking Authority (EBA)
Methodological Note European Union-Wide Stress Test 2014, European Banking Authority (EBA)
Aggregate Report on the Comprehensive Assessment, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decision of the European Central Bank on the Implementation of the Third Covered Bond Purchase Programme, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decision of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, European Central Bank (ECB)
Decisions Taken by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB Announces Monetary Policy Measures to Enhance the Functioning of the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB's In-Depth Review Shows Banks Need to Take Further Action, European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB Single Supervisory Mechanism Framework Regulation 2014, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Announces Details Of Its New Covered Bond Purchase Programme, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Asset Quality Review: Phase 2 Manual, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Introduces a Negative Deposit Facility Interest Rate, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Publishes Final List of Significant Credit Institutions, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Publishes Manual for Asset Quality Review, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Single Supervisory Mechanism Quarter 1 Report, European Central Bank (ECB)
European Central Bank Single Supervisory Mechanism Quarter 2 Report, European Central Bank (ECB)
Experience with Foreign Currency Liquidity-Providing Central Banks Swaps, European Central Bank (ECB)
Financial Integration in Europe, European Central Bank (ECB)
Guideline of the European Central Bank on the Implementation of the Eurosystem Monetary Policy Framework, European Central Bank (ECB)
Irish letters, European Central Bank (ECB)