The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response
Documents from 2023
Federal Reserve Discount Window Payment System Risk, Federal Reserve System
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Submissions from 2020
The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response A: Lending & Credit Programs for Depository Institutions, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response B: Lending & Credit Programs For Primary Dealers, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Patricia C. Mosser, and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response C: Providing U.S. Dollars to Foreign Central Banks, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response C: Providing U.S. Dollars to Foreign Central Banks, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response D: Commercial Paper Market Facilities, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response E: The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
Documents from 2017
Amendment to the Domestic Custody Agreement Between JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Central Bank Liquidity Swaps Held by the Federal Reserve: All Maturities, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Frequently Asked Questions: U.S. Dollar and Foreign Currency Liquidity Swaps, Federal Reserve System
Documents from 2016
Discount Window Lending - Rates, Transaction Data, and Lending Programs, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve: Emergency Lending, Marc Labonte
Lending and Credit Programs for Primary Dealers, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
Term Asset Backed Securities Loan Facility Documents and Applicant Forms, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response A: Lending and Credit Programs for Depository Institutions, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response B: Lending & Credit Programs for Primary Dealers, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response C: Providing U.S. Dollars to Foreign Central Banks, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response D: Commercial Paper Market Facilities, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response E: The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick
The First Year: The Role of a Modern Lender of Last Resort, Kathryn Judge
The Role of the Federal Reserve -- Lessons from Financial Crises, William Dudley
Documents from 2015
An Agency Problem in the MBS Market and the Solicited Refinancing Channel of Large-Scale Asset Purchases, John Kandrac and Bernd Schulsche
Crisis, the Continuity and Learning: The Institutional Origins of Subprime Management at the Federal Reserve, Scott M. Aquano
European Banking Union C: Cross-Border Resolution - Fortis Group, Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Andrew Metrick, and Natalia Tente
Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System
Federal Open Market Committee Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Federal Reserve Collateral Guidelines, Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Term Auction Facility Press Release, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Why Do We Need Both Liquidity Regulations and Lender of Last Resort? A Perspective from Federal Reserve Lending During the 2007-09 U.S. Financial Crisis, Mark Carlson, Burcu Duygan-Bump, and William Nelson
Documents from 2014
Case Studies on Disruptions During the Crisis 2014, Tanju Yorulmazer
Experience with Foreign Currency Liquidity-Providing Central Banks Swaps, European Central Bank (ECB)
Extension of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Impact of the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing Programs on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, United States: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
The First Time the Fed Bought GSE Debt, Renee Haltom and Robert Sharp
The New York Fed Has Contracted JPMorgan to Hold Over $1.7 Trillion of its QE Bonds Despite Two Felony Counts and Serial Charges of Crime, Pam Martens and Russ Martens
U.S. Dollar-Euro Swap Agreement Dated as of January 16, 2014, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), and European Central Bank (ECB)
Documents from 2013
Federal Reserve Banks Operating Circular No. 10 Lending, Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve and Financial Regulation: The First Hundred Years, Gary B. Gorton and Andrew Metrick
The Federal Reserve's Use of International Swap Lines, Colleen Baker
Documents from 2012
An Empirical Analysis of the Fed's Term Auction Facility, Efraim Benmelech
Estimated Impact of the Federal Reserve's Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchase Program, Johannes C. Stroebel and John B. Taylor
Federal Reserve Lending To Troubled Banks During The Financial Crisis, 2007-2010, R. Alton Gilbert, Kevin L. Kliesen, Andrew P. Meyer, and David C. Wheelock
Federal Reserve Liquidity Provision During The Financial Crisis of 2007– 2009, Michael J. Fleming
How Effective Were the Federal Reserve Emergency Liquidity Facilities? Evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Burcu Duygan-Bump, Patrick M. Parkinson, Eric Rosengren, Gustavo A. Suarez, and Paul Willen
Investment In American International Group, United States: Department of the Treasury
Key Mechanics of the U.S. Tri-Party Repo Market, Adam Copeland, Darrell Duffie, Antoine Martin, and Susan McLaughlin
Lecture 3: The Federal Reserve's Response to the Financial Crisis, Ben S. Bernanke
The Federal Reserve as Last Resort, Colleen Baker
The Federal Reserve's Term Asset Backed Securities Loan Facility, Adam Ashcraft, Malz Allan, and Pozsar Zoltan
The Fed's Emergency Liquidity Facilities during the Financial Crisis: The CPFF, Tobias Adrian and Ernst Schaumburg
The Fed's Emergency Liquidity Facilities During the Financial Crisis: The PDCF 2012, Tobias Adrian and Ernst Schaumburg
Who Ran On Repo?, Gary B. Gorton and Andrew Metrick
Documents from 2011
29 Trillion: A Detailed Look At The Fed's Bailout by Funding Facility and Recipient, James Andrew Felkerson
A Closer Look: Assistance Programs in the Wake of the Crisis, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Richard G. Anderson, and Charles S. Gascon
Armantier, Olivier & Eric Ghysels Asani - Discount window stigma during 2007-2008 financial crisis Federal Reserve Bank of New York no.483 Jan-2011, Olivier Armantier and Eric Ghysels
Banks Face Borrowing Stigma, Luca Di Leo and Maya Jackson Randall
Central Bank Dollar Swap Lines and Overseas Dollar Funding Costs, Linda S. Goldberg, Craig Kennedy, and Jason Miu
Did the Federal Reserve's MBS Purchase Program Lower Mortgage Rates?, Diana Hancock and Wayne Passmore
Federal Reserve Purchases of Agency MBS, October 2011 – Present, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Is There Stigma to Discount Window Borrowing?, Olivier Armantier, Eric Ghysels, Asani Sarkar, and Jeffrey Shrader
Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve: Did They Work?, Joseph Gagnon, Matthew Raskin, Julie Remache, and Brian Sack
Ranking of the 82 Borrowers Under The Federal Reserve Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Donald VanDeventer
The Federal Reserve Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Dina Marchioni, Karin Kimbrough, and Tobias Adrian
The Financial Market Effects of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchases, Brian Sack, Joseph Gagnon, Matthew Raskin, and Julie Remache
The Large-Scale Asset Purchases Had Large International Effects, Christopher J. Neely
Documents from 2010
Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, U.S. Congress
FAQs: MBS Purchase Program (Effective August 20, 2010), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
FAQs: Purchasing Direct Obligations of Housing-Related GSEs, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
FAQs: Purchasing Direct Obligations of Housing-Related GSEs (Effective August 20, 2010), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Farewell to Fed Program That Really Worked, David Ellis
Flow and Stock Effects of Large-Scale Treasury Purchases, Stefania DAmico and Thomas B. King
Legal Authority in Unusual and Exigent Circumstances: The Federal Reserve, Alexander Mehra
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee August 10, 2010, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee March 16, 2010, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Procyclicality in Central Bank Reserve Management: Evidence from the Crisis, Jukka Pihlman and Han van der Hoorn
Provision of Liquidity through the Primary Credit Facility during the Financial Crisis: A Structural Analysis, Erhan Artuc and Selva Demiralp
Questions and Answers about the Financial Crisis, Gary B. Gorton
Reflections on the TALF and the Federal Reserve Role As Liquidity Provider, Brian Sack
Repo Market Effects of the Term Securities Lending Facility, Michael J. Fleming, Warren B. Hrung, and Frank M. Keane
Repo Market Effects of the Term Securities Lending Facility, Michael J. Fleming, Warren B. Hrung, and Frank M. Keane
The Cross Section of Money Market Fund Risks and Financial Crises, Patrick McCabe
The Federal Reserve's Foreign Exchange Swap Lines, Michael J. Fleming and Nicholas J. Klagge
The Federal Reserve's Policy Actions during the Financial Crisis and Lessons for the Future, Donald L. Kohn
The Federal Reserve's Section 13(3) Lending Facilities to Support Overall Market Liquidity, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Office of Inspector General
The FRS Section 13(3) Lending Facilities To Support Overall Market Liquidity: Function, Status, and Risk Management, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Office of Inspector General
U.S. Dollar-Euro Swap Agreement, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), and European Central Bank (ECB)
Documents from 2009
Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Purchase Program Information, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Amended and Restated Investment Management Agreement, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Wellington Management Company, LLP
A Preliminary Assessment of TALF, William Dudley
Authority of the Federal Reserve to Provide Extensions of Credit, Federal Reserve System
Backdoor Bailout Disclosure, Alexander Sellinger
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke At the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2009 Credit Markets Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina, Ben S. Bernanke
Change to Commercial Paper Funding Facility Eligibility Requirements, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Domestic Open Market Operations During 2008, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Extension of Federal Reserve Liquidity Programs, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
FAQs: MBS Purchase Program (Effective November 18, 2009), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
FAQs: Purchasing Direct Obligations of Housing-Related GSEs (Effective March 24, 2009), Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York