"The Federal Reserve’s Financial Crisis Response E" by Rosalind Z. Wiggins and Andrew Metrick

Document Type

Case Study

Case Series

The Federal Reserve's Financial Crisis Response

JEL Codes

G01, G28


Securitization is a process that allows banks and other lenders to package loans and sell them as bonds called asset-backed securities (ABS), removing them from their balance sheets and immediately generating cash for new loans. ABS are an important component of the financing cycle for many types of loans to households and small businesses, including mortgages. In the fall of 2008, financial markets began experiencing disturbances as the effects of the U.S. subprime market meltdown spread. The ABS market froze decreasing the volume of new loans to households and small businesses. The Federal Reserve became very concerned about the potential for these circumstances to further weaken the U.S. economy and, as a result, implemented the Term Asset-backed Loan Facility (TALF) to jumpstart the market and mitigate the negative effects on the economy. In this case we discuss the design, usage of the TALF, and its impact on the securitization markets during the crisis.

Date Revised

