Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
Resources from 2006
Bernoulli High Grade I CDO Pitchbook, Babcock & Brown Securities LP
Bernoulli High Grade I CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Davis Square Funding VI CDO Pitchbook for a $2 Billion High Grade Structured Product, Tcw Management, LLC
Hout Bay 2006-1 CDO Pitchbook for a $1.5 Billion Static High Grade Structured Product CDO, Investec Bank (UK)
Independence VII CDO Pitchbook, Declaration Management & Research LLC
Independence VII CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Moody's Corporation 2005 10-K, Moody's Investor Service
Reserve Fund Semi Annual Report to the SEC, Patrick J. Farrell, Arthur T. Bent III, and Bruce R. Bent II
AIG Email from Gene Park to Joe Cassano Regarding CDO of ABS Approach, Gene Park
AIG Memo from Eduardo Diaz-Perez to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee (February 28, 2006), Eduardo Diaz-Perez
Countrywide 2006 Fixed Income Investor Forum, Angelo Mozilo, Eric Sieracki, Jim Furash, John McMurray, Jeff Speakes, Jennifer S. Sandefur, and Grant Couch
AIG Memo from Eduardo Diaz-Perez to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee (February 21, 2006), Eduardo Diaz-Perez
Fannie Mae 2006 Overview Plan, Robert Levin
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Fannie Mae 2-21-2006, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
FRB Memo from Divisioin of Banking Supervision and Regulation to Governor Bies Re Upgrade of Citigroups Risk Management Rating, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Summary of Fannie Mae 2006 Corporate Priorities and Objectives, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Fannie Mae Memo from Robert Catalanotto Re SFB Gap report for January 2006, Robert Catalanotto
Goldman Sachs 2005 10-K, Goldman Sachs
2005 US CDO Review - Looking Ahead to 2006 - Record Year Follows Record Year (Moody's Special Report), Richard Michalek, Suzanna Sava, and Karie Chen
CDOs with Short-Term Tranches - Moody's Approach to Rating Prime-1 CDO Notes, Karen Mueller, Pooja Bharwani, and Rodrigo Araya
Excerpt from Goldman Sachs Economic Research Global Economics Paper No 137 Housing Holds the Key to Fed Policy, Goldman Sachs
AIG Email Exchange between Alan Frost, Andrew Forester, Gene Park, Gary Gorton, Sheridan Teasel, Sinead McCormack regarding Subprime Thoughts, Alan Frost, Andrew Forster, Sheridan Teasel, Sinead McCormack, Gene Park, and Gary B. Gorton
Bear Stearns Tom Marano e-mail message to Alan Schwartz and Richie Metrick re Cerberus and Chrysler, Tom Marano, Robert Warden, and Michael Offen
Chomsisengphet and Pennington-Cross, The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market, Souphala Chomsisengphet and Anthony Pennington-Cross
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (February 1, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
Fannie Mae Board of Directors CEO Report, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
SEC OCIE Entrance Exam of Bear Stearns, Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE)
OFHEO Office of Examination ltr to Richard Syron, Jeffrey S. Spohn
Citi Capital Markets Approval Committees form of Minutes Follow-Up reflecting CMAC approval of subprime back ABS CDOs, Steve Bujno, Ramesh Gupta, Scott Flood, Susan Grbic, Joe Martinelli, Frank Marsigliano, Hugh Conroy, Trishna Patel, Chris Dark, Steve Young, Bill Aprigliano, Michael O'Donnell, Chris Childs, Joseph Forlenza, Carl Klein, Tim Browne, Todd Miller, John Gilliland, Bob Martin, Farhang Mehregani, Myongsu Kong, Anna Choe, Tony Tuths, Audrey Klein, Thomas Layton, Gary Mandelblatt, Paul Smiley, Mark Tsearsky, James Demare, Gabriella Demenyi, Randall Costa, Craig Fuoco, and Michael Golding
Moodys William May Email to Gus Harris re BES and PEs, William May
Citi CMAC Proposal to Issue CDS on Subprime Backed ABS CDOs, Citigroup: Capital Markets Approval Committee
Kleros Preferred Funding II CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (January 6, 2006), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
ACA Capital Holdings 10-K, ACA Capital Holdings, Inc.
AIG hedges, American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
Citigroup Due Diligence Accept, Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc and New Century Financial Corporation
Citigroup Due Diligence Rejects, Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc and New Century Financial Corporation
Countrywide McMurray email to Furash and Muir re Bank Option ARM Bidding & Purchasing and $1.5B PayOptlon Trade Ticket with RFC, John McMurray, Junfeng Bai, Clifford Rossi, and Angelo Mozilo
Countrywide McMurray email to Sambol re Extreme Alt-A Follow Up, John McMurray
Fannie Mae Board of Director Presentation Robert J Levin, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Robert Levin
Fannie Mae Housing Goal Performance, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
FRB - Recent Changes in U.S. Family Finances: Evidence from the 2001 and 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances, Brian K. Bucks, Arthur B. Kennickell, Kevin B. Moore, Gerhard Fries, and Michael A. Neal
FRB Summary of Supervisory Activities and Findings on Citi, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Dianne Dobbeck, and Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Golden West Table Showing ARM Originations by Year, Golden West Financial Corporation
Goldman Sachs Appendix 27d- 2006 Part A, Unknown
Goldman Sachs Appendix 27d- 2006 Part B, Unknown
Goldman Sachs Appendix 27d- 2006 Part C, Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Appendix 27d- 2006 Part D, Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Appendix 27d- 2006 Part E, Unknown
Loan-Level Panel Data for all loans in CMLTI 2006-NC2, BlackBox Logic LLC and IP Recovery, Inc
OCC Quarterly Risk Assessment Profiles of Wachovia Corporation 2nd Quarter, 2006, Wachovia Corporation
OFHEO Fannie Mae Report of Annual Examination, 2006, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
OFHEO Freddie Mac Report of Annual Examination, 2006, United States: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
Resources from 2005
Countrywide 2005 10-K, Countrywide Financial Corporation
Merrill Lynch 2005 10-K, Merrill Lynch International
Federal Register- Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products, United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors, United States: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States: Department of the Treasury: Office of Thrift Supervision, and United States: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
OCC Letter from Ronald H Frake to Geoffrey O Coley Re Citibank Derivatives Examination Findings, Ronald Frake
AIG Memo from Kevin B. McGinn to the Credit Risk Committee regarding Global Securities Lending Cash Policy, Kevin McGinn
AIG Credit Risk Committee Approval Form, AIG: Credit Risk Committee
FBI on Mortgage Fraud, Kirstin Downey
OCC Memorandum from Daniel Staehle to Ronald Frake Re North America Credit Trading and North America Global Structured Credit Derivatives Examination, Daniel C. Staehle
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee Request, William Shirley
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Credit Risk Committee and Broderick CDO, William Shirley
Lenox CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
SEC Risk Management Review of Consolidated Supervised Entities (December 5, 2005), United States: Securities and Exchange Commission: Office of Prudential Supervision and Risk Analysis (OPSRA)
Broderick 1 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Broderick 1 CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
E trade IV CDO Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International
Federal Reserve Bank Presentation - Residential Mortgage Lenders Peer Group Survey- Analysis and Implications for First Lien Guidance, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
FRBNY Citibank European Structured Credit Derivatives Target Exam from October 31 to November 18 2005, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding Goldman Sachs, William Shirley
AIG Memo from William Shirley to Kevin McGinn regarding SocGen, William Shirley
SEC Information memorandum from Lori Richards, Mary Ann Gadziala, and Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations Re CSE Examination of Bear Stearns and Co Inc, Lori Richards and Mary Ann Gadziala
Abacus 2005-5 CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
Broderick 1 CDO Pitchbook, Seneca Capital Management LLC
Citibank London Correlation Book October-November 2005, Citibank
E trade IV CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Mortgage Fraud Assessment, Guy M. Tunnell
FRB Untitled Presentation on Nontraditional Mortgages, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
G Street Finance CDO Pitchbook of a Static High Grade Structured Product, Wharton Asset Management
Lenox CDO Pitchbook, Dynamic Credit Partners, LLC
Lenox CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
AIG-Goldman Sachs ABACUS 2005-CB1, Goldman Sachs and C-BASS Investment Management LLC (CIM)
Fannie Mae Presentation to HUD- Update on Fannie's Housing Goals Performance, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
FRB Consumer Advisory Council Meeting Transcript FCIC, Mark Pinsky, Lorie R. Swanson, Stella Adams, Dennis L. Algiere, Faith L. Anderson, Susan Bredehoft, Shiela Canavan, Carolyn Carter, Michael Cook, Donald S. Currie, Anne Diedrick, Hattie Dorsey, Dan Dixon, Kurt Eggert, James Garner, Chuck Gatson, James W. King, Elsie Meeks, Bruce B. Morgan, Mary Jane Seebach, Lisa Sodeika, Paul J. Springman, Forrest F. Stanley, Diane Thompson, Anselmo Villarreal, Clint Walker, Kelly K. Walsh, Marva E. Williams, Sandra F. Braunstein, Roger W. Ferguson Jr, Susan Bies, and Mark Olson
Mortgage Originations Rise in First Half of 2005; Demand for Interest Only, Option ARM and Alt-A Products Increases, Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
Lexington Capital Funding Offering Circular, Merrill Lynch International, Maxim Group LLC, and Descap Securities
Fannie Mae Board Meeting Presentation Robert J. Levin, Interim Chief Financial Officer, Robert Levin
Fannie Mae Board of Directors CEO Report 10-18-2005, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
G Street Finance CDO Offering Circular, Goldman Sachs
E trade IV CDO Pitchbook, E*Trade Global Asset Management, Inc
Lexington Capital Funding CDO Term Sheet, Merrill Lynch International
Options Group 2005 Global Financial Market Overview & Compensation Report, Options Group
Fannie Mae Presentation- Housing Goals and Minority Lending, Barry Zigas and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Moody's Modeling Approach to Rating Structured Finance Cash Flow CDO Transactions, Michael Xie and Gary Witt
FRBNY Letter from Himer C Hill to Thomas F Rollauer Re A review related to Citigroups compliance with the July 28 2003 Written Agreement, Homer Hill III
Fannie Mae Board of Directors CEO Report, 9-20-2005, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
Nomura Report from Boca Raton- Coverage of Selected Sessions of ABS East 2005, Nomura Holdings and David P. Jacob