This series contains documents within the YPFS Resource Library. Audio and video resources are also available.


Documents from 1986


Minutes of Loan Committee Meeting to consider Tunisia Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan (ASAL) Held on March 24, 1986 in Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee Meeting to consider TURKEY - Proposed Energy Sector Adjustment Loan held on November 7, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee Meeting to Consider ZIMBABWE - Proposed Export Promotion Project Held on January 9, 1986 in Conference Room E1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee Meeting to Consider Zimbabwe - Proposed Export Promotion Project Held on May 12, 1986 in Conference Room E1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee to Consider JAMAICA - Industrial and Financial Sector Adjustment Loan and Public Enterprises Sector Adjustment Loan held on January 21, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee to consider PHILIPPINES - Economic Recovery Loan held on July 17, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of Loan Committee to consider President's Report/Loan Agreements for the Pakistan Export Development Loan held on March 31, 1986 in Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting of April 11, 1986 to consider ZAMBIA - Proposed Recovery Credit, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to Consider BRAZIL - Credit and Marketing Reform Project Held on May 14, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Proposed Structural Adjustment Credit held on June 20, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider COSTA RICA - Proposed Banking Sector Adjustment Loan held on December 16, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider GHANA - Proposed Agriculture Sector Rehabilitation Project held on November 24, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider GUATEMALA - Proposed Export Development Project held on October 28, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider GUINEA-BISSAU - Proposed Structural Adjustment Credit held on November 14, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider MADAGASCAR - Proposed Industry and Trade Policy Adjustment Credit Held on November 6, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to Consider Malawi- Proposed Agricultural Pricing and Marketing Reform Program Credit Held on July 21, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to Consider MAURITANIA - Initiating Memorandum for a Structural Adjustment Credit Held on March 3, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider MOROCCO - Proposed Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan held on June 25, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider NEPAL - Proposed Structural Adjustment Credit held on September 3, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider NIGERIA - Proposed Trade Policy and Export Development Loan, held on July 23, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to Consider Proposed Credits in Support of an Industrial Sector Adjustment Program in Zaire, held on November 7, 1985, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to Consider Proposed Credits in Support of Structural Adjustment and Education Sector Adjustment in Ghana Held on March 6, 1986, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider Tanzania - Proposed Multisector Rehabilitation Credit held on July 21, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider THE GAMBIA - Proposed Structural Adjustment Program held on July 17, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider TUNISIA - Proposed Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan held on August 15, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider TUNISIA - Proposed Industrial and Trade Policy Adjustment Loan held on Tuesday, September 16, 1986 in Conference Room E-1204, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider URUGUAY - Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan held on October 20, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee Meeting to consider ZIMBABWE - Proposed Export Promotion Project held on June 20, 1986 in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


Minutes of the Loan Committee to Consider INDONESIA - Proposed Trade Policy Adjustment Loan Held on November 17, 1986, in Conference Room E-1208, World Bank/World Bank Group


The World Bank Office Memorandum- Subject: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Proposed Structural Adjustment Credit, World Bank/World Bank Group

Documents from 1984


Money and Capital Markets - Bank of Israel Annual Report 1983, Bank of Israel


The Gold Standard and the Bank of England in the Crisis of 1847, Rudiger Dornbusch and Jacob Frenkel


FNMA charter on HUD and goals, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)


The Mexican Rescue, Joseph Kraft


Securities Industry Association v The Federal Reserve, Security Industry Association (SIA)


The Central Banking Role of Clearinghouse Associations, Richard H. Timberlake Jr.


GAO Guidelines For Rescuing Large Failing Firms And Municipalities, United States Government Accountability Office

Documents from 1982


Third Supplementary Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding on the ASEAN Swap Arrangement, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)


Banks' Action Eases Mexico's Crisis on Debt, Caroline Atkinson and James L. Rowe Jr.


Money and Capital Markets - Bank of Israel Annual Report 1982, Bank of Israel


Buffett-Dingell-letter, Warren Buffet


Loans and credits for aiding Mexico are mapped by US, Edward Cowan


I.M.F. Loan To Mexico, Clyde H. Farnsworth


Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations: Interim Report, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB)


Federal Reserve Bulletin- October 1982, Federal Reserve System


Record of Policy Actions of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee, Federal Reserve System


Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee - August 24,1982, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Notes For F.O.M.C. Meeting, November 16, 1982, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)


Federal Reserve Bulletin, Volume 68, Number 12, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors and Naomi P. Salus


Mexico to receive USD 1.85 billion in loans, Paul Lewis


1805: Crisis Financiera Internacional y Tesoro Americano, José Merino


Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Provision of Credit Facilities to the Bank of Mexico, Ronald Reagan


U.S. to Provide Half of Bailout Set for Mexico, James L. Rowe Jr. and Caroline Atkinson


In a surprise move the Government of Mexico has announced strong foreign controls and a ban on all foreign exchange and precious metal transactions until further notice., Textline Multiple Source Collection (1980-1994)


31 U.S. Code § 5302. Stabilizing Exchange Rates and Arrangements, United States: Department of the Treasury


Decreto Ley No 15322, Uruguay: Asamblea General de Uruguay / General Assembly of Uruguay

Documents from 1981


Maldives Monetary Authority Act 1981, Maldives Monetary Authority


Banking Law, National Diet of Japan


Deposit Guarantee Fund - 1980 Annual Report, Spain: Deposit Guarantee Fund (Fondo de Garant­a de Depósitos en Establecimientos Bancarios

Documents from 1976


Bretton Woods Agreements Act, Amendments, U.S. Congress

Documents from 1975


Committee on Banking Regulations & Supervisory Practices 1975, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)


Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) History, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Oakley Hunter