Ad hoc Emergency Liquidity
Documents from 2008
Code of Federal Regulations - Title 12, Federal Reserve
Collection of Federal Reserve Correspondence Regarding Bank of America, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Communication from the Commission on the revision of the method for setting the reference and discount rates (2008/C 14/02), European Commission
Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008, Government of Ireland
Decision: Special liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank AB, Sveriges Riksbank
Determination of Century Bank as a Failed Bank with Systemic Impact, Financial System Stability Committee
Dodd Statement on JP Morgan, NY Fed Move to Help Bear Stearns, United States: Senate: Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
Email from Jane Buyers-Russo to Barry Zubrow, JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Jane Buyers-Russo
Email from Jane Buyers-Russo to Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Jane Buyers-Russo
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, U.S. Senate and United States: Congress: House of Representatives
Event Brief of Bear Stearns Conference Call to address speculation in the marketplace, Bear Stearns
Extended liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank, Sveriges Riksbank
FAQs Regarding Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 10/26/PBI/2008 "Concerning Short-Term Financing Facility to Commercial Banks", Bank Indonesia
Fear, Rumors Touched Off Fatal Run on Bear Stearns, Kate Kelly
Federal Reserve Act, United States: Congress
Federal Reserve Announces Establishment of Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve Board announces several initiatives to provide additional support to financial markets, including enhancements to its existing liquidity facilities, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Discount Window: General Information, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Final step in Cayne’s fall from grace, Peter Thal Larsen
Financial Stability Report October 2008, Bank of England
FOMC statement, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Form 8-K-Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Current Report, Lehman Brothers
Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 3/2008 Regarding the Deposit Insurance Corporation, President of the Republic of Indonesia
Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 4/2008 Regarding the Financial System Safety Network, President of the Republic of Indonesia
Händelseförloppet i hanteringen av Carnegie, Riksgälden
IKB: A Sad German Story, Nicolas Véron
Indonesia's Bank Century says has enough capital, Andreas Ismar and Tyagita Silka
Indonesia's Sinar Mas to Buy Bank Century, Taygita Silka and Harry Suhartono
Ingves: Monetary policy and financial stability, Stefan Ingves
Interim Results 2008, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Joint Press Release Regarding the Acquisition of Bank Century by the Deposit Insurance Corporation, Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation /Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)
JPMorgan Chase and Federal Reserve Bank of New York To Provide Financing To Bear Stearns, JP Morgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase To Acquire Bear Stearns, JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Bear Stearns
Leak that triggered run on Northern Rock might have been scoop worth sitting on, Michael White
Letter Agreement among Barclays and the FRBNY, Thomas C. Baxter Jr.
Letter from Christopher Burke to JP Morgan and Lehamn Brothers Inc discussing PDCF access and haircuts, Christopher R. Burke
Letter from Hank Paulson to Timonthy Geithner regarding potential losses to the Maiden Lane facility., Henry M. Paulson Jr. and Timothy F. Geithner
Liquidity assistance on special terms, Sveriges Riksbank
Liquidity assistance to Carnegie Investment Bank, Sveriges Riksbank
Managing the Risks of Broker-Dealer Insolvency, Mark I. Bane, Timothy W. Diggins, Leigh R. Fraser, Steven T. Hoort, Christopher A. Klien, Richard Marshall, Dwight W. Quayle, and Keith H. Wofford
Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on September 16, 2008, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Minutes of Special Meeting of Board of Directors, Bear Stearns
Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Monetary Review 3rd Quarter, Danmarks Nationalbank
Moody's continues to review Citigroup for possible downgrade following government Action, Moody's Investor Service
New boards of directors in Carnegie Investment Bank and Max Matthiessen, Riksgalden/Swedish National Debt Office
New government program; Lowering ests., Mike Mayo and Chris Spahr
New law would allow secret bank rescues, Sumeet Desai and Steve Slater
Northern Rock & Financial Supervision, Timothy Edmonds
Northern Rock plc Annual Report and Accounts 2007, Northern Rock Asset Management
No systemic threat from Bank Century hitch: BI, Aditya Suharmoko
Nuts and bolts of the Bear Stearns bailout, Greg Robb
Periodic Report Pursuant to Section 129(b) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Update on Outstanding Lending Facilities Authorized by the Board Under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Press Statement, Bank Indonesia
Provisional Northern Rock Restructuring Plan: Executive Summary, Northern Rock Asset Management
Q&A Regarding the Takeover of Bank Century, Bank Indonesia
RBS and HBOS plunge on funding fears, Michael Hunter
RBS shares sink, S&P cuts credit rating, Reuters
Recapitalisation of the UK Banking System, Bank of England
Regulation A: Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve System
Revocation of Carnegie Investment Bank AB's permit, Finansinspektionen
Royal Bank holds out hope it can remain independent Hester says sale to third party 'unlikely', Herald Scotland
Rules of the 2008 Credit Guarantee Scheme, HM Treasury
Securities Purchase Agreement, Citigroup, Citigroup
Shares in German bank IKB fall on report of little interest in sale, Agence France Presse
SIPC Issues Statement on Lehman Brothers Inc.: Liquidation Proceeding Now Anticipated, Securities Investor Protection Corporation
SIPC: Lehman Brothers Inc. Liquidation Proceeding Paves Way for Asset Purchase Agreement by Barclays, Securities Investor Protection Corporation
State Aid NN 48/2008 Ireland: Guarantee scheme for banks in Ireland, European Union: European Commission
State aid NN 64/2008 - Sweden Rescue aid to Carnegie Bank, European Union: European Commission
Statement Regarding Recent Market Events and Lehman Brothers, United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Statements From Fed, SEC: Collateral Broadened; Working With Lehman, Wall Street Journal
Summary of Meeting with James Hraska, Alvarez & Marsal
Summary of Terms Eligible Asset Guarantee, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
Swedish National Debt Office takes over loan to Carnegie, Sveriges Riksbank
Takeover of Bank Century By Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC), Bank Indonesia
The Bear Stearns Cos. Inc. Downgraded; Ratings, Standard and Poor's
The Federal Reserve is monitoring market developments closely and will continue to provide liquidity as necessary to promote the orderly functioning of the financial system, Federal Reserve System
The Latest National Banking Development, Bank Indonesia
The Supervision of Northern Rock: A Lessons Learned Review, United Kingdom: Financial Services Authority
The US Does Not Allow Citi to Sink, Andrea Crepaz
Treasury statement on financial support to the banking industry, United Kingdom: HM Treasury: Chancellor of the Exchequer
UK Govt to Announce Financial Rescue Plan Wed, Wall Street Journal
UK Govt Unveils Plans to Support for Banking Industry, Dow Jones
United States Department of the Treasury Third Tranche Report to Congress December 2, 2008, United States: Department of the Treasury
Update 1–SIPC says Lehman brokerage accounts intact, Reuters
US Dollar Overnight Repo Operations: Bank of England Market Notice, Bank of England/Central Bank of the United Kingdom
WSJ: Fed: Four Governors Approved Bear Stearns Loan, Greg Ip
Documents from 2007
5th UPDATE: Northern Rock Borrows From BoE; Shares Off 26%, Henry Teitelbaum
Annual Reports and Accounts 2007, Halifax Bank of Scotland
Bail-out points to depth of UK liquidity crisis, Peter Thal Larsen and Chris Giles
Banking reform – protecting depositors: a discussion paper, United Kingdom: HM Treasury, Bank of England, and Financial Services Authority
Bank of England approves emergency funding for Northern Rock, Tariq Panja
Bank of England to bail out Northern Rock, Peter Thal Larsen and Neil Hume
Barclays admits borrowing hundreds of millions at Bank's emergency rate, Ashley Seager, Larry Elliott, and Julia Kollewe
Barclays again taps emergency facility, Clara Ferreira-Marques
British bank rocked by panic withdrawals, Agence France Presse
British mortgage lender gets Bank of England bail-out, Agence France Presse