Ad hoc Emergency Liquidity
Documents from 2021
Annual Report & Accounts for the 12 months to 31 March 2021, UK Asset Resolution
Cruel and Unusual Circumstances: The Fed's Use and Misuse of Penalty Rates, Steven Kelly
Disclosure of asset sale completion, UK Parliament
Final Gazette Notice, United Kingdom: Registrar of Companies
First Gazette Notice, United Kingdom: Registrar of Companies
Governor Ciampi and the “Ambrosiano Case”: International Banking Supervision and Monetary Policy, Rainer Masera
Legislation (from the website of NAMA), Ireland: National Asset Management Agency
Moldova’s “Theft of the Century” – ostensible investigations or sincere lust for justice?, Andriy Osavoliuk, Loredana Prijmireanu, Igor Savchenko, and Iris Vijverberg
Overcoming a corporate crisis: The role of a hegemonic elite – The Banco Ambrosiano case (1982), Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini, Andrea Lionzo, and Alessandro Lai
Selic interest rate, Banco Central do Brasil/Central Bank of Brazil
Documents from 2020
2008 PDCF Landing Page - FRBNY, Federal Reserve System: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Agreement on emergency liquidity assistance, European Central Bank (ECB): Eurosystem
Banking Report 2019, Banco Central do Brasil
Directors' Report and Financial Statements for the 12 Months to 31 March 2020, Northern Rock Asset Management
Nonbank Financial Institutions, Scott G. Alvarez, William C. Dudley, and J. Nellie Liang
Regulatory Reform: Collateral Margins for the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (March 17, 2008 to February 1, 2010), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Report on the Legality of Granting Emergency Loans, National Bank of Moldova
Systemic Banking Crises Database II, Luc Laeven and Fabian Valencia
The Legal Authorities Framing the Government's Response, Scott G. Alvarez, Thomas C. Baxter Jr., and Robert F. Hoyt
The Riksbank's measures during the global financial crisis 2007-2010, Sveriges Riksbank
We're renaming to NatWest Group, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Documents from 2019
Capital and Liquidity Interaction in Banking, Jonathan Acosta-Smith, Guillaume Arnold, Kristoffer Milonas, and Quynh-Anh Vo
DIC Announcement: Handling of Bank Century, Tbk, Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation /Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)
Raportul Comisiei de anchetă privind frauda bancară și falimentul sistemului bancar din Republica Moldova, Government of Republic of Moldova
Russian Financial Sector Investor Presentation, Central Bank of Russia
SINTEZA obiecțiilor și propunerilor/recomandărilor la proiectul hotărârii Comitetului executiv al Băncii Naționale a Moldovei „Pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la asistența de lichiditate în situații de urgență”, National Bank of Moldova
UK Asset Resolution Limited Annual Report & Accounts for the 12 months to 31 March 2019, United Kingdom: UK Asset Resolution (UKAR)
Documents from 2018
Annual Report 2017, Central Bank of Ireland
Bank rescues of 2007-09: outcomes and cost, Federico Mor
Brazil court acquits former BTG Pactual CEO Esteves, Lisandra Paraguassu and Carolina Mandl
Brazil, Financial Sector Assessment Program, Technical Note on Bank Resolution, Financial Sector Safety Nets, Crisis Prevention and Management, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Charting The Financial Crisis: U.S. Strategy and Outcomes, The Brookings Institution and Yale University: School of Management: Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS)
Financial relationship between HM Treasury and the Bank of England: memorandum of understanding, United Kingdom: HM Treasury
Ireland: From Tiger to Phoenix, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Project Tenor II: Detailed Report, Kroll
The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Setting the Record Straight on a Financial Disaster, Laurence Ball
The Insolvency Regime for Large Enterprises in Italy: An Economic and Legal Assessment, Nazim Belhocine, Daniel Garcia-Macia, and José Garrido
YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with Patricia Mosser, Patricia Mosser and Sandra Ward
Осложнения от оздоровления, Elena Pashutinskaya and Ekaterina Litova
Рецепт на 1,5 триллиона, Daria Borisyak and Alexander Ostapenko
«ФК Открытие» расплачивается за санацию, Vitaly Soldatskikh
Documents from 2017
400 млрд руб. для «Открытия», Daria Borisyak
ACRA assigns BBB-(RU) to «Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation» (Public Joint-Stock Company), outlook Stable, Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA)
ACRA assigns the status of “Rating under revision: negative” to credit rating of «Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation» (PJSC), Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA)
ACRA changes the status of credit rating of «Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation» (PJSC) to “Rating under revision: developing”, Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA)
Agreement on emergency liquidity assistance, European Central Bank (ECB)
Danish Marketing Practices Act, Danish Parliament
ECB publishes ELA agreement, European Central Bank (ECB)
Financial Statements 2016, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
How Moldova escaped the effects of a giant banking crisis, The Economist
Indonesia’s Rogue Bank, John Berthelsen
Monetary Policy Report No. 3, Central Bank of Russia
Northern Rock investors accuse Treasury of profiting from bailout, Martin Arnold,
On measures aimed at improving financial stability of PJSC B&N Bank and JSC Rost Bank 09-21-2017, Central Bank of Russia
On using credit ratings to compile Bank of Russia Lombard List, Central Bank of Russia
Pe urmele miliardului. În buzunarele cui au ajuns banii statului, Mariana Rață
Project Tenor II: Summary Report, Kroll
Purchase of Distressed Assets by Cerberus, United Kingdom: Parliament: House of Commons
Results Announcement, Northern Rock Asset Management
Russian bank B&N's dollar bond falls after it seeks bailout, Reuters
State Capture: the Case of the Republic of Moldova, Transparency International Moldova, Adept, Legal Resources Center from Moldova, and Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Statement by Elvira Nabiullina, Bank of Russia Governor, in follow-up to Board of Directors meeting 15 September 2017, Elvira Nabiullina
Ten years on: Lessons from Northern Rock, Jon Cunliffe
The first sale of shares in Royal Bank of Scotland, United Kingdom: National Audit Office
UK Asset Resolution Limited Annual Report & Accounts for the 12 months to 31 March 2017, United Kingdom: UK Asset Resolution (UKAR)
АКРА сделало неприятное "Открытию", Yulia Titova
В ЦБ открылся триллион, Daria Borisyak and Anna Eremina
Исчезающий клиент, Yulia Titova, Elena Pashutinskaya, Ekaterina Litova, and Anastasia Krivorotova
Обеспеченные кредиты Банка России, Central Bank of Russia
«Открытие» снова здорово, Anna Eremina
Полтриллиона? Да на здоровье!, Daria Borisyak and Alexander Ostapenko
Санация не угроза ценам, Philip Sterkin
ЦБ делает открытие за «Открытием», Daria Borisyak, Tatiana Voronova, and Emma Terchenko
ЦБ не удержал клиентов, Daria Borisyak
ЦБ одолжил «Открытию» триллион, Yulia Lokshina and Dmitry Ladygin
Центробанк открыл консолидацию рынка, Denis Abramov
Documents from 2016
2015 Article IV Consultation, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
About Government guarantees converted into public debt, National Bank of Moldova
Annual Report 2015, Central Bank of Ireland
Annual Report 2015, Fundo Garantidor de Créditos
Annual Report and Accounts 2015 to 2016, UK Asset Resolution
Annual Reports and Accounts 2015-16, HM Treasury
Bear Stearns, JPMorgan Chase, And Maiden Lane LLC, Federal Reserve System: Board of Governors
BSI sale allows BTG to pre-pay emergency fund, BNamericas
BTG Pactual – Earnings Release, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Chronology of the Bank Century Case, Afani Widiati
Comunicado ao Mercado, Banco BTG Pactual SA
Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS, Banco BTG Pactual S.A. and subsidiaries
Divulgação de Resultados Quarto Trimestre de 2015, Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
Earnings Call Transcript: Q3 2016 Banco BTG Pactual SA, Thomson Reuters
Earnings Call Transcript: Q4 2015 Banco BTG Pactual SA, Thomson Reuters
Emergency Liquidity Assistance and Systemic Risk, Rosa María Lastra
FGC Garantia, Fundo Garantidor de Créditos
Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns: A Financial-Crisis Mystery Is Solved, John Carney
Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities, United Kingdom: National Audit Office
Ireland Technical Note on Financial Safety Nets and Crisis Management, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Management Report/Performance Comments, Banco BTG Pactual SA