Yale School of the Environment Bulletin Series | Yale School of the Environment | Yale University

This Bulletin Series was inaugurated by the Yale School of the Environment in 1912. The Series contains important original scholarly and applied work by the School’s faculty, graduate students, alumni, and distinguished collaborators, and covers a broad range of topics.

Note: the Yale School of the Environment was formerly known as the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, and was founded in 1900 as the Yale Forest School.

Bulletins 1-97 were published as bound print-only documents between 1912 and 1994. Starting with Bulletin 98 in 1995, the School began publishing volumes digitally and expanded them into a Publication Series that includes working papers, books, and reports as well as Bulletins.

To celebrate the centennial of publishing at the school, the long out-of-print Bulletins 1-97 were scanned to make them available as PDFs to a broader audience. A caution: the scanning process is not perfect, especially for print documents as old as some of these, so the readers’ indulgence is requested for some of the anomalies that remain despite our best efforts to clean them up.

Nothing in the Series requires copyright permission for reproduction when intended for personal or classroom use.

Bound copies of everything published in the Series from 1912 to the present are also available in the Yale University libraries and archives and can best be accessed by contacting the School of the Environment librarian.


Submissions from 2007


El Mundo Entero es Nuestro Bosque: Política Forestal y Cooperación Internacional, Pablo Martínez de Anguita

Submissions from 2002


Developing Industrial Ecosystems: Approaches, Cases, and Tools, Marian Chertow and Michelle Portlock


Human Population and Freshwater Resources: U.S. Cases and International Perspectives, Karin M. Krchnak, Victoria Dompka Markham, and Nancy Thorne

Submissions from 2001


Species and Ecosystem Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Tim W. Clark, Michael J. Stevenson, and Kim Ziegelmayer

Submissions from 2000


Developing Sustainable Management Policy for the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming, Tim W. Clark, Denise Casey, and Anders Halverson

Submissions from 1998


Resource Use in the Trinational Sangha River Region of Equatorial Africa: Histories, Knowledge Forms, and Institutions, Heather E. Eves, Rebecca Hardin, and Stephanie Rupp


Transformations of Middle Eastern Natural Environments: Legacies and Lessons, Jeff Albert, Magnus Bernhardsson, and Roger Kenna

Submissions from 1996


The Ecotourism Equation: Measuring the Impacts, Elizabeth Malek-Zadeh

Submissions from 1994


Returns from Unrestricted Growth of Pruned Eastern White Pines, Alan C. Page and David M. Smith

Submissions from 1989


Issues in Public and Private Ownership of Forested Lands in Northern New England and New York, Clark S. Binkley, Ed and Perry R. Hagenstein

Submissions from 1988


Proceedings of the 1987 Airlie House Conference on the Resources Planning Act, Clark S. Binkley, Ed; Garry D. Brewer, Ed.; and V. Alaric Sample, Ed.

Submissions from 1981


Age And Growth Rate Of Tropical Trees: New Directions For Research, F. Herbert Bormann, Ed. and Graeme Berlyn, Ed.


Timber Supply From Private Nonindustrial Forests, Clark Shepard Binkley

Submissions from 1978


The Development Of Northern Red Oak In Mixed Stands In Central New England, Chadwick Dearing Oliver

Submissions from 1976


Forest Management Planning For Timber Production: A Goal Programming Approach, Krishna P. Rustagi


Nature And Human Nature, Lee M. Talbot; Neil H. Cheek Jr; Roderick Nash; and William R. Burch Jr., Ed

Submissions from 1975


Byond Growth- Essays On Alternative Studies, Dennis L. Meadows, Donella H. Meadows, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, Eugene P. Odum, Herbert G. Wilcox, Lincoln H. Day, Herman E. Daly, William Ophuls, Charles S. Green III, and Paul B. Sears

Submissions from 1974


Is Timber Scarce? The Economics Of A Renewable Resource, Lloyd C. Irland

Manpower-Forest Industry's Key Resource, Lloyd C. Irland, Ed.


Occupational Choice And Employment Stability Among Forest Workers, Philip L. Cottel


Open-Land Policy In Connecticut, Roger L. Sherman, Neil C. Shropshire, Paul S. Wilson, and Albert C. Worrell


The Environment For Women Working On Environmental Problems, Jeanne Clare Ridley, Adele H. Goss, Jeanna Randall, and Jane Westenberger


Toward The Future Forest: Applying Physiology And Genetics To The Domestication Of Trees, J.H Rediske, F. Thomas Ledig, Peter S. Carlson, Thomas B. Rice, and Richard P. Pharis

Submissions from 1972


An Embryonic Forestry Program In Coastal British Columbia-Preparation For Management, M Crown


A Simulation Model for the Management of Sandhill Cranes, Richard S. Miller, George S. Hochbaum, and Daniel B. Botkin


A Simulation Model For The Management Of Sandhill Cranes, Richard S. Miller, George S. Hochbaum, and Daniel B. Botkin

Submissions from 1970


Chemical Analyses of Plant Tissues from the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem in New Hampshire, Gene E. Likens and F. Herbert Bormann


Man and His Environment: The Ecological Limits of Optimism, R. S. Miller, G. M. Woodwell, W. R. Burch, P. A. Jordan, and R. L. Means


Natural Variation in Susceptibility of Pinus to Neodiprion Sawflies as a Basis for the Development of a Breeding Scheme for Resistant Trees, Walter R. Henson, Louis C. O'Neil, and Francois Mergen


Supplying Wood Products for More People - A Challenge to the Forest Industry, John A. Segur, F. Bruce Lamb, and Basil E. Allen

Submissions from 1968


Optimal Forest Investment Decisions Through Dynamic Programming, Gerard F. Schreuder

Submissions from 1967


Thermophysical Properties of Bark of Shortleaf, Longleaf, and Red Pine, William E. Reifsnyder, Lee P. Herrington, and Karl W. Splat


The Structure of Germination in Pinus lambertiana Dougl., Graeme P. Berlyn

Submissions from 1966


Time Discounting by Certain Forest Landowners, Donald F. Flora

Submissions from 1962


Investment Theory and Forest Management Planning, Barney Dowdle

Submissions from 1960


Financial Management of Large Forest Ownerships, John Fedkiw, William L. Moise, Walter H. Meyer, Meade Whitaker, Henry I. Barclay Jr., C. G. McLaren, and J. A. Segur

Submissions from 1945


The Yale Forest in Tolland and Windham Counties, Connecticut, Walter H. Meyer and Basil A. Plusnin

Submissions from 1944


Volume Tables for Connecticut Hardwoods, Walter H. Meyer and Raymond Kienholz

Submissions from 1937


The Influence of Soil Profile Horizons on Root Distribution of White Pine (Pinus Strobus), Harold J. Lutz, Joseph B. Ely Jr., and Silas Little Jr.

Submissions from 1935


Artificial Pruning in Coniferous Plantations, Ralph C. Hawley and Robert T. Clapp


A Swedish-English Vocabulary for Foresters, Joshua Lee Deen, Adolph Burnett Benson, and Matts Juhlin Dannfelt

Submissions from 1932


Selection Cuttings for the Small Forest Owner, Ralph C. Hawley and Allen W. Goodspeed


The Transportation of Wood in Chutes, Alexander M. Koroleff and Ralph Clement Bryant


The Yale Demonstration and Research Forest near Keene, New Hampshire, James W. Toumey

Submissions from 1925


Boxwoods, Samuel J. Record and George A. Garratt


Studies of Connecticut Hardwoods: The Treatment of Advance Growth Arising as a Result of Thinnings and Shelterwood Cuttings, Louis J. Leffelman and Ralph C. Hawley


The Transportation of Logs on Sleds, Alexander Michael Koroleff and Ralph C. Bryant

Submissions from 1923


Cocobolo, Samuel J. Record and George A. Garratt