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This paper presents a study of the correlation between soil colloidal content and soil productiveness and hence a measure of the value of colloidal content in determining site quality. The character of this investigation also permitted incidental observation and comment on the relative value of organic matter, soil acidity, and soil type and class as similar measures. The findings are directly applicable to the forest soils of southern Connecticut and, more particularly, to such of these soils as occur commonly in the vicinity of New Haven. Since these soils are typical of the brown, weakly podsolized forest soils of southern New England and parts of adjacent New York and New Jersey,2 the results of the investigation are considered applicable throughout this general region.
Recommended Citation
Haig, Irvine T. 1929. Colloidal Content and Related Soil Factors as Indicators of Site Quality. Yale School of Forestry Bulletin 24. 29 pp. + appendix
The basic data for this study were secured principally in red pine plantations located on the properties of the New Haven Water Company, which are used for investigative and instructional purposes by the School of Forestry. Some data were obtained on the Rainbow Forest Plantations of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. The soil analyses and tests were made in the laboratories of the latter institution.