Studies of Connecticut Hardwoods: The Form of Hardwoods and Volume Tables on a Form Quotient Basis
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SATISFACTORY volume tables for Connecticut Hardwoods have been . lacking. Considering the fact that the forestry movement within the state started a quarter of a century ago, this condition may seem strange. The scarcity of large bodies of timber, the diverse mixture of species in the average stand requiring several volume tables, and the fact that timber estimating as a business is of relatively lower importance here than in the more heavily timbered regions, account for the failure to develop volume tables. Foresters working within the region have been content to estimate timber by log unit methods or to adapt volume tables made for other localities to fit Connecticut conditions.
Recommended Citation
Hawley, Ralph C., and Rogers G. Wheaton. 1926. Studies of Connecticut Hardwoods: The Form of Hardwoods and volume Tables on a Form Quotient Basis. Yale School of Forestry Bulletin 17. 41 pp.
data tables of measurements from 1919 to 1924 on 1229 22 species of felled hardwood trees