Academic Articles About New Haven | Browse Research by Media Type | Yale University

Academic Articles refer to scientific investigations in the form of published or unpublished academic literature, theses or dissertations, conference papers, working papers, and other similar projects.


Articles from 2023


Understanding Perceptions Of New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Education In A Pediatric Tertiary Care Center, Gabriel BetancurVelez


Militants in the Model City: Richard Lee, the Hill Parents Association, and the Limits of Citizen Participation in New Haven's Urban Renewal Anti-Poverty Programs, Lydia Broderick


Hpv Vaccine Effectiveness By Age At Vaccination In New Haven County, Connecticut Women, 2008-2019, Christina Yurie Hijiya


Evaluating Environmental Risk Factors For Community-Associated C. Difficile Infection In New Haven County, Connecticut, 2016-2021, Hannah Liat Litwak


The Implementation of a Nutrition Intervention in Food Pantries: The Spirit of SWAP, Sofia I. Morales, Genesis Vicente, Katherine LaMonaca, Jasmine Rios, Shayna D. Cunningham, Jackson Higginbottom, Erin Mathios, Steve Werlin, James Cramer, Alycia Santilli, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


The Association Between Social Needs Care Coordination And Social Needs Status Amongst Patients In A Federally Qualified Health Center, Autumn Nobles


Powering Up: Examining frameworks for community engagement and collective tenant action around energy efficiency in New Haven, CT, Alixandra P. Rachman


Advancing Health Equity: An Innovative Program for Building Community Engagement in Research, Alycia Santilli, Katherine LaMonaca, Kendra Carr, Bailee Rue, Karen D'Angelo, Jackson Higginbottom, Sofia Morales, Marquita A. Taylor, Genesis A. Vicente, Anna Lin-Schweitzer, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Firearm Injury Prevention Strategies In Children And Young Adults, Christopher Schenck


Barriers and Facilitators to Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers: A qualitative study utilizing a Modified Barrier Analysis approach, Victoria Tran, Amelia Reese Masterson, Tomeka Frieson, Frankie Douglass, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Urban Air Pollution Exposure Of Children In Dwight Neighborhood In New Haven, Ct, Weixi Wu

Articles from 2022


Determining The Specialist Medical Burden And Appointment Adherence For Very Preterm Infants Following Initial Discharge From The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Haley Allcroft


Caregiver Experiences Of Social Need And Promotion Of Support In The Pediatric Setting: A Qualitative Study, Meghan Patricia Casey


Investigation on urban greenspace in relation to sociodemographic factors and health inequity based on different greenspace metrics in 3 US urban communities, Seulkee Heo and Michelle L. Bell


Oiremos: The Development, Implementation, And Evaluation Of A Holistic Health Curriculum For A Hispanic Youth Enrichment Program, Margaret Cavendish Kellogg


Patient Experience During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Smilow Cancer Hospital At Yale-New Haven, Danielle Marie Kline


Reconnecting the Union Station Neighborhood to Downtown New Haven: A Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Revitalization Strategy for the Union Station Neighborhood of New Haven, Connecticut, Solomon McKenzie


Epidemiology of COVID-19 Hospitalizations in New Haven and Middlesex Counties, Connecticut, July - September 2021, Caroline McWilliams


Epidemiology Of Covid-19 Hospitalizations In New Haven And Middlesex Counties, Connecticut, July - September 2021, Caroline Mary Mcwilliams


“Police shootings, now that seems to be the main issue” – Black pregnant women’s anticipation of police brutality towards their children, Renee Mehra, Amy Alspaugh, Linda S. Franck, Monica R. McLemore, Trace Kershaw, Jeannette R. Ickovics, Danya E. Keene, and Alyasah A. Sewell


Trends In Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection In New Haven County, Chinenye Maryanne Okafor


Exploring Learning Experiences Of Students In An Experiential Community Health Practice Course, Christine Nhu Pham


Navigating A Patchwork Maze: Individuals’ Experience Of Administrative Burden When Accessing Homeless Assistance Services, Leah Robinson


Mapping Emergency Department Asthma Visits to Identify Poor-Quality Housing in New Haven, CT, USA: a Retrospective Cohort Study, Elizabeth A. Samuels MD, Richard A. Taylor MD, Akshay Pendyal MD, Abbas Shojaee MD, Anne S. Mainardi MD, Evan R. Lemire BA, Arjun K. Venkatesh MD, Steven L. Bernstein MD, and Adam L. Haber PhD


Coalition Building and Food Insecurity: How an Equity and Justice Framework Guided a Viable Food Assistance Network, Alycia Santilli, Anna Lin-Schweitzer, Sofia I. Morales, Steve Werlin, Kim Hart, James Cramer, Jason A. Martinez, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Prescriptive Faith: Carceral Health Beyond The Prison Walls, Shamar S. Smalls


Eviction, post-traumatic stress, and emergency department use among low-income individuals in New Haven, CT, Patrick D. Smith, Allison K. Groves, Brent A. Langellier, Danya E. Keene, Alana Rosenburg, and Kim M. Blankenship


An Index of Community Priorities to Inform Local Governance in New Haven, Max E. Teirstein
Honorable Mention


Impact Of Covid-19 On The Mental Health Of Resettled Refugee Children, Joseph Lawsel Williams


Coastal Land Use Management Methodologies under Pressure from Climate Change and Population Growth, Tao Wu and Juliana Barrett

Articles from 2021


Stand Dynamics and Diversity Patterns in Planted and Naturally Regenerating Urban Forests, Danica Anne A Doroski


Utilizing Qualitative Methods To Inform Interventions For Addressing Alcohol Use During Pregnancy, Chaarushi Ahuja


COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Access Among Black and Latinx Communities, Lilanthi Balasuriya, Alycia Santilli, Jennifer Morone, Jessica Ainooson, Brita Roy, Anuli Njoku, Andrea Mendiola-Iparraguirre, Kathleen O'Connor Duffany, Bernard Macklin, Jackson Higginbottom, Celina Fernandez-Ayala, Genesis Vicente, and Arjun Venkatesh


Onward: An Ethnography of Latina Migrant Motherhood During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica P. Cerdeña


Does rental assistance improve mental health? Insights from a longitudinal cohort study, Whitney Denary, Andrew Fenelon, Penelope Shlesinger, Jonathan Purtle, Kim M. Blankenship, and Danya Keene


Physician Burnout: An Assessment Of Impact, Drivers And Design Of Prevention Programs, David Dupee


Is Now The Time For Supervised Consumption In New Haven? Assessing The Complexities Of Global Examples, National Efforts, And City Contexts To Support The Progress Of Local Harm Reduction, Mariah Frank


Is Now the Time for Supervised Consumption in New Haven? Assessing the Complexities of Global Examples, National Efforts, and City Contexts to Support the Progress of Local Harm Reduction, Mariah Frank


Dreamkit: An Innovative Mobile Health Intervention For Addressing Youth Homelessness, Eva G. Graf


Heat Stress in Urban Environments: A Case Study of Heat Vulnerability in New Haven, CT, Logan M. Howard
First Prize


Community Violence Exposure and School Functioning in Youth: Cross-Country and Gender Perspectives, Roman Koposov, Johan Isaksson, Robert Vermeiren, Mary Schwab-Stone, Andrew Stickley, and Vladislav Ruchkin


Refugee Health, Healthcare, And Resettlement In New Haven, Connecticut: A Historical Study With Contemporary Implications, Ezra Lichtman


"Do Their Own Thing": Radical Health Community Alliance for Research & Engagement and the Fair Haven Community Health Center, Ezra S. Lichtman


Implementing the Street Psychiatry Model in New Haven, CT: Community-Based Community Alliance for Research & Engagement for People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness, Emma Lo, Brooke Lifland, Eliza C. Buelt, Lilanthi Balasuriya, and Jeanne L. Steiner


(de)constructing The Grocery Store: An Ethnographic Examination Of Spatial Characteristics And Their Implications For Social Inclusion, Madeline Hoai Chau Nguyen


Improving Care for Survivors of Gun Violence, Kathleen O'Neill


The Effects of Rental Assistance on Housing Stability, Quality, Autonomy, and Affordability, Rebecca Shapiro MPH, Kim Blankenship PhD, Alana Rosenberg MPH, and Danya Keene PhD


A Qualitative Analysis Of Facilitators And Barriers To Breastfeeding Among Black Mothers In The Greater New Haven Area, Victoria Dan-Vi Tran


What Will Be Enough? Suicide Prevention Challenges Of A Parking Garage, Shirley Zhen

Articles from 2020


“there Are Medics In The Crowd”: Medical Aid And Politics Of Protest At The 1970 May Day Rally To Free Bobby Seale, Nientara Anderson


Context Of Injury Among Abusive And Accidental Injuries In Children, Lindsay Eysenbach


“Malicious Medicine”: A Qualitative Study of Medical Mistrust and PrEP Perceptions for African American and Hispanic Men and Women in New Haven, CT, Alexandra Lee Grimaldi


Medical Exemption From Disconnection of Utilities in Connecticut, Peter A. Kahn MD, Krishna R. Daggula MS, Wei Teng PhD, Richard C. Hintz MS, and Gretchen Berland MD


The Conscientious Practice Policy: An Ethics Committee And Its Experience With A Policy For Addressing Inappropriate Treatment, Bryan Christopher Kaps


A Qualitative Analysis On The Transitions Of Afghan Refugee Families To The U.s. And Their Parenting Experiences, Jessica Kung Leung


Evaluation Of Connecticut Medical Providers Concordance With 2017 Idsa/shea Clostridioides Difficile Treatment Guidelines In New Haven County, 2017-2019, Casey Morgan Luc


Black Pregnant Women “Get the Most Judgment”: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Black Women at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Pregnancy, Renee Mehra PhD, Lisa M. Boyd PhD, Urania Magriples MD, Trace S. Kershaw PhD, Jeannette R. Ickovics PhD, and Danya E. Keene PhD


Functional, Motivational And Emotional Support: A Qualitative Study Of Social Influences On Diabetes Management Among Low-Income Adults, Emily Helen Miron


Trust And Healthcare: A Qualitative Analysis Of Trust In Spanish And English Language Group Well-Child Care, Nicolas Muñoz


Parent And Provider Experiences Of A Pediatric Medical-Legal Partnership: A Qualitative Study, Sascha Natalia Murillo


Safeguarding the Health and Rights of Sex Workers: An Interview with Beatrice Codianni, New Haven Community Activist and Founder of Sex Workers and Allies Network, Wei Ng


Defining The Patient Experience In Medical Oncology, Ashley Odai-Afotey


My neighborhood has a good reputation: Associations between spatial stigma and health, Emma Tran, Kim Blankenship, Shannon Whittaker, Alana Rosenberg, Penelope Schlesinger, Trace Kershaw, and Danya E. Keene

Articles from 2018


Depersonalization In The Emergency Department, Damian Apollo


Medical-Legal Partnership: Lessons from Five Diverse MLPs in New Haven, Connecticut, Emily A. Benfer, Abbe R. Gluck, and Katherine L. Kraschel


From Paris to New Haven: Maurice Rotival and the Longue Durée of Urban Renewal, H. William Bernstein


Inter-Rater Reliability Of Physical Abuse Determinations And Abusive Fracture Incidence At A Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, Kate Buesser


Availability, Accessibility, Utilization: In-Depth Interviews with Food Insecure Residents and Emergency Food Providers in New Haven, CT, Grace Carroll, Danya Keene, Alycia Santilli, Joy Johannes, Jeannette Ickovics, and Kathleen O'Connor Duffany


Syrian Refugee Health: A Qualitative Analysis Of Experiences With The U.s. Healthcare System, Eunice M. M. Defilippo


Intersectional experiences of discrimination in a low-resource urban community: An exploratory latent class analysis, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Lisa Rosenthal, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Amy Carroll-Scott, Trace S. Kershaw, Alycia Santilli, and Jeannette R. Ickovics


Implementation Of New Definitions Of Labor Arrest Disorders And Failed Induction Can Decrease The Cesarean Rate, Jessica Tanzer Wright Greenberg


The Effects of Length of Residence and Exposure to Violence on Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety in an Urban Sample, Monica Guo, Kathleen O'Connor Duffany, Fatma M. Shebl, Alycia Santilli, and Danya Keene PhD


“I’m Used to Doing It By Myself”: Exploring Self-Reliance in Pregnancy, Blair McNamara


"i'm Used To Doing It By Myself": Exploring Self-Reliance In Pregnancy, Blair Mcnamara


Physical neighborhood and social environment, beliefs about sleep, sleep hygiene behaviors, and sleep quality among African Americans, Soohyun Nam, Robin Whittemore, Sunyoung Jung, Carl Latkin, Trace Kershaw, and Nancy S. Redeker


The Impact Of Place-Based Determinants Of Health On Utilization Of Emergency Department Services, Tehreem Rehman


“un Abrazo A La Distancia”: Exploring Challenges Of Social Isolation In Pregnant Latina Women, Talia Robledo-Gil

Articles from 2017


Beyond the Bill: Broad Behavior Change in Yale’s Carbon Charge Pilot Project, Sarah Brandt


Did community greening reduce crime? Evidence from New Haven, CT, 1996–2007, Dexter H. Locke, SeungHoon Han, Michelle C. Kondo, Colleen Murphy-Dunning, and Mary Cox


Need vs. Supply Analysis of the New Haven Public Bus System, Stan Mathis


Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an Advocacy Tool: Mapping Variation in Availability of Institutional Resources in New Haven, Connecticut Neighborhoods, Alena Joy Pearce


Preparing for Disaster: a Cross-Sectional Study of Social Connection and Gun Violence, Carley Riley, Brita Roy, Nurit Harari, Anita Vashi, Pina Violano, Anne Greene, Georgina Lucas, Jerry Smart, Teresa Hines, Stacy Spell, Sharon Taylor, Barbara Tinney, Maurice Williams, and Emily Wang


Prioritizing Primary Prevention Strategies For Cardiovascular Disease At The Clinic Population Level, Giulio Cesare Rottaro Castejon


Community Engagement in City Climate Planning: A Case Study of the New Haven Climate and Sustainability Framework, Emma C. Ryan


Bridging the Response to Mass Shootings and Urban Violence: Exposure to Violence in New Haven, Connecticut, Alycia Santilli, Kathleen O'Connor Duffany, Amy Carroll-Scott, Jordan Thomas, Ann Greene, Anita Arora, Alicia Agnoli, Geliang Gan, and Jeannette Ickovics


Diversity and Inclusion in Environmental Education: Case Studies of Promising Organizational Change, Nate Sievert


School breakfast and body mass index: a longitudinal observational study of middle school students, S Wang, M B. Schwartz, F M. Shebl, M Read, K E. Henderson, and J R. Ickovics

Articles from 2016


Characterizing pediatric primary care in greater New Haven, Meredith Binford